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55474471 No.55474471 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55474494

that's nice, dear. get back to me when i can actually buy this battery and get a "range of 745 miles" with a "10 minutes" charge time.

>> No.55474513
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Perfect, thank you Toyota. I'm glad I waited for the nips to perfect the electric car (after perfecting the ICE commuter and hybrids) instead of buying a botnet soi boi t*sla.

>> No.55474525
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I drive a 24 year old truck, I live in a shack and I poop in an outhouse.

>> No.55474526

What does Tesla have left? Their self driving went from best in the world to one of the worst and if Toyota really comes out with this they will have shit range too. Not even mentioning all the other problems with Teslas. What is there left to justify Tesla being the biggest car maker?

>> No.55474533

i made a thread here 2 months ago saying toyota was a buy and everyone called me a retarded weeb

>> No.55474538

I will.
This was obvious after tesla went to panasonic to make them make a new engine.
The whole thing was a lie and japan is now making it a reality.

>> No.55474549


>> No.55474552

You never truely own one, they provide cars as a service so their overvalued MC is based on self driving (meme that will never be legalized) and applying the subscription model to cars.

>> No.55474571

Tesla self driving was never best in the world. Read ars technica instead of the tesla bs. They were always some of the worst. On automated driving there are like 5 levels and tesla has never left level 2. Level 5 being full self driving.


>> No.55474606

You try and tell a Tesla fan boy this and they'll freak out. They still think Tesla is going to make money by selling the self driving software to other manufacturers.

>> No.55474613

unfathomably based

>> No.55474614
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Cant wait to pay 20k over msrp because of a 10 year long chip shortage

>> No.55474615

nippon is back

>> No.55474618

You do realize that putting asterisks in words to censor them is a woke Twitter thing done by shitskins and femoids who feel belittled to say words like "white" and "man"?
So by trying to be edgy by refusing to say Tesla, you're a bigger faggot than the soiboys you claim to despise.

>> No.55474627

i can get a brand new tesla model 3 for cheaper than that after the 7500 tax credit lol

>> No.55474630

I poop in a 24 year truck, I drive a shack on wheels and live in a public outhouse near a lake.

>> No.55474633

sh*t th* f*ck *p, n*gger

>> No.55474653

And he drives a Toy*ta

>> No.55474669

Ship it or it doesn't exist.

>> No.55474677

>refuses to say Toyota

>> No.55474686

T*sla's online shill army never joins in if you censor their name. Those faggots shit up every /o/ thread as soon as their brand is mentioned.

>> No.55474700

>they release a basic bitch 80s box style rwd hatch back with no gay screens or self driving nonsense but with a 700 mile range and you can charge at home
eurobeat bros we're returning

>> No.55474922

I think there's a lot of people like myself, not necessarily shills, but find it stupid how many starbucks barristas and zoomer communists arrogantly state their opinions on geopolitics and car manufacturing. They shit up twitter and reddit hating Elon and Bezos and others just regurgitating socialist midwit talking points with literally no understanding of cars, engineering, or basic economics. Most of them are far bigger retards than Elon

>> No.55474933

Imagine being such a pussy that you can't say Tesla without being triggered.

>> No.55474946

Self driving cars will never catch on because they are literally a legal nightmare. Say some nigger steps in front of your car when the self driving is turned on. Either you're getting sued or the car company is getting sued, unless there's some liability waiver that you sign when you buy the car.

>> No.55474952

mercedes benz has the highest level currently which is 5, and then toyota will end up perfecting it in a few years after mercedes and offering it to most of their lineup

mercedes always leads in technology and toyota always gets that technology and makes it affordable/standard

>> No.55475030
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Well the biggest bottleneck to EV development was the battery so I guess this is good news. When this new battery comes out it will make every EV car that came out before it look instantly barbaric and primitive.

Would still get a gas car until the tech is proven to be efficient, durable (doesn't wear down by 8 years), easy/affordable to change, and last but not least safe (doesn't blow up and inflame the entire car in bone-melting flames within 3 seconds of ignition)

>> No.55475053

My dad is a mechanic and has told me multiple times Toyota is the best car, with Honda in second.

>> No.55475064

based. Toyota/Lexus are the best car manufacturers in the world from a consumer standpoint. I hope they bankrupt tesla.

>> No.55475067
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the fact that people still buy at these crazy prices will give car manufacturers a bad habit of indefinitely extending this "chip shortage"

>> No.55475105

It's only a matter of time before Ford or Tesla improve upon the technology and make the Nips obsolete. America's got that DRIVE that no other countries have.

>> No.55475127

If you are older than 25 and didnt immediately see that Tesla would be the pets.com of this cycle then just get out of finance.

>> No.55475155

American innovates. Then, the bugs come in and replicate the technology up to an autistic perfection level while we fuck the shit out of their women. Its pretty sweet, ngl.

>> No.55475220

are hybrids worth it? dont they make repairs more costly?

>> No.55475305

later gen prius' were some of the most bullet proof cars made which is why so many were used as taxis

>> No.55476338


>> No.55476505

Electric car: chud face
Electric car but Japan: sọy face

>> No.55476518

Great, I'll get a PHEV now and one of these new ones in 5+ years when they're actually in production.

>> No.55476698
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>> No.55476715

the life i wish I had.

>> No.55476717

Wonder how it'll cope with -20c in Quebec

>> No.55476747
File: 1022 KB, 1971x1088, 1992-1994_Toyota_Camry_Sedan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to shill, but I love Toyota. The everyman's automaker. can't wait until this crossover bullshit fad ends and we go back to beautiful, functional Camry econoboxes.

>> No.55476756

-27 last year in january.

>> No.55476769

Due to greencuckery we will never get cool box cars again, this is whats next

>> No.55477042
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>2 more weeks

>> No.55477091

i don't care unless they release a 99 corolla and hilux with this battery

>> No.55477376

I live in a 24 year truck, I drive a public outhouse on wheels and live in a lake near a shack.

>> No.55477402

the solid state bullshit just saves weight on all the safety and packaging parts of the battery which are also the cheapest
if they are delivering twice the range that means they pack twice the amount of active materials for the battery in there which means twice the price of the already inflated costs
this car is out of reach for most of the world that is a part of the car market today

this sort of news only matters when they develop a completely new kind of battery that isnt Li-ion

>> No.55477573

>this sort of news only matters when they develop a completely new kind of battery that isnt Li-ion
this. we need a completely new battery with better performance and which doesn’t explode the moment you look at it the wrong way.

>> No.55477613

This. I don’t know what the point of these announcements are. I won’t believe it until it’s in a mass-built vehicle.

>> No.55477647

I'm buying Toyota coin I
>t. bmw chad

>> No.55477693

>this car is out of reach for most of the world that is a part of the car market today
What is this utopian bullshit? The "market" doesn't matter, only the people with money matter.

I bet you think we care about tax and food and housing affordability too

>> No.55477789

oh look we got a live retard here
now riddle me this if you make a product with a production price point that prices out most of the current market what does that do to overall valuations in the entire industrial sphere related to this product

no higher profit margins isnt the answer as even for the luxury segment competition will force either product pricing down or luxury additions up compressing margins on both sides

>> No.55477808

And you're just a regular fag.

>> No.55477833

Fuck gas and shit
Tell me it comes with an ai waifu built inside

>> No.55477906

>american "innovation"
>newest corvette z06 is a mid engined ferrari clone that sounds like a ferrari with a ferrari price tag

new battery in the works is rumored to use concrete, porsche and mercedes is building a factory in the USA to create these

>> No.55477929

I drive a 24 year old outhouse, i live in a truck, and I shit in a shack

>> No.55478300

they have a massive charging network

>> No.55478350

did they fix the part where youll die from the fire of the battery in two seconds?

>> No.55478370

i'm curious. isn't packing more and more energy into ever smaller and tighter packages dangerous? isn't this sort of light driving around with really high pressured gas tanks in your trunk? at what point does a battery become a potential bomb? is there a safety cut off to this development of ever better and more efficient batteries?

>> No.55478403

>Another paper presented at ICCF-17 was from a Japanese group with sponsorship from Toyota; this confirmed previous work indicating that transmutation was taking place during LENR reactions, showing that a nuclear reaction is taking place. Toyota funded cold fusion research in the 90s to the tune of £12 million, but was discouraged by negative results.

What if the results started becoming positive

>> No.55479078


>> No.55479120
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The only idea I have so far is use blowout panels like tanks do to safely isolate explosions from the cabin. This directs all the explosive energy through a pre-made route that's away from the passengers.


Or surround the battery with some sort of inflammable material of some sorts. It's going to cost a bit. In the future people will look back at current EV's and wonder how the fuck people agreed to ride literal death traps

>> No.55479277

The z06 is about half the cost of the cheapest Ferrari or less. No prestige for having it but it's a great car terms of its perf/$, more so for the lower tier model

>> No.55479360

>believes it could
Stopped reading

>> No.55479600

>80s box style
We can only dream.

>> No.55479930

It’s not that new. Same battery type Tesla is already using in the base model of 3 and Y. Also, at least five years till they are on the streets. Less inflammable though. Overall good stuff, but don’t buy the media hype.

>> No.55479957

filter circumvention has been a thing since before twitter was an obscure barely used retarded stepbrother of facebook

>> No.55479958


>> No.55479979

>model of 3 and Y
They do not have solid state batteries.

>> No.55480095

You’re right, they use LFP. My bad.

>> No.55480133
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>referring to nips as bugs
shameful display. east ayrans are the only non-whites that can be called civilized

>> No.55481204

i've been saying this for a while.

what makes anyone think that Tesla can compete against VW, Mercedes and Toyota? (or even GM and Ford)

these companies have close to unlimited budget and 100 years of experience.
what does Tesla have?

>> No.55481217

They were just the first movers in the EV space. Other companies are coming in and now they can't compete. Really the only thing going for them is their charging network.

>> No.55481222

yes, the charging network is their chance to make a standard.
gm and ford are already on board with that

>> No.55481288

this "breakthrough" is still 5 years away, that's a long time for Tesla to capture more market share, especially when Toyota still can't apparently make any of their regular cars. Seriously how are they still having production problems this late in? At least Tesla is increasing production.

>> No.55481382

fuck off you piece of shit redditors, just fuck off forever from this site you absolute NIGGERS

>> No.55481392

Lots of redditors on here.
Who gets hyped on a news article? Nobody with any functional braincells.

>> No.55481414

>Seriously how are they still having production problems this late in?
bc toyota actually has quality standards and will delay rather than pushing garbage out the door