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55456570 No.55456570 [Reply] [Original]

Can we ban retail from the crypto markets for buying Ethereum?
They are scamming the price higher with their blatant manipulation of buying ETH on exchanges.

>> No.55456582

Fucking retail is ruining muh cz manipulation scamming with taking iut of exchange and dont giving jews liquidity ohnononoes! Goverment gary do something!

>> No.55456589

not only that, real/important market participants might get liquidated if price goes high too quickly cause of this retail scam buying scheme

>> No.55456849

You are right we must protect our (((big money))) investors, I am calling gary atm! Shalom brother!

>> No.55456864


>> No.55457103

I admit you at least are entertaining with this "dialog", samefag

>> No.55457127

I'm glad to provide entertainment for myself, me

>> No.55457865

I am not OP I swear! OP is a nigger :D