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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55499813 No.55499813 [Reply] [Original]

>Overheard coworkers talking about data analysts using python and SQL aren't programmers

>> No.55499846

Data and finance anon here
>my job consists of writing queries, putting those queries in python scripts using pyodbc
>then using openpyxl and pandas to automate what used to be an excel wagies task

I’m definitely NOT a programmer. I just transcribe excel formulas and commands into python syntax using a few libraries.

>retards think if you type nearly the same commands into a text editor and run it that makes you a programmer/SWE. I see the same with web devs too.

>> No.55499847

If you are not programming you are not a programmer. Analyze more data wagie.

>> No.55499859

Who cares? Fuck semantics as long as you're making good money.

>> No.55499870

What do you guys even do? Not even being condescending, just genuinely curious.

>> No.55499875

you aren't a programmer if you're writing SQL and python for data analysis. you're a scripter wagie. level up anon. try to see if you can pivot into actual software engineer work, you'll thank yourself later for it. you'll be the first to go in the AI revolution. think ahead and plan.

>> No.55499880

You should be happy they are taking an interest in current technology. Everyone gives the boomers shit for not being able to open a PDF (and honestly, they really could have learned how they work).

>> No.55499890

That's true THOUGH. You're not producing software that other people use, you're making a few lines of python for yourself to run because it's better than Microshart Incel.

>> No.55499891

> level up anon. try to see if you can pivot into actual software engineer work, you'll thank yourself later for it.
>just write CRUD all day, it's amazing

>you'll be the first to go in the AI revolution
Python/SQL bros are closer to AI than most developers are. If you can write Python and pull in a library, you can pretty much code.

>> No.55499904

Scrape economic data, automate reports, QC the data tabling for the DBA’s. Small things that are important to a business that handles large amounts of data. But nothing I create would be useful to anybody else. Have a GitHub would be pointless since I can really only write scripts to handle my specific company’s data for their needs.

>> No.55499933

>Scrape economic data
From where, using what? Most developers would need to catch up for a weekend to scrape a website. It's easier said than done, we are spoiled by APIs. If anyone has the scraper chad vs API cuck, post it.

>automate reports
Like what, specifically? Connect to DB, make queries, pull back data, sort it, send out emails? "Real" developers do that too.

>QC the data tabling for the DBA’s
QC? Quality Control / request tables? Pro-tip - DBAs are a dying breed, they exist to gate-keep DB shit for the most part, you should be able to design your own schema without too much difficulty.

>But nothing I create would be useful to anybody else
I doubt you are too far away from that. Go play with FastAPI, unless this is some sort of weird "demoralization" thread.

>> No.55500126

Whenever I meet a programmer I tell them, "Oh neat! I used to program in DAX." just to watch them sperg out and start gatekeeping.

Never fails.

>> No.55500182

Being able to write a sentence doesn't make you an author

>> No.55500221

You overheard your non batch betters speaking boy.
Don't listen in again, async programming doesn't concern your kind.

>> No.55500238

I wanna do this so badly.

>> No.55500343

Look for any jobs with these as required/preferred skills:
Excel; VBA; SLQ; Python
Most of the time they will also hire anyone with an analytical undergraduate degree too:
CS; Engineering; Finance; Economics; (maybe) Accounting.
I majored in Finance with a 2.9 gpa from a mid state school and make $90,000 doing this.

>> No.55500369

Why can't any of you around here take the hint that coding is dying thanks to oversaturation?

> More saturation = less likely to get a new job, depressed wages, psychopathic out of touch managers that got promoted through nepotism only

Plus coding is way too hard based on the level of work you're doing, based on the last job I had. I'm looking into some type of sales next, but I hear that tech sales is getting obliterated by this recession. Any ideas for good industries for sales, anyone?

>> No.55500390

More people of low quality make more of a mess.
The demand for quality remains above supply.
> T. Hiring manager for a multinational in c++

>> No.55500401

I sit at a desk, forward reports to my developers and cyber security fags. I net 200k. I waste my time looking busy sitting on this wonderful board.

I work for (((them))). Bank.