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55497040 No.55497040 [Reply] [Original]

How much at Hi-points after tax.
Unironically not larping gonna kms today.

>> No.55497076
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>Act like a man!... Go buy the knee pads.

>> No.55497085

I'm checked out
>act like a man
Honestly I can't wait after countless times of trying and failing I can't rightfully justify going on further.
And it ain't just about the money, actually a very small reason why I'm going to end it.

>> No.55497101


>> No.55497105
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Quiters never win, and winners never quit. I need you to pull yourself together and solider on, damnit. Bare any burden, endure any hardship. When you fail and lose everything, you get back up. Over and over and over.

>> No.55497119

I can guarantee you i've lost more than most here and been wiped out more than I can count.
It's not about money believe me.
That's a catalyst sure but a very small one in my overall scope.

>> No.55497143

Shut the fuck up pussy
Everyone on earth wants to end it. Either man up or stop complaining online like a bitch

>> No.55497147

>everyone on earth wants to end it
No they absolutely do not, and this isn't a depression issue, faggot.

>> No.55497151

>I’ve had it worse then anyone here
Are you a glowie trying yo demoralize people or literally this pathetic?

>> No.55497154

Please kill your self and post it here than bitch
>imagine acting like a bitch online begging for help
Post your mom’s phone number so I can call her and laugh for raising such a bitch

>> No.55497156

>Barges into a thread assuming and being a nigger.
>Calls me glowie.
Tel Aviv hours ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.55497161

Your the Israeli bitch talking about suicide on a biz board
No one cares faggot
Kill yourself or shut up Chaim

>> No.55497165

>9:20am in Tel Aviv
>Rabbi gets his previous days pay and sucks down 4 baby dick flavored coffees
We know what you're doing nigger.

>> No.55497170

>please feel sorry for me
>I post suicidal thoughts online
Dude you’re pathetic and need to touch grass

>> No.55497172

All this talk reminds me there are synagogues in my area....

>> No.55497173

You’re still alive larping fag

>> No.55497175 [DELETED] 

Still waiting on your suicide

>> No.55497178

Look you jewish faggot you sure got a real vested interest in spamming this thread not a soul responded to.

>> No.55497180
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I can't pick you up or solve your problems. Only you can do that. But you owe it to yourself to keep trying. If your current strategy in life isn't working for you, then take the risk and try something else. If you have nothing to lose, then you've everything to gain. Will it be easy? No. Will you be guaranteed success? No. But at least you kept fighting.

>> No.55497181

>Jews calling others Jews.
I still have my foreskin faggot and would never consider suicide but I’m stronger mentally then you

>> No.55497182

Fuck she’s hot. Source gif cutie?

>> No.55497183

Fuck off kill yourself I'm done with this world it's all fucking parasites.

>> No.55497190

Then do it.
We all know this is a mossad demoralization thread

>> No.55497196

Okay. Throw away the most valuable thing you ever had. I'm glad I got to talk to you. If only for a few posts.

>> No.55497201

You shouldn't be, there's absolutely nothing of value in being alive or conversing with others, this entire life is a giant waste of time.

>> No.55497234
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Have you never taught a child to tie their shoe laces? Have you never given a sobbing person a hug? Have you never given anybody a few words of advice? I assure you, these things make a difference. I've failed many times in my life. Both personally and professionally. But I owned that failure, made my apologies, and learned from them. And it sucked. But I didn't quit.

>> No.55497249

I apologize for my behavior I'm going through a lot right now, it's not about you or the other anon believe me.
As for helping others it's not something I was ever good at.
I appreciate what you're trying to do, I just really don't want to continue this charade any longer.

>> No.55497259
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But you must. Banish yourself, and banish all the world.

>> No.55497268

It's not in my cards pal, I did anything I might have needed to do clearly, there's a point where you can't stop the noise anymore.

>> No.55497297
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You're going to have many more bad times in life than good times. Life never gets easier, it only gets more challenging. But what's life without struggle, learning, and endurance? Where else might wisdom and character come from? You might not get tons of money, you might not be everybody's fren, and you might even get angry at yourself. But you might just influence somebody who's listening. Like a random Anon on an internet basket weaving forum.

>> No.55497318

Maybe so maybe not.
I won't be doing any of those first few things you mentioned but it wasn't in my cards to begin with.
Hopefully I had some influence and if that was my part to play so be it.

>> No.55497332

Hi Points go from $180 - $280 after tax. Happy shooting OP!

>> No.55497335

You've conceded your primary point in this dialog. You have been influential. You are vital. You only needed a discussion to bring it to your own attention. You have proved yourself to be of worth. Congratulations!

>> No.55497344

Well if you derived something from my rambling then I'm glad I did something of value.
It doesn't change my standing position nor will it likely alter my current mood but I do appreciate your effort.

Why the $100 difference?
Not that it matters also .45 right?
9mm might fail I'd assume right?

>> No.55497365

Bro Hi-Points are like the cheapest guns on the market. You can buy one, a box of ammo, and still have $700 left over. If you're going to kys, at least buy a nice handgun. If you were going to get killed by being run over, wouldn't you rather be killed by a Ferrari instead of a Honda Civic?

>> No.55497371

>I got 1k left
so you are scared of doing something with it to fix your life. am I correct?
you could buy some cheap chinese crap at some local importer/distributor and sell it for 2x or more, and you'd have at least 2k at the end of a month, ot maybe a week or less if you do some good effort.
also, following this logic >>55497365, you could simply jump from a tall building and it would cost you a few $ (whatever you'd need to pay for transport). why not spend the money on something good at least?

>> No.55497378

It wasn't rambling at all. It was you expressing your distress. And you communicated in writing very well. You needed an outlet, and I think you used it expertly.

>> No.55497389

I would hardly call anything I do expertly besides maybe failing but really you're too kind for this board.

>> No.55497394
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I was in the right place at the right time. There are many such cases.

>> No.55497407

>Have you never taught a child to tie their shoe laces?

Who cares about children. Fuck them.

>> No.55497422

hey OP, are you >>55496704 ?
why the fuck would you pay your bills before kysing? lmao

>> No.55497434
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I hope you make lots and lots of money in the course of your life. You'll need it.

>> No.55497438

Because they aren't in my name.

>> No.55497448
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Anyone ever find the name of that chick? She's really damn attractive and looks like she has nudes.

>> No.55497449

See! I knew it! You've got more character and more heart than you let on. I knew I was right about you.

>> No.55497455

I'm not a mean person but my life is exhausted, I'm not going into details but my reasons are beyond financial that only lead to me analyzing a logical choice if I should continue trying even though every time I've tried it's always failed.
Or put an end to my misery.
>why did you pay your bills
They are in my families name
>why a hipoint
Because I'm sending the rest of what I have to my family, they will need every penny.

>> No.55497457

... and you "invested" in shitcoins...

my man, do what I told you here >>55497371
>you could buy some cheap chinese crap at some local importer/distributor and sell it for 2x or more, and you'd have at least 2k at the end of a month, ot maybe a week or less if you do some good effort.
you could buy some chinese walkie talkies and similar stuff from amazon or some shit and resell them locally through facebooks marketplace to construction workers, security guards or whatever. you'll learn a lot in the process of selling that shit, and you'll also meet people which might help you get to build something bigger.

>> No.55497460

you need to calm down. get off the computer for a while.

>> No.55497482

Then why not continue? Imagine to pain your family will feel knowing your dignity and sense of responsibility drove your to remove yourself from them. You owe the people you love and respect much more than money. Much more.

>> No.55497505

There's a time and place for giving, and there's also a time and place when you become a vacuum to those around you and those who try to help you.

Not everyone is cut out to survive nor should they, removing myself will only ensure I don't cause harm to others, never was my intention and if I can't stop myself in my actions then eliminating my abilities to do so is the most obvious choice.
I'm going to sleep on it because I can't do it tonight but I'm not trying to
>Guys if you do do x y z I'm gonna hero
I'm venting of course, but I'm not actually kidding I'm actually quite serious and my decision to do this was pretty much finalized through my previously bad decisions.
I'm quite literally losing my mind in real time and it's not getting better, and it's affecting my decisions horribly.

I can go to the state and evaluate my condition but it's tied to physical maladies that are consuming my flesh from the inside out.

I thought money would stop the noise but it only muffles it.

>> No.55497526

I'm positive this will be 404'd by the time I'm awake so I won't have the chance to say thank you for trying.
I know your hearts in the right place, wish more people on earth were like you.

>> No.55497533

I think you'll feel better in the morning. For what it's worth, I think you're an intelligent fellow, and I'm confident that your responsibilities and your character will carry through this dismal and frightening point in your life. But I for one will miss your influence in this world. Please don't let me down.

>> No.55497547

I'll try to sleep on it, it's been an overwhelming feeling for awhile, the noise was dampened for a short period of time but I self sabotage and make sure I don't get ahead, I'm glad you think I'm intelligent, it means something unfortunately it also seems to be the reason I can't turn it off.
I'm afraid even if I get through this phase I'll do it to myself again unwillingly/subconsciously, and this is trending to be a consistent issue in my world.

I think you're truly kind and if there were a million you's out there I imagine the world would be a nicer place to live in.
Goodnight anon thanks for talking with me.

>> No.55497570

Thank you. I hope you remember this this thread, and come to the understanding that no matter failure, no matter pain, and no matter desperation, we have only this life to live. What exists beyond, if anything, shouldn't seem like an exit. Life is painful, and there are no easy answers or solutions to the constant torture and uncertainty of life. But we must carry on. Signing off. Either way, I'm sure I'll talk to you again, my Anon friend.

>> No.55498483

I do appreciate the effort, I feel slightly better physically anyway after sleep but that typically doesn't last long.
I hope we speak again, although I can't guarantee that.

>> No.55498499

do a flip

>> No.55498552

Theres 113 more Surah’ (chapters) like this all words of our maker don’t deprive yourself of it. For surely there is healing within it. Alhamdulillah.

>> No.55498909

And Thank you again friend.
Might have kept me here at least for another day.

I spent my money on something else rather than a gun, although afraid it's just delaying the inevitable.

>> No.55499515

you have $1000 go buy some weed and sell it or something and stop being a fucking literal niggerfagggot telling people youre going to kill yourself (NOBODY CARES) on /BIZ/


>> No.55499551

I live in a legal state, also rim my asshole jeet, I know it tastes good and just like home.

>> No.55499552
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>Unironically not larping gonna kms today.

Strip naked and live feed.

>> No.55499576

>I live in a legal state


>> No.55499587

>shipping weed
Holy shit all caps anon I might be retarded but you're elevating to levels I've never witnessed before.
Also it takes a minimum of 6 months to grow weed and that's rushing the process.

>> No.55499616

now we're talking!!
do it in minecraft

>> No.55499692

Alas the money went elsewhere...
There's always rope though it's fairly cheap, some nigger pulled out a gun on me about an hour ago I was hoping he would do the job but pussied out, that's twice now in a year that's happened to me.

>> No.55499695

Why do you always want to see my dick?

>> No.55499714
File: 38 KB, 600x600, Anus_Pounder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you always want to see my dick?

Your a male????... who cares then.

>> No.55499720

You already knew that....

>> No.55499734

A garbage bag is free and much less messy way to go.

>> No.55499747

Pretty sure survival instinct would make you rip the bag off.
Like how you can't choke yourself, even if you managed to get close you would stop.
Even your unconscious self would probably rip a hole in the bag.

>> No.55499775

Niggers will lol at this but this is the only reason men still get hired in the age of """diversity""" quotas and scholarships.