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File: 227 KB, 1500x2161, Timeshare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55456406 No.55456406 [Reply] [Original]


Just how were boomers stupid enough to fall for this?

>> No.55456413

Do you want to own a vacation home? But only want to own it for the time that you're there and not have to worry about it the rest of the year? Have I got a deal for you!

>> No.55456417
File: 33 KB, 641x524, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just how were zoomers stupid enough to fall for this?

>> No.55456488

Reading about timeshares gives me nausea what sort of gullible retard would fall for this

>> No.55456623

The fuck even is a "one week timeshare"?
Like one week per year?

>> No.55456645


>> No.55456648

yes, it basically enables you to go on holiday for this one week every year but instead of just renting a place you "own" the right to use it.

>> No.55456659

So $19k across a 20-year mortgage (if you're very lucky) plus intrest comes to about $85 a month or $1020 per year.

You're basically paying $1020 for a one-week stay.

>> No.55456669

>instead of just renting a place you "own" the right to use it.

What's the f$% difference? Just that you get a Guaranteed vacancy? (Right to "owning" the place once per year?)

>> No.55456676

>What's the f$% difference?
FUCK isn't censored here you dumbshit newfag

>> No.55456689

How dumb do you have to be to get caught up in one of these
>know a guy who got suckered twice

>> No.55456705

That's just the price for one week, nothing stopping you buying 2 or 3, as a lot of people probably did. Although if you bought 52, might start wondering at the price. What also happened - same with caravan parks etc - you could have a relatively low purchase price, but got fucked with ever-increasing fees. And your weeks become un-resellable.

>> No.55456730

>That's just the price for one week
Yeah, $1020 for one week lmao

>> No.55456732

The documentary Queen of Versailles has a great part on how they sell these things as that is how the dude got rich in the first place. Basically they invite low income losers to a fancy resort luring a bunch of them in with free gifts if they sit through the entire sales grift, show them this luxury resort which is better than anything they've ever seen in their poor lives, and then just hit them relentlessly with every sales technique in the book.
Then 2008 hits all these people fail to pay for their timeshares and the grifter becomes broke and the rest of the documentary is gloating how these former rich people now have to live like poors themselves. Absolute recommendation.

>> No.55456737

So you buy a second week, sell that one, BOOM you're vacationing for free

>> No.55456745

>you're vacationing for free
But you can't really choose when or where.

>> No.55456768

what if we buy a third week?

>> No.55457925

why not buy three weeks, and get paid, to vacation

>> No.55457937

i waited tables at olive garden for a few months. one day a time share company rented out a small section of the restaurant and was giving away free meals to prospective timeshare """owners.""" it was hilarious. the salesman were scummy and the prospective """owners""" were visibly low IQ middle age/boomer retards.

>> No.55457961
File: 189 KB, 400x300, southpark_timesharerug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The asspen episode in south park was really spot on.
What this anon >>55456732 describes also happens in the episode, it's frighteningly accurate.

>> No.55457989

s%^#w you!

>> No.55458067

At the old shop I used to work at there was this fat bald boomer that had been divorced raped 2 or maybe it was 3 times. The big one being when he got caught cheating on his spouse, so needless to say he has had everything taken from him atleast once (deservedly so). So now that he is in his late 50's he does all sorts of shit to try and 'catch up' like working a 2nd job, digging through trash cans at and outside of work for soda cans, and falling for time shares and other fraudulent investment traps. He got in trouble at work for trying to get other people to sign up for these various schemes. Genuinely boggles my mind someone can be so dumb and still not manage to be in complete poverty. He is actually one of the biggest scumbags I have crossed paths with in my life, and I enjoyed watching him toil knowing he will never be able to retire. He will never have a strong family, never have true friends and will never be anything but a wageslave

>> No.55458283

everybody in that story got what they deserved
there is only so much that can be blamed on outside factors and some point your own stupidity should come at a price

>> No.55458309

Fuck that makes me sad. I come from a poor background and hate how susceptible my people are. Still clawing my way out by relentlessly saving (currently have 3.5 BTC) but it’s safe to say I’m immune to their propaganda. Kinda want to go to one to get the free lunch, test my immunity to their brainwashing and the dip lmao.

t. unvaxxed, STEM holder, science-denier, BTC haver

>> No.55458371

The crazy part I don't get is how you die and then your family "inherits" your time share. Is this a common thing or does it only happen with the most unscrupulous time share contracts?

>> No.55458389

Like all other things, they present "smaller" numbers to you in creative ways and make it look like a deal. Really you're signing a big fat "I will vacation here 3 times a year for the next 10 years or else" contract.

>> No.55458393

>instead of just renting a place you "own" the right to use it.
so I guess it partially plays on people's desire to "own", but gives them wayyyy less flexibility and probably similar or way worse cost
>Just how were boomers stupid enough to fall for this?
boomers didn't need to be smart with money or really even smart at all. that's why they're consistently such bad parents

>> No.55458431

Why not, learn some basic, punctuation, you ignorant, nigger.

>> No.55459390

>You're basically paying $1020 for a one-week stay.
Thats what youd pay for 2 days if you just went and booked it now.

>> No.55459547

Based, right there with you king.
t. Unvaxxed crypto holder, just had my first child born at home on Sunday safe from the clutches of the medical establishment