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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55458573 No.55458573 [Reply] [Original]

What are the demographics of /biz/?

>> No.55458584

I'm 18, lived in mumbai till my 12th then my parents moved to US

>> No.55458660

everyone is a ser

>> No.55458674

A bunch of borderline autistic men aged 20-40

>> No.55458843

Everyone on 4chan has an 8 inch cock, is 6'0 tall minimum, is around 30 but still looks like he's 19 years old, women mire him since birth every day non stop, secret genius since birth as well, lifts 5 plates, six figure pay just for checking his email once a day, a cash paid house, 7+ figure portfolio and a young virgin trad wife who gives birth to sons exclusively.

Constant cartoon frog image posting is just a logical extension of such an elite specimen.

>> No.55458926 [DELETED] 


>> No.55458956

Everything before the plates part was true

>> No.55459091


>> No.55459115
File: 31 KB, 646x521, www.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. 21 yo femoid
>show bobs or gtfo
suck it knickers!!!

>> No.55459127

WAIT GUYS let me get the first (you) train started:
(you) are a man and YWNBAW

>> No.55459164

this is me but my dick is only 7.5 inch

>> No.55459222

Tfw you will never have 21 year old biz browsing tranny gf (male)
Why even bother bros

>> No.55459249

you're trying too hard newfag

>> No.55459256

Born near the Ganges

>> No.55459269

You've been liberated.

>> No.55459278

tfw you are a boyfriendless girl even with a 70k salary because you are too autistic and you have an autistic boy voice

it was over before it started bros, I'm not even a landwhale (male)

>> No.55459294

I've been here since I was 13 and I'll be here forever
water off my duck back retard

>> No.55459354

I imagine you look like that Jewish chick from Sequoia who was in with SBF kek

>> No.55459455 [DELETED] 

who knows?

>> No.55459465
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who knows

>> No.55459497

Fucking hell this made me lose.

>> No.55459555

Nice hair, actually.

>> No.55459566

Why are you here voluntarily though? It's not exactly the most feminist place around. And even if you ignore that the board has gone to shit

>> No.55459603

1. I hate women
2. I can't relate to anyone IRL
3. I don't think of myself as being part of the group "women" even though I am female. I am the hacker known as 4chan. This is what retards call "internalized misogyny"
4. /biz/ can make some good calls
5. I was previously a /pol/tard but that place is only good for book recommendation lists. better off reading or listening to No Agenda cause that place is a timesink
6. I know what my goals are in life

>> No.55459711

The first point is the internalized misogyny though. Idk if it's healthy to hate your entire sex. The anons here that hate women usually cannot get laid; hate is reserved for the things in life that piss you off. However if you like politics and finance I can understand that other women are very hard to relate to. Still, the fact that you cannot relate to *anyone* points at internal trouble. I would be careful about this site, which glorifies social alienation. It's actually quite tragic that you landed on this site in such a formative period, it probably was not too helpful.
I guess what I want to say is, maybe touch some grass, but what do I know.

>> No.55459748

I'm just 25yo regular Joe. Freelancing/selling shit online since 19 so at some point this board was useful until it flooded with cryptokiddies. I stayed for the memes tho. I think half of the board is people like me and the other half is crypto-schizos who unironically think they gonna make it by just buying random shitcoin

>> No.55459762

No, you don't know anything, but that's ok anon. I touch grass plenty.
I'm quite successful for my demographic, men and women included. I have always been different and always would have been, 4chan exposure or not. Women in my life didn't do much good for me except my mom but she was bipolar until menopause.
There is a difference between having particular beliefs and making them rent free in your mind.
Do I think about women, do I think about sex, do I think about X Y Z? No. I think about other things even though I have been exposed to 20-30 year old males talking for so long.
I occupy a unique situation where maybe even people on the boards I browse don't even understand, and that's fine. I don't really care cause my parents and God loves me.

>> No.55459771

I am nothing but a humble servant of Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of the living and true God Almighty Father. Blessed is His name. Amen.

>> No.55459844

I love her so much bros
I can save her
I'll make her my waifu
We can lock ourselves in mums basement and post on 4chan

>> No.55459859

>social alienation
brother in christ you don't feel socially isolated after covid?
I don't WANT to be a part of society with all its idiocy. I want my future generations to be safe from the village of hylics, not be a part of it.

>> No.55459864

Well, I can't argue with success. Of course I have my thoughts on the matter, but it's your life, so I'll leave it at that. All the best.

>> No.55459906
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Until the next life anon.

>> No.55459916

Society has always had its share of idiocy and hysterics. I believe we should approach other people in a generous manner, and be forgiving of their more stupid habits. Read Crime and Punishment. All the best.

>> No.55460010

ywnbarw. send us a vocaroo of your voice baby.

>> No.55460712


>> No.55460858


>> No.55460860


>> No.55460917

oh no!! they got me cryptosisters!! (a man (woman) wrote this)

>> No.55460940
File: 238 KB, 1020x672, meganeura-monyi-and-green-darner_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shucks. Anyways, did you know that dragonflies and damselflies have been on earth for more than 300 million years, even before dinosaurs?

>> No.55460941

>sits down to read thread
>sees girl
>pupils jump out of eyeballs and eyeballs stretch out to catch them, but they just keep on going, pulling my eyes with them like jello being stretched to its limit
>jaw drops and hits floor
>tongue, coiled up neatly, unravels like a fire hose, drenching everything before me
>panting begins
>body begins quaking in rhythm with my breathing
>start to howl, shaking my butt like a dog when its owner gets home

>> No.55460983

I am a doctoral business student (DBA) at an R1 research university and a tech sales executive at one of the oldest "Big Tech" companies in the world (still relevant af).

>> No.55461007

No I didn't anon, but I knew dragonflies get released to combat other unwanted insects.
Did you know Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, wrote in his book "Propagana" that "instead of a mind, universal literacy has given [man] rubber stamps... Each man's rubber stamps are the duplicates of millions of others, so that when those millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all receive identical imprints"?
You may also not know that Edward Bernays was the great-uncle of Marc Randolph, the first CEO of Netflix.

>> No.55461041

30% bots
50% leftwing extremist ngo shills
10% intelligence community
5% Eastern European and SEA scam artists
5% native users

First three are a venn diagram of interests astroturfing zionist propaganda
>slide threads to dilute discussion and control conversation
>I’m 18 years old and only have $43,000,000 its over
>I cant find a job
>I’m an incel
>hate woman
>is that a man or a woman?!
>anyone else depressed
>is coffee bad for you
>work is bad
>communism is good
>generational IDpol
>Biden good, Putin bad
>you cant afford a house
>I studied for computer science for 40 years now I make 7c a week
>dont buy BTC
>china fud/SECfud loop
>buy our BSC scamcoin goy so we can use you as liquidity to fund more cyberterrorism

What did I miss?

>> No.55461131
File: 165 KB, 780x439, image-import.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow anon, I didn't know that about Edward Bernays. That hurts my head a lil bit. Kind of like the headache I get if I don't have enough caffeine. Thankfully for me, however, theobromine is a natural stimulant which has a gentler effect on the central nervous system than caffeine. It provides a similar energizing effect, without as high of a potential for anxiety and jitters. It can be found naturally in cocoa beans, but my favorite method for ingesting theobromine is through cacao nib tea. As a bonus, it can also potentially improve cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure!

>> No.55461161

But does ingesting theobromine in a normal quantity leave you feeling tired after, like you borrowed energy and now you have to pay it back? I don't like drinking coffee because I always feel that way. More energy now, less energy later.

>> No.55461180

can a girl voice be that bad?

>> No.55461218
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, Blackswan running.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% sers
And on that note, take a look at a project called Blackswan. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. their twitter/website has more info on it

website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55461263
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>> No.55461303

Theobromine is usually not associated with energy "crashes" like caffeine is. It must be said, however, that theobromine is a much weaker stimulant than caffeine and you would need to ingest large doses of it to experience the same results, which I don't recommend. I find that the ratio of theobromine-caffeine in cacao (about 136 mg theobromine to 14 mg of caffeine per tbsp. roughly 10:1) is perfectly sufficient to get me through the day. Best of all, it tastes gud.

>> No.55461537
File: 111 KB, 640x1280, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living with my wife (investing in shibART)
>Backend programmer
>dying of starvation

>> No.55461786

I hope not anon, for my sake.
ok thanks anon
Did you know that despite being only 13% of facts known to man, fun facts are responsible for more than 52% of facts told around the world?
Experts debate what a "fun fact" is however, and some say boring facts get told more often but are reported less, due to the bias towards boring facts being the status quo.

>> No.55461819

Nice webm, really interesting.

>> No.55461840
File: 41 KB, 670x566, 1683162801403002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

statistically we probably have 1-2 billionaires and a dozen 9 figure posters here, unironically.

>> No.55461843

Literally me

>> No.55461885

That's a man

>> No.55461899


>> No.55461996
File: 548 KB, 1284x855, gary gensler goyim making money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like 15% of all posts are Gary Gensler on behalf of Sam Bankman Fried

>> No.55462066

31yo. American. ~$130k nw. White. 6.5” cock. 6’5” tall. Have some data

>> No.55462143

You have to be 18 to post on this site

>> No.55462168

How irresponsible of the anons in 2015 to never tell me that! They should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.55462186

Once a 13 year old always a 13 year old

>> No.55462195

is that what you tell yourself whenever you have to date a woman above legal age

>> No.55462206

100% of the time it works every time

>> No.55462292

Good looking project, wish I had the capital to really go hard

>> No.55462548
File: 402 KB, 592x448, Screen Shot 2023-07-04 at 2.17.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wittgenstein once asked a friend why he thought that majority of human observers to believe the sun rotated around the earth. His friend replied
>Because thats the way it seems
Wittgenstein then asked his friend
>What would it have looked like if the earth rotated around the sun?

What does the usurpation of fiat money and the dematerialization of value look like? How would it look different from Bitcoin?

>> No.55462613

Shitcoin shilling jeets 30%
Scamming chinks 30%
Coping shut in whites desperate to make it 25%
Jews that give bad advice to make you poor 5%

>> No.55462741

Everyone here is either a poojeet or a nigger and pretends to be white.
/biz/ is honestly the least white board on 4channel

>> No.55462746

at least 30% bot posts and threads

>> No.55462769
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>suicidal on most days
>didn't realize i was autistic until i found these boards, i always knew i was weird, but didn't realize i was on the spectrum
>have dated many chicks in the past, so don't vibe with incel chuds on here
>spend most of my days alone
>still dream about the things i want to accomplish
>have a on and off relationship with God

>> No.55462780
File: 51 KB, 700x700, imgres(21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone here is Japanese, cept for me, I'm Russian.

>> No.55463878

I have a 8-figure NW but I'm an old guy (62). There was a 10-year golden period to sell software which was the 1990's. I started a sales company and took advantage of that and got out right before the dot-com bubble. I found out about 4chan through video games, I found out about this board pre-crypto, I bought a large sum of bitcoin and have never sold or dollar cost averaged.

>> No.55463903

this but unironically

>> No.55463921

This seems like the closest to reality.
You should slow down, no need to be rushin' everywhere.

>> No.55463932
File: 2.00 MB, 2448x3119, mollywhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess

>> No.55464058

no, my phenotype looks quite different. I don't even know what this one is. Looks like a lighter skinned Jazz Jennings.