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File: 384 KB, 791x448, tears in rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55501558 No.55501558 [Reply] [Original]

30 years old
>No house or property
>No cars or valuables
>No spouse or friends
>No savings or net worth
>Everything I have is in crypto
I basically don't exist as a person for all intents and purposes. What's the least painful way to an hero myself?

>> No.55501575
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How did you end up like this? How did it all start?

>> No.55501580

I feel you bro

>> No.55501620
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sounds like a soon to be COVID-19 death
so sad these are still happening to young people

>> No.55501627

A deep hole going on 5 years now. I've become so disassociated from reality that conceptualizing time and linear progress has become so difficult it's hard to find any meaning in anything, good memories all blend into one moment that becomes harder to grasp onto. Everything just happens all at once now, no past or future, it's just the state of wasting away in the now.

>> No.55501649

How much do you have in crypto?

>> No.55501658

Killing yourself at 30 is like selling before a bull run.

>> No.55501660

feel ya bro, we wasted our youth now we cope trying to make money but its pointless, we'll never get those years back

>> No.55501701

Do you at least have a not-so-bad job?

>> No.55501774

This I made fuck ton more after 30.

>> No.55501795


>> No.55501816
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Don't worry bro WAGMI.
If you want you can play around with an AI news trading bot for about 800$ at the moment. Might be worth it just to see if AI really is the future. And maybe something along those lines can help you. Go use chat gpt as a therapist. Lol it's free so what harm can it do?

checkout the bot at blackswan dot biz

>> No.55502305

I dont think ill make it to the next bull run. I keep doing self harm due to self hate.

>> No.55502349

This is G-d here. Don't do that anymore. Go outside once a day and sit in the sun or walk for 30 min. Lift as much as you can five times and do it five times a day. Stop eating garbage. I'm G-d you have to do what I say or I'll make you live forever in the hell you've created for yourself.

>> No.55502556
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Exact same situation but we ride

>> No.55502583

Yep, feel this.

>lost all my friends
>no girlfriend
>job is literally wagie shit on the weekends
>took a predatory loan to learn2code
>still living at home like a retard because can’t afford rent
>can’t afford a car
>have a BA in ministry XMFD completely useless
>tried to work for a church but they told me I could volunteer
>during lockdown not even GameStop wanted to hire me for 8.50
>all money was tied up in crypto
>all my coins rugged
>900 left and it’s in meme coins that are still in the top 20

I used to exist fueled by spite and hate alone. Now, I just don’t feel anything anymore. The only thing keeping me from doing something stupid is the fact I have supportive parents and relatives. But it’s just L after L in my life.

>> No.55502596

It's not about the next bull run. YOUR LIFE is the bull run. The bear market sets in around 80, that's when it's acceptable to have suicidal thoughts. kek

>> No.55502618
File: 2.55 MB, 498x277, 50D961F1-972F-4175-A2CA-0E1DAF680D78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to drop my K feels.

>> No.55503123

try keffir

>> No.55503324

post portofolio

>> No.55504156


OP you're a fag.

Listen to me now your life is perfect believe me when I say this.

Anyway go and invest in Tidecoin aka Bitcoin 2.0 and grab loads of carvana stock ASAP.

That's the secret biz isn't telling you CARVANA is on a bullrun think of Gme. Tidecoin Dyor and you will know.

>> No.55504186

>Waste my youth studying very hard
>Internship and master's thesis fucked because of covid lockdowns and bullshit
>Couldn't get in a phd program because white
>wagie in another country while applying for phds and real jobs
>1 year
>2 years
>learn to code, pass several cybersecurity certs
>still can't get a job in my domain or in dev/cyber/data science either
>3 years
>quit wagie teacher job because it's killing me
>back at parents, no gf, no friends, no hope, even parents are a pain in the ass
>soon 30, balding
>net worth : 35k$

I had a good start, but I was stopped in my tracks, I never really lived and I probably won't ...

>> No.55504236

I hope anons realise that a draft is coming. I'll see you on the other side anons, god speed. WAGMI

>> No.55504240

>What's the least painful way to an hero myself?
Fentanyl brother. The answer is always fentanyl.

>> No.55504479

Fucking based

>> No.55504607

Who is "we?" You retarded geriatric millennial faggot! It is your fault you didn't work hard, I am 18 and have plans that I am going to actually work on. KYS

>> No.55504670
File: 750 KB, 1080x830, 3rsqlu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone this guy has PLANS and not only that he's gonna WORK ON THEM

>> No.55504715
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>> No.55504726
File: 117 KB, 600x600, fetchimage (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice drawing

>> No.55504755
File: 60 KB, 736x887, hwder245bg3454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similar situation but I don't really feel that bad just disappointed in people, feeling a bit sad that my cat and parents (in that order or prio) will eventually die and all I can do is watch and be too awake to know that chasing women and excessive wealth is a trap

at least Sethian gnosticism keeps me away from kms

>> No.55504758

-->Y'ALL<-- sound like you need pussy really badly

>> No.55504835

I don’t get it, churches aren’t even taxed and they can’t hire?

>> No.55504877

brown hands typed this

>> No.55504885

That's a bit rough. I'm also 29, I have $60k and a couple hundred ounces of shiny rocks. Just hanging out at my parents house WFH with my dog. I've been through shit and I'm lonely but life is alright. Keep your chin up, you could always live on a farm with he s bunch of hippies who need help for a couple months. It did a little good for me for a while.

>> No.55504904

You’ll become a loser

>> No.55504913

Lots of sad men on this board. Explains the quality of posts here.
I'm actually blessed because i have a family and my life is good. House, job, cars, kids....
I better start taking better care of my own health, since apparently I'm extremely lucky to have things so good.