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55440314 No.55440314 [Reply] [Original]

I shouldn’t be sharing this but I’m tired of you being poor

>> No.55440324

twitter screenshot thread

>> No.55440360
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go back

>> No.55440432

I aint reading all that stupid bitch

>> No.55441638


>> No.55441647

7 points that explain why there is never going to be a spot etf on btc or any other crypto in existence.

>> No.55441667

They rejected the leveraged BTC ETF and will continue to do so.

>> No.55441684

They approved the leveraged future etf this week, but that one derives the price from cmes future, so that's okay I suppose, spot though, never going to happen, simple as

>> No.55441703

>(2) persons with a dominant position in Bitcoin manipulating Bitcoin pricing
Oh you mean like how your mates at JP and Goldman do with ForEx, precious metals, and any other commodity they can get their hands on?
Fucking shameless.
"It's not the fact it's being manipulated by whales that's the problem, it's the fact that we're not the whales doing the manipulating in this case."

>> No.55441712

Fake FUD and disinformation, you're either a Pajeet or a Vatnik paid shill.

>> No.55441714

Casually approve Bitcoin Future ETF in October 2021 because in the Bitcoin future ETF there's no manipulation.

>> No.55441713

You are an idiot a brainwashed faggot that should refrain from spreading his brain rot. Those trades can be documented, traced to the ones trading and the respective agency gets informed. On crypto it's impossible. There cannot be effective market screening

>> No.55441722

A futures etf that derives the price from the cme futures is not a spot etf that derives the price from let me guess, chainlink price feeds

>> No.55441758

A futures ETF was approved that trades equivalent to spot 99.9% of the time. SEC is going to get reemed in the Grayscale court case.

>> No.55441768

No. If you faggots are so horny for a spot btc etf, just move to Canada they have three, strange that nobody ever mentions that

>> No.55441794
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The Blackrock's ETF will be allowed, but it's not bullish in any fashion, because the SEC asked a Bale III full compliance via FedNow, meaning institutions dealing with it will need to have an 1:1 USD collateral tracking the ETF at all time.

(((They))) will accept it because they made it bullish for the dollar, nothing more. Who will be interested in an ETF forcing them to put so much cash in standstill lol? The initial goal was to get RID of the dollar, and now you are forced to sit on piles of constantly devaluing cash to own a tracker of bitcorn? It's ridiculous kek.

>> No.55441824

bitcoin is vulnerable to the types of manipulation everything else is, so they are using this to deny the proposal. they are allowed to pick winners and losers, everything is rigged

>> No.55441829

Oh look a frog poster posting uninformed bullshit, what a surprise

>> No.55441859
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eat shit baggot

>> No.55441880

just bought
will sell at 25k

>> No.55442003
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Oh wow, just in time for FTX 2.0.

>> No.55442028

This Jews looks like a worm. Why do Jews all look like vermin

>> No.55442076

Synagogue of Satan and soforth

>> No.55442094
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Not at all, made like $500k with XOR last year with a 5x, then reinvested into stocks and gold and now I'm living like a king man
I'm thinking about buying some again, since it might happen again

>> No.55442098
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They have to refile with slight, specific changes to be accepted.

>> No.55442253

The Fed, Israel, and Ukraine are the only 3 accounts on FTX 2.0 and it's fully regulated above board according to the SEC

>> No.55442382

>your banning the future of finance!!
Kek, they're getting desperate.

>> No.55442828

It's bizarre to me we are repeating 2016/2017 etf hype verbatim.
There are apparently so many new people they have no idea all this already happened.
SEC was requesting changes and delaying until they denied at the last moment.

Even if the accept it only shows how dead crypto actually is. Only stablecoins have found real adoption and that's basically liberty reserve 2.0

>> No.55443015

Not true. Who's paying you to say this?

>> No.55443019

your mom Thomas
get a real job

>> No.55443041

>Those trades can be documented, traced to the ones trading and the respective agency gets informed.
Those trading can 'forget' to backup their documentation.
The respective agency can be bribed.
Many such cases.
> On crypto it's impossible.
lol Imagine being this uninformed. Your boss should fire your ass.

>> No.55443085

Please sec, media companies etc are just dummies which are smarter than your avg dummy. They use insight from basic market trends and spread garbage like this to make themselves seem bigger/more powerful than they really are. Everyone knows pumps come mid/end of july/aug.

>> No.55443090
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>random fag on twitter says thing
Make another 10 threads.

>> No.55443343

>On crypto it's impossible
2023 and boomer retards like you are still unaware that BTC is public ledger with transparency not ever seen before in any other financial instrument in history.

>> No.55443357

Nope this is blackrock this time and the sec works for them. They have $1 trillion on standby ready to buy my bags

>> No.55443529

An issue though is that there's no definite way to ID who owns which Bitcoin addresses, right? It's a oublic ledger but everyone is pseudonymous.

>> No.55443568

Correct to some extent. If you and I do some sort of deal and we settle it in BTC then both of us know eachother addresses. Other than that, privacy is preserved though.
But for any manipulation tracking shenanigans you don't really need to know that. As long as there's a clear footprint of where the money came from initially and where the money ends up and the list of transactions then there's only so much you can do.
BTC or any crypto that isn't centered around privacy and untraceability is unironically the government's wet dream.

>> No.55443590
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thanks bro gonna do the opposite

>> No.55443666

You are a retard that doens't even know how this crypto works.

>> No.55443708
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Coz RWA will be a big trends this year and beyond, anon. Some big actors have strategic acquisition of stakes in an Indonesian coal mine to boost their market liquidity.

>> No.55443717

Don't sell your bags, newfag. Currently, I'm implementing DCA with RIO, MNI, and BST all belong to RWA products.

>> No.55443725

To be honest anon, what you said does not necessarily apply to offshore CEXs, which i think he's getting at.

>> No.55443741

gonna be FTX 2.0, the kikery will reach max levels.

>> No.55443751

SEC f***ed up. I already hold a fraction of real world asset from my ownership of NFE, Anon, and I staked to earn an APR tied to USD.

>> No.55443758

This is correct. It's just a matter of time until usdc usdt and other liberty reserves are shut down and their owners jailed
You don't understand your grift and scam in the slightest. It's a public ledger, there is no way for any entity to control insider trading in anyway. And that is necessary for the sec to approve a spot etf. Anyway there are spot etfs, they are in Canada and did nothing to the price or bringing more capital to the ponzi. It's over, 69k was the top, the absolute top, the bubble is done, no more capital coming to pump your shitbags

>> No.55443813

>It's a public ledger
>there is no way for any entity to control
Since when do ledgers control anything? Nobody here is talking about controlling.
You are not even aware of what is being discussed here. Move on.

>> No.55443824

The sec wants control or better a way to make sure that insider trades are registered. That is technically not possible. So if you want to imvest in spot btc etfs, move to Canada

>> No.55443880

>make sure that insider trades are registered
Everything gets already registered by design.
>That is technically not possible.
That is, in fact, possible.
The issue: Lack of identification for addresses.
The solution: Require any and all participants to link their real identities to their addresses.
There you go.
>So if you want to imvest in spot btc etfs, move to Canada
Again, irrelevant nonsense. I don't care about etfs and they have nothing to do with what was being discussed.

>> No.55443907

>Require any and all participants to link their real identities to their addresses.
That's never going to happen, and it's technically impossible
If you want to invest in a spot etf for btc, move to Canada

You are really stupid and don't understand public dlt, go do something else loser

>> No.55443930

Not buying your bags.

>> No.55443987

>and it's technically impossible
No it isn't. If you don't link your identity with your address, you can't do anything with the etfs entity and if the etf entity allows it to happen, it gets punished for it. Simple as.

Stop moving the goalposts, you've been proven wrong at every step.

>> No.55444009

It is impossible you retard. Why do you think there are still millions of btc from the silk road days around? Anybody that understands btc and was able to work with it was able to keep his wallet separated from his real identity and is going to continue doing so. There is no way for any entity to link those wallets with millions of btc to a person. The SEC can never approve a btc spot etf in the USA. So move to canda if you want to invest, which you don't, you just hope that boomers will pump you bags, baggie

>> No.55444032

>It is impossible you retard.
Not an argument.
I already provided you with a clear cut solution though.
>Anybody that understands btc and was able to work with it was able to keep his wallet separated from his real identity and is going to continue doing so
And, again, this has nothing to do with anything being discussed.
>ETF for BTC spot gets implanted
>You are only allowed to interact with this ETF if your address is clearly linked to your real world identity
>If you don't care about the ETF you don't have to sacrifice your privacy
You literally can't form a counter argument against this simple method.

>> No.55444052

kek, this nigger screening text off the old ass Gemini 2022 filing
NIGGER literally none of that text matter, it's all a bunch of gibberish to filter out midwits like you, you WILL bow before the Blackcock

>> No.55444075
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>11 posts by this id
you are literally picrel

>> No.55444107

Everyone here is obsessed with money yet loves calling people Jews. When did you realize (((you))) are the Jew?

>> No.55444115

yes. bitcoin holders are the jews of the future. it is what it is.

>> No.55444408

Your "solution" is not based in reality. The SEC or any other american institution, in the real sense of the word, has no power over prehistoric whales
>you can only interact with the etf
you are a retard, prime example of a baggie that has no freaking idea about what he is talking go back to wherever you came from an look for another ponzified asset to play with

>> No.55444873

no you didnt. stop lying on the internet

>> No.55445686
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>you can't buy a bitcoin etf because the system is rigged
>buy these index funds instead

>> No.55445797 [DELETED] 

Again, not an argument.
>in the real sense of the word, has no power over prehistoric whales
It has, if those whales want to interact with the etf which is the thing you seem obsessed about despite the initial discussion having nothing to do with that.
You have said nothing of worth in any of your posts, sorry.

>> No.55445811

>Asking for identifications
>not based on reality
lmao we have been asking for identifications for decades even to walk into a bar
Again, not an argument.
>in the real sense of the word, has no power over prehistoric whales
It has, if those whales want to interact with the etf which is the thing you seem obsessed about despite the initial discussion having nothing to do with that.
You have said nothing of worth in any of your posts, sorry.

>> No.55445959

I don’t get it. Bitcoin isn’t exchanged for USD or any other currency on chain so why are you retards talking about onchain transparency and insider trading onchain. Nothing that happens onchain alone impacts the ETF so not knowing who owns what wallet should impact the SEC decision

>> No.55445974

if you arent already rich then you never will be

>> No.55446080

Fidelity and (((Black Rock))) don't get denied you dumb nocoin bearnigger ape. Simple as.

>> No.55446187

you can ask, but why tf should anybody comply to you
>hey sirs their is a bunch of btc that seems to be in your possession. we would like to scam boomers but please sir, would you identify yourself and do kyc and aml

>> No.55446197

>not an argument
Concession accepted.

>> No.55446210

seriously who tried to sell boomer funds on btc? What scamming idiot came to the retarded idea to walk up to fidelity, blackrock, ark and co and said
>wouldn't it be nice if we could tap into that capital stream of 401ks
not looking at any history of the asset, of anybody that tried this and just being so goddamn high on its own farts to think
>oh I Larry Fink and I ugly bitch from ark
>we bown usa
>we get what we want
Its time the private sector has its actors killed, like killed killed

>> No.55446226

fuck off Molyneux. There are organized crime groups that control more btc than Saylor is ever going to have and those crime groups will laugh about some USA private sector retard asking for aml and kyc

>> No.55446228

>loving the goalposts again
Concession accepted once more.

>> No.55446233

Just because you close your ears and scream
Doesn't make the sec retarded

>> No.55446236

>don't even try to counter argument anything
>"you are closing your ears bro"
concession accepted

>> No.55446242

and its a goddamn reality
Larry and his band of failures weren't the first that thought manipulating btc could make them money, and the game is way to far that one nations degenerate private sector could even catch up, and the Sec knows that.
Again, if you would like to invest in spot etf btc, go to Canada, the leafs were stupid enough to accept some

>> No.55446246

>schizo nonsense now
Another concession that I'm pocketing.

>> No.55446248

Just because your script doesn't compute, doesn't mean that your retarded ((((concession))) retardation changes reality.

>> No.55446275

Lmao. If it happens then it's a big win for us. I already got good bags of CYMI, ETH and CHR. Hopefully the bull will be good.

>> No.55446277

>the voices in my head are real you are wrong for not hearing them!!!!
by the way still no countera arguments to anything I said
Concession status : Accepted

>> No.55446287

You are a retard that bet on something that was clear to never happen, due to known information. How much capital did you bet on this failed "hype" campaign?

>> No.55446290

>more nonsensical babbling
Still no counter argument.
Concession still accepted until this situation changes.

>> No.55446302

I asked you a question Leto, how much money did you bet on something you know is never going to happen?

>> No.55446308
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Why, yes, I own 2000 shares of Mara. How did you know?

>> No.55446317

>moving the goalposts
>actively trying to deflect
Not gonna work.
Let me know when you come up with any counter argument to any of the points I've provided which was the point of the discussion. Until then, the concession remains accepted.

>> No.55446320

There is no argument to be had Norwegian cancer and dead man walking, and you can close your ears as much as you want and spam as much as you like, its never going to happen, and your momy gets raped before killed, you are just going to be killed

>> No.55446325

>There is no argument to be had
Correct, because you can't come up with a counter argument to any of my points.

>> No.55446813

say no more, buying now

>words words words
Gaaaaay, buying more

>> No.55447423

Not sure we would be seeing price at that level anytime soon anon. I'd just stick to my Dca on it alongside Eth and Matic while awaiting my Quest results for Peaq launch rewards.