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55444081 No.55444081 [Reply] [Original]

I started smoking 1 cigarette a day. Could this potentially save me hundreds?

>> No.55444084

I smoke two packs a day.

>> No.55444090

yes, of course

>> No.55444099

smoke 1 cigarette a week like me. The cigarette can be swapped out for a nice chaw of southern pride or a cigar or pipe

>> No.55444135

one cig will turn to two will turn to five will turn to >>55444084
you have been warned

>> No.55444142

ask me how i know you dont inhale the smoke

>> No.55444150

Imagine the smell

>> No.55444152

Chain smokers are retarded, I'm sorry. Try pacing yourself for once.

>> No.55444160

No. You still have to buy 365 packs even if you just smoke one, that will set you back £3650 a year at least.
Plus you will STINK.

>> No.55444181

I smoke indoors it doesn't help also I'm fucked so kinda speedrunning life.

>> No.55444188

But I have been only buying 1 pack instead of 2 per day now to try to limit myself, I do this under high stress then go back to 1 pack when I get my shit together.

>> No.55444192

That being said I was just at the hospital last night and they X-rayed my chest because well doctors just wanting to add shit on, literally 20 years of smoking clean as a whistle.

>> No.55444202

It will not be profitable when you decide you want more, and more... and more.

>> No.55444213

Also costs me $13.40 a day for 2 packs of Marlboro menthols.
TLDR it ain't worth it, but it likely won't kill you.

>> No.55444220

Hundreds of days off your lifespan for sure

>> No.55444232

He's only smoking one square a day, not a whole pack.

>> No.55444241

Terrible habit

>> No.55444243

lmao at those prices.
a marlboro x20 costs $1.20 here.. one of the few good things about living in a third world shithole

>> No.55444248

Yeah it's not cheap and I live in one of the cheapest states for tobacco and gas.
I could probably drive to an indian reserve and get them cheaper.

>> No.55444261

You know my dad told me I'd never get pussy if I smoked.
I've definitely slain more ass than him, he didn't know women like I do, just take a shower and use gum and brush your teeth.
If you can get your hands on chlorohexadine mouth wash you'll be set that shit works wonders.

>> No.55444296 [DELETED] 

cigarettes are disgusting

>> No.55444309


>> No.55444749

Correct, I just puff a fag like I would a cigar. I get a pleasantly light buzz without inhaling because I never have nicotine more than once a week. However I always take one or two inhales when I'm smoking my favorite fags (filterless camels) just to keep my lungs tough. And the chaw is nice because it isn't as strong as dip which makes me uncomfortably buzzed after a few minutes with a lipper in

>> No.55444784
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Me too, i roll them myself to save monies.

>> No.55447099

Smoking organic, homegrown tobacco in a pipe with no pozzed up BPA / BPS / xenoestrogen epoxies, resins, varnishes, poisons, whathaveyou....has to be healthy, right?

>> No.55447106

It does save a ton but the "pipe" tobacco I find just is so fucking harsh, marlboros are the only thing I smoke now and if they ban menthol I'll quit.

>> No.55447299

Not healthy no. Just not completely fucking toxic.
Nicotine remains a nervous system paralytic.

>> No.55448459

Would it treat my tremors? I don't want a micro-ultrasound lobotomy.

>> No.55448553
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this >>55444135

I started with two per day (one while walking to class and one while walking home from class) and by the end of college it was 4~5 per day

then I got on the Juul and I went from one pod per week to 1.5 pods per day (which is the nicotine equivalent of 30 cigs per day)

just quit now while it's easy; I've quit nicotine, I've quit drinking, I've quit weed, I've stuck to a gym routine, I've gone on diets to lose weight, and quitting nicotine was the hardest thing I've done *by far*

>> No.55448564
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>filterless camels
patrician-tier taste, stay comfy my friend

>> No.55448577
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I used pic related for years; making your own using pipe tobacco saves so much money

but quitting saves even more money

>> No.55448592

Not true. You stink of cigarettes.

>> No.55448594
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>Nicotine remains a nervous system paralytic

>> No.55448974

Get cancer to own the libs