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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 486 KB, 600x439, 1659333586232295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55448839 No.55448839 [Reply] [Original]

If you tell a normie you don't have a career or a job, they automatically assume you are a loser.

>> No.55448841

Just tell them you’re retired. It gets them confused and wondering how you did it

>> No.55448843
File: 1021 KB, 768x1152, me_and_my_AI_wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to normies

>> No.55448851

Well yes, you are a loser. Choosing a few scam coins to put $100 into isn't a job. Work gives your life meaning and NEETs aren't happy with their lives.

>> No.55448860

I just tell them I work in finance which is technically true. If they ask specifics. You say it's a private acquisiton firm that works for a few of your local frens. Now you sound mysterious and also subtly flex wealth.

>> No.55448864


>> No.55450486

I want your AI wife

>> No.55450499

No, you sound like someone who got scammed into investing in someone's "startup". Basically a setup above working for a MLM

>> No.55450503


>> No.55450509

>stacking shelves or typing away on a computer to enrich mr shekelstein while you look forward to the weekend gives your life meaning
how brainwashed do you have to be to genuinely believe this?

>> No.55450533

Anon we need cattle like him to get the system going he doesn’t know only looks matter

>> No.55450545

okay let them
who cares
do you ask cattle or flies what they think

>> No.55450581
File: 348 KB, 220x171, 7C45DC72-D5DA-4D58-9321-0CE024E33696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell normies I’m a web developer
>They think you have to be smart to be a web shitter (you don’t)
>think I make a lot of money (I don’t)
>get /fit/ by doing the bare minimum of 3x12 at 20lbs and my diet being autistically on point

Never forget, it’s all just a big illusion. Your value, self worth, etc. is determined by (you), not your net worth, career, car, or any of that bullshit. Collect wealth to escape the beast system

>> No.55450591

What lifts do you do?

>> No.55450607
File: 36 KB, 636x567, D82C78B2-2B06-4289-B319-EC713F3F7B51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, (you)’re going to make it.

>> No.55450619
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>Talking to normies
>Caring about normies
I just tell them I am retired.

>> No.55450623

Deadlifts make my hemorroids come out :(

>> No.55450634

The opinions of normies are irrelevant

>> No.55450635


>> No.55450659

>Declined bench, bench, then inclined.
>declined crunches, weighted crunches, and planks
>Rows, shrugs, and curls.
>squats, deadlifts, and goblet squats

Basically you want a 3x12 and then hit that area three times. Do a little steady state cardio you find fun too, but not to much. End with stretches or yoga (if you’re gay). If your diet is on point, you can build muscle fairly easy.

>> No.55450693

Because unless you're very rich, having no job is a stressful spot to be in.

>> No.55450704

Don't forget women too

>> No.55450721

Ok what's your diet then

>> No.55450733

The majority of people who don't have a job or a career are poor losers. It is a safe bet. Statistically speaking.
But you should not care what normies assume. They asume all sorts of crazy shit, like that they are protected from fraud. That experts have oversight to take away their expert licenses if they purport falsehoods. That regulatory bodies have government oversight.

>> No.55450779

Just don't dress like a loser.

>> No.55450813

If you’re building muscle, up your protein intake. Eggs, milk, fish, and chicken. Kale (it’s cheap as dirt), and clean carbs like oats without fucking sugar and shit. Eat about 500 + calories over your maintenance level.

But honestly, if you’re starting out and a newb, just fucking lift and eat clean. Maybe take a multi and get some creatine. Some people have to go hard because they think there’s more to it, but most of the time people are just over estimating or under estimating how many calories they get.

That is really a skill worth learning. But it just depends on your personal goals. Learn your macros.


>> No.55450858

Crypto gives you a massive edge to what you're already building with a "career"over regular normies that don't think more than a step or two ahead. I fell victim to being the proud crypto neet like many others at one point, but it's supposed to be a compliment to your forward thinking finesse than using it as your only crutch while handicapping yourself in the process.

>> No.55450885
File: 478 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20230702-080143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

240g of protein? Is this a joke?

>> No.55450913

>he fell for the protein FUD
If you are not used to a high protein diet, increment up to be extra safe. But most likely you will not need to. The 'kidney stress' is a meme and the people who suffer from it are drinking energy drinks, alcohol and caffeine, then all sorts of pre-workout potions before blaming it on protein because they followed an influencers shilled product line.

>> No.55451056

Get back to work wagie I just shit on aisle 3

>> No.55451095

Rarp raep tarp

>> No.55451229

Are they wrong?

>> No.55451279
File: 403 KB, 1000x800, 1688304288394859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine telling this to a boomer, he will laugh and scold you about your low worth ethics and how hard worker he was and how he got car + wife + house before 20 and and how he already had 3 kids when he was your age

Good luck

>> No.55451350

This AI stuff is getting ridiculous damn.
No joke, serious question. How many years realistically before plebs like me can get their hands on a customisable sex bot gf.
Ai can control her looks and demeanor. Sex doll makers have already made good progress on the visual aspects afaik

>> No.55451576

>clean carbs
Opinion discarded

>> No.55451606

reminder that an excess of 30g of protein WILL come out of your kidneys and have fun with getting dialysis twice per week in a few years
>bbbbut nothing happened to me yet!
yeah that proves everything

>> No.55451636

>Work gives your life meaning
When you have no free will and can't grasp the meaning of life yes, it does. No notable individual in history was notable for being a worker.

>> No.55451677

What other people think about me is none of my buisness. I don't give 2 flying fucks to even say anything other than I work in finance.

>> No.55451745

>NEETs aren't happy with their lives.
I was perfectly happy as a NEET for over a decade, the only time I got sad is when I eventually ran out of money.

>> No.55451761
File: 20 KB, 660x135, Are you getting too much protein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder all anosn purporting this nonsense are liars or paid shills.
You can safely ignore them and their retarded, uninformed, opinions.
A quick search will prove them wrong.

>> No.55451768

I doubt anyone actually needs that much protein unless you're some 400 pound, 7ft tall strongman or something(you're not). If you're some 200 pound dude eating that much protein is literally just waste of money.

>> No.55451770
File: 11 KB, 718x153, What Percentage of My Diet Should Be Protein Carbohydrates & Fat Livestrong.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55451781
File: 19 KB, 820x112, How much protein do you need every day - Harvard Health.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55451790
File: 28 KB, 820x140, When it comes to protein how much is too much - Harvard Health.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55451812
File: 14 KB, 600x88, Can You Eat Too Much Protein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The purported kidney damage is always from people who drink alcohol, caffeine and eat fast food.
Of course sourcing your protein from fast food while on a high protein diet will lead to kidney damage.

>> No.55451819
File: 93 KB, 1342x710, 169293651703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm a day trader"

>> No.55451831

you only get that reaction if you're poor

>> No.55451835

If you don't have a career or a regular job and you don't live at home it's only natural to assume that you either have decently well-off parents or you're a drug dealer

>> No.55451840
File: 59 KB, 685x747, ‘How much protein should I eat ’ Choose the right amount for fat loss muscle and health.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final reminder that RDA is MINIMUM recommended amounts, not maximum. UL is upper limit for toxicity.

>> No.55451854

Not really. They will assume you are a loser if you are ugly or you do not have a girlfriend/wife/family though.

>> No.55451858


>> No.55451867

sometimes (oftentimes?) both lol

>> No.55451877

You know we have been psyopped to be goyim wage slaves when working and enriching someone else at the expense of your precious time is a privilege and the mark of a 'successful' person aka non loser.

>> No.55452892

That image looks no different than AI images a year ago mr shill.

>> No.55452907

>missing the "most racist man alive" shirt text

>> No.55453633
File: 44 KB, 591x1280, 2023-06-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded, just train hard and stop being retarded.
I eat close to 150g of protein a day and barely train

>> No.55453975

less brainwashed than you'd need to be to live a loser's life over the fear of this strawman

>> No.55454107

What's with the claws and the virgin stance? Really shows lifting won't fix most of your problems.

>> No.55455974

you 100% are a loser if you don't have a job, with a few exceptions (in between jobs, filthy rich, etc). This has been and always will be the truth, until the absolute heat death of the known universe.

>> No.55455977

your legs are cringe, more squats pussy.

>> No.55455980

Careers are normal though, what do you expect?

>> No.55455982


>> No.55456039

I've been in this position when I thought I made it last bull cycle. I don't like the feeling people looking down on me.

>> No.55457008

I don't give a fuck. All I do is invest in low caps and getting a big bag of ORE and VRA,

>> No.55457036

who cares, let them believe in their bullshit

>> No.55457051

>You're retarded
How so? For pointing out the protein FUD?
Almost all the kidney damage reports from "excess protein" were from studies on subjects with kidney diseases.

>> No.55457062

Hemorrhoids can be cured by putting benzoyl peroxide 10% cream on the area every day. This is what doctors recommended until the 1980s. Just be careful because that stuff will bleach your underwear.

>> No.55457094

It's not the kidneys that are the problem but the intestines. Basically if you fart all day you need to lower your protein.

>> No.55457500
File: 269 KB, 1960x2014, 1665710674088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just stare at charts for like 2 hours a day and then take it easy?
>Man, SOME OF US have to actually WORK HARD for our money
>"Well yeah, so what do you do, man?"
>I work at the super market
The human coping mechanism is amazing

>> No.55457538

Why would you talk to normies? Do you stop to talk with dogs on the street too?

>> No.55457543

Fuck normies

>> No.55457573
File: 56 KB, 594x444, 20230624_130905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just say I'm rich as fuck and work part time to stay busy and socialize.
I'm not really lying either though most people think I'm joking.

>> No.55457575

I have a NEET uncle (for over 20 years living on "disability"), he just tells people he is retired.

>> No.55457583
File: 70 KB, 791x873, 168792721256098417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont need all that protein. ive done this all before, went from 11st to 14.5st of pure muscle in about 2 years on about 2-3kcals. then lost it all back to 10.5st due to drugs. stupid kid.

i am 6ft tall and currently weigh 12st, on my way back to my peak, except this time im aiming for 15st with a bit of padding due to my age. again ive gone from 11 to 12st in about 6 months and only eat around 2-3kcals per day (staple of eggs, bacon, pasta, chicken, milk, fruit). if i lift i have a protein shake too which puts me to 2750.

i hate eating when im not hungry and for a tallish guy this isn't much cals so that weight is mostly muscle (apart from my belly podge) i work out once every other day but i absolutely decimate my body during.

critique me all you like but i was a skinny bitch about 6 months ago

>> No.55457635

A squatty potty and wet wipes every time fixed me up. Also eating my veggies every day.

>> No.55457650
File: 581 KB, 700x394, 1F84DCA3-BF86-446D-B47C-F0F7111073A0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1g per lean mass. I should have been clear because that fucks people up.

Find out your bodyfat


Get your lean mass and then 1g

This will give you a good range


Really though, just lift and eat clean.

>> No.55458399
File: 880 KB, 1248x1080, chuckle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when someone asks me that question i just do a sensible chuckle and reply with i wish i was that young again when i had a job
it truly confuses the fuck out of them

>> No.55458421

most people who don't have a job are loses. Now, being a loser can sometimes be based (leeching off a system that otherwise would want you dead) but generally most people aren't there

>> No.55458422

You look absolutely terrible

>> No.55458432

You can limit gas by eating more fibre. Also, the bacteria in your gut rebalance appropriate to your diet. Radical changes to diet will lead to gas but it will reduce over time as your gut flora rebalances.

>> No.55459151

This is simple.
<Normie - "what about you anon, what do you do"
>Anon - "man of liesure"
>Normie - intense jealousy

>> No.55459178

Well, yeah. Unless you've actually made it with $10m+ in savings and are living a 1% life, you probably are a loser to just coast by and do nothing with your life.

>> No.55459240

pretty sure at half a mil you'll exceed anything the wagie will have in his entire lifetime

>> No.55460587
File: 5 KB, 250x172, 1680036982408634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital Asset Fund Manager
>Managed a high value digital asset portfolio on behalf of third-party entities via personalized risk assessment strategies; achieving extreme consistent growth (AAR: 900%)
>(bought a few linkies for mum)

Liquidity Provider
>Provided high value liquidity to leading Automated Market Maker protocols
>(parked linkies on amm scam)

APR Strategist:
>Established various APR generating strategies via distributed service provisioning models; such as peer-to-peer lending and liquidity providing, and data aggregating, data curating and court arbitrating protocols.
>(memestaking and yield farming)

Angel Investor/Venture Capitalist:
>Assisted cutting-edge startups in securing early-stage funding via distributed protocols; consultancy on hyper-growth scaling and marketing
>(threw a few eths at scam ico's, shilled in telegram groups)

Marketing Consultant/Lead Visual Designer
>Contributed key artwork and led marketing strategy campaigns for leading fintech startups
>(made a few pepes, hired pajeets to shill on biz)

Fintech (Financial Technology) Expert & Research
>Deep dive research and up-to-date expertise focused on academic whitepapers, industry reports, R&D in the fast-moving fintech sector
>(read the first pages of chainlink and wef whitepapers)

Quantitative Algorithmic Trader & Technical Market Analyst
>Developed specialized trading automation tools and applied advanced mathematical and geometrical study models to succeed in high-risk financial market environments
>(made a shitbot and drew some lines)

Fiscal Optimizer
>Optimized fiscal contributions via legal loopholes, geographic relocation and fund reallocation strategies
>(monero'd wallet and fucked off to Thailand)

>> No.55461083

No offense but stop giving advice. You look terrible

>> No.55461250
File: 174 KB, 1004x1004, 1688416477811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are

>> No.55461272

imagine being so deluded you think this is a good physique. Lel

>> No.55462213

Tell them you're an investor

>> No.55462264


>> No.55462309

Yeah you shouldnt flex, you look terrible. No offense though I hope you get a better physique. Just saying.

>> No.55462481

Don't be a "nommie" and miss out on the action, anon! Check out Peaq, the real deal for delivering real-world value. Their token launch is imminent, and they've teamed up with Eloop to revolutionize web3 car-sharing, bringing innovation that benefits all parties involved. Stay ahead of the game!

>> No.55462488

>he thinks 10 million is enough

>> No.55462492

fuck all these demoralization threads dressed in pepe jpgs

>> No.55462495

If you have to use your labor to get the things you want in life you are a complete loser.

>> No.55462505

Most low caps won't make it through the bears. This is where DePIN project like Peaq, Waev, and IoteX stands. For instance builders of dApps can make use of peaq’s support for consortia standards.

>> No.55464154

>>think I make a lot of money (I don’t)
how much money do web devs actually make? People assume it's 100k+

>> No.55464346

What do I tell to my previous coworkers who only knew me as a software developer before?

The Quantitative Algorithmic trader, Technical Market analyst and Fintech research expert seems interesting if I can create a company.
Do I say I got the experience from an internship working for a high tech Indian forum focused on high risk investments?

>> No.55464392

Anon with a career here. They'll still think you're a loser if you're not an extrovert.

>> No.55464414

Work gives your life meaning.
Work under capitalism is meaningless.

>> No.55464438

Go check your toilet LOL