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5545599 No.5545599 [Reply] [Original]

SO why aren't you buying into BTC during this dip when there's going to be a segwitx2 fork tomorrow and you essentially gain money out of thin air?

>> No.5545641

Because it's a shitcoin.
It's not the original cancelled/postponed fork from last month. They're using the name to trick ppl like you. You should be in alts right now.


>> No.5545694
File: 117 KB, 960x1280, bitcoin private.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else in on zcl (and its potential fork) thanks to a kind whale anon from last night?

>> No.5545696

If the fork is successful then BTC will lose value, if not then the fork will lose. The market is already priced in and it's pretty clear how irrelevant it is

>> No.5545700

I actually just dropped my xrp for btc and then it rose again..lol just trying to decide to bite the small bullet or wait until tomorrow for possible gains.

Where could I even sell the fork? I'm on binance but they dont support trading it

>> No.5545764

These fucking newfag pseudo intellectual brainlets think that because this is clearly a shit fork, that it is worthless

News flash, the fucking normies don't give a fuck, this is the segwit 2x fork, and btc is going to pump. Did you not see what happened with bitcoin gold? A clearly shit fork...

>> No.5545768

I have gained more in alts than I could from this shit fork in theory. I'm not even thinking about it.

>> No.5545800

so what time will i receive my forky bux you think? if it's at midnight i'll be happy.
Also Bitcoin isn't pumping and the graphs on binance dont show much buying activity.

>> No.5545811

light up lambo

>> No.5545828

Look at how the market is responding to this fork. No one gives a shit. Ppl gave a shit about BTG... this is different. We have BTC fork saturation now

>> No.5545839

I am down to 1600 out of my 1800 investment because I'm normie trash; heard about btc and shit years ago but postponed investing until lately. I plan on putting a total of 2500 into it and if I can't make profit I'm out.
I'm sitting at roughly
500usd of btc
500 usd of eth
and am trying to decide whether to trade them in for more xrp. This fork is a factor.
I'm at a loss for both with these damn dips happening seemingly randomly.

>> No.5545853

exactly, bitcoin isn't pumpnig because no one cares. If you want more detail, then look it up online. Can't find any info? It's because it's not a worthy fork.

>> No.5545854

light up lambo

>> No.5545886

godspeed anon
Light up, Lamboroni

>> No.5545920

NOt a fucking clue anon-chan

>> No.5545931

dude you're in for a rough ride. Do more research before. For real, get off 4chan and go to reddit. You are getting tossed around here and are being taken advantage of and you don't know it. I'm telling you this as a favor

>> No.5545956

Great Crypto Pump Group! One Starts tomorrow: https://discord.gg/vNGsENy

>> No.5546010

yeah the pink wojack and pajeet jokes are funny but I'm really losing the game here.
Any specific reddit boards to check out?

shill somewhere else

>> No.5546097

Literally escaped from the special class to post this. Could not be more of a brain dead "buy my cheap ripoff coin" retard
Enjoy being Rogers bitch

>> No.5546150

For real start at r/cryptocurrency
Much friendlier vibe people are more likely to help. You need to decide if you are a trader or an investor. Learn how they are different and stick to your path. If you are going to trade, you have a lot to learn before you can expect to make money. First goal is to not lose money. I advise you to invest

>> No.5546175

lol... you'll find less of these idiots on reddit

>> No.5546215

light up lambo

>> No.5546233
File: 130 KB, 972x646, asdfhasfkjlh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is WAVES doing

>> No.5546247

lol i love normies getting fucked, but joking aside, you only lose when you sell... "random" dips are normal, and you should never panic sell, just hold those two, and invest the rest on something you think will go up (no trading as the other anon said)

>> No.5546297

making waves retard

>> No.5546305

light up lambo

>> No.5546321

You lost 200 bucks mate, calm down. Do you have any experience watching/caring about markets or are you really new to the concepts of investing?

Let's figure out some things that you don't know, but should know, so you can fill in some blanks and understand how all of this works if you're feeling nervous.

>> No.5546325

>not lose money; welp time to start over
heres to hodling them @300 ltc bags too

I will check it out

yeah I'm not even sure what theyre on about
the hodl meme israel huh

>> No.5546347


Glad to see people helping each other out on here :). I never understood why it doesn’t happen more since it’s a small community - we should help each other get rich not try to shill worthless bags onto people

>> No.5546395

what time is it done
need to get my alts bck

>> No.5546402

experience? Nope.
I've been saving up my capital to buy an apartment complex or duplex because my state has low priced housing but im only at 20k liquid cash and am sick of not making money off of it.

So; here's what I don't know; why do the graphs on binance and gdax show higher sell walls than buy walls but the price keeps going up? am I just shit at reading it?

>> No.5546419

We've all been there. Help is hard to find sometimes

>> No.5546466

the help is appreciated too anon. Maybe I should leave the percentages alone and hodl until I can REALLY grasp whats going on here. I'm playing with fire too much

>> No.5546470

light up lambo

>> No.5546497

Dude for real.... forget about that. That's trading shit. You need to invest.
I advise you take your budget, split it into even chunks, buy the same amount every week regardless of price. Do not look at the chart more than once a day.
Look into XLM as a possible investment opportunity (opinion)

>> No.5546504

light up lambo

>> No.5546567

light up lambo

>> No.5546617
File: 381 KB, 1214x567, Pirates Normies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the same amount of one coin or many?
I'll ignore the FOMO buying and the Trading for sure I've been burnt by both; and have plugged all my numbers in and have been checking it more than quarter hourly.
I'll stop all that; and just buy the dips avoiding the obvious shill coins like bzc.

Thank you for the advice. Losing money sucks lol

>> No.5546705

I'm confused about this whole fork thing? So Binance is giving one B2X per each BTC? That means if I have 0.5 BTC then I suddenly have 0.5 BTC and 0.5 B2X, right? And if so then this is really just free money, right??

>> No.5546726

losing money does suck.
Do not spread yourself too thinkly or else large % gains will result in minimal actual gains.
I advise you look into Stellar, NEO, ICX, to name a few

You will see other coins rise, and not yours. You need to have done enough research into your choice to believe that it too will rise. Jumping onto something that's already gone up will result in you losing money very likely.

>> No.5546757

Yes, that's correct. The value of the forked coin will be way less than BTC though. This is not the official Segwit2x for from november. This is a shitcoin

>> No.5546771

I'd also recommend focusing on investing for now, 20k is a really good amount of savings. Invest whatever you feel comfortable with in btc/eth (reliable coins) - these are safe picks to buy and hold, and then gamble $500 on altcoins after you've been able to win at some virtual plays that you haven't put money into.

Getting 50% gains in a year is fucking unbelievable in old stock market terms, this coin market is shady, volatile and breaking all the rules and regulations which is really upsetting the powers that shouldn't be.

I could go on for days but the picture I'm trying to paint is that this is something unlike anything the modern financial system has ever seen. You don't get coin style mooning without considerable risk. Gamble small and save your money

>> No.5546803

Free money is still free money, also do other exchanges like Bittrex do the same thing as Binance, in terms of giving a 1 to 1?

>> No.5546853

NEO seems solid as all hell. The others I havent checked but I screencapped this thread to check them out

>come on 4chan expecting to be ignored
>receive many helps

Wow you guys really showed me the board isnt just the bzc dude posting nudes and FOMO FUD shills. Brings a tear to my eye. We're all gonna make it bros.

>> No.5546854

1:1 is what you get... not all exchanges will list the forked coin

>> No.5546885


I am, although my ZCL portfolio is small as fuck.

>> No.5546925

forgot to say yeah 50% gains is insanely high vs stocks hence why I'm here. I want to be a part of JUST'ing the banks that have ruled us for hundreds of years now. I support the crypto uprising. Viva La Raza (viva la resistance*, apparently Raza is a mexican pride thing, woops)

>> No.5547186

good luck my man

>> No.5547226
File: 53 KB, 773x512, 1507348508423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light up lambo

>> No.5547228

Hey asswipe. check the fork's reddit page to see how it's a scam. Get fucked

>> No.5547265
File: 281 KB, 2048x1010, 1513332038289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you on the moon :) we're all gonna make it

>> No.5547323


Hey grandpa, bitcoin is dead

>> No.5547336

Scam fork: https://www.reddit.com/r/SegWit2xReload/

>> No.5547377


light up lambo

>> No.5547821

Whales made a 9/11 tribune. Respect.

>> No.5548859
File: 109 KB, 500x563, 1485224349075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light up lambo

>> No.5549025

/pol/ here, 350z

>> No.5549072
File: 53 KB, 500x530, surfs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do it

>> No.5549524

light up lambo

>> No.5549643

Waves has a fork, but only available if you have it in some wallet.

>> No.5549885

light up lambo