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55441903 No.55441903 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being poor and just accepting your fate

>> No.55441922

Thanks for motivating me again anon

Truly, you helped me in this time of need

This, this was the post I needed

Reminding me that when the going gets tough, the weak back off and give up

I will not be weak in this world, I will not be like them

>> No.55441932

Doesn't make much sense considering you're going to die anyway. Might as well just go for it. That's why poor people are retards.

>> No.55441940

the chances of escaping poverty depend greatly on where you live. America you've got a shot, 3rd world not really

>> No.55441952

The internet nullified this. There are a million ways to make a fortune online. It's more that people in the third world are less educated.

>> No.55442030
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Yup poor faggot

>> No.55442041
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They think God will reward them for it after they die. I’m serious.

>> No.55442048
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poverty is a disease

>> No.55442100


>> No.55442113
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I'm poor but it's because of health reasons.
But I'm rich in spirit!

>> No.55442150

i don't accept my fate which is why i bought gme. i know it's already worth at least $1.4 million traded between hedgefunds so all i have to do is lean back and let the publicly traded broker price catch up to it's real value. it's so easy, i don't understand why more people are doing it. one share is only $25 right now. anyway i'm comfy.

>> No.55443387
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someone "making it" implies taking something away from someone eventually, no one is going to help you, no matter where in the world you live, if you weren't born with some inheritance waiting for you then you were screwed from the start, the most we can do is aspire to have a better life, I mean, that's what my OBAYC nfts are for

>> No.55443405

You ever work retail? Most lifers just accept that shit life and enjoy what they can. Even the once cute girls who somehow ended up there