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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55492437 No.55492437 [Reply] [Original]

>on a trip to doctor and dentist
>canuckistan wildfires smogged up everything, pregnant wife and child at risk
>get to doctor
>door is locked
>worker cracks door and says I'M ON LUNCH BREAK UNTIL 12:30
>walk back through smog to wait
>finally 12:30, go back to doctor office
>they can't do the test
>the old lab moved out and the new lab never showed up
>the old systems of trust and competence are gradually unspooling
>drive to dentist
>door is locked
>sign reads AT LUNCH UNTIL 1:00
>mfw society is collapsing

>> No.55492444


>next day
>picking up rx before another doctor trip
>pharmacy doesn't have it
>it's been on backorder for weeks
>head to doctor anyway
>doctor sends us to the hospital pharmacy down the street
>they didn't get the rx order
>call and get it re-sent
>girl pharmacist makes a face and calls her manager
>"i don't want to tell her, you tell her"
>manager says "we have that stuff, we just can't give it to you because you're not in the ER"
>the old systems of trust and competence are gradually unspooling
>mfw society is collapsing

>> No.55492452

must suck not having the mandate of heaven

>> No.55492461

philippines tier. i went to the philippines once and they have signs on the post office saying "if this office is closed for lunch report it to this number" apparently too many government workers were just closing for 4 hour lunch breaks

>> No.55492462


>go home
>storm knocked out power
>power grid is over 20 years old and routinely knocked out by high winds
>power company prefers to do ad-hoc repairs instead of improving the grid
>no crew assigned to our outage area
>wait it out until morning
>power's still out
>go to get a generator
>store's out
>go to a different store, 5 good ones left
>sign on the generator section says NO RETURNS, NO REFUNDS
>get it anyway because the perishable food is worth as much as the generator
>a guy sees me loading it in the parking lot
>he says "hey just so you know, i bought one of those and as soon as we turned it on it leaked fuel all over the driveway"
>no returns, no refunds
>the old systems of trust and competence are gradually unspooling
>get home and set up generator
>pouring gasoline in
>wife comes outside and says "power's back"

>> No.55492486

most affordable thing is the ZOGgle box followed by bing bing wahoo and the government spyphone connection

>> No.55492501

Who turns up to a dentist at lunch time? Didn't you have an appointment? But yeah, this is what population growth looks like + post industrial society that's corrupted and rotten from luxury + man made climate change (last time there was this much co2 in the atmosphere was 4milliom years ago and the seas were 2m higher). Question is how long will society be able to hold on and hold together in the face of multiple stresses. Ai & tech makes it interesting, name of the game is still to make it

>> No.55492511

bot reply

>> No.55492526
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They took the vending machines out of my office, and replaced them with these newer, shitty ones that charge twice as much as before.
I also work for the corporate offices of a large Fortune 100 bank, not some warehouse or some shit.
All I want is a fucking Diet Mn Dew for under $1.25: is that so hard to ask for?

>> No.55492529

>big jewish landlord changes tenant portal software and doesn't inform any of the tenants
>call landlord phone #
>outsourced call center in some spic country full of brain dead retards
>can't actually talk to a property manager or anyone in billing or anyone who isn't a call center wagie
>tell me it will be fixed
>days go by, isn't fixed
>call back
>same response
>days go by, isn't fixed
>call back
>same response
>rent due in a few days, no way to pay it due to portal being down
>dig through emails and find prior communications with property managers at sister properties owned by big jewish landlord corp
>cc like 5 property managers, big jewish landlord corp email inbox, and investor relations email inbox for the extremely jewish investment management firm parent company
>FINALLY get a fucking email back
>flaming homofag property manager says he emailed all tenants about the change in tenant portal (never happened, checked my emails)
>claims they're working hard on getting the new portal online but it won't be online by the 1st
>"oh, so i can just mail you guys a check and it's fine as long as it's postmarked by the due date?"
>"sorry but it has to be RECEIVED by the 1st, no exceptions or we will charge a late fee"
>finally sends all tenants an email (dozens of very large properties across half a dozen states all having this same issue due to a shared tenant portal)
>"sorry goy, portal implementation is delayed btw rent is still due on the 1st and you will face penalties if it's late"
>drive 30 minutes each way to the nearest drop box to pay with a physical check

>> No.55492546

>name of the game is still to make it
the game where you scrape the barrel for the same currency they can inflate by 20T any time they like?

>> No.55492606

another one that im too lazy to greentext. parents live in the middle of nowhere, northeastern pennsylvania. they have a landline and DSL internet because it's the only option -- no cable internet/tv, cell service sucks ass due to mountains/trees, starlink isn't offered there. the local ISP was bought out by frontier communications, which is infamous for buying out shitty rural ISPs and refusing to maintain or modernize them. their internet service routinely drops and they've had periods of time where not even the landline worked for days at a time. you can bitch to customer service and demand a fix but they dont care and will drag out the repair for as long as possible. it's gotten so bad that a few state representatives for the area have filed formal complaints against the company.

the last time it was out of an extended period of time i had my mom file an FCC complaint. apparently this scared the company into temporary compliance because some regional manager wagie saw to it that her landline/internet were fixed in a timely manner (still too long) and he personally called and apologized to my mom. kek.

>> No.55492625

just dont pay, see what happens, you always have a choice and this isnt the only apartment in your city.

>> No.55492652

im moving to a new complex in about a week, thankfully. and i plan on buying a house in another year.

>> No.55492668

>you always have a choice and this isnt the only apartment in your city.
Yeah, but he might have scored a good Covid deal during 2021 when apartments were cheap as hell due to people fleeing cities.
t. Locked in a shitty (but unusually cheap) apartment in an affluent neighborhood, because I moved in during 2021 right before rent prices doubled.

>> No.55492980

Tvs did not get 90% discounted
Its the tricks how they manipulate inflation

>> No.55493020
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Forget a generator, Super C has been out of regular beans for several months.

>> No.55493040
File: 333 KB, 540x556, slavic-prophecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55493070

they do when you apply (((hedonic adjustments.))) consider that a 60-80" chinkshit brand tv with integrated spyware costs the same as a 42" tv from 10 years ago.
>oy vey the size and resolution and built in spyware represent advances in product quality so we can adjust the price downward

>> No.55493771

>new Cars: denoted in blue to indicate they're more affordable when, by the chart's own data, we see they're more expensive
>household Furnishings: denoted in blue to indicate they're more affordable when, by the chart's own data, we see they're more expensive
Financial analysists win again.

>> No.55493775

>alarm blares
>jump in the chemo flash shower for my maximum allotted 2 minutes
>put on my mandatory wage garnished globocorp uniform and mask
>commute via bus since I can't afford the utility tax for a charge station for my own car and gas vehicles have been phased out.
>swallow the remote activated antidepressants before entering the wagecage
>feed on McGoyslop through the extendo straw while working.
>my mind wanders to thinking about how meaningless this feels
>the AI monitoring my brain waves activates the remote release antidepressants.
>I feel comfortably numb again
>bus ride back
>urban youth tries to mug me
>I have nothing of value on my person and all purchases are biometric
>youth is confused then decides to make me suck his dick instead
>arrive in my pod
>have an hour before bedtime
>activate the Soma3000 VR with 20lbs of pussy and ass peripheral
>watch 15 minutes of ads sandwiching 5 minutes of interactive porn
>blow my load
>browse updoots.website
>post about how horrible the dark ages were since they didn't even have free Soma3000s
>fall asleep

>> No.55494656
File: 180 KB, 677x678, 1588117408947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for a new job
>get an interview by an asset management group of a subgroup of a global conglomerate
>the actual hiring company is a subgroup of that group
>interview with a latina halfway across the country on a 144p zoom call
>she's going to pass my results to the HR of the actual worksite, in which case I can finally do an in-person interview with the site supervisor
Oldfags, when did jobs become like this?

>> No.55494945

corona was an opportunity for a lot of control freaks to formalize/digitize previously informal and personal processes.

>> No.55496474

>denoted in blue to indicate they're more affordable when, by the chart's own data, we see they're more expensive
I think it's saying that they are less expensive when adjusted for inflation.

>> No.55497510

Earth is getting colder

>> No.55497566

In a specialized society, pressure on one part of the economic chain starts to hamper and interfere with anything else.
Also, 'trust is eroding', yeah no shit tends to happen when you import the world and teach the founding population that all that matters is money, and that they are not connected to anyone

>> No.55497585

Just tell them you don't have internet and they will be forced to do an in person one.

>> No.55497778

>Diet Mn Dew for under $1.25:

>> No.55497818

Who is John Galt?

>> No.55497827

A character from a book called 'Procrastules Stretched'. You can look it up on Wikipedia

>> No.55498320

What's your point? Did you just come here to complain?

>> No.55498338
File: 234 KB, 680x1616, Fzl0leVX0AA6BFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55498400

God this is relatable as fuck
>flight from USA to Canada at 9 am
>get notification at 7 am that flight delayed to 10 am
>get to airport at like 8
>it takes me an hour and a half to check-in because there's one negress working at the counter (every other airline within view has 3+ employees) and she checks in like 1 person per 10 minutes
>another negress shows up finally
>doesn't even look at my passport, just puts a tag on my checked bag
>get to TSA
>stuck behind some kind of probably hispanic goblina that doesn't understand removing shoes or items from pockets
>babbles in spanish to her goblinkin past the scanners
>negress running the line I'm in abruptly just fucking leaves to go on break or whatever
>get through TSA, have like 15 minutes left still until doors close on plane somehow
>get another text/email that flight delayed another hour due to staffing shortage

This is my experience with literally everything in America btw

>> No.55498684

It’s so over for Canada. I don’t want to step outside and have to deal with Pajeets and Chinks no matter where I look here in Toronto, and that’s literally unavoidable unless you’re old money and live in the white-only neighbourhoods which means making 500k a year and houses worth $3 million or some shit. 250k a year and you still have to look at stinky Pajeets all day. I work remote and make about $120k USD a year so gonna fuck off to Buenos Aires and live like a king for 20% of my salary while pocketing the rest and being surrounded by beautiful looking people and amazing weather. Chinks and Pajeets can have what’s left of this post-national dump

>> No.55498764

Around 2000 everything went to shit

>> No.55498793

The colors indicate whether the current data point sits above or below the average

Not how it's trended recently

>> No.55498926

I've got some questions
>Do you not make appointments every time you see doctors or dentists in Canada?
>What fraction of the people you deal with these days are brown?
>What was the time and date your power went out?
>Do you expect to get a whole new power grid more often than every 20 years?

>> No.55498947

I was doing some remodeling in an assisted living home and the vending machines had coke for 60 cents it was like a portion of the world frozen in time

Funny how absolutely miniscule things like that can make you happy

>> No.55501347

>zoomers getting the 07 treatment
Just so you know, we never recovered.

>> No.55501464

How is your lease not up yet? Most people saw huge rent increases in 2022 because of this.

>> No.55501494
File: 135 KB, 749x750, 38D38C6C-797B-4640-92D4-6F51EAA50524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not coming back is it?

>> No.55501516
File: 392 KB, 1000x400, AutoDoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Medicine and Hospital Services is going to PLUMMET in cost when AutoDocs start to be used.

>> No.55502026

>implying they won't just charge you more for less like they've done since forver

>> No.55502036

End of the world is near.

>> No.55502041

>Living in America and/or Cucknada

>> No.55502042

>not being allowed to carry a gun