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File: 134 KB, 1241x1185, FCB055F7-FF0C-442A-85D8-B397B6F34B1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55479982 No.55479982 [Reply] [Original]

Did you watch the news today? It’s happening bros

>> No.55480000

I don't recognize the anime girl in the pic. Fuck I'm getting old

>> No.55480018

Anyone have the Asuka prophecy?

>> No.55480051

It’s a guy. anime is Demon Slayer.It’s one of the best animes in years, highly recommend it anon

>> No.55480052

What? What are you talking about? Bunch of kiddie faggots. Azuka prophecy? I’m 41 years old with my wife sleeping in bed next to me with my kids in the other room and I’m scrolling for info on Link because some entry level douche gold be to buy it. And this is one of the first things I read coming to this board he sent me too. What a bunch of clowns.

>> No.55480057

CCAN faggot

But what about muh stink muh eth

>> No.55480060
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>> No.55480064
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>Bitcoin will go to 100000000 IN JUST TWO WEEKS



>> No.55480066

why are you bragging about your fat wife?

>> No.55480067
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>> No.55480069
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Have some respect for your elders, fucking newfag.
The time to buy LINK was 2017 at 15 cents per linkie. You failed at that, and your average cost of $6 is a major failure. Buy a real coin, like Litecoin.

>> No.55480135

I’m not a 17 year old bitch with 700$ to my name. I can buy 20,000 Link right now.

>> No.55480138

Do it nigger, be Sirgay's exit liquidity

>> No.55480144
File: 113 KB, 1308x742, Screenshot 2023-07-06 162731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bull flag anon

>> No.55480157
File: 48 KB, 979x1443, IMG_0857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up bitch
Linkies aren’t dog coin faggots
You come here and demand free alpha like we owe you anything

>> No.55480164

Corporal reporting for duty! Have enough money to become a sergeant but don’t know if I should go through.

>> No.55480172

The Few. The Proud. The Baggies.

>> No.55480300

I was in hysterics watching the pilot 2 years ago, I cant believe fags like you recommend this kiddy garbage. The exchange between him and his family members before they get mauled is the most soulless shit Ive seen in a very long time, I still remember it vividly because it really does display how socially retarded japanese men are. Don't get me started on how the protagonist narrates his NPCs thoughts throughout the episodes, it was actually painful to tolerate.
Seriously kill yourself you literal NPC faggot lmao

>> No.55480315

Fuck off, troon. Stop forcing your garbage. You weren't even first with your prediction.

>> No.55480324

Chainlink is a token for proud racists and Nazis. Show some respect you generation next faggot.

>> No.55480331

Only 116k? I think we are going much higher with a blackrock. Bond holders are going to figure out they're the sucker at the card table and bitcoin is the best asset to weather what's coming.

>> No.55480340

Based. Anime is truly dog shit, even the most lauded ones weebs bang on about.

>> No.55480345

Chainlink is a fucking globohomo token. Sergey tried selling his idea to Swab by telling him you could connect humans to oracles. Fuck that bullshit.

>> No.55480354

Crypto is a globohomo mechanism. BTC, Chainlink. Same same.

>> No.55480384

Good points but you ruin your posts by typing that stupid 'lmao'. It makes you look retarded and you should consider dropping the habit. Not only is it annoying, it's now dated and is in the realms of 'asl' and other anachronistic internet lingo

>> No.55480505

I literally dont give a fuck dude

>> No.55480519

cringe advice bro, lmao

>> No.55480530


>> No.55480564

anime has gone downhill like anything and the popularity of this show proves it. Seriously, look up any quote of the show. Supposedly the best shit. It's all asinine as fuck.

The last decent anime was Shingeki no Kyojin and I guess One Piece manga is still going but all the rest is SHIT

>> No.55480585

Ayy lmao

>> No.55480612

lol lmao even

>> No.55480648

>Shingeki no Kyojin
>One Piece
Get the fuck out of here

>> No.55480661
File: 74 KB, 520x589, BCD11EA1-29E3-4EB1-899B-3283206F86D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m only commenting because demon slayer is based. Berserk is based af too.

>and to give thanks to base etf insider

>> No.55480685

>peak in August
Nobody fucking trades in July or August

>> No.55480743

I know this is bait but OPs pic is 2024 you stupid nigger

>> No.55480848

checks out, newfag show

>> No.55481088
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Retard, we've seen better price predictions with AI-powered platforms like Lunarcrush, Messari and Token Metrics which is more user-friendly with a free version to go fuck the market with.

>> No.55481614

Is your wife hot?

>> No.55481702
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>Did you watch the news today?
what news?

>> No.55481856

recommend me some good ones. one piece looks gay
I've only watched berserk, gits, psychopass, deathnote & the 3 episode one about random scifi vignettes 1 about the guy in the mech factory fighting unknown enemy and 1 with the space station that mind controls its visitors

>> No.55481896

Bad points but you improved your post by typing that funny "lmao". It makes you look normal and you should consider being less autistic. Not only is it a good word, it's still as popular now as it is in the annals of internet history.

>> No.55481995

I also like Azumanga Daioh, Eva (even tho it's pretentious bs), LOGH, Berserk, but those have all ended they're not recent

Now tell me a recent/ongoing anime that's better than SnK or One Piece. I guarantee you can't, or you'll give some pseud pretentious bs

or more likely wont respond or just act snobby

>> No.55482009

you only watch edgy stuff with mediocre writing so that's why you think One Piece is gay, fuck off I'll recommend you nothing

>> No.55482020

My meme lines agree with this which is fucking with me.

>> No.55482026
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>> No.55482243

You're poor

>> No.55482278

What a fucking turbo autismo cringe nigger. Cant say I’d expect any less from tranime faggots.

>> No.55482337

You mean Memories. Go watch Cowboy Bebop, GITS SAC, Darker than Black, Planettes, and Gunsmith Cats right fucking now. And yes OPs anime sucks ass.

>> No.55482375

kek nothing wouild make me happier than some boomer falling for the link scam. only the dumbest newfags fall for that tired old shit

>> No.55482417

>demon slayer
Absolutely trash
Berserk never deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as the absolute garbage known as demon slayer

>> No.55482523


>> No.55483710

Trigun is fun

>> No.55483851

You don't deserve link, you ungrateful swine

>> No.55484133

>July 23 33,000

>> No.55484286

Off by 6 months. Pretty good.

>> No.55484564

And yet you never will because you're too much of a pussy

>> No.55484587

I can't wait for this Plan B wannabe faggit to see BTC price at 25k end of July or lower kek.

>> No.55484685

These smug moon boys need to be flushed every time. They emerge from their burrows of shame and humiliation after pumps like we just had from $24k to $31k. Only when moon fag larpers on twitter start getting bearish should anyone look to higher highs being made

>> No.55484842

Was the gits movie or the two seasons from the mid 2000s? Those are good.
Try Vinland Saga. I've only seen the first season, not the second. But the first season was pretty good. Probably like it if you liked Berserk(although it's not as good as Berserk).

>> No.55484891


>> No.55484935
File: 392 KB, 617x386, 1626042136138237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe so hard I practically went out of all my positions except for POND (because I still believe it has a shit ton of future) and BNB (until a REAL competitor that's popular with normies rises up). That's nearly all my money on BTC at this point. I promised myself I would never ever gamble like this but every fiber in my body is yelling at me this is the right thing to do. First time listening to my own gut, friends.

C'est fini...

>> No.55484951

Then buy and shut the fuck up about it little bitch

>> No.55484962

what got approved back in summer 2019? price was supposed to pump but got dumped after that. So, doesn't look promising this time either.

>> No.55484970

>I can buy 20,000 Link right now.
Kek, you could have bought a lot more in 2017.

>> No.55484984

>my wife sleeping in bed next to me
the pillow doesn't count
>41 years old
>scrolling for info on Link
Stick to boomer stocks.

>> No.55486011

Memories yep. I've watche all of the gits shows + movies.
Bebop was good, I wish there was more development seemed like things sort of "reset" even as the general plot advanced. Loved the fights.
haven't heard of darker, planettes, I have watched gunsmith cats (forgot about it) I will rewatch it
One piece looked gay at first glance and I'm asking for suggestions, thanks for contributing nothing
all of gits, I love it. Will check out vinland thanks.

>> No.55486651
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Yea, I watch the news everyday I have Blackswan. I watch the news everyday waiting for the news to trigger my bot and make me some more moola.