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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55440869 No.55440869 [Reply] [Original]

Being poor is a financial lifehack

>make minimum wage
>work 18 hrs/week
>apply for every government benefit I can
>after wages + (unreported) tips + gibs I make $25.41/hr
>get all my taxes back at the end of the year

I work less than half of what a normal wagie does. I make more the median average in my state (19.50/hr) and pay no taxes. There is literally no downside.

>> No.55440890

Wouldn’t want your life lmao

>> No.55440902

>being poor has no downsides

Kys, wetback

>> No.55440933

men don't get gibs unless they have diagnosed mental issues with years of failed treatments, to the extent that they qualify for SSI disability.

>> No.55440937

Being “poor” is a financial hack, but you’re going about it quiet retard. The trick is to only have the bare minimums in your checking account and having physical cash on hand (just in case). I have about $1000 in my checking and keep about $100 in my wallet at all times in different bill denominations. However, my cold wallet contains about 120k worth of crypto, my roth 50k and my savings 20k. This way ensures I don’t spend money on dumb shit like whores or drum cymbals (even tho spending $80 on whores is good for the mental health aspect but that’s a convo for another time). Literally food, gas, bills. Second I get paid straight to crypto, ira, and savings.

I plan to make it in the coming bullrun so I can comfortably continue being “poor” for the next 2 or 3 years.

>> No.55442228

oh I forgot to mention. I also get free healthcare and I've had two non-trival surgeries on the tax payer dime. Not even a copay, it's unironically the best health insurance I've ever had. I go to the doctor all the time now it's great.

>> No.55442342

>I go to the doctor all the time now it's great.
yeh im sure being unhealthy is great
kys you fat fucking retard

>> No.55442361

>kys you fat fucking retard
Even if I did you'd still be paying for it.

>> No.55442363

I will pay your family for your cremation bagelkike

>> No.55442367

>(unreported) tips
kneepads in action

>> No.55442380

not being dead is a financial hack, litterally everything you do that doesn't kill you can be a point to gloat about. shit nigga we breafin out here ya feel me? Air is free i breaths the air.. life hack