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5544178 No.5544178 [Reply] [Original]

So I was here a couple of weeks ago, aswell as on reddit and some other forums.
I was speaking about how CCR, the director of Xtrabytes, has over 100 million coins in multiple different wallets and how he has been manipulating the price for his own benefit.

I disclosed that I had proof and was planning to release it bit by bit.
Shortly after this I was messaged by someone who must remain anonymous, they were issuing me a cease and desist, claiming that I obtained the information from deceptive and illegal means and that if I release it I'd be subject to prosecution.
This accusation is completely untrue as I received the information from a former insider who left because they were unhappy with how the project was being managed.

Are there any legal experts on this board?
I really want to release this information as I feel that alot of people are possibly going to lose money at the hands of CCR.
Does xtrabytes have a leg to stand on with these threats of legal action?

>> No.5544217

Release it.

>> No.5544258
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Jesus christ. This fud is ridiculous. LMAO

>> No.5544315

Wouldn't surprise if this a scam. No code in github proving the "muh better tech". It's all closed source.

Release it.

>> No.5544369

They're blowing hot air, don't fall for it.

>y-you better not leak our sekrets or else!

Release it anon, they do not have a case

>> No.5544387

>not even posting some fake documents

are you even trying anon

>> No.5544582

Happy to release it, i just want to know that I will be safe.

The last thing I want is to fuck up my own life just to expose some corrupt coin developers

>> No.5544624

Release it mate.

You'll save some innocent wannabe bag holders

>> No.5544701

Dude if this is an elaborate FUD I'm going to kms and haunt you till you Lys.
Seriously though - I invested in that coin and if you have anything and not just fucking with the price release it.
Email your shit to someone who'll know how to do it anonymously.
A lot of people are invested in this coin

>> No.5544782

I'm not saying that the tech is a scam, from what I've heard its real and mostly working.
We just have evidence that the man in charge has been abusing his power

>> No.5544818

If anyone can give me genuine legal advice Ill happily release it.
The problem with releasing it "anonymously" is that they already know what I have and who I am. So if it gets put out there, they will immediately know it's me

>> No.5544819

Are these actual documents that you have?
Did you steal them?
If these are legitimate documents obtained from someone who got them legally then you have nothing to worry about.
To be honest, even if you hacked in their system to expose corruption and fraud there are certain protections for whistleblowers.

>> No.5544848


>> No.5544867

You have an evidence of fraud.
It's a financial fraud but it's a fraud.
What was the legal term that they used when they contacted you?
Did a lawyer contact you?

>> No.5544881


If the tech works it'll moon and no one will give a flying fuck about autistic internal team drama.

>> No.5544897

He is right doing it this way if he is for real.

>> No.5544952

It's probably true, but it doesn't change the fact that the operation is fraudulent to some extent.
If the dev team manipulate price, what else are they doing that is illegal or unprofessional/ immoral?

>> No.5544985

LOL c'mon Will calm down. U sold your xby at 500 and now want to buy back in cheaper than the current price.

>> No.5545029 [DELETED] 


Pump and dump teamwork group, 25k members already, next pump in few hours, get the fuck in here son: discord.gg/XMmR8z9

>> No.5545030

This is what I'm afraid of.
Elaborate FUD.
Let's see if he responds further.

>> No.5545135

We have issued no cease and desists. All former TEAM members are happy and moved on.

>> No.5545140

fuck you larper. I have a fuck load of XBY.

>> No.5545152

Documents and a recording of a private skype session.

Exactly why I think it's almost not worth possibly getting myself in trouble. This project will just moon anyway and nothing will happen to CCR

Other members weren't happy with the price manipulation, but he justified it by basically saying more coins were needed for testing and that it was all in benefit of the project.
The would release news both putting xby in a good light or bad light depending on what his motive was, then hed use his large holding to push the price in the direction he wanted.

If I'm going to release this, what would
Be the best way to do so?

>> No.5545209

bullshit. this guy is obviously lying. He is a fuder trying to buy low. If he really had this information why would he disclose his identity and that he had it in the first place? This makes zero sense it is elaborate FUD trying to drop the price so he can buy more

>> No.5545291

They went through my reddit history and were able to work out who I was, I didn't tell them.

>> No.5545318

lol yeah i bet. okay release the info. they cant do shit. liar.

>> No.5545425

yeah sounds like theyre bluffing if its just a bunch of pajeets scrolling through reddit trying to dox you

>> No.5545431

I'm not sure if it's worth it to you to be honest neither, because that should just get to the law enforcement.
Meaning if you disclose it over the internet, it's possible they will take you to court. If you want them in court then just go to the law enforcement with it, but if you don't want them in court then a) do nothing b) go to crypto writers/bloggers and tell them about see what they say.
If they are interested go for it.

>> No.5545489

Yes they can. He has a private company property.
Not the conversation- that is a little less clear cut, but the documents are a private.
If he goes with this to law enforcement/media then they are fucked.
He can't just publish it on the web.
They would probably lose in court as it is fraud, but still.

>> No.5545517

This is the point.
I have a busy life and don't have the time to be wound up in some bullshit lawsuit.

This is why my friend who gave it all to be chose not to do anything with it.
The costs outweigh the benefits. I know this is the exact outcome they want, and they're probably going to get it

>> No.5545541
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lmao at the delusion of CCR

>> No.5545548

>>they are fucked
I meant XBY's are shit out of luck.
Cause it is fraud. Media can publish it and law enforcement can take interest of it. If they are interested of course

>> No.5545554


It's true. Look at IOTA.

>> No.5545594

If you go with it to law enforcement with fraud then you won't be involved in a lawsuit- you'll be a witness, true, but the state will go after them.

>> No.5545621

Is that a cult or what the fucking fuck is that?

>> No.5545649

What happened there? I'm not in the loop.

>> No.5545709

Just write an email to the " cryptomedia " figure. They may be bothered with juicy news like these.

>> No.5545713

What tech though? Sadly there is none

>> No.5545783

iota doesnt even work LOL

>> No.5545827

Color me shocked!

>> No.5545841


It's closed source with two testnets that worked so far. Public testnet is very soon so join that if you wish.

Just because something is closed source doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.5545852

They are blowing smoke. Show us the goods OP. It's about time that corrupt fuck was properly exposed.

>> No.5545879

I invested in this project because I believe that they have something.
But this news is a little troubling.
I'm not saying that it's a complete no no but it's troubling.

>> No.5545913

show us bro

>> No.5545946

He is right though- is it worth the trouble?
I mean he will go against people with money. I'm not sure how much money/time he has and how angry he is at them, but I'm not sure what I would do in this situation.

>> No.5546070

Don't sell because of this. I'm genuinely not trying to fud the price. From what I've heard from insiders, the tech is mostly there.
I'm invested and i think the price will only go up from here.
Just be aware of how easily it can be manipulated and the power ccr has

>> No.5546280

I'm not going to sell but I probably won't accumulate more.
The price is manipulated and in my mind nothing prevents them to manipulate it further. At least I know, so thank you.
I understand that this is a wild west and that the small fish can just get crumbs but it's good to be extra careful.

>> No.5546431

what is 'mostly there' supposed to mean? CCR said this would will be 'the greatest blockchain revolution in this cryptosphere' lol...

>> No.5546624

No one cares about internal team drama. Another "insider" with "potentially damaging" inside information on biz, what a surprise, just another attention whore who is upset he sold low and see success finally come to the project.

With success you are always going to have losers try to tear it down. Like this dick. "I have evidence but I'm not going to release it" "They know who I am" just a thread that reeks of narcissism.

To let everyone reading here know, there was this guy called Dutchdude that went on a huge rant when he left the team back in the summer. He fudded xby for weeks. Could be the same guy, could be someone else. It bothered dutch cause he knew the tech foundation was solid but he left anyway.

XBY gets the greatest FUD threads. Which means it will moon HARD. People dont like it when other people have success. This guy doesnt want CCR to become successful off this project.

No one gives a flying fuck about internal team drama.

>> No.5546685

People care about the tech, which there is none. If no tech yet, they would look at the technical white paper...oh wait, there is none. Then they would look at the team, oh yeah, they're anonymous

All XBY is are hot buzzwords trying to stir up interest. Muh blockchain 3.0, next ethereum, etc etc

>> No.5546790

Muh technical Whitepaper, muh testnet...lol typical biz attitude. Hey man, if you want to ignore the whitepaper, the roadmap, the dedicated whales and community, the fact that this project has been going on for a very long time with no ICO - be my guest. Invest into something a bit safer - high risk investment arent for you.

>> No.5546812


>> No.5546883

OP, you're well protected under whistle-blower laws when you're clearly exposing fraud.

Assuming you're in the States, EU, UK, or Canada.

>> No.5546947

What fucking whitepaper? The one that had absolutely 0 substance and was all buzzwords? Then you ask them about the tech and their reply is "can't reveal trade secrets", "patent coming". Fucking bullshit

>> No.5547100

I think that the tech may still be legitimate but the company resembles a cult or something.
The guy in charge may be paranoid or completely schizophrenic.
This project is definitely high risk, but we are gambling here.
If the testnet works than maybe we are good.
If it doesn't I will gladly lose my money so they can get punished desu

>> No.5547312
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>What fucking whitepaper?

Well, see, it's a communication issue. It's actually technical - very technical. The problem is that it tries to put things in laymans terms, and just fails miserably.

>Then you ask them about the tech and their reply is
Kek, no. Feel free to PM one of the team members on the telegram and you'll get an answer.

But since you want to be spoonfed, I will tell you what XBY is doing.

XBY is essentially the fusion of Ethereum and Raiblocks. The tech is insane. If this was DBZ, XBY is basically Vegito, the fusion of ETH and Raiblocks. It's crazy shit.

ETH has major scability issues, but XBY solves this through using a method of structure similar to Raiblocks' Block-lattice. So we're talking about near instant tx times, (10kTPS+) exponential scability, nearly unhackable network, etc. This is why you have all these buzzwords like "Pulse" since this is a very high level of technicality here.

Thats why Borz and the team have been so quiet, because they knew Raiblocks would moon and it would moon before XBY was finished. So they would rather let Raiblocks run its course, and then introduce the next step (DApps on a superior platform). Its SERIOUS BUSINESS. They were talking about competing with NEM when the project first started.

Hopefully this clears things up for you, at least a little bit.

>> No.5547743

I hope for both of our sakes you are right but I am obviously very skeptical. Cmon, comparing a project with Ethereum, NEM, Raiblocks, and so on when you have nothing really of substance to show the community is sketchy. I'm invested but am 99% sure it's a scam - that 1% chance it's legitimate is what's keeping me in it. At this point even putting XBY in the same sentence as ETH, NEM, XRB is laughable

>> No.5547851

Speak of the devil. The last log of the internal testnet is available: https://www.reddit.com/r/XtraBYtes/comments/7miag8/supremegoose_has_just_posted_their_log_from_the/

This is some crazy shit. That's all I gotta say. I know most won't understand that log. That log confirms what I've been saying - its the Super Saiyan fusion of ETH and Raiblocks.

With the power increase. The big one.

>> No.5547947

Fuck off namefag larper

>> No.5547949

So where do you see XBY market cap EOY 2018?

There are a lot of unanswered questions regarding borz's identity and past (failed project remnants in his github, etc)

>> No.5548144

Cult follower much?
It's called a cult of personality fucktard

>> No.5548195

If it works and is what it claims to be....moon's too close.
When it gets relleased and it works and it looks good wait at least a month to sell it. If they are manipulating prices now they will manipulate prices when it hits bigger exchanges.

>> No.5548213

If XBY is successful it will be top 20 CMC end of year. It will make Raiblocks look basic dude. Its literally the Vegito of Raiblocks and ETH. It will be groundbreaking.

Borz is keeping himself anonymous. That linkedin is probably either fake, or its stripped. There is a good reason why this project has area 51 level secrecy.

>> No.5548258

weeks ago you were larping here with nothing to back your claims

eat some shit

>> No.5548259

Nah, cmon, be real dude that linkedin profile is legit. Company he lists on there is the same company that registered the xtrabytes.global domain name. Plus it lists his work experience in Hungary

>> No.5548279

You shouldnt believe everything you read. ;)

>> No.5548320

If it works and looks good (which I highly doubt) why would you even sell if its blockchain 3.0 and the future of blockchain cryptosphere as CCR claimed?

>> No.5548383

I wouldn't but just so people know. Don't sell it because the price will skyrocket.
And we are talking multiple hundreds of dollars at least, per coin.
I bought when it was still in a double, maybe triple digits satoshi....it would be hard to hold.

>> No.5548416

The more I read about it the more I'm conflicted. I'm not technical enough and I know it, so I'm always worried. But overall I didn't spend that much on it so I won't cry if it's shit.

>> No.5548477

I actually believe him, but if this tech is as good as they claim it won't matter.
If the tech is shit, it doesn't matter neither but it would be shitty people doing shitty scam.
Otherwise it's shitty people doing a good tech.

>> No.5548552

This sounds like a giant fucking shill thread but man do I want to believe. Fuck it, I'm buying 1000 just in case. Consider me shilled

>> No.5548596

From single digit sats to over 100 usd? yeah, I'll take whatever you're smoking

>> No.5548628
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Manipulation? IN CRYPTO??? No waaayyyy

>> No.5548676

"I'm not sure what this proves? I've looked through the logs, and the only thing evident is that it's using the original bitcoin code base as a lot of the logs are directly from that (which was if I understand it the basis for the original scam project that are claiming to be modifying currently).
Do we know based off the logs that it's performing any faster than the original code base?
It's possible they've made modifications to it to make it perform better, but unless their are some comparisons against the original code base I don't see anything that this actually proves (not giving them the benefit of the doubt with the various red flags - not saying it's a scam project either though).
Even then, logs are still fakeable. That being said, if anyone has any more info, willing to stand corrected. I have a small amount (150) invested I'm willing to lose, but if this project is legit, I would definitely like to invest more."

from a reddit guy

>> No.5548743

We are talking hypotheticals here: IF the tech is as good or GOD as they claim then yes, thousands is possible.
Tell me why not?

>> No.5548839

This is why I hate that I'm so code illiterate.
I need to somehow find the time to learn at least the basics.
What I understand (I THINK) is that the code is somehow based (possibly) on bitcoin code.
So is it possible to build this super duper blocketherumripplechain and be a revolutionary and literally God himself and base it on the old code?

>> No.5548958

I'm heavily invested in this and I think teamcommunication with all their buzzwords and nontech is retarted.

Let's hope theyre not bullshitting us

>> No.5548989

I'll drink to that