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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 739x415, images - 2023-07-03T235636.918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55463642 No.55463642 [Reply] [Original]

Even normies know about BBC these days
White mens days are over
Black men are perceived as more masculine, more agressive, more sexually powerful and uninhibited
And they have the biggest cocks
White women may not marry them, but they are certainly fucking them (sometimes even being bred by them, you know blacks dont use condoms or pull out dont you?)
What woman doesnt want to feel herself in the hands of a dominant man? Being used as a fucktoy for the pleasure of her master? Black men can provide that feeling better than any other race
No normie can be sure these days if the wife they provide for now hasnt been, in the past, with one (or many! At the same time perhaps!) BBC
And the white man trembles thinking of his weakness
Business and financially speaking of course

>> No.55463652

you are a jew

>> No.55463653

only the lowest of the white women, dumb, mentally ill trash fuck niggers

>> No.55463661

Janny troons sperg out when a new /smg/ is baked 2 posts before bump limit but trash like this stays up huh

>> No.55463665

Why are jews like this?

>> No.55463675

why is ur existence based around this?

>> No.55463676

Report and ban this nigger lover

>> No.55463678

>Posts tiny black cock
This nigger is not even half the size of my BWC

>> No.55463701

Keep me out of the screenshot

>> No.55463715
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>> No.55463751

>my efferium doin lil sometin sometin

>> No.55463754

imagine even spending one second thinking about niggers
you already lost, little rat

>> No.55463790
File: 438 KB, 1170x652, IMG_1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55463796

also jew

>> No.55463814

Why is someone as attractive as her willing to degrade herself forever for one or two hundred bucks tops?

>> No.55463828

Probably drug addiction

>> No.55463837

Pornstars have to be paid triple/quadruple the usual thousands of dollars, in order to even consider having sex with blacks.
Yes, even women that perform sexual acts on film, avoid them like the plague.

>> No.55463852

>porn up for hours
>if I ask for help in anyway I'll get nuked instantly.

>> No.55463870
File: 93 KB, 436x512, Festive Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a selfie since that always gets a thread nuked
You Fats ever hear of the funny book from Big H Man? I know you Fats struggle to read nutrition labels but this book doesn't really use words like "sodium" or "trans Fats" so you might be able to comprehend it

>> No.55463873

That's a small dick tho

>> No.55463874

For you

>> No.55463875
File: 499 KB, 950x1151, 1654526910134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racists will say: "Africa is a shithole and Africans have low IQ, why do they exist?"

What they don't realize is that Africans were made for sex. Only a black man can truly sexually satisfy a white woman, and only a black woman can truly sexually satisfy a white man. Yes in the future there are only going to be low IQ mutts, but who cares about the future, we need to live in the present

>> No.55463881

Imagine dunking her head and clogging that pool forever

>> No.55463882

The internet has made it possible for me to wake up before my wageslave job and instantly have my mind bombarded with shit like this

What a time to be alive

>> No.55463886
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>up for an hour
mods sleeping for real

>> No.55463892



>> No.55463978
File: 1.06 MB, 1170x2304, IMG_0373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a thread with a white cock and see how fast the thread gets taken down.

>> No.55463993

If anything the average woman is addicted to their vibrator/toys. A man is unlikely to please them aside from oral. Your dick will probably never be good

>> No.55464001

>i say something mean about jews
>get banned
>post shit dick porn
>left on the catalog

I fucking hate /biz/ jannies. They're turning this place into /int/, nu /r9k/ and /lgbt/

>> No.55464005

The /biz/ janny has been prunning entire threads for no-no words and leaving nigger dicks up. It needs to go.

>> No.55464008

I bet if I asked for money and posted my btc address It would get pruned but the thread would stay up

>> No.55464020

Probably. As long as an indian is advertising its shitcoin in your thread, it will stay up.

>> No.55464025


>> No.55464061

I once got a ban for replying with my MM address in a thread created by someone who was creating a token and looking to airdrop people

>> No.55464065

jannies are sleeping

>> No.55464066

Watch as I get banned for criticizing the janny while the nigger dick remains.

>> No.55464080

Kek tell that to Billy boy Gates

>> No.55464081
File: 68 KB, 1394x1591, TJD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obliterate jannies. Roundhouse kick a janny into concrete. Take a shit in janny hotpockets.

>> No.55464085

the fact that this is still up is actually disgraceful

>> No.55464104
File: 2.55 MB, 260x146, ackk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Janny Annihilation

>> No.55464136

White women and BLACK men. What a disgusting erotic combo

>> No.55464141

my threads with coomer images get deleted within 10 minutes. clearly there's a tranny/fag in chrage of this board

>> No.55464143

Based and BBC pilled

>> No.55464152
File: 3.51 MB, 370x370, 1688251708788478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trans rights are human ri-

>> No.55464179
File: 51 KB, 550x466, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post keyed gemmies until we summon janjan


>> No.55464194

>you know blacks dont use condoms or pull out dont you?
>source: PHD in porn studies.

>> No.55464197


>> No.55464205
File: 92 KB, 956x482, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can't forget the magnum opus

>> No.55464211
