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File: 33 KB, 288x427, burstjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5549982 No.5549982 [Reply] [Original]

Who else went all in on Burst yesterday?
This was my first big trade, went all in with $4000, now i have 2900

Tell me everything's gonna be alright

>> No.5550007
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 233C0A87-B9E5-4170-A02F-D62F1857E9D8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to burst your bubble..

>> No.5550014

this is just disgusting

>> No.5550043

lol bro almost same situation, went in with 3200, have fuck all right now

>> No.5550050

>what is a dip
feb is your target date to get out

>> No.5550090
File: 95 KB, 540x720, luigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre going to lose everything. sell now at a lost or be destitute.

>> No.5550099

Looks like you might be on the verge of a burst, Anon.


>> No.5550164

I feel like you were on the VERGE of saying something important before you BURST out in laughter like that, anon.

>> No.5550199

OP here, guess i'm fucked for now.
I was hoping to double the money in a short time and then invest everything in bitdegree

i feel like i got scammed/dumped on

>> No.5550284

How about, you use your brain. No one is responsible for your crypto but you. Scams/dumps are legal AND ethical. You believed an anonymous poster on a Micronesian abacus enthusiast water cooler. Nothing personnel kid.

>> No.5550322

I dont feel so bad now thanks

>> No.5550362

Just hold it for a month

>> No.5550436

I see this project has big potential. It's something new in terms of mining concept.
but there arent even enough buyers to go past 550 sats

>> No.5550441

Yeah wtf can you not google and read. Don't be a faggot and hold.

>> No.5550448


Had a bit in it expecting big things. White paper was actually VERY promising.
Just one problem: on their sources, they list "Stronzo Bestiale Institute of Technology".
Got the fuck out as soon as I read that so I didn't lose anything. Dodget a bullet there.

>> No.5550464

i asked about that in their official discord, they said it's a inside science joke

>> No.5550532

Yeah they told me it was a joke too, you know you can email teams things right?

>> No.5550548


Wehther or not some faggot is posting crap here about it, it's still a very interesting coin to invest in.

It will be in the 1+ dollar range soon. No worries.

>> No.5550559


Why would anybody put a joke in their white paper? Seriously. Makes the whole thing look like a joke.

>> No.5550569


>> No.5550579

Pump n dumped

I got in at 200 sats sold at 380 after nothing happened on the 26th.

>> No.5550617

OH shit, nice catch, thanks anon.

>> No.5550679

Time will tell.
I'm actually between jobs now and i needed the short term money.
I guess it's a learning moment for me.
Should have set a stop loss @ 480 (my buy-in)

>> No.5550801


Yeah no problem, actually posted it here as soon as I saw it (before it started tanking), but didn't get much attention unfortunately.

>> No.5550880



found these

>> No.5550901

Zero sum game OP you make money others lose but in this case you helped some chump make good money.

>> No.5550976


If you did some research about Stronzo Bestiale (like I did), you would realize they were paying homage to an inside joke between scientists that wrote white papers anonymously on the development of a new computational technique, non-equilibrium molecular dynamics, connecting fractal geometry, irreversibility and the second law of thermodynamics.

>> No.5551053


see >>5550559

>> No.5551238

this guy has been shilling against burst literally all day. not even kidding, im
neet and this faggot has posted the same shit every time he can. he is a sociopath, do not listen.

>> No.5551302


>shilling against Burst

OK then. Tell me why that thing in the white paper isn't a big red flag.

>> No.5551337

yes i got scammed and went all in also. currently down like 6 grand because i listend to "ya boi verge" the stupid cocksucker

>> No.5551359

That's a lot of money, lol
Hold my hand
errbody gonna be alright

>> No.5551380

Because it has a lineage with devs and a history in computer science.

For people who worship cucks like Ver that have no technical knowledge and feed your WWE brain I'm sure it's hard to understand

>> No.5551388

Just hold you faggots. Btc is having a stroke and once the correction ends you will be rewarded ez 5x

I’m bleeding 4k so I feel like shit too desu

>> No.5551406

it's a way to stay anonymous you dumb fuck

>> No.5551407


Nice assumptions you got there, man.

>> No.5551470

Why not just mine it? It's pretty simple

>> No.5551577

He need to make 1100 $ to break even. How long will it takes to mine coin worth 1100 $ ?

>> No.5551615

But 90% of this coin has already been mined. The guys who have been at this for 3 years have bags upon bags of this coin. When there is a small circulation, each coin is relatively precious, but this coin is close to retirement and people have no trouble selling a chunk of their massive stacks. The case would be allot stronger for this coin if it was more youthful.

>> No.5551801

That's pretty much true for fiat, gold, and pretty much any resource on the planet as well, including more abstract things like intelligence, IQ, scientific achievements, etc

>> No.5551917

GET test

>> No.5551988

Its only down because some fat sweaty fuck chimped out because the paper was too "technical" and is fudding all over twitter

>> No.5552149

just HODL, you fucks. 1 day is not enough to make a coin value up

>> No.5552223


>> No.5552747

> Devs are bunch of literal whos.
> It's bitcoin killer in 2018, senpai. Stock your bag


>> No.5552763

what a jerk.

>> No.5552806

So sell or hold ?

>> No.5552819
File: 13 KB, 657x527, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, does anyone actually have any Burst? I'd need 1 to start mining. Don't wanna get banned for begging but or anything but could someone potentially help me out?

Would send back if I manage to actually start mining..

>> No.5552868

whats your address

>> No.5552876

i got 65k burst tokens
am forced to hold them for now
but the project seems real promising so maybe this is a blessing in disguise

>> No.5552905


God, what a dick.

>> No.5552918


Man that reddit is so cancerous right now. Reminds me of the official WoW forums in 2005 lol.

>> No.5552929


And that's who's leading the project.

>> No.5553079


>> No.5553224

Update: I think I managed to join a pool with the 1 Burst I had so if you haven't sent it yet then don't do it just yet.

>> No.5553293

already did :<. enjoy

>> No.5553322

lmao newfags listening to biz shills. Why did you even touch a coin tainted by McAShill ?

>> No.5553339

Thanks man, hope I actually manage to mine some. Merry christmas and a happy new year, anon samaritan.

>> No.5553872
File: 11 KB, 300x291, 1514437395677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had more money to buy your "bags" you weakhands brainlets.

>> No.5553988

>I really wish I had more money so I could waste it and have less money
This is how you sound

>> No.5554011

Wait it out OP, this shit will probably see some gains in the future, hopefully enough to even net you some gains. Put your limit orders in advance.

>> No.5554148

Sure whatever you say. I could tell theyre a highly capable bunch of brainiac beta virgin nerds from their reddit, so I bought in because highly capable supernerd betas have given us many digital wonders thus far. And the white paper only confirmed it (especially with their constant nerd jokes). They do need better PR and someone who can actually spell properly. But the coin tech with this update is nothing short of brilliant. I'd love to buy more now for cheap and you guys can just wojack later.

>> No.5554193

You know you could just start mining right now with your HDD, right?

>> No.5554199

Bought 70k of these at 470 stats thinking the «sell the news» was over. But hold and sell end January when it will be 20-30cents

>> No.5554215


Dont miss the pump.

Drop those bags

>> No.5554238

Tech brainlet here. How do I get started? Any decent online guides?

>> No.5554365

Yeah, just google them. I followed a couple parallel, most are legit. Things to look out for
1) You need to send/receive funds before your wallet becomes valid. The only site that I managed to get Burst from was https://faucet.burstpay.net/ plus that one anon ITT that was kind enough to send some over to me.
2) Spend that 1 Burst you got from Step 1) to join a pool (it costs 1 Burst to do that), and you can get mining.
3) Before you do all this, plot your HDD - this is a lengthy process that uses a lot of CPU. I plotted ~1Tera for 24 hours
4) You might need to wait till you DL the blockchain which is like 24 hours or so as well

This might not make much sense to you but if you read a tutorial it will fall into place and this is important. I've started mining but IDK whether it's working or not, will find out in a few days i guess

>> No.5554594

>Miss all the moon missions

This time I am in!



Looks like the weakest of hands are almost gone tho. Probably bounce back when BTC stops being so volatile.