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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55445521 No.55445521 [Reply] [Original]

Austrian school of economic is right
John Maynard Keynes is a pedophile faggot
Hans Herman Hoppe is right
Cryptocurrency is anarcho-capitalism implemented
The old power structures are crumbling in front of you, yet you fail to see what's coming
*unsheathes Litecoin*

>> No.55445542
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turbo based
death to all glowies
statism is already a relic of a past they just don't know it yet

>> No.55445591
File: 46 KB, 960x606, Hoppe Meme 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach brother

>> No.55445597

more than likely statist institutions will adapt via psyops and financial kikery
in any case there is an amount of decentralization that will occur

>> No.55445603
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>pulls out his fat bitcoin
>cash that is

>> No.55445608

>yellow id

>> No.55445626
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our only advantage is we can move faster than the leviathan, so we need to always be moving forward

>> No.55445653
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do we?
we've had decentralized ledgers for a decade and a half and we've mostly just sold drugs/CP, made money, some of us have been killed off by glowies and dank memes
i thought crypto would have done more my now, desu

>> No.55445681

Hoppe is hypocritical, the whole idea of ancap is that your entire ideology is rigidly defined by an axiomatic aversion to the state. Once you enter the realm of "but the state is a necessary evil to stave off statism" the entire framework collapses and it just becomes naked financial sector propaganda

>> No.55445715

Although I'll walk this back and say at least Hoppe is capable of higher reasoning vis a vis NAP, insofar as he recognizes the NAP as an axiom is absurd and leads to scenarios like "you are unable to leave your house without violating the NAP" where the NAP itself is a limiter on freedom. In this way he is capable of squaring the circle and becoming one of the few ancaps who is pro-public roads, perhaps the most memed concept in the entire lolbertosphere

>> No.55445726
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That's what crypto is for, to fill the gaps not filled by fiat. There's no market for paying for regular things using crypto besides people wanting to cash out without paying taxes. We also have DeFi which is getting fairly mature now that reliable players have proven themselves. NFTs are mostly trying to apply IP law in a decentralized way but IP law is fake and gay and so are current NFT applications.

>> No.55445729

The real problem seems to be framing all these political issues as an issue of state vs. no state vs. high trust society vs low trust societies. The real appeal of BTC, crypto, blockchain etc. is the idea of a trustless society that can verify. IMO anyway.

>> No.55445735

crypto can be so much more than filling in gaps anon

>> No.55445740

Trust is more of a symptom than a cause. I don't think a society where everyone is poor for example could ever be high trust because competition over necessary things would be more fierce

>> No.55445743

There needs to be a market reason for it to be applied, too many people are trying to "force" it to be something there is no incentive for it to be. What do you suggest?

>> No.55445791

That's ass backwards and I'm not trying to be disrespectful to you. Go look up the history of high trust societies. They can withstand both high and low material wealth states. We've got a problem of being a bunch atomized persons who can't coordinate with each other. We've been given ledger technology that can fix that.
a /biz/ DAO, I'm working on it right now. The market logic starts as the basic bullshit "crypto tokenomics" but the built in decentralized voting and decision making mechanisms mean it won't get bogged down in development hell or if it does then it's the communities fault, not a small team.
If decentralization, crypto, ledgers, blockchain etc. can ACTUALLY change the world then they should be able to wrangle the autists here into a profitable venture. If we can pull that off on /biz/ then DAOs can rapidly over take most civil society without firing a shot at the glowies or them being able to just kill one of us off to stop it. The memetic magic of the situation would be too powerful to contain.

>> No.55445815

I agree and this is why I have chosen a reputable company run by a competent CEO to be my money of choice.
Seethe harder you fake ancap fucks that don't understand that ancap will still have corporations because people are free too associate.

>> No.55445832

Who said it wouldn't? I don't think we'll get rid of governments either. To be frank though I don't think it matters whether governments/states/tribes/companies or whatever exist. If individual people can peer to peer mobilize then the scale has been tipped. The current balance of power is too far towards centralized institutions we need a swing back in the other direction.

>> No.55446304
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>mfw racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic ancap

>> No.55446977
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Based ancap liteknight