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55469690 No.55469690 [Reply] [Original]

See above

>> No.55469710

SpaceandTime alone will

>> No.55469736

depends how they give out the % of the supply. it isn't all going to stakers, maybe the team keeps some, nops will get some
but i do think that one or two of them could take off (space and time and crypton look promising) and give better returns than just link staking
the airdrop narrative will also be very nice. in this scam market, there is a lot of people focused on them and when we get the first drop there will be seethe all over ct about it
in saying that it depends on long term you think
we can assume at least $50 link in next bull which would mean the below rewards are already $9500 which is nice for only 9 months.

>> No.55469778

We are “eligible” for BUILD rewards what the fuck does that even mean and why do I get the feeling all these scams are going to make us jump through hoops or KYC or something with US residents BTFO.

>> No.55469915

i dont know but im banking on it being at the low end at least 5-10k in the medium term. I'm thinking access to these tokens will begin with the next version of staking coming this year.

Many of the build projects tokens haven't been distributed yet, so there may be a redeeming process with tokens that are available given to stakers.

its hard to tell but WGMI

>> No.55469932

>or something with US residents BTFO
pretty much a certainty considering legal implications
the day that gets announced this board will explode in rage

>> No.55470164

fuck you're right
we will not get rewards
we will not even be able to unstake
US residents basically sent their link to a burn address

>> No.55470318


Anyone expecting a handout (Twitter fags mainly) will be disappointed.
The wording is meant to keep you wondering. The liabilities are zero in its wording format. Perfect recipe to keep the neets and CT fags grasping for more Linkies to stake for a chance at some sort of airdrop or kickback of tokens from build projects makes you
I fucking love it. It’s perfect.
I can submit a entry to a contest and be
does that mean I’ll get a prize? Absolutely not.

>> No.55470819

From what I've heard, you will have to submit KYC including address to unlock BUILD, and American stakers are ineligible due to securities laws. There's a rumor that accredited American investors can unlock, but I can't say more atm as it's still being developed

>> No.55470840

Hey that’s really cool man, you locked $50,000 away indefinitely and are receiving less than $1000 per year for it paid out in an asset that loses value every day due to multi million dollar dumps from the creator of the asset. Honestly, really smart financial decision man! You must be killing it at all aspects of life to be making such sweet and intelligent choices. Proud of you

>> No.55470852

Best fud I’ve seen in a while, nice

>> No.55470888

Or maybe 50k is nothing to him and youre just a fucking broke nigger

>> No.55470895

cant wait to see le ebin based twitter muhreens take another L
lpl was hilarious

>> No.55470904

>”losing 50k is a GOOD thing! You’re just broke for not wanting to waste 50k!!”
Worst case of link cope I’ve ever seen.. damn. I hope things get better for you brother I really mean that

>> No.55470918

It's getting announced on discord on the 25th. I just texted my source, Americans of all accounts are unable to unlock BUILD until 1.0 at the earliest, non-Americans can unlock at 0.2. There was a thought to allow Americans to convert BUILD into LINK but they were warned by the SEC about that proposal.

Look for 0.2 to allow unlocks for all non-Americans, 40 million new spots for newly onboarded nodes and only 13 million for non-nodes. Legacy stakers can keep their slots, anything they give up goes to nodes first.

>> No.55471105

sirgay will rape shitlinkers and shitlinkers will still eat turds right out of his asshole

>> No.55471297

oh look another boring and lame larp
next time TAKE PROFIT, you are BETTER than THIS
you have potential, i believe in you!

>> No.55471393

>rewards screenshot
How are you seeing this? I am unable to see mine whilst wallet connect is still unavailable. The only other 2 options i see are Metamask and Coinbase wallet, so I assume you are using one of those? My question is, do you trust those wallets? I keep hearing dodgy stories about Metamask and Coinbase wallet.. well, what happens if something goes wrong at Coinbase? Or do you hold your pvt key with coinbase wallet? I'll happily be corrected her, I just wanted to know. I'm staking from my Ledger Nano S wallet which fingers crossed is ok.
What are others' staking from?

>> No.55471407

kek baggie is so desperate same jpg over and over and over same question asked 30 different ways same cope regardless

>> No.55471431

just paste your wallet into debank, a nice way to keep track of staking/defi
also metamask and other wallets are only dodgy is you use them to store your private key. if you are staking you should be using a hardware wallet. metamask etc can't access your hardware wallet's private key

>> No.55471492

Just tried debank. Works well, thanks! Do you think it's wise opening an account with them to store your wallet addresses or do you plug them in manually each time? I know they haven't got your pvt key but i was thinking more of them being hacked for your other deets (though i know i could fake those). Good shout though

>> No.55471501

US mutts deserve it rofl

>> No.55471511

i just have each address bookmarked in a folder, middle click opens them all to quickly check
probably no issue signing up though
i don't know of any exploit involving a hardware wallet, i guess yeah if you're being really paranoid about a physical attack then could get some info from getting access to a metamask account + your computer
but probably not something to worry about

>> No.55471526

Checked and I'm just going to copy you with the addresses in a folder. Thanks, anon

>> No.55471829
File: 201 KB, 1074x1147, 1688541307739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek cause its true

>> No.55471948

Its not fud its just applying existing rules to the crypto sphere and link complies completely with regulations, also this will not impact the price negatively it will just let about a hundred people here seethe like no tomorrow
This isnt link fud if anything its usa fud, blame the government for the retard accredited rules in the first place

>> No.55472274

uh oh stinky

>> No.55472383

>just apply the existing rules for something to something which is completely different
not how law works you idiot. existing law doesnt work for crypto assets which are basically commodoties. Link is like oil, its needed to make things work digitally. If they were applying the existing law to it they'd class it as a virtual commodity but they can't because they're boomers and a) havent figured out what it is yet and b) dont want to pump plebs bags because we bought before they did.

>> No.55472423

Btc is a commodity, alts with a centralised dev team that did an ico are not
Delude yourself all you want about this, but on the end the boomers in us government will fuck you over
Again its not a crypto problem its a usa problem, complain about it to your elected officials

>> No.55472430

extremely based
time to watch the deluded seethe reply kek

>> No.55472599

At minimum we're looking at $17,500 for airdrops based on the current number of projects. It is safe to speculate that we may be looking between $80,000 to $100,000 combined if you staked the maximum amount.

Stakers will need to realize their inherent value.

As a chainlink staker, you are a crypto early adopter. You are a sophisticated user responsible for the success of a number of chainlink partnered projects. You are also likely to be deeply entrenched in multiple crypto communities.
Dropping less than $500 per user will fail to generate any interest or hype. Dropping over $500+ will get your interest and cause you to look into the project and advertise them in your communities and potentially become a user of that platform.
These projects crave your attention and want to see the same dedicated community for their project that chainlink has enjoyed.

If projects allocated too few tokens to gain interest, they may follow up with subsequent airdrops to catch your attention. They will also risk being ridiculed by one of the most savage communities in the space.

So yes, build rewards WILL eclipse the link staking rewards.

>> No.55472612

Checked nice hopium

>> No.55472845

Checked and are the numbers you cited based on 7000 staked? Asking for me.

>> No.55472971

I'm basing this on 7000 link staked and the current ~35 projects in the program. Allocations will be divided ratio wise from the 7000.
The build program will continue to add new projects and distribute future rewards to keep the incentives ticking along.

>> No.55473000

I count 39 today..
Any guesses when they'll make them available?

>> No.55473018

when will they judge the code4arena competition?
>its been more than two weeks

>> No.55473051

My guess is the team will want some good news stories for smartcon, airdrops should start to drop from around the release of staking v2 and will trickle out as their projects are ready for token release.

Based on 39 projects, the lower estimate is $19,500 and upper bounds estimate of $110,000.
It would be a very positive press release for the team to announce the success of one of the highest quality project incubators in the space as well as one of the most profitable staking programs.

>> No.55473075

why would they give anything to a bunch of incels riled up by vcs?
lmao the team owe you nothing bro face it they do the work you sit on ass and complain like bitch.
the death threats to sergey went too far no one threatens the big guy and gets away with it consequences will never be the same the team wont let that slide with some random air drops ranging in size from 20k$ to 120k$
>inb4 the vcs riled me up so i did it

>> No.55473083

Sounds overly optimistic

>> No.55473088

>20k$ to 120k$
interesting way to write it...

>> No.55473119

Kek if they came in at your top estimate i'll be close to a million from Build alone.
I wonder what to do with these. The only ones i know anything about are space&time and truflation. This is a point actually. We don;t really discuss these projects much on here. Probably as there's so many of them. I wonder if they're all decent? Or if some of them are pump and dumps hoping to pump from the Chainlink association. I like to think Chainlink scoped them out before accepting them to the programme. Wouldn't look too hot if they turned out scammy

>> No.55473132

you sound really riled up anon by my use of a fiat dollar symbol
interesting you care much more than a real crypto advocate would about the proper use for a monetary instrument you're seeking to replace.
tell me how the vcs made you feel when they unblocked you on twitter and fudded link right in your screen

>> No.55473206

First lol @ terrible esl
Then link is the most anti vc project out there, they arent riling anyone up if anything they want link gone so their graft can go on

There isnt a whole lot of info on most of these projects out there since they are in incubation phase, so its guess work as to how their tokenomics will work
But on the other hand true pump and dumps dont pledge percentages of their supply to outside parties so that alone screens the worst offenders

>> No.55473294

chainlink token not needed 6$
vcs unblocking link marines for free riled up marketing idk prolly not that much
racist incel frogs sending death threats to sergey afterwards PRICELESS

>> No.55473386

The other chap has a point, anon. You really do have a poor grasp on English. Where are you, Calcutta? Mumbai? Prob Mumbai right? It's more media savvy. Post a pic of the other guys in your office. Are some of them on calls, scamming old ladies with your downloaded malware? Would love to know how much you nuisances get paid..

>> No.55473406

riled up status = confirmed
>attempting to change topic to hide anger
>giving free marketing to pointless vc lies
still priceless
but go on back to twitter where all the good posters are and do something productive with your anger kek

>> No.55473414


>> No.55473433

yes, you are
point on the doll where the vcs touched you
did you feel justified threatening to take sergey's life?
i'm looking forward to these paid fud spammers being found, tortured, and murdered (but definitely not by me)

all fields

>> No.55473442
File: 58 KB, 800x534, Spamjeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your colleague sent me this pic of you racing back from the toilet with a new scam idea

>> No.55473452

i'm looking forward to these paid fud spammers being found, tortured, and murdered (but definitely not by me)

all fields

>> No.55473476

how many tens of chainlink tokens do you own, sameep

>> No.55473481


i'm looking forward to these paid fud spammers being found, tortured, and murdered (but definitely not by me)

all fields

>> No.55473484

ah fuck

>> No.55473491

there's not a single chainlink holder that will leave their basement to do anything to the posters that hurt their feelings

>> No.55473609

not much considering the quality they get

her observe
please do tell what does all fields mean here and why is it done

>> No.55473662

Lol has anyone else noticed the link “fudders” these days are all jovial people and just taking the piss out of cultists and enjoying it not so seriously, while the people “fighting” with them are extremely up tight faggots who will scrutinise every word of the fudders who are just pissing about with no effort now that they realise what a failure LINK is?

I feels sorry for these fags almost. They must be holding a LOT of stress after these past 3 years and cannot let it out or go

>> No.55473706

>cannot let it out or go
Watch out boys! He's brought the big guns in! This one's a heavy hitter and he's had extra naan bread since it was his Uncle Chapati's birthday lunch today. Be careful.

>> No.55473729

>10 enormous paragraphs by this ID over several hours getting irrationally angry into fudders low effort posts

Thanks for illustrating my point.

>> No.55473735

kek this, same shit you see in GME threads.

>> No.55473749

You got me there, big boy. I just can't control my passion. Makes me feisty in bed, though. Not that you need to know that.

>> No.55473978

Ah fuck, link holders are all shenanigans that doesn't bring anything valid to the table except the same story across Biz threads.
This is a deluded ideology as far as it's on Chainlink cus your white paper is always in an unending fulfilment. Even prefer loyalty rewards from Starbucks or CryptMi app than anything you claim here.

>> No.55473990

>this is the type of person who still defends LINK at all costs

>> No.55474015

Hey that has a ring to it! I like it! I shall have a t-shirt printed and wear it to the 'yatch' party

>> No.55474058

>39 projects
K3 Kingdoms, a play-and-earn game has just joined so that's now 40!

>> No.55474822

I’m sure you’ll find the next Lady Luck. Enjoy baggies