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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55462933 No.55462933 [Reply] [Original]

>Dear diary
>Be me
>Leadership position after being with the company for a year
>Boss doesn't outright dislike me but I feel like there is some animosity
>Everything going well
>A few one-off mistakes happen seemingly back to back this past week or two
>Boss pretty much flips out every time and apologizes saying he is basically trying to work on his anger
>While I somewhat sympathize and understand why he is angry since I have not handled some of these mistakes to the standard he would have like, I feel like he is using these mistakes as a way to unleash his animosity towards me
>He is a 'lifer' I am pretty sure this is the only job he has ever had so he has an aura of anybody that makes a mistake is completely incompetent and below him since he never makes a mistake which I would hope he wouldn't considering he has been in the same role for at least a decade
>I give a professional grace when he gets upset since he mentioned he is working on controlling his temper better and plus it would probably backfire to try to hold him accountable for acting that way considering he is the boss
>When these mistakes have come up as aforementioned I feel like this same grace was not extended to me and went on a literal tirade which is practically unbearable to listen to because he just repeats himself and doesn't allow me to address the issues, I also think it is generally pretty unprofessional the way he reacts considering I am new to this position and prior to these past week or two everything has gone smoothly.

>> No.55462958

What's the bathroom like?

>> No.55463055

Small, not a bad bathroom but nothing fancy.

>> No.55463074

this has pajeet written all over it
stopped reading when you cried about animosity kys benchod

>> No.55463082
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>Dealing with a 'bad' employee
>Dude keeps fucking up, how the hell did this incompetent retard ever get hired?

>> No.55463124

>Treat your subordinates like shit
>Wonder why they aren't more successful.

Nigger-tier attitude.

>> No.55463311

>needs emotional support to do a pleb tier job at a subway
>totally not incompetent+mentally ill poojeet