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5549015 No.5549015 [Reply] [Original]

>bought $600 bitcoin at an ath of 19,500
>On fucking cuckbase nonetheless
>Panic and deposit it in binance
>Get fucked in jewbase fees
>Bitcoin continues to drop
> Panic and realize it's not gonna go back to 19,500 anytime soon
>Bitcoin around 16,500
>I decide to buy some alts
>Pick up 419 tron, 203 xvg, 138 ripple, 84 link, and half a litcoin
>Been hodling two weeks seeing no profit cause of shitbase fees and my alts hitting ath then crawling back down
>Decide to put more money in yesterday
>Buy $961 of bitcoin at 16,500 on gemini
>Bitcoin now at 13,500
I have no clue on what to do right now to actually see a profit from this shit. Any real guidance would be appreciated I just wanna buy my mom a house. Pajeets fuck off please.

>> No.5549042


>> No.5549046

Lol why are you so bad

>> No.5549053

The easy money died a year ago.
Stop cryptoing.

>> No.5549062


You put $600 into 5 coins, that's retarded. Start small. Also stop buying ATH. What made you decide to buy shit at ATH on an impulse? Look at the charts before buying. Show me one fucking coin right now, any coin. I bet you can't find me one coin in the top 100 that hasn't seen a dip.

>> No.5549065

is there more fees from sending to an exchange or something? why did you mention coinbase fees after you said deposited at binance?

>> No.5549067
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>> No.5549074

Holy shit OP, stop buying bitcoin. Transfer everything to XRB, ICX, NEO or something and don't fucking touch it for a year.

>> No.5549097

Use eth not slow high fee dinosaur bitcoin

>> No.5549113

Buy RaiBlocks, balls deep.

Instant Transactions, No fees, fundamentally the best coin in existence, hasn't even hit any major exchange yet. It will x20-30 in 2018.
Send me an email xzck@protonmail.com when you've made it.

>> No.5549118

wow $600 who gives a fuck. or did you forget a k at the end?

>> No.5549137

I did similar. $500 at ath. My first foray into crypto. Similar amount on ETH, LTC, BCH, NEO, XRP.
I'm not touching them, am gonna hodl.
You knew what you were buying into, a very turbulent market that no one can predict. Just enjoy the ride. You'll come out on top.

>> No.5549159
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>> No.5549173

Just hold it you weak handed faggot. In order to realize the sick gains you need to go thru some crazy swings. Jesus Christ. Stupid normie scum.

>> No.5549176

I have a similar portfolio, only cost me $160

>> No.5549238

So should I just I hodl the coins I have? Or just convert my coins and focus on one for now?

>> No.5549253

do nothing, try not to worry about it, it'll go back up eventually. then sell it in a positive.

>> No.5549275

>buy high
>sell low
it's not that fucking hard

>> No.5549330

Have you stopped to think that maybe Bitcoin needs to stop going down before you can start seeing real profits?

>> No.5549349

what the first guy said,,,your already on coinbase throw it bitcash if they let you ya dig or don't be a pussy and hold it ya dig

>> No.5549398

Don't do a fucking thing. Trying to micromanage small holdings is the worst thing you can do. Don't try second guessing the market. Grow some balls, stick by your original decision. HOLD.
It'll turn in your favour soon enough. Might be tomorrow, next week, three months time, you'll see gains. What were you expecting, your investment to return 1000% in a week?
Dont stress about it dude.

>> No.5549402

HODL now. The dips are occuring for corrections. Once Early Jan hits/ Q1, you should see gains. Don't have weak hands. Shit is super volatile. XRP is a good stable pick so maybe shift some tron into it

>> No.5549409

I'm in a similar boat to you OP. I bought $700 bitcoin at $19000 and 1.5 Litcoin too (at $385...). I wasn't happy about the dip, but I'm really just going to leave it in there, and forget about it. Like, seriously. I ended up throwing in $1000 later at around 15000 for alts and have been kind of fucking up moving shit around, but from that I'm only down 200. I'm just waiting for bitcoin and litecoin to eventually go back up, and for the other $800 I'm basically betting it on ICX and SALT right now...

>> No.5549432

Do some research dude. Read white papers, read the news. All you can really do is park what you have left in some coins you think have a shot of actually being used in the future and wait for a few years. The rush to get rich quick is pretty much limited to pump and dumps on some cheap shitcoins. If you're not into gambling, pick something with a higher likelihood of seeing real-world use. Calm the fuck down OP it's just $600.

>> No.5549457

OP you are panic trading now, burned me in the past. Find coins with solid fundamentals you are willing to hold 2 months no matter what. I suggest vechain and lisk. Do not daytrade as you can't beat the market. Do your own research but these coins made me some nice profit. Good luck

>> No.5549499

I once lost 75% of my entire stack so calm down. As for vechain: very solid team, upcoming rebrand+ partnership in january

>> No.5549525

OP You are one of the people that ones on top of the pyramid, the ones born with the mind of a kike benefit from. You'll never make it in business because you are unable to see life as a chessboard.

>> No.5549528

Holy shit I don’t know if there’s any way to help you. I’m retarded and I can’t even comprehend being this bad

>> No.5549539

>>5549402 >>5549398
Thanks anon. Any advice on what I should do with that bitcoin in gemini? I plan on holding until bitcoin hits above 16,500 and investing in more alts like I originally intended until it dipped.

>> No.5549561


>> No.5549599
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Yeah anon that's why I'm buying crypto

>> No.5549631

For the BTC, you can shift it over to more altcoins. Right now is a good time since everything is dipping but that just means you can buy more.
Not a pajeet but this has been shilled a few times but BNTY looks pretty good. They are on Kucoin and I put 100 $ in ETH into it and already made x2 earlier today. They may be partnered with Binance early Jan so that will easily x5. However, take this information with a grain of salt.
When and doubt, HODL but if you really believe in a coin, transfer the Gemini BTC into it and HODL

>> No.5549662

noob here: what are those graphs that show %price change or something, and they usually look like a cyclical wave function? I see them posted on here sometimes

>> No.5549681

Patience buddy. Just patience. If you bought at ATH and lose faith, put in an order for that amount and wait. Weeks if you have to.
During this time think about what your next move is and why. /biz shilling is not a reason. When you have your value back you patiently wait for you next coin to take a dip. Buy when it does. Put an order in at 20% of buy-in price and wait. And keep waiting until it performs. Keep doing this patiently and you will see your coin value increase.
90% of the guys here on /biz talking about their quick gains would have been better off in value if they had just hodl'ed the first coin they used to get into crypto.

Good luck .

>> No.5549697

I wouldn’t desu. Anon might be right. Pull out so you don’t lose it all

>> No.5549698

Just go to an exchange and search your desired coin and you will be able to see the buy/sel graphs

>> No.5549724

No not those ones.

>> No.5549748

>cyclical wave function
are you talking about the macd indicator?

>> No.5549838

>puts in $1500
>wants $400k to buy a house

GTFO normies, entire crypto is being bombarded by retards who just want to get rich quick

>> No.5549863
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This anon?

>> No.5549869

Mistakes you made:
1. Buying at ATH. (FOMO)
2. Buying alts out of desperation without any research and at high prices. (FOMO)
3. Buying at a rebound at the highest price. (FOMO AGAIN)
see your problem now?

>> No.5549887

Thanks so much anon for the advice. That's exactly what I was looking to hear. I'm definitely lacking patience and the knowledge on how to setup a correct limit buy/sell

>> No.5549888


>> No.5549903

You've got about $1k BTC in gemini don't you? I suggest don't touch it for now. Leave it there.
Moving it will just see you paying more fees which will just depress you even more.
Maybe wait til it's picked up to $20k, then transfer it over if you really wanna keep it all in the one place.

You've learned a valuable lesson anon. Panicking doesn't end well. It makes for stupid reactionary decisions. Be happy this happened to you now when you're playing with small amounts, and not in a years time when you've built up to $50k.

>> No.5549912

Only skimmed because there's like a hundred of these worthless threads a day.

>buying bitcoin instead of eth then complaining about fees
>419 tron, 203 xvg, 138 ripple, 84 link, and half a litcoin
This is exactly how you know somebody has no idea what they're doing. They buy a little of a lot.

The people making money put a lot into one coin each time they invest and they know exactly why they made that investment. They don't just throw darts at a board then put $50 into whatever it lands on like what every newfag is doing.

>> No.5549913

oh lemme guess, you believe in and want to support the technology? lol fuck off. we should have never let nerds have computers

>> No.5549941

I usually hate helping idiots because I believe in darwnism but I'll give you quick advice: Let the game come to you if you jump on the hype whatever it is you bought will now own you. Lastly 19,500 is near a psychonumerical milestone (20k), never buy something near these kind of limiters (100, 1k, 5k, 10k, etc) buy near values that youre comfortable with and find the right opportunity to jump in the market

>> No.5549984


If you have discipline, follow the advice I'm about to give you. If you're too emotional and are going to sell your coins every time the price dips 15-20%, then just sell all your coins and take your losses, this game isn't meant for you.

Anway, you need to buy coins that actually have real world value that are going to increase dramatically in the future to make up for your losses and your sillyness. Sell your BTC, it will only cause you pain and suffering. Put your money from BTC into XRP. Hold on to it and you should make up your losses.

>> No.5550041

>Implying the Tron alone doesn't give it away.

>> No.5550055


No I don't think it's that one. Thanks anyway

>> No.5550095

>buys btc when is about to dump
>buys alts when they’re gaining value in sats as btc crashes

You’re a brainlet my dude In any case good investments pay off in the long run. Don’t buy shills, do ur own fucking research.
In my hunble opinion u invested in meme shit.
What’s the rea life application? Video game currency? Jesus Christ, it solves nothing, I guess hold not that hyped about tron
Good profits to be made off pumps and dumps, to me it’s just another muh privacy coin, which is great if u got in during ico rigbt after ico.
Pump and dump that mirrors btc, the day btc dies so does ltc

U bought memes and probably at ath. Do your own research and invest in projects long term, that’s the best advice I can give to a newcomer, do u want high risk high reward then look at ICOs.

I’ll give u a tip that will make u money January February next year.

>> No.5550187

I was considering just going all in on ripple cause of all that talk about it being added to kikebase. I'm just gonna assume that's really not gonna happen though.

>> No.5550203

This just sounds like diversification of their portfolio. It's a smart move unless you're looking for absolutely retarded gains.

>> No.5550256

Not often a Biz thread has this much good advice in it. Hope you took notes OP!

>> No.5550339

Yeah Anon trust me I'm really grateful for it. Really got my head out of my ass

>> No.5551295

Just buy and hold. If you're not prepared to lose it all, investing isn't right for you.

>> No.5551493

Fucking wait asshole can you understand when you do every move while panicking you are basically gifting your money to someone who don't fomo. Fucker

>> No.5552065

Its gone.

>> No.5552091

its gone OP, pick yourself up and try again, except, dont do cryptos.

>> No.5552137

you might as well hodl cause you cant get gains any other way

>> No.5552252

Be sure to let your mom claim your losses in trading, op anon. It’s 3000 deduction so she can buy you those extra padded diapers and pre-soaked wipes to clean your autisticsally soft ass with.