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File: 382 KB, 1080x1439, 20230627_163951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55473286 No.55473286 [Reply] [Original]

What happen? And I think the bull market has started.

>> No.55473289

lol at first I thought those were her legs

>> No.55473305

>So fixated on Chad on her phone it doesn't matter she just wrecked
Women will do absolutely anything for top tier men

>> No.55473324

Those are her legs

>> No.55473368

I'm curious to know what you think they are.

>> No.55473377

It was a comment I made to make people believe it's not her legs and waste their time figuring out what they are, but you ruined it now

>> No.55473389


>> No.55473394

looks like Chinese fakery any ways LUL

>> No.55473409

Worked on me

>> No.55473617

made me look for 2 minutes
gg nigger

>> No.55473696

good post faggot

>> No.55473713

That just leads to more questions like why is she doing >>55473305

>> No.55473717

>got a bag to match her zoomer scooter
I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.55473821

I can fix her

>> No.55473864

Based confooser

>> No.55474334

haha my leggies are broken
>posts selfie

>> No.55474348


made me look a photo I thought it was repulsive for 1 minute

>> No.55474356

God why does everything seem to tell me not to ride a 2 wheeled motorized device.

>> No.55474366

checked and kekd

>> No.55474387


>> No.55474454
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>shina rin if she real

>> No.55474690
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Based leg-breaker

>> No.55474783
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>> No.55474836

I too would use my last energies to wipe my cellphone clean.

>> No.55474850
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It dipped so I can buy in.
Please, continue.

>> No.55474885

Did they die? Why do they look so content?

>> No.55474967

i ride an ebike and got a learner motorcycle license because of the mobility and cost... but maybe i shouldn't cheap out and stick with the car

>> No.55475083

I would only ride an ebike on trails. It's just too sketchy where I live. Crappy and impatient drivers.

>> No.55475245


>> No.55475366

this is what we call the ultimate bottom, and I believe the market has positioned itself for good returns desu, I just added more Ethereum, Matic and Tezos cos they have all the necessary ingredients to make a good run in the coming months, and the fact that I can bake Tezos in the sylo wallet for passive income.
jokes on who's not buying now
What's this ride stuff I'm seeing all over the board?

>> No.55475492
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the past month or so I've been considering getting a motorcycle and no lie within the past 48 hrs I've seen 3 or 4 horrendous bike crashes online.

Maybe God is trying to tell me something.

And these were all platforms I don't use to search anything motorcycle related so you can't blame it on the algorithm.

>> No.55475582

Don't get so discouraged anon.

>> No.55475600

yuru camp irl be like

>> No.55475649

i don't want to end up like girl in OP though

>> No.55475702

don't do it anon. I'm a bit older and i know loads of people who have fucked themselves in motorbike accidents. one is dead and another in a wheelchair. car drivers are more preoccupied with phones nowadays and it's worse than ever. it's russian roulette really and nothing to do with how wonderful a bike driver you may or may not be. cars don't see you and that's that. In a car the chances are you'll be completely unscathed in an accident. on a bike you have no chance. don't do it.

>> No.55475801


>> No.55476512

>car drivers are more preoccupied with phones nowadays and it's worse than ever. it's russian roulette really and nothing to do with how wonderful a bike driver you may or may not be. cars don't see you and that's that
yeah I'm not some sort of dare devil, I know I wouldn't do anything stupid on a bike, it's car drivers that I'm worried about. All the accidents I've seen online it was the car drivers that were at fault. I'd put my life in my own hands, but not other retards.

>> No.55476546

motorcylce are ultimate retard filter.
You make a mistake in motorcycle, breaks legs or die.
You make mistake in a car, small dent or totalled car at worst.
Know of a guy who was in love with a girl, who got paralyzed after motorcycling in the snow in chicago. The bitch left him and he is on disability for the rest of his life.

Even if you do everything right, all it takes is a dumb zoomer to rear end you. I don't trust the other fuckers on the road simple as. Renting a bike to scratch your itch on a country road once in a while is not a bad idea.
but motorcycling as a daily is a nono.

>> No.55476547

Because 2 wheeled motorized devices are dangerous?

>> No.55476751

I want my time back nigger

>> No.55476872

Worked on me, nice one

>> No.55476919
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>> No.55476938

This looks like death came for them

>> No.55476939

I am still thinking it.

>> No.55477006
File: 11 KB, 254x321, 1532708174658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just wrecked my legs
>Got to tweet this

This fucking human race lads.

>> No.55477047

My time browsing Twitter for porn is too valuable to be wasted with this bullshit

>> No.55477100

probably on the line with 911 or whatever number chingchongs dial bro. the actual bad part is the dudes all just standing there taking pictures.

>> No.55477417

so peaceful, you can tell they are happy for the deliverance in the sweet release of death
such is life in third world shitholes

>> No.55478315

heavily considered getting a bike until I hear some personal stories
>friend at work is ultra cautious, says when getting on the highway its absoultely terrifying
>old guy from work got wrecked when the light turned green for them to go, other car ran a red light and they got t-boned.
>said guy only drives on the weekends
>another friend from school got t-boned when under similar situations, can barely walk now and never ride a bike again.Use to be hilarious class clown type of guy, now its changed his personality completely.
>a close friend from school died during rona during a bike accident. He literally just had the bike for 2 weeks, and came back from Japan.
>hear from someone

>> No.55478330

Is she OK?

>> No.55478344
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>> No.55478345
File: 121 KB, 720x540, Yamaha_DT125D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards on the road are dangerous, motorcycles are fine, just don't drive on the road

>> No.55478362


>> No.55478528

well not anymore