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55498349 No.55498349 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not debating this, if you live with your parents after age 20; you're a fucking loser

>> No.55498352

unironically not, I live with my parents and would only marry a girl who lives with her parents too

>> No.55498359

ok but why should I care about what you think though ?

>> No.55498367

different age of time
different standards
some cultures in the past maintained multi-generational homes where the entire family for generations stayed together, generation upon generation, perpetually. parents, children, grand children, great grand children, grand parents, great grand parents, without end.
and it was not a problem

this is what they took from us

>> No.55498370

Unloved American hands typed OP

>> No.55498373


poorfag cope kek goes to show the wage gap in this country for peabrains

>> No.55498404
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But I love living with my daddy so much, I'm his favorite daughter :(

>> No.55498413

Yeah im a loser, so what

>> No.55498417

The amount of people who actually live with their parents after the age of 20 is kind of depressing. Maybe I shouldn't of made this post. Thanks for ruining my day

>> No.55498420

I could afford a house because I lived with them after college

now at least I don't live like a little bitch in a one bedroom shoebox

>> No.55498427

i make $147k a year and live with my parents at age 33

>> No.55498431

im a neet with almost 2m and I still live with my parents lol

>> No.55498444

Well rubbed hands typed this

>> No.55498445

you make 147k a year and wont even go out to rent an apartment for $1500/mo.

And you have almost 2m, but refuse to pay $1500/mo in rent for an apartment as well

The larp is unreal, refuse to believe people like you exist because you don't

>> No.55498451

based way to save money and acoomulate wealth without taking on debt

>> No.55498455

well to be clear my parents live with me lol its just nice having them there after all they done for me you know

>> No.55498461

>also renting

>> No.55498464

i'm an accounting manager at large company that you've heard of. this isn't a LARP. keep forking over $1500/month to your jewish landlord. i'm buying a $550k house with cash in another couple years.

>> No.55498472

if you pay rent or a mortgage you're a literal cuck

>> No.55498568

Oh, well, I wouldn't want to be viewed as a loser by a rentcuck. I guess I'll just move out of my loving home to a moldy apartment with nigger neighbours cooking curries daily.
Then I shall really make it. I will be Mr Cool and I will have all the cool friends and hot chicks and speedboats and I'll drive around in my lambo and be cool.
The issue is most people have the mindset of a 13 year old boy. What is cool to a 13 year old boy (hot bitches, cars, speedboat, mansion) seems to still be thought of as cool to the infantile mind of the wagecuck. You will toil endlessly trying to achieve this lifestyle. Endless toil for trinkets and social acceptance from a bunch of people who would laugh at you when your stocks fall.
>pleeeease accept me!! I want to be Mr Cool

I speak on this because I was once this.

>> No.55498641

You ruined your own day Corky. Go on, go tell Becka you wrecked the family car.

>> No.55498722

Post tits.

I get to save 60% of my paycheck after all expenses including travel and investments. I'm not in the right mental place to date anyway so I don't give a shit about that right now.

>oh no, you HAVE to pay the rent jew to be a REAL man
Fuck you.

>> No.55498737

What's your btc address? I'll send you 100$ in btc to have a different opinion on me.

>> No.55498787

but nobody wants to do that.

>> No.55498818

Nearly 40 at still with parents.
I will fight you.

>> No.55498836

This is the natural family structure. The NWO hates strong families/clans that can unite, with significant numbers, against their goons. Return to Clan/Tribal family structure and we can take back the Nation. A large plot of land with multiple cottages or one large homestead is beautiful. Boomer thinking/family structure is poison as it forces families to pay out the ass with multiple Heads of Household and all the bills and taxes that go with it. Unite before it is to late.

>> No.55498839

Multi generational households were more like family compounds though and you still would get privacy in a separate building in the compound. Or if you were rich you’d live in a castle with your family

>> No.55498846

>Walmart door greeter
>only $300k after taxes
>Made my first billion swinging shib back in 2201
>tfw still live with mommy and daddy
>on fridays daddy picks me up after school

>> No.55498870

>but nobody wants to do that.
the news, the govt, social media tells people not to want to do that.
they are all victims of the greatest, most massively broad, indepth and far-reaching system (broadband full-spectrum domination) of brainwashing, propagandas, manipulation, coercion and indoctrination to have ever existed in modern times.
not even a conspiracy tis a plain fact

>> No.55498894


>> No.55498903

my parents did not want me to live with them and I understand why, i'm a slob and they're tidy.
my parents also wouldn't want to live with their 4 parents if they were alive.

>> No.55498919

I moved back with my parents at age 30. I wanted to save money and I felt like I was going to kill myself, locked alone in a one bedroom apartment for going on 5+ years. Covid and WFH certainly didn't help me mentally.

Now I feel like I am going to kill myself as a third wheel in an old person marriage, hiding away in the small private space I can call my own. I'm more isolated than before because I am embarrassed to bring anyone around. It has been a struggle to set boundaries because it fell back into my parents assigning chores and cooking dinner for me.

Obviously I'm looking for something to blame, but god damn the housing market has eluded me. I had no cash when I first started working, now I have some cash but houses are $300k with 7% interest. I feel like I can't escape.

>> No.55498922


My house hold had a half brother a half sister and a fully blooded brother. Three different fathers to a single woman and mine specifically at a young age said that we will never truly relate.

If you want your kids to not respect you the quickest thing to do is to just yell and say youre too tired to do anything with your kids every time.

>> No.55499197

These people do exist in the real world. I have a co worker pulling down probably 200k a year who lives with his parents. They have medical problems.

The amount of people who BS about it on here, yeah there a lot.

>> No.55499209

well. i blame much of this on modern culture/society. but people weren't perfection the past either, we know.
so yes. there is no perfection truly always. so an ideal image of multi-generational family compound living would maybe often include slight natural human difference conflicts

and we cant always apply historical practices to modern life, but i don't think we should completely give up on some of these ideas for possible options of how to live

>> No.55499219

OP is a jew trying to get more people to (((rent)))

>> No.55499299

Three maybe 4 generation homes are going to become more normal like they have been in third world countries

>> No.55499329


I disagree, so long as the person living with their parents isn't a worthless NEET.

>> No.55499338
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I agree if you’re a NEET not contributing to the household. It’s either you work and contribute or you study. Nothing wrong with living with parents to save up for a house. In fact I think it’s starting to become the standard and Jews are seething.

Now, how do I turn my portfolio into 1MM so I can buy a house down here in California. “Inb4 CaLi” yes I know but I live here.

>> No.55499354

Increasingly nervous landlord hands made this post

>> No.55499394

He doesn't live in an intergenerational house, kek. Imagine leaving home for absolutely no reason at age 20 to pay rent for a tiny dilapidated appartment full of refugees and black gangs waiting outside. Imagine thinking doing this is being a winner in life

>> No.55499419
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>I'm not debating this, if you live with your parents after age 20; you're a fucking loser

>> No.55499424

What if I don't live with them but they pay my rent

>> No.55499439

High time preference people deserve to never retire

>> No.55499440

I bought a 5 bedroom house and asked my aging parents to move in with me. But do you.

>> No.55499530
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we just gotta keep on keeping on.

in the old days we used to always hear our wise elders say things simple things like, ":nobody ever said it was easy" or "slow and steady wins the race"
bottom line, life is fucking hard, for most people its just fucking hard. if your not born into money or some other kind of favor. nothing is free and nothing is easy..

I was on my own at 16 yo. virtually homeless, penniless, no education, no guidance, no clue about anything.. slept on the couch at a friends house or whatever most of the time in the early days.
had to start at the bottom everywhere i went doing the worst, hardest jobs with the lowest pay.
slowly and steadily gained experience, education, training, life skills, street smarts, life-wisdom, whatever you want to call it. had a little help along the way here and there. meaning i was lucky to usually have a friend or a friends family give me a place to sleep if needed. and they fed me sometimes when i had no other way to find a meal.

along with all the good things, there were many ups and downs, mistakes, massive failures, stops, restarts, it took me over a decade to get to be a homeowner status "middle class" level of existence while being independent, no spouse, no sponsors, no support, no free rides. everything i have i had to work, sweat, bleed and pay for on my own. now im in literal middle class six figure hell

i'm so disgusted by the anti-work crap these days. minimum wage has never been a "livable" wage. that's why most of us had one or more room mates for a long time in early life, because we couldn't afford our own house right off. we did what we could. we did what we had to do. and we didn't go out into the streets to rape, molest, assault, rob an murder and burn down peoples businesses over it.

>> No.55499611

unfortunately, ppl like OP think living alone with wagecucking will attract roasties. Kek. Imagine paying rent just for the sleeping hours.

>> No.55499639
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Nice blog, granddad

>> No.55499712

shooting loads of cum is free and easy

>> No.55499715

Yeah, imagine lliving alone in a cardboard building with thin walls surrounded by complete strangers, people you can't ever trust. Imagine humilliating yourself to a landlord; he also holds the keys to your appartment and could enter anytime he wants and steal things

>> No.55499786

relying on your parents after the age of 20 for housing is just pathetic. the amount of people here who live with their parents is pretty overwhelming so i get the bias on this specific forum. I'm sure reddit would be the same way.

get a fucking job, move out, and stop freeloading off your parents like an insect. if your parents live with YOU then that's a different story, if they have medical conditions then that's a different story. And dont start with the globohomo destroy nuclear family dog shit - you can still see your family everyday even if you lived by yourself like a normal adult.


>> No.55499798

> t. - Woke anti-work commie child

>> No.55499821

keep paying my rent wagie I'll invite my parents to a good dinner with your money

>> No.55499866

bro you're almost middle aged

>> No.55499885

Smart. If she has been living with her parents for her whole adult life then the odds of her being ran through are a lot less.

>> No.55499967

this desu
your landlord thanks you for your contribution

>> No.55500617

dont move faggot, stay in your shithole

>> No.55501529
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Parasitism is objectively good, though. The world literally runs on it. The younger generation leeches off the elders financially and materially, while the elders leech off the youngsters socially and culturally.

>> No.55501550


if you live after age 20, you're a loser

>> No.55501606

Funny, you worried about what others are doing??

Imagine being this fucking idiot... Running cover for the kike
Looking to destroy the family unit and generational wealth. Kike faggot niiger. Your father has the honor of a goat.
Just do is all a favor and KYS shit stain. A loser is someone with no skills, similar to you... Imagine not being able to program, or create anything, because your parents were accent loser that were beyond inept? Your backyard ape of a mother should have swallowed... Your obviously a failed abortion fucking back birth POS kike. Can't wait to see you fuckers dead

>> No.55501730

Kids absolutely need to be kicked out at 18. It teaches them to be independent and how to manage all the different living expenses they'll be dealing with for the rest of their lives. If you let them live at home they're gonna have alot worse problems than money problems, they're gonna turn into stunted manchildren with poor work ethic and social skills. No good parent would allow that to happen to their kids. But since losers like that are the main demographic of /biz/ I'm not surprised everybody here feels entitled to mooching off their parents who already spent 18 years paying for everything you ever did. My parents moved out at 18, my grandparents moved out at 18, I moved out at 18, and my kids will move out at 18 too. That's just how it works.

>> No.55501752

>another hebroid pushing mortgages and his usury debt slavery on children instead of extended families living in generational wealth building homesteads
Shoo shoo you filthy jew.

Daily reminder that the "nuclear family" was literally kike propaganda invented just a few decades ago to sell more disposable houses for the hebrew bankers to push loans on.

>> No.55501776

Die of aids you disgusting shit colored 80 iq beaner

>> No.55501813

im white and my iq is over 140

>> No.55501837

> I'm not debating this
> Proceeds to debate with everyone in the thread

>> No.55501853

problem is that most jobs are becoming minimum wage.

>> No.55501900


Shut up, you big dummy.

>> No.55501919
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It's not your fault. Your parents should of raised you better. Being tidy is so easy, low IQ black children can do it.

>> No.55502219

this is nothing new. stop drinking the hype,
"most jobs" non-skilled, non-professional, etc, have always been at or near minimum wage entry level or mid level

most people are bron into a modest or meager existence and sped their whole lives workign their asses off just to half way make it,

there is a big lie being pusshe don the sheep today that somehow, "Boomers" or whatever, had it super easy and just picked money off of trees for being white and privileged, this is a ridiculous bald faced lie.

>> No.55502237

a lot of people live life not worrying about wealth or social status
that does not mean they are lesser

>> No.55502481
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I'm sorry you were unwanted.
I'm sorry that your parents told you directly that if abortion was legal at the time they would have snuffed you out before you took your first breath.
I'm sorry you were bullied for being disfigured and mentally slow
I'm sorry no one bothered to give you expectations of you.
Unfortunately for you the vast majority of humanity is just naturally better then you physically, mentally, spirituality etc
You offer nothing to the world and are a waste of resources if you want to be a not a negative to existence for once in your life ending it all would be the only thing you could do
There's no debating this as it's the simple facts, remember don't use a gun as anti gun nuts will mistake you for life and think your "death" could have been prevented if there wasn't any firearms, no need to make good people's life anymore difficult then you already have


>> No.55502523

You're right until the programming part...programming is nothing to boast off, literal pajeets can do it. Anyone can self teach himself how to program but often don't do it because if you're high IQ you'll think "I'm white , programming is literally for the third world scum, imagine thinkin this is some kind of elite knowledge, in fact is kind like being a white plumber or truck driver..I guess i'll engage in other fulfilling activities"

>> No.55502593
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People need to accept that if their society grows poorer, that means more young people will live with their parents into their 20s. That is just a fact of economics - expensive housing means poorer people can't pay rent or a mortgage. As the US middle class has grown poorer since the 20th century (the US poor could never move out in the first place), more live with their parents. The question here in 2023 is what to do about it.

>> No.55502607

Technically you are debating it. Oh by the way. I am the boomer parent.

>> No.55502625


>> No.55502688
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Yep, I know. 900 buck for a studio apartment on MLK street.

>> No.55502700

>worrying about wealth or social status
good point. obsession with wealth and possessions is another thing brought on by modern culture society.
obsessions that go beyond a prudent wise notion of being prepared for lean times due to droughts, unrest, or occasional shortages in supply lines, etc,..

>> No.55502735

I know that I am a fucking loser, what is your point?

>> No.55502749

>Paying 1k+/month to be a "winner"
Okay sucker

>> No.55502763
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true. but lot of poorfag need to cope in this thread. lot of "i avoid paying paying rent" you know what ? KYS and avoid paying food too....poorfag will stay poor

>> No.55502952
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>most 20 year olds don't even have $1,500 in savings
>yeah let's kick them out of the house so they can pay their rent/daily living expenses with daddy credit card companies

>> No.55502964 [DELETED] 

Niggers in my town actually refused MLK street, the pozzed Soros installed Mayor ignored their request.

>> No.55502991

>I'm not debating this
>Opens a debate
If your premise is wrong, i assume the rest is wrong.

>> No.55503015

Anyone have that image of an apartment with a girl, whiskey and a laptop with a chart open? It inspired me to move out three years ago as a 30 yr old neet

>> No.55503049

so you did debate it

>> No.55503922

I'm 38, divorced, no kids, and I'm living with my parents taking care of my 72 year old dad. He doesn't have much longer and my mom is a couple years away from retirement. My parents were the greatest people in my entire life. When friends would let me down, when girlfriends and exwives would fall short of loving me, my parents were always there to help me with whatever it was to get thru it all. So am I a loser for being there for my family when they need my help after all the endless help they've given me in my almost 40yrs of being alive? I honestly don't give a shit what your opinion about me is because the only people in my life whose opinions of me DO matter are my parents.

>Good parents are priceless
simple as

>> No.55503993

If you are saving for an apartment it works because rentoiding harms your savings a lot.

Then again it entirely depends on your family and how they handle things.

>> No.55504020

Id love for my kids to stick around. Maybe move them to a different house on the property, they helped build a cabin before so I know they have the skills. Rent is the ultimate cuck, and I want wealth staying in the family so we can take over this town and replace city hall with a castle. Or a pit. Legally

>> No.55504103

cry about it

>> No.55504119

yeah my irish last name (like many others) was literally a clan that traces back to some kings

>> No.55504258

whys everyone so obsessed with calling people losers? why do you have a vested interest in what i do with my life? noooo you can just exist and enjoy your short time on earth! stop relaxing, you need lots of fnacy cars and 6 huge houses a hot wife with huge tits making 600k a year or ur a fucking loser! sorry i really just dont care what you think, does it piss you off that i dont wana play the game like you do?

>> No.55504262

someone has never left the US

>> No.55504268

its always the subhuman races that obsess over social standing despite forever being at the bottom of the pile.

>> No.55504542

>Live on my own because I like the privacy and solitude
>My mom says I can move back into my old room at any time for free
>Going to inherit the house anyways
Rent is the premium I choose to pay for space. I dont need to over complicate nor cope about it.

>> No.55505062

>parents spent 18 years paying for everything
Kek, faggot, thats the price they paid for birthing a human, and the price society pays for giving us no choice but to participate in it. And before you say it, no chance your NEET overlords are killing themselves, that shit ain't comfy, I'm play warzone in my dad's 7 br house while you wage cuck for 800 sq ft of living space

>> No.55505077

I really needed your input, thanks so much!!!
They have absolutely nothing, probably deal with suicidal thoughts and have no love in their life; that's they become so mean-spirited because they want others to suffer and to feel better about themselves.

I think if someone has truly become a loser, being called a loser doesn't really affect them because they're already too far gone. It's like beating a dead dog. If you live at home and make good money and/or you're trying to get your shit together, I see nothing wrong with it. It's only if you're a complete deadbeat who refuses to do anything as in: go to school, get a job (at least part-time), and/or help around the house. At that point you're a freeloader and a complete waste of space.

>> No.55505094


>> No.55505176

Exactly the same fren
>lose my job
>can't find a new one
>back to parents
>tfw no privacy
>tfw still treated like a 12 years old
>tfw the geriatrics hate each other
>tfw every day is the exact same, and the smallest change (opening a window, buying something new to eat or going outside) results in drama

Gonna kms if this continues honestly

>> No.55505182

That's a symbiotic relationship not parasitism. A parasite gives nothing in return, it only takes.

>> No.55505198

wholesome and based

>> No.55505784
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My mistake. My argument was related to a symbiotic relationship between the old and young. I personally have been helped by the elders of my family since graduation, and I turned out alright. They make me go to social outings, which stinks, but I get free food, so it's fair. And my parents made me do all the tech stuff, accounting, taxes, and chores when I had to live at home. I was then given $20,000 by them when I left home, and my uncles and aunts paid for my parents cremations.

>> No.55505826

>i'm so disgusted by the anti-work crap these days. minimum wage has never been a "livable" wage.
I’m not anti work, but yes it absolutely was. You could genuinely sustain a family working at mcdonalds in the 60s. Not a wealthy family no they’d be poor obviousl, but today that’s barely even enough to pay rent for a tiny cuckshed.

>> No.55505922

>tfw still treated like a 12 years old
that will never stop. 60+ get treated like a kid by their parents if still alive.

>> No.55505968

Girls have it easy. If they live independently, they can make plenty of money from prostitution. Trad virgin girls can live with their parents until a prince comes to get them. Girls literally don't have to work and they get all the perks they can get in life. Meanwhile, men are being called loser for living with their parents after age 20. This world is fucked.

>> No.55506082


>> No.55506135

strap the grit in ur bootstraps and pay for my $1,000,000 dilapidated mcmansion!!! NOW!!! also pay $10k in property tax a year on it now!!! also pay $10k a year for my ssi welfare NOW!!! also pay 50% in taxes now!!! also pay 10% in sales tax NOW!!!

redditspace, at the end of the day why wouldnt us incels just be homeless? its a better life being homeless in america than being a wagie supporting the welfare system

>> No.55506208

unironically, this.

>> No.55506218

work ethics is atheist code for being grateful for wageslaving

>> No.55506222

If thousands of people live with their parents after age 20, it's a societal dynamic, not a personal issue.

>> No.55506228

monday soon, you gotta wageslave to pay for my welfare

>> No.55506245


>> No.55506251

>I'm not debating this
that didn't age well.

>> No.55506260

these boomers and millennials being left holding their 100 year old house bags is so funny to me
>smug_pepe.jpg everyone needs a house
>shock_pepe.webp wtf why arnt u vacating ur parents house u need to buy my house for a million not a penny less

>> No.55506752

I had no parents

>> No.55506760

Yea i don't think you will ever get married

>> No.55506763

The world sees men as disposables. The second you accept this and get over it, the more you will enjoy life.

>> No.55507296

Post W2 or gtfo

>> No.55507324


>> No.55507882

I moved out around the age of 21/22 iirc.
Best decision I ever made but I don't know if I'd have been able to afford it today even as a couple.

>> No.55507892

bait thread. Kill yourself nigger.

>> No.55507898

>kicked out and made homeless at 16

I didn’t feel like a winner

>> No.55508044

yeah and a lot of boomers accumulated wealth just by working day to day without much tact

>> No.55508139
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Don't care, i literally have to do nothing and because of my tism diagnosis everyone thinks I'm a tard that can't take care of himself.

>> No.55508369

Based non wagie

>> No.55508654

Wait if the IQ memes are real does that mean black people are secretly smart due to how the bell curve works?

>> No.55510349

Great bait thread, guaranteed replies.

>> No.55510527
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The expression “nature vs. nurture” describes the question of how much a person's characteristics are formed by either “nature” or “nurture.” “Nature” means innate biological factors (namely genetics), while “nurture” can refer to upbringing or life experience more generally.

So basically, in the case of being tidy, you don't need a high IQ to acquire this habit. Blacks probably drill or beat this habit into their kids.

>> No.55510654

i live with my parents, it's not so bad. sure i ruined their lives. but they ruined mine too :)

>> No.55510679

unironically I met my wife while playing MMOs from my parents house

>> No.55510768
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Mike from RLM with his family

>> No.55510804
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Hmmm.. new jersey?

>> No.55510806

Im not renting out your overpriced shitbox berg

>> No.55510825
File: 7 KB, 235x215, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You both must be fat af like holy balls

>> No.55510838

i dont live with them but still feel like a loser. Dont care what normoids think

>> No.55511285
File: 5 KB, 250x178, 1688920773334304s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up pajeet seems you've taken the parent pills. I cover my expenses, make my household contributions. I just bought a ticket on Fundrs to acquire KREST tokens, which will also allow me to get PEAQ airdrop. Grow up anon

>> No.55511646

It's only going to get worse.

>> No.55511663

White people shit

>> No.55511950
File: 265 KB, 622x507, CBD8E2E2-5480-4A0B-8915-176F020AB1A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your family kicks you out and leaves you to fend for yourselves

My family pools our resources and build our wealth together.

>> No.55513881

he's reading Jung's Red Book/Liber Novus, i have that same edition

he's just like me

>> No.55513895

if your over 30 with no prospects of a family. you are also a lover.

>> No.55513906

There is no point in moving out because I'm asexual. I don't have plans on getting married and starting a family, so I will stick with the roommates I know best, my parents.

>> No.55513935

My parents don't want me to move out. I hate living with them but they've successfully gaslighted me into never leaving.

>> No.55513953
File: 194 KB, 960x1280, IMG_2811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make 90k a year and live with my parents. It fucking rocks, i invest 70% of my money and unironically may be able to retire in 5 years. You sound like some jewish landlord wanting me to rent from you.

Pic related is from me being able to afford a primo gym with 10/10 milfs.

My life is great.

>> No.55513972

How old are you? Damn your nipples are perfectly circular.

>> No.55513984
File: 259 KB, 960x1280, IMG_0311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a good son. My mom is 70 as is my dad and I praise Christ for this limited time with them.

OP will never know

>> No.55513993

32 and T-thanks!

>> No.55514002

Damn. What is your workout routine?

>> No.55514010

Yes we know you’re on T lmao. No shame though

>> No.55514045

Chest and Biceps: 4 work outs each muscle 4sets 12 reps each work out. Run 1.5 miles

Legs : 4 different leg workouts 4sets 12 reps each workout . Run 1.5 miles

Back and shoulders: 4 work outs each muscle 4sets 12 reps. Run 1.5 miles

Diet: rice, eggs, fish, veggies, chicken, sweet potato’s. Only cook with grass fed butter

>> No.55514054

No i am not. I just do not eat carbs and try and keep to my work out. Running and especially swimming have helped with definition. Also no fapping.