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File: 1.16 MB, 1170x1788, IMG_1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55450263 No.55450263 [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing Maddie? I know you’re here. This is your chart ;). How do I financially profit from this god awful chart? Lmao

>> No.55450372
File: 290 KB, 1080x1711, Coalburner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mudshark token

>> No.55450398

They think black people are in crypto

>> No.55450404
File: 945 KB, 1170x1275, IMG_1927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s panicking
Half a mil? It’s at 55k lmao

>> No.55450411

does she not understand there's almost no blacks in crypto? she needs to work on her marketing better if she wants them to invest in her token. I'm rooting for her dumbass shitcoin to make it (so much seethe it'd cause) but odds are high it's gonna continue to fail. come on maddie get better marketing out there.

>> No.55450425
File: 139 KB, 733x827, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last I heard there were more black people investing in crypto than white people in the US. Difference was black people usually invested like $10-20 an white people way more.

>> No.55450432

Ikr lmao
Know your audience dumb cunt lmao

>> No.55450435

>trying to sell diversity and inclusivity to a bunch of racist crypto bros
This bitch literally has a sub 70 IQ. She also has three children that she neglects and she divorced her husband as soon as she lost some weight. She’s almost 30 years old still doing this shit. Fucking sad

>> No.55450444

see >>55450425 you actual dumb cunts.
modern crypto is for retards buying shitcoins, keep that in mind.

>> No.55450447

Found Maddie ^
Lmao black people don’t give a shit about crypto as evidenced by your niggers who invest 10 whole dollars lmao dumb bitch

>> No.55450453

You act like a White trash retard. You may as well look in the mirror when you yell muh black

>> No.55450454

Oh no Maddie’s getting angry lmao

>> No.55450460

70 iq retard.
Zero argument just muh niger LOL xD if you disagree your a foid LOL XD
You should probably kill yourself.

>> No.55450461


>> No.55450471
File: 38 KB, 512x396, IMG_0474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely Maddie with the xD shit lmao

>> No.55450476

You're too dumb to realize I'm calling you one.

>> No.55450478

Kys roastie, lmao

>> No.55450492
File: 36 KB, 444x512, IMG_0492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao it’s gonna be ok Maddie find something else to do with your life bitch

>> No.55450513

See now maddie just needs to market to these people and she'll make bank. throw up some pics of her in skimpy outfits with her fren and market better and boom buyers. she really does need to know her audience and market this shit better.

>> No.55450589

If she wanted to make money off cucks in crypto she could've just shorted link. Creating a token then announcing it's only for nigs and cuckolds is a bizarre strategy and I doubt it will work. Maybe she should advertise on reddit?

>> No.55450598

Maddie, I’m seriously asking you to take better care of your children. It’s not their fault their mother is an inbred low IQ narcissistic attention seeking BPD whore. Drop the crypto shit and read books to them. Give them a chance at life

>> No.55450599

idk wtf she's trying to do but its not working. her website doesnt even have any skimpy pics of her to entice cumbrains in.. I still havent bought cuz her ass dont know shit and needs to hire some actual people who know shit. code for the token probably sucks ass I still havent gone over it to look for flaws. she needs to step up her game and focus on the token and less on sucking cock for awhile.

>Verification not required.

>> No.55450620

Yeah she might need to work on that marketing strategy.
Just remember for your own sake, anon, that if you ever do buy this you are a literal cuckold paypig for a mentally retarded mudshark.

>> No.55450658

lol I doubt i'd buy it also. Im just trying to get this dumb cocksucker to up her game and focus on the token instead of dick sucking and maybe she could turn this into something worth half a damn. but she wont and she'll fail and shell prove everyone right that said she sucks at crypto and that will be that in her chapter of financial adventures.

>> No.55450662

Anything she’s involved in dumps. She’s a serial scammer. I suspect this was an attempt to start a real project, but it’s so rare organic projects actually succeed.

>> No.55450678
File: 870 KB, 404x402, IMG_2791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jfc go back to redit

>> No.55450687

I hope she fails hard enough to get depressed and overdose.

>> No.55450715

she just cope by sucking 2 extra cocks a day
>Verification not required.

>> No.55450742

Don't fud my dream, anon

>> No.55452826

Nigger filth. I hope the jew keep your sorry feral ass on a leash or ill mag dump you demons. You should swallow your pride heathen.

>> No.55452836

Underrated pic. Also spicy enough.

>> No.55452851

She's too lazy and impatient she would never try to spruce up her coin. It's all about fueling her image. Females lack strategy.