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File: 27 KB, 900x210, college.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55452295 No.55452295 [Reply] [Original]

Boys, go to college you fucking losers. Maybe then decent people will respect you and you can finally get a real job.


>> No.55452305


>> No.55452312
File: 10 KB, 352x252, anton_ego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever notice how most female mechanics own the shop?

>> No.55452315

They are literally discriminated against to the point where the supreme court had to step in

>> No.55452314

(((decent people)))

>> No.55452316 [DELETED] 


>> No.55452327

No. I've never seen a female mechanic in my life.

>> No.55452330

Enjoy your ban xd

>> No.55452378

>four year public institution
now do technical colleges or private schools.

unless you are going into medicine I don't see any reason to touch a public university with a ten foot pole anymore. its just a debt trap and everyone knows it. the arts are trash and virulently anti-male and anti-white, business school at the undergrad level is a joke, the sciences are meme degrees, engineering is a garbage job where you make a fraction of what the guys who maintain and repair the product do (at 5x the cost of education).

the media is just trying to spin this as another story of white men's time coming. really its public unversities living with the sorry decisions they've made.

>> No.55452386
File: 87 KB, 685x703, 529A7A6E-DDBD-40FD-A7D0-CB0421AB10BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College is actually sexist. Women get assloads of free money, easier admissions, and better job opportunities out of the gate. The boomers are closing the “wealth gap” by hyper inflating the stats of zoomer and millennial women.

On top of this all, academia has been captured by corporate interests which are undermining the basis of our rational and scientific ideals as a society. The reproducibility crisis is just the tip, we will enter another dark age when the scope comes to light and the population denounces scientific progress all together.

>> No.55452619

Men don't need respect from NPC's
Men can find a real job without a degree

>> No.55452709

>On top of this all, academia has been captured by corporate interests which are undermining the basis of our rational and scientific ideals as a society. The reproducibility crisis is just the tip, we will enter another dark age when the scope comes to light and the population denounces scientific progress all together.
It has already begun and the corporate interests are funding the anti-science movements.
You have to admit, they hedge their bets well to ensure victory no matter the outcome.

>> No.55452720

Why are men not going to college? Over-saturation of the market? Poor quality of education? Too expensive? Too hard to get into college?

>> No.55452741

the zoom zooms appear to be smarter then we gave them credit for
college is a scam, has been for a while now, was only a matter of time until it caught up with them

>> No.55452873

>female mechanics
wut... you mean those places where they put stuff on their face and put nails on?

>> No.55452924

suck my dick shlomo goldstein. I won't go to college and will have the same vote privilage you nigger lover.

>> No.55452936

The stats are pretty close to equal once you remove women with useless meme degrees like liberal arts. So men are just getting useless ones much less

>> No.55452980

affirmative action only affected white men by like 2%. it was asian men that were affected the most

>> No.55453153

>Send your children to the re-education camp / goyim farm
>less than 20% of the tuition you pay goes towards anything involving education
>Most of it lines the big boys pockets
>the rest goes to pay for poor peoples tuition
Going to college was a fucking mistake. I would not recommend it to anyone unless they need an industry specific degree. I sure as fuck would not recommend it to anyone just coming out of high school unless they are absolutely convicted of the career path they would like to pursue.
They will spend your tuition on non-education related shit like sports and entitlement programs.

>> No.55453160

MIT and Caltech are still majority male. Even after the extreme amounts off affirmative action that roasties get. (Any btw caltech still has aff action they just have it less than most other t20 schools)

>> No.55453169

that's cause you're classifying white people and jews together

>> No.55453172

If you read that document, it shows that in the 10th decile of academics whites and asians only had a three percent difference in academics. You know, the nation this country was founded by and for were only barely worse off than the cream of the crop H1B children of streetshitters and chinks. Niggers and spics on the other hands were 20-30% more likely than both whites and asians in that same academic decile.

Inb4 you call me a chud, I am a pajeet.

>> No.55453443
File: 74 KB, 1254x958, 1616793524710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not going to college for a decent degree, no point.

>> No.55453905

I went to college, have a job in my field, have a house (mortgage), 2 shitbox cars, and a longterm gf at 29 and still get called a loser. So I've given up on people's high expectations. Life is not a race to check things off a list or to live to what other people want of you.

>> No.55454054

if i thought getting a "real job" was a goal to aspire to, if I was that much of a subhuman slave that I really thought that was something to aspire to, I'd fucking kill myself, college or not

>> No.55454068

You seemed to indicate it is based on your recall of all the things which attribute to your status in the first half of your post. Curious...

>> No.55454085

It’s fucking horrible. I tried to grab the white picket fence life to make up for past transgressions and have found no redemption here. Society is soulless and only raw cash matters

>> No.55454125

I'm not really sure what it's based on, it was always from people on the peripheral of my life who don't even know my name that I would deem as a loser from my perspective. For example a young fat neighbor girl that's always smoking weed on her porch who tries to holler slick shit when she see me in my backyard to get my attention. Maybe you're right I'll never know.

>> No.55454134

No pussy no work. Fuck you.

>> No.55454155

I see this sentiment a lot, and it seems really short sighted. Surely you do some sort of work for yourself right? Not even talking necessarily a 9 to 5. You refuse to do anything unless you get attention from women?

>> No.55454387

that sounds like a loser lifestyle to me perfectly safe with no risk Sad!

>> No.55454428

No. White men are heavily discriminated against. The reason it may not appear as such on certain statistics is because Jews are counted as white men and they always get in no matter what

>> No.55454501

I am holding a shit ton of crypto and actively swing trade options. I'm not sure what more I could really be doing. I even started my own business 5 years ago which netted me some pocket cash but got wrecked by covid.

>> No.55454510

Victim mentality.

>> No.55454612

>corporate interests which are undermining the basis of our rational and scientific ideals as a society
It's not "corporate interest", it's ideological influence that has simultaneously infected both universities and corporations. The private sector has, up until about 3 years ago, favored practical research and development (real science and engineering) because that's what makes money. It's the woke fags that started in left wing academia that have now captured the rest of the system and decided that their feelings matter more than empirical science.

>> No.55454624

Got a degree in History which helped me stand out in a room full of nerdy-ass CS majors

>> No.55454724

>up until about 3 years ago
Whos gonna tell him?

>> No.55454786

What the hell is going on in this graph? How can the percentage granted to both men and women be going up?

>> No.55454982

>decades of education hyperfocusing on girls and women and classroom learning at all levels being redesigned to neglect boys, or outright rigging the system against men through affirmative action
>why aren't men going to college at the same rate as women

>> No.55455048

>White men are heavily discriminated against.
>blah blah blah

you had ur chance for thousands of years cracka, now lower your tone when talking to me

>> No.55455316

No, I don't think I will.

>> No.55455328

>No, I don't think I will.
Then don't throw a manchild tantrum when you realize you wasted your live living among white trash when you could have been somebody.

>> No.55455421

>you could have been somebody.
nobody cares about your title/profession, you are always a nobody, even famous people are forgotten unless they were extremely powerful. You are just a better paid wageslave, thats all

>> No.55455523

(((higher education)))

>> No.55456355

>Young fat neighbour girl smoking weed


Muh dik

>> No.55456382

What I don't get is why there's not some standardized exam and test I can pass for a fee that basically certifies I'm competent.

Take IT shit, sure, I can pay $6,000 per semester. But why can't I just self-learn and pay $1,500 for a hard as fuck five day test that covers everything, and if I pass get certified that I have the knowledge?

Why does all of this have to stretch across years and cost so much money?

>> No.55456587

its not a trend its a government funded effort

>> No.55456698
File: 135 KB, 1024x1200, 1681699104523035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drive a forklift and buy shitcoins

>> No.55456707

To make you a more well-rounded adult.

It's so you spend some of your most impressionable years paying them to propagandize you.

>> No.55456752

The main issue with assessing the value of an education is that people that go to college and complete the degree, are on average more intelligent than people with just a HS diploma and those that did not even get that.
Apart from it just being a crude measurement of IQ, then it is also a measurement of valuable non-intelligence related skills, poor social skills translate into higher dropout rate, personal issues - substance abuse etc. laziness.

If you are an above average intelligent man and fairly functional, i doubt it would be a worth while "investment" to go to college - unless you study a hard skill, like engineer or medicine.

>> No.55457218

This. Think the 'Whites' at Harvard are Midwestern farmboys?

>> No.55457264

30% of men with college degrees are unemployed or underemployed

It's literally just debt for nothing, men are better off working period. It's also funny because women seethe that men should pay their debts (no way fag). This allows men to have money and they can come back later and get a degree if they want it when they're older and can pick something worthwhile.

>> No.55457270

The funniest part is this fag meant it to be a snarkpost about how college people make more money. Fucking 22 an hour HR ladies. Fuck off with that noise.

The college cult needs to fucking die already, most degrees don't make shit and the only 'benefit' is office work that pays like shit unless it's a hard subject. Men don't need it, they can make more literally just working on an oil rig. It's a trap to poverty and mediocrity.

>> No.55457283

Kill yourself schlomo.

>> No.55457310

going to college and studying a useful degree gets you out of manual labor / low wage hell. it also gives you access to prime pussy. ever meet chad? he went to college and met his 10/10 wife in college. that could be you, if only you weren't a lazy, stupid, defeatist retard who cries about muh heckin librul gommie professors and jerks off to anime tits in between his 14 hour shifts at the amazon wage cage.

>> No.55457316

Your entire post is shit. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.55457322

i went to college and i make more money than you. i also got laid a few times.

>> No.55457353

>To make you a more well-rounded adult.
that makes no sense

>> No.55457414

I have a cs degree and I'm currently working manual labour

>> No.55457417

any time the jewish media headlines a "shortage" of workers in a profession, it's headed straight for the toilet.

>> No.55457425

Unfathomably based

>> No.55457443

I guess it means that for men, about 75% of the time they apply for a grant, they get it.

>> No.55457561
File: 110 KB, 576x652, 1655452950157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute fucking embarrassment of a post

>> No.55457580

i drove forklifts for a while. now i make $103k/year working from home in a boring but stable career. if all goes well, i'll be making $130-140k/year in another 2 years.

>> No.55457589

Imagine thinking anyone in this thread believes a single word of that. Kill yourself.

>> No.55457598

>thinking that's a lot of money
>(it's not)
should have paid attention in school.

>> No.55457676

>the population denounces scientific progress all together.
They already do that, the average person believes communism and gun control work and electrical cars are viable.

>> No.55457688

55457417 (You)
55457580 (You)
55457598 (You)
This bot sucks

>> No.55457714

>anything i don't like it a BOT
take your meds and book an appointment with dr. shekelberg. this behavior might feel good in the short term, but it's ultimately harmful in the long run.

>> No.55457817

from one post to the next your posts change topic and are barely related to the posts you reply to

>> No.55458762

It's like you didn't read the second sentence. They force gen ed classes on you that don't pertain to your major at all because the aim is to make you more cultured.

>> No.55458774

I've literally never met a female owner of a small business.

>> No.55458793


I've met a lot but it's usually something non serious like a cupcake store or yoga studio

>> No.55459377

55457714 (You)
01001110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010 00100000

>> No.55459419

I’m poor, my parents are poor and I fucked up in high school. Finding an affordable place near the nearest community college is hard. Balancing a job with studies is hard. I’ll likely have an hour and a half commute this fall and additionally be working a manual labor job because that’s the only shit that can pay a decent wage part-time in the United States of Hell.

>> No.55459472

Kek. My friend, I've spent the last two years building out my escape plan, through research and travelling to many countries to do some recon. Now I'm ready. Finally, in 3 weeks I leave Canada for good. I've already got a job lined up in SEA, a few different residency permits around the world, and bank/crypto/brokerage accounts in global financial centers.

Enjoy going down with the ship, midwit.

>> No.55459918

College was good to me. Took AP courses in high school and classes at community college during the summer. Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in 2 years. Went to a state school, only had a little debt (12k) when I graduated since I worked part time throughout the year.

I made $12/hour prior to college, first job out of college was $25/hour, now I'm at $60/hour. Met a bunch of people who I'm still friends with. We're all homeowners and making 100k+ with WFH in our 30s.

Not the path for everyone. Could have gotten a CDL and gone into trucking, immediately working without going into debt. But I'm very happy that I get to work from my PC and not deal with people.

>> No.55460811
File: 304 KB, 584x481, everyone ITT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loooooool jealous wagies ITT