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55455354 No.55455354 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women want to date and go out so much financially speaking of course?

Ive been dating a girl for a few weeks now. Every 2 weeks she wants to go to the movies. Every week she wants to go out to eat.

I think I was better off being a coomer

>> No.55455357

Yoi Sind desperate. You were better off being alone. Dump her.

>> No.55455362

Because you’re paying

>> No.55455367

find an introvert gf
preferably INFJ

Extrovert women are hell

>> No.55455378

Wow real sentient people who don't spend their lives on nazi incel hentai forums 24/7 want to go outside and literally enjoy life????

Who'd have known??? It's not like in your anime harem series???


>> No.55455380

thats bullshit. plenty of asian introvert vaginas that will run your wallet dry.

>> No.55455382

also social media clout
modern women are heavily incentivized to do these things so they can fit in and portray theyre living a fun life

>> No.55455393

well atleast theyre submissive, cook, clean, intelligent and raise successful children

tell me what white women can do?

>> No.55455397

I think that's the answer. But desu I don't think I've met one.
I'm an introvert by normie standards but not by introvert standards

>> No.55455399

My girl is white and just wants to stay at home and browse Instagram and watch true crime. I'd be happy to go out but she's boring

>> No.55455407

Just use them for their holes and nothing more

>> No.55455409

chinese women dont cook.

>> No.55455423

>white supremacist cuck hates white women
Imagine my shock

>> No.55455425

women are like trees in the forest, they don't exist when nobody can see them existing. Really fucking sad if you think about it.

>> No.55455431
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>Why do women want to date and go out so much financially speaking of course?
they want a beta provider (you) to buy them shit while they get fucked on the side by an alpha (me) and gag on his fucking dick while you triple text her about how you're sorry that the last dinner wasn't expensive enough

you fucking simp

>> No.55455475

where did you meet her?
Interpals has very good quality women compared to Mainstream dating apps
>watch true crime.
major red flag and shes plotting ways to kill u
viet women are the best

>> No.55455484


>> No.55455522

>I think I was better off being a coomer
99.9% chance you were
The other 0.01% are poorfag chads that got a sugar mommy to upgrade their lifestyle
even if you get a wife and children it would have likely been better for you to kek another poor sap and spread your genes that way while staying home playing LoL

>> No.55455553

You actually got off easy, going out every two weeks is much less frequent than what most women would want. In fact, most normies usually go out twice a week, though I've noticed that people are starting to go out less on Friday nights nowadays for some reason.

>> No.55455758

This. Dating is her come to yours, banging her brains out, eating take out (she pays for hers) and kicking her out. Modern women don't deserve any more.

>> No.55456022

If it was like an anime I'd be ok desu

>> No.55456029

She's a family friend. I met her at a family get together/party

>> No.55456069

Because they’re women. Their entire existence is based on social stature.

>> No.55456120


>> No.55456163

Seethe dumb beta males lmao

>> No.55456176

find a better girl because this one is using you

>> No.55456180

spotted the roastie lol

>> No.55457424

I'm going to start asking her to pay up. If she can't then it's over.

>> No.55457461

low IQ. physically incapable of appreciating nature, finding enjoyment in reading or learning a new skill. they need zero barrier to entry (other than the money of their bf/betabux/father) hyper socialized, prepackaged experiences that they can easily capture in a photo and upload to normiegram for the express purpose of bragging to other low IQ femoids.

>> No.55457637
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Because w*man are needy and expensive as fuck, they don't want to put a dime on anything, (You), as the providing gender, have to sacrifice yourself for pussy.
Or you can always simp this blue dog girl from Vita Inu (ticker: VINU), buy some of her bags and get even more money lol

>> No.55457647

But they'll milk your cock with spider-stance cowgirl while shoving their tongue in your ear. I dunno why but that's what they all do. Never has a white woman done that to me.

>> No.55457832

Sentient people don't need to consoom to enjoy life.

>> No.55457840

true crime watchers are fucked in the head and have inferiority complex so they have to watch the worst scum get rekt to feel better about themselves and have someone worse than them to judge

>> No.55457861

cowgirl while receiving ear licking/neck kissing is peak human experience

>> No.55457880

>enjoy life
No one asked you. Out on a date, or for your opinion. Remain inside and spare us your gape.

>> No.55457924

This is eighter a troll post or OP has the social skills of a snail.

>> No.55459226

>whitd supremacist
>hes fucking asian pussy
Did you reply to the right person, bro?
A white supremacist isnt gonna uhhhhhhhh
You know
Putbbabies inside of anything nonwhite.
Ya dumb fuckin nigger lovin tranny faggot

>> No.55459310

Mine wants to go out weekly since I met her and my savings have gone to the shitter, but at least we pay for our own shit and always split the bill. She brings more positive than negative though

>> No.55459332

Leaving your house once a week isn't "consooming", you autist. I can smell the musty cumrags in your neet nest from here

>> No.55459410

OP doesn't want a relationship, he wants a second mommy who will cook, clean, and intermittently give him blowjobs as he spends all day, every day shitposting and farting in his computer chair

>> No.55459441

Fuck off feminist faggot
Not everyone is a nigger jew like you who wants wives who've ridden the cock carrousel

>> No.55459463

Chances are she's attractive, did sports in highschool/college, and can't sit on her ass all fucking day while keeping her figure. It's more her body telling her to get the fuck up and go out

>> No.55459930

I'm an INTJ in a relationship with an INFJ and must admit, that this is a very good match.
I suspect that most people on here are also INTJs, like me. So hurry and get your INFJ before they're all taken!

>> No.55460224

INTJ with INTJ gf. Comfy af

>> No.55460425
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it fun to go out stop being a buzzkill

>> No.55460481

When she goes out, it shows to her friends she's better than them

>> No.55460574

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55460695

Holy based. Fuck (((relationships)))

>> No.55461216

>he thinks every 2 weeks is alot
I take my GF out twice a week, movies, dinner, clubbing, etc

>> No.55461424
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Because she likes you? If you don't like going out so much then that's all fine and good, get a new gf or simply don't date. Women are like that, they like going out a lot.
I think when we finally reach a point where we get to have AI waifus a lot of girls will be left without a couple forever. Imagine having all the pros of dating a woman with none of the cons. I guess that's why i invest in shibart so much lately kek

>> No.55461454

shes running you dry anon

hf with divorce

>> No.55461948

>Don't fap
Why is everything American's do so schizo?

>> No.55461966


>> No.55461986

Ding ding ding
Same reason women get obsessive about vacations
It’s all a game of social flexing for them

>> No.55461990

>Jung mind poison

>> No.55461997

When you’re 18 yes. When you move on to an actual serious relationship and start living together, this is when op’s point kicks in.

>> No.55462111

Very true. She's also very clingy and will not leave me despite the emotional and physical abuse I make her go through.

>> No.55462166

First time I laughed with a Fiverr jeet

>> No.55462170

Why would anyone go clubbing with their girlfriend? Do you go there so someone can take her from you?

>> No.55462178
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>> No.55462210

>guys want a wife like their mom who was a wife
yes obviously

>> No.55462222

Infp with infj gf here, can confirm

>> No.55462423

Lmao Asian women who live in the west, especially 2nd or 3rd generation ones, are amongst the most rootless and soulless urbanites in any given city. They’re just as swept up in feminism and other Jewish tricks, especially because their parents were swept up in the atheism of the Maoist revolution and passed down that materialism to their children

>> No.55462456

Not western ones. maybe if you find one from a village in china where she's poor and has no phone and her mother wants her to get married to not be a burden on the family anymore

MOST women are bad investments kek

they are emotionally driven, basically a coomer for dopamine. they constantly need some emotional spike , to tell their friends how they had a better weekend, it's all fake superficial shit. most women are just extremely superficial and money provides that for them. it lets them live this "life" that they can tell people they are "happy" to FEEL superior to their girlfriends. they need constant on thing next thing nexty thing next thing none stop feelings rollercoaster. they can't just "be" and "exist" It's wired into them not their fault (also society and social media) they need to constantly compare to another girl, how they have a better bf, how their bf has a better car, how they ate a better dinner, took better photos.

Its exhausting and insufferable

>> No.55462859

>Dating a girl for a few weeks
>Every 2 weeks she wants to go out
>Every week she wants a dinner
So you went on like 3 outings with her and you are already complaining?
Try dating a single mom for the experience. She will only be able to go out a couple times a month and you can practice being around a woman. You don't need to fuck her. Just learn to enjoy being around a woman with no expectations. It will make you a better companion and eventually you will meet a younger woman with no kids. Yes this will cost you. If you feel entitled to fuck every woman you date, you are gonna scare them all off. If you seethe about how she's "probably fucking chad afterward" then you don't touch grass enough.

>> No.55462870

this thread isn't about women and them wanting your money. this thread is OP telling his anonymous /biz/ friends he finally got a GF

>> No.55463030
File: 444 KB, 691x696, 1688263850326820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A buddy of mine owns a popular tiki bar in New York. Girls love to have their dates take them there. If a date consists of a white girl with a white boy, then the white boy pays; however, if a date consists of a white girl with a black boy, the white girl pays.

How do you like them apples? The goddamned kikes have gotten our women to take niggers out on dates and buy them food and drink before getting fucked raw dog by them and then either abandoned with an unwanted pregnancy plus sexually transmitted diseases, or brutally murdered.

Just stop dating these whores. Do what the niggers do and make the GIRL PAY. Fuck these sluts. Just tell the bitch that it simply isn't worth it for you to pay, but you'll let her treat you if she's desperate to go out.

Then just hold your ground through the HOURS & HOURS of harranguing you'll get. DO NOT BUDGE. In fact, just leave. Get a better kind of girl.

>> No.55463302

This post is really great and perfectly articulates something I've been wondering for a while. Which is basically why my second or third generation Asian female coworkers are the most soulless consoomer roastie types. But the recent immigrant types are either autistic or shy and sweet and make me want to impregnate them

>> No.55463359

Your pure Asian waifu will start demanding the same thing those roasties are after with enough time in the west

>> No.55463395

working late at the office, glowie. real (white) men understand that women shouldn’t even be allowed to have bank accounts. black men need white women to pay for them because even after 200 years of living free in the richest superpower in world history (the US) blacks still live in third world conditions and always will. the only lessons we have to learn from them are about what not to do.

>> No.55463426

As an INTJ, can I join?

>> No.55463483

based, im an INTP
will find a trad INFJ ISFJ INTP INTJ INFP virgin someday

>> No.55464285

That is when the beatings begin.

>> No.55464292

You're correct about everything you just said, except for two things:
>not in the office
>not glowing
...nonetheless, remain suspicious; my words did seem to glo-OH WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE, ARE YOU A GLOWIE?!