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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 106 KB, 640x800, Nathan_Mayer_Rothschild_by_Moritz_Daniel_Oppenheim_1853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55441179 No.55441179 [Reply] [Original]

>Be the first guy to hear about Waterloo
>Napoleon lost
>Rush to London and spread a rumor that Napoleon won and is planning to invade England
>The stock exchange fucking plummets
>Buy literally everything at a discount
>Word gets out that Napoleon lost Waterloo and is the war is over
>market goes back up
>make some of the filthiest gains in the history of investing

Is this the highest IQ /biz/ play ever?

>> No.55441189

Surprised he wasn’t executed for this.

>> No.55441192

we get to do this everyday with the internet now and will outkike the kikechilds

>> No.55441254
File: 121 KB, 795x611, 1656727071271909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kikes ran things back then too

>> No.55441259

well he ran the country after that so..

>> No.55441263

You aren't allowed to be antisemitic on /biz/

>> No.55441298
File: 272 KB, 1200x1800, 1672294000614822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I mean edomites not kikes

>> No.55441301


>> No.55441316

He might have been in a country like Prussia, but Britain was already owned by people like him.

>> No.55441378

No, stability and balance are more important than some units of accounts. The private sector needs a French Jacobin style purge; with family trees being eradicated

>> No.55441379
File: 2.29 MB, 1280x1450, 1681927048760284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55441411

uhh anon the jacobins were under direct orders from Rothschilds

>> No.55441493

I said style not a carbon copy. The precursors are different, the sovereign got the guillotine back then, it's time for the private sector to get the guillotine

>> No.55441503

Thinking about it, might be the last useful thing, one could weaponize the marxists for, or better their completely brainwashed youth, that really believe the shit they got put in their brains. Would be perfect, because one could, after they killed the private sector jews, murder them for their "crime"

>> No.55441511

the revolution was literally ordered by these same bankers to install a proto communist rule, this period was known as the reign of terror and was a succesful experiment which paved the way for later socialist style revolutions

>> No.55441519

they never touch the jews in these "revolutions", as intended

>> No.55441527

I said weaponize, you seem to lack the creativity of playing an evolutionary triple nigger game.

>> No.55441558

you cant weaponize marxists in your favor cause they always go against the wealthy but productive sector, not the leeching banking sector

>> No.55441584
File: 297 KB, 765x433, Twitter Blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the modern day version and download Blackswan's bot. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. Their twitter/website has more info on it

>> No.55441592

I said enough. My last tarot reading starts to make sense. A path that starts with the devil, has the star at one side of the path and as quintessence Justice

>> No.55441644

what tarot are you using ? its probably fake and gay