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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55501016 No.55501016 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomer here. Is there a maximum amount that you get paid interest for in savings accounts? It seems too good to he true that you could put ten million in a bank and they'll literally just pay you 500,000+ a year.

>> No.55501032

The catch is inflation and maybe taxes depending on your cunt
>interest is 5% and inflation is 10% = your savings lose 5% of real value a year
>you still have to pay tax on the 5% interest you "gained"

>> No.55501061

That’s a dude.

>> No.55501079

Well that's still better then than leaving the ten million to passively lose value from inflation, right?

>> No.55501084

The catch is getting to 10 million in the first place bucko

>> No.55501091

That’s somebodies son

>> No.55501098

Look up etf investing. It’s better then a HYSA. I have about 20k in my HYSA and everything else going to sp500.

As far as it being better than nothing of course it is. Not many Americans have 10k let alone anything large. The majority of people are fucking horrible with money

>> No.55501100

I think we're all ok with that.

>> No.55501143

This AND unironically.

>> No.55501212

Most people don't need $10 mil at the drop of a hat so most savings goes into long-term high-quality bonds, I imagine. Or CDs or something. Higher return.

>> No.55501225

I thought it was an AI-generated abomination. Who knows anymore.

>> No.55501406

If you want that low risk income just buy Money Market / Treasury funds...

Basically gov bonds maturing in less than 3 months

>> No.55501458

The accounts with the best rates generally you can't touch for a period of time; they don't want you taking the money out. And then you get raped by inflation while jews profit from lending out your money multiple times over and charging interest on it.

>> No.55501716

Ewwwww, gross!

>> No.55502027

>It seems too good to he true
in principle, they are lending your money out and charging say 10% interest on the loan and then paying you 5% and keeping the other 5% for themselves. in practice it’s much more complicated, but I wouldn’t call it too good to be true, especially since it means the bank literally doesn’t have your money (even though your bank account says it’s in there). that’s what a run on the bank is: when too many people try to withdraw their money at once and the bank literally just doesn’t have it (not even digitally. we’re not just talking about them not having cash). again, in practice it’s even more complicated but that’s the basic principle. also, as other anons have said a savings account is unlikely to even pay enough interest to beat inflation.

>> No.55502233
File: 297 KB, 765x433, Twitter Blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Also just invest around 800 usd in Blackswan and get lifetime access for the trading bot.

>> No.55502275
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>> No.55502286

What is this zoomer speak

>> No.55502296

No spoonfeeding oldfaggot. Get ur zoomer up not ur funny up frfr no cappers

>> No.55502353

Necklace suggests this is ai

>> No.55502442

Is this AI generated or real? For the love of god...she's perfect

>> No.55502485


$10m in a bank isn't a very smart decision OP. It's only insured up to $250k. You could spread it out across multiple banks and then buy CDs, or something like that.

In fact, the more money you put in, the more benefits you usually get.

>> No.55502488

Had to look this shit up, primo newfag shit. Go back to twitch/discord/tumblr or wherever you mulatto groomer retards hang out. Gas all zoomers.

>> No.55502489

goddamn, in reference to a female(male) you find attractive or curvaceous
the thumb is more obvious and the lack of areola

>> No.55502497

>Not knowing who emo doomer /mu/ posting popstar Billie Eilish is

>> No.55502507

Imagine working for your money when you could just open an OF with a million body like that.

>> No.55502587

can you fucking retards really not tell this is AI Billy Eilish jesus christ maybe AI will take over

>> No.55502669

Look up fractional reserve banking

>> No.55502697

checked and this

>> No.55502702

who's Al Billy Eilish

>> No.55503020

Oh I see it now.
I don't really look at her dead eyes because it's a forced meme from her but now it has all that shiny shit AI does.

Either way, she should open an OF. She'd surpass Amouranth in no time. She just has to get tips on how to emote so we don't end up with another Lucie Wild situation.

>> No.55503651
File: 221 KB, 751x790, Screenshot_20230709-001311_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI still can't do hands properly lmao

>> No.55503660

>dead soulless zoomer eyes
raise your standards jfc

>> No.55503743

clearly AI - she has a big tat on her thigh

>> No.55503823

Literally tailor-made for BBC

>> No.55503977

Please God, give me a woman that looks like this and never gets too fat.


>> No.55503996
File: 352 KB, 1080x1344, billiefash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, it doesn't need to

>> No.55504273

This fag stares at hands lmao

>> No.55504338

>they'll literally just pay you 500,000+ a year.
where do you find a savings account that has 5% interest?

>> No.55504417

Thats ai you fools

>> No.55504427

Fucking lmao lol.

>> No.55504460

In bongland an easy access savings account pays 4.25%. Fixed period ones pay 6%

>> No.55504478
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>> No.55504494


>> No.55504548

please, for your family, take your meds and go to therapy.

>> No.55504558

>4% interest when the inflation is like 15% per year

>> No.55504724

She is gorgeous (I know she is photoshopped/AI) but she looks like she is lazy in bed. Maybe it's her drugged out eyes oozing of low energy. Would be great to plow, but a man sometimes just wants to lay on his back and have a harpy drain him by hopping on his dick.

>> No.55505443

goddamn that is sexy

>> No.55505503

Also how does taxes work on it? You put/lock $60k for 30, 60 or 360 days or whatever...so you chose to withdraw your interests+unlock your money every month and the bank deposit your $60k

Do i have to pay taxes on said $60k or will the gov think by the 2nd month i magically have $120k ?

I suck at explaining sorry

>> No.55506098

>i magically have $120k
no, you would only pay taxes on the interest