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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 505x74, 2017-12-28-050742_505x74_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5546178 No.5546178 [Reply] [Original]

I want to die

>> No.5546223

to make it worse, South Korean exchanges are not adding any new coins (ICX) until further notice. South Korean banks are also banning bank accounts being tied to exchanges.


>> No.5546262

Do you remember that "should we sell our bags" ICX thread from a few days ago when everyone who bought into ICX had an autistic fit when /biz/ told them to sell?

I do. ICX holders are the reason I left crypto entirely this morning. You guys have to be the dumbest people I've ever met. That's my signal that the market is out of buyers.

Collapse incoming

>> No.5546283

The ICX just gets cheaper and cheaper... keep fudding LOL

>> No.5546294

Nigger I put in money when I bought in from 1.90 and I sold all when it got back down to 6.50ish. I told all you niggers to get out.

>> No.5546326

Buy payfair or bounty to try make some gains so you don't have to kill yourself

>> No.5546389
File: 45 KB, 434x639, gqp1rur7bj601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets called out for misleading news
>goes all in in damage control
i am honestly done with this hopeless company. just let me get out in green and I'm never looking back

>> No.5546407


I got in at like 1350 sats
I can't fucking lose lad

>> No.5546421

Collapse incoming!!!!
Wow I’ve never ever seen that on biz, holy shit time to pack up and get the fuck out of crypto entirely!!

Haha, listen you water handed woman, I suggest you get the fuck off of biz, because you will go insane seeing how much money is going to come into crypto next year. You are going to fucking lose it I swear if you stick around here.

>> No.5546581

lmao see you guys are all brand new talking about how you got burned by an ico that was promised to be the next fucking big thing and you didn't sell and it drop like every other coin on the list lmao...So get out the game because you made some bad choices...Faggots who fall in love with coins are pussies and will leave crypto. which I personally appreciate, I appreciate you guys for leaving because the market will mature when faggot moon chaser and emotional fucks like some of yourselves are scared off, thanks ya dig

>> No.5546628

he didn't buy at 2 bucks

>> No.5546654

no one is leaving i dont' know why you wrote that dumb wall of tex

>> No.5546684

why would anyone invest in gookcoin when the korea fud was around the corner. We warned you retards

>> No.5546728

come flip it here tomorrow, https://discord.gg/qhFVAxQ

>> No.5546734


>> No.5546735

Collapse incoming because in a half trillion dollar market a couple dozen virgins in a oriental cartoon community with an aggregate net worth of 2 thousand dollars larped about not selling bags.


>> No.5546780

u niggas, never learn to hold and cry when they moon after couple of months stagnant/consolidation period. u know how many months XRB/EOS/XML..etc for that reason every moon coin stagnant for months then climb with in days. then u come back and cry saying i sold at 4$, when it was 40$ or more.

>> No.5546785

Billionaires sold before the great depression when they were offered stock tips by paperboys on the corner.

The average IQ of Bitcoin holders has to have dropped by 30 points. I'm fucking out as of this morning, and judging by the gigantic drops we're already starting to witness tonight, I made the right call.

Thanks for the new house.

>> No.5546831

regret after few months when it become 2 trill dollar industry

>> No.5546932

Have you ever met a person who regretted getting a house and a new car and a medical degree from investing $4000?

Me neither. I'm out, bye, thanks for the money

>> No.5547011

how much money did you make larper

>> No.5547063


That's enough for a new house (I'll never have to pay a mortgage), a new car, and an education.

I'm not gambling that money on "Bitcoin is a store of value"

>> No.5547064

Good on you anon, assuming you're not larping.

You should be proud of your accomplishment. Cheers mate.

>> No.5547098

>getting out before 1m
you only needed a 2x m8

>> No.5547296

It's going to collapse before anything hits 2x.

I'm sorry anon. It's over. Save yourself while you can.

>> No.5547385

congrats! also in med school, 3rd year. student loans are a bitch...down 120k already for 4 semesters.

>> No.5547452

Thanks. I'll be going as an adult, which will be kind of lame but won't matter in the end. I always wanted to be a doctor and help people.

Best of luck all. Bitcoin's almost in freefall now... I've spent all day trying to convince anons to listen, I know some of you did.

>> No.5547461

larper. 440K -50% short term cap gain tax .

>> No.5547465

heard this for years and im not buying it bro. good riddance

>> No.5547471

What was your major, also wanting to go to med school but im indecisive about the major

>> No.5547505

I'm Canadian so my capital gains tax maxes out at 25% regardless of how long I hold an investment. And I only get taxed when I cash out.

That money is going to go into healthcare, our soldiers, and the construction workers that build our roads. I have no qualms with giving 110K of my gains to improve my country.

>> No.5547549

still a faggot. Enjoy mopping up blood while on ER duty while we fuck your wife and make you raise our kids.

>> No.5547589

another med student chiming in (first-year), major literally doesn't matter, just have to take the necessary pre-requisite courses

>> No.5547596


Relax and join the pump train in 10 hours my man. discord.gg/f6Hr9

>> No.5547606

Jan 1st 2018 regulations are allowing new coins again.Now shoo u fudding pajeet.

>> No.5547663

I dumped 80k total throughout today. Tried to do it without dropping the price. Good luck faggots, bit im out of this shitcoin

>> No.5547666

Good call anon and good way to illustrate value.

I would take a paid for house, new car and education over 440 k in bitshekels any day, I am sure most would.

>> No.5547674

Bye faggot

>> No.5547726
File: 188 KB, 683x700, E682D646-5E91-482F-B2C8-20D274D1D1F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you did, faggot.

>> No.5547893

yea but i just like seeing what everyone else is doing

>> No.5548143

I was a bio major
is right though. majors don't matter as long as you take the pre-reqs

>> No.5548190

im doing bio rn

any interternships? what was your gpa?
any tips?

>> No.5548323

bunch of volunteer work at hospitals, doesn't hurt to be published (ie. do grunt work in a lab for a professor) 3.5 gpa and 32 MCAT (very average). I would say to focus on the core (hard science) classes and to do a lot of practice MCATs before you take the real thing. I know a lot of smart people that didn't get in to med school due to their personalities (didn't make it past the interviews) as well but I don't know how to give you tips for that.

>> No.5548863

u bitch thrown 800k worth in 6 months in to others hands .we dont need weak handed faggots line u.

>> No.5549849
File: 20 KB, 300x225, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best way to move crypto to fiat?

bonus: I don't want to pay taxes.

>> No.5549928

this is FUD or you fell for FUD. silent majority.

>> No.5550395

>help ppl