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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55482455 No.55482455 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55482460

Fuck off faggot

>> No.55482476

They tell each other how smart and early they are on twitter and the premainnet muhweens discord

>> No.55482520

They don't "justify" the shitty price action. They cope with some fukin mirage of "breadcrumbs" that never materialize.
t. still holding, unironically. But fuck sergey, shittiest of shitty crypto ceo's. Slowest team in crypto (no, it's not because "it has to be perfect," it's because they have too many people cluttering up the workflow). If ccip doesn't pump it, it's truly over for this shitcoin.

>> No.55482537

Sell your link and buy my bags.

>> No.55482547

sunk cost fallacy. they keep telling themselves that theyve held this long so it's gotta go up soon. meanwhile they're missing out on some pretty good low cap alt pumps. then they justify missing out on those by saying you have to be lucky to find them

>> No.55482566

>They cope with some fukin mirage of "breadcrumbs" that never materialize.
Swift worked out well didnt it?

>> No.55482584
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by implementing one of Schopenhauer's 38 stratagems to avoid facing facts but still coming out looking like a winner in arguments

>> No.55482590

Shut the fuck up

Trust the plan.

>> No.55482593



Way to prove his point

>> No.55482753

people gave their links away on celsius, bancor, ftx and aave, who have now turned fudders. now we pay the price

>> No.55482808
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>> No.55482826

Ok so we agree then, chainlink is working with swift. Price was never the argument, the partnership was.

>> No.55482838

>chainlink is working with swift

>> No.55482865

Whats the point of this thread?

> justify the performance
Are you guys saying it should be worth more? Less?

>> No.55482909

They cope, seethe and dilate
>June 15, 2020
>LINK: $4.04
>QNT: $6.79
>ETH: $234
>BTC: $9419
>BNB: $16.83
>ADA: $0.07
>DOGE: $0.002
>SOL: $0.58

>June 15, 2023
>LINK: $5.27
>QNT: $98
>ETH: $1661
>BTC: $25475
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.26
>DOGE: $0.06
>SOL: $14.75

>> No.55482938

>working with swift
a couple of Proofs of Concept is not the same as "working togther." Even if it was, swift is a legacy banking bullshit stopgap that will be made obsolete by CBDC's this year.

>> No.55482962

Exactly the same graph as every other alt, but it's the only one anyone on this godforsaken board cares about.

>> No.55482971

What do you call it then?

>Even if it was, swift is a legacy banking bullshit stopgap that will be made obsolete by CBDC's this year.

Goal post successfully moved.

>> No.55482975
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with the good perfomance of the first 3 years

>> No.55482994

>waaah my real life was supposed to begin by now.
Just sell for xrp or qnt. Sounds like a better hold given the latter statement

>> No.55482999

>it follows the price of all the other shitcoins
>it's not a shitcoin, it's special

>> No.55483010


>> No.55483017

Stop bagholding this garbage, sell at a loss and throw the money into KNS. It's a chainlink competitor + graph competitor + new tech

>> No.55483031

>Avoids questions
>Regurgitates copy and pastes
>no original thought
>pathetic scum

>> No.55483053

happy that pls7v+wa got so emotional =-)

>> No.55483105

Highlight of your day huh?

>> No.55483127

uh oh
it's getting increasingly butthurt
just go look at the price chart to feel better =-)

>> No.55483137

checked, but I'm actually agreeing with you retard. there's nothing special about its price action

>> No.55483156
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>thinks he did something
Youre not very good at fudding.

>> No.55483162

>implying the price chart doesn't fud itself

>> No.55483170

it's truly hilarious how they still don't see it

>> No.55483180

Its up thousands of percents. Are you retarded?

>> No.55483185

unhinged baggie literally cannot stop posting

>> No.55483188

aave never got justed though??

>> No.55483212

I post the same pictures of other people to make you faggots seethe. Look at you. Trying to justify that this is an argument somehow.

>> No.55483220

sure you do
your bags are trash and you deserve mockery
now give me more (You)s, bagholder

>> No.55483228

>you should have seen me back at my peak in 10th grade
t. bald, fat boomer
lol this too good

>> No.55483231

Do you wear fedoras?

>> No.55483268

keep rubbing their face in reality and they keep screaming kekfuddie as a coping mechanism

>> No.55483269

I was never a hyper fudder. I acknowledge the good too. Im just not a cultist who can’t acknowledge any bad points which there are mountains of now days.

Unfortunately the Swift partnership has done nothing for my bottom line; the price.
Im pretty sure SWIFT will use LINK in production and it probably wont mean jack shit for tue price as it hasn’t so far due to all the other faults

>> No.55483803

Speculative tech that's still in development.

>> No.55484421

Most are still under the rush of link outperforming everything between 2018-2020. They can't accept the magic is gone. They now think the pump is ''just around the corner'' because of some ''release''. However in 2018 LINK kept pumping even though there wasn't any release coming.

>> No.55484432

Sergey also used Celsius.

>> No.55484443

Show me an on chain transaction of Swift please.

>> No.55484529

of their private blockchains? Do you think the banks made it all up?

>> No.55484548

this. It's 2 more weeks, the token

Everything positive is always just around the corner and the goalposts just keep getting moved when nothing happens (always)

>> No.55484570

No I am not saying they don't work together. However linkies think Swift and CCIP is live, up and running at this moment.

>> No.55484611
File: 87 KB, 446x503, underperformer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Top Ten Classic Signs You Are Underperforming:

>it's because not enough marketing
>spooky outside factors
>it's because of Sergey
>bulgarians did this
>the kikes are behind it
>AAVE and Nexo are scheming to short
>Zeus Capital is to blame
>the bots are responsible
>team is sabotaging Sergeys plan
>Eric Schmidt is being sabotaged by Sergey
>donkeys are blocking the path to the Fourth Industrial Resolution
Thanks for the laughs linkies

>> No.55484672

I've found that in general linkies have close to zero actual knowledge of crypto. Which is kinda ironic given that they're supposed to be so into Chainlink of all things.
I think it's pure laziness.
As in, they bought link a few years ago and literally just phoned it in ignoring everything but this shithole and whatever slop the team would put out.
Despite having a front row seat to one of the most uniuqe periods in economic history, where any retard can take advantage of a trillion dollar market that essentially just popped out of nowhere.
But no. They unironically were convinced by some higher-IQ anons a few years ago(who we'll never know, but I suspect have mostly dumped and moved on by now) that they had this golden lottery ticket and there's no need to actually do anything else with your life now that you hold link. They've already made it. Just a few more years. No hedging this by still putting in real effort anywhere else in their life.
No need to do anything at all but sit on ones ass once you hold some arbitrary number of tokens that is a literal meme on /biz/.

>> No.55484814

>However linkies think Swift and CCIP is live, up and running at this moment.
Uh no we dont

>> No.55485457

rory denied this. i wonder what the real story is.

>> No.55485474

same coindesk that just posted a story questioning the integrity of por. as if it's not just a technology to be implemented and the real problem is with paxos.

>> No.55485496
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Wait wait wait.
You mean to tell me I was supposed to HOLD this shit?!
I've been buying at $5.50 and dumping at $6.50 for the last six months.
Fucking tell somebody!

>> No.55485535

You could've bought ADA and made more money. Fucking brutal.

>> No.55485545

I kind of like being in a cult

>> No.55486613
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Probably the same way Amazon cultists justified their $5 stock in 1999 staying below $5 until 2009.

>> No.55486649

You know how there are threads for shitcoins, and its just scammers and bagholders of said coins pretending to ask questions, or pretending to look for potential meme coins that will moon

But the entire time they are really just looking to draw awareness to their shitcoin, or talk about it or shill it (Even when the posts have zero content, or are even fudding it)

That's chainlink.
Every fud thread, every shill thread, every meme thread, it's all just so the project doesn't fade away to nothing.

This thread included
t. 5k link holder