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55439193 No.55439193 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55439207
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if you make 80k/yr you can move out
You just realize living on your own is a complete scam nowadays, and you are much more conscious about your money

>> No.55439242

Idk maybe today was a bad day but I just felt particuarlly squeezed. Like noone leaves me alone and I have no privacy at all. Stuck in the same stupid bedroom from 17 years ago and I feel completely stuck in life. I don't want another day of this but apparent the trade is nearly half my post tax income because people in my state STILL will throw out inspection on houses and pay 50k over asking price. They jacked up rents too and now there is next to no good situation so I sit here in my stupid chair with my back pain, watching the day go by without the ability to focus on anything. Projects rotting because I just can't focus on anything and my dementia neighbor loudly earrapes me with his fucking stupid lawn mower EVERY DAY.

>> No.55439334

>my dementia neighbor loudly earrapes me with his fucking stupid lawn mower EVERY DAY.

You can move out, you just gotta keep looking my guy, don't give up

>> No.55439355

I want to buy a house right next to my parents house because I love my family

>> No.55439379

Boomers know what they got.

>> No.55439524

Are you me? Same age and problem. I just want to come home and lay down naked. Somehow people my age who are making less have houses because their parents gave them money for a down payment.

>> No.55439545

Because life isn't fair. Maybe you had well off parents, maybe your parents were poor. In the end it doesn't matter because if your parents were superboomers whose mentality was "he deserves even less than I give him" your life will always be shit.

Good parents will always want more and ask for more and give more to their kid because their goal is a kid with a million bucks that can take care of them and give them grandkids. Shit parents will ruin your life, then complain "why don't you have my grandkids yet?". There's no winning with retarded people who backstab their own progeny, especially the ones that think you 'owe them' for not murdering you in the womb.

>> No.55439577

go where you are treated best.

>> No.55439696
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I love my mommy and daddy and my sibbling but I can't physically live in the same house with them. The latter moved out years ago and I don't want to be far away from the former. That's part of the issue - had I actually been by myself I'd have bought some stupid condo a year or two ago. instead I've desperately tried to stay close with some means to support them in their later years. I'm losing my mind man, I'm serving two masters and it hurts. If I had the market my brother had ~5 years ago I'd be golden. I thought I was when I got this job kek.

>> No.55439710

Meant for

And I meant to say my brother move out a few years back. He was only making 60k and was able to get a 3 bed 2 bath from 2007- granted it ate a fair amount of his income so it was risky. He since makes a lot more so it worked. I don't think its a great idea to take that same risk.

>> No.55439775

Why don't you live with other people in a house -- like that sitcom Friends?
You get to become social and make friends and learn how to get along with people and network.

And you pay a quarter of the cost.

>> No.55440043
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Get yourself a hotel room tonight and chill the fuck out. If you need it for two days then get it for two. You need to decompress. Go out, watch a movie, get a beer. You're not going to get laid, but atleast if you did you could take her back to the hotel.

After you've regrouped yourself go back home. Clean your room as best as you can. Sell off anything you don't use, need or want. Put this into a home fund. Start using credit cards and pay them off right away to try and build up some credit. In one year you will move out.

Enjoy the full free fridge. Free internet, water, electricity, rent that you have now. The people you cant stand now you're going to miss.

If you need to do it again next month or in a couple of weeks then rent another hotel for the night. You'll be ok. Just take it slow. And calm down.

>> No.55440079

Also, I just suffered a pinched nerve in my neck for 3 days. Today is my first day with no pain. I am a grown ass man and I cried out like a baby. Most brutal pain I've ever felt. No joke if I had heroin I would have done it. I have a handgun and I was thinking about killing myself. Not in a real way, but in a soothing fantasy way.

My heart goes out to people who suffer non stop pain like that. To go on a weird rant I quit drinking for a month and lowered my carbs. The night before the pain in my neck I got drunk and ate a fuck load of pizza. Super imflamation. Then I slept wrong.

I'm wondering if you could get on a keto diet. It would regulate your hormones as well as possibly help with the imflamation. I'm just spitballing here. I'm not a doctor or anything. Just don't like seeing people suffer. Even if it's first world problem suffering.

>> No.55440133

I've thought about doing something like this. There are days were things are bearable, but then periods where it feels like I can't do anything. I spent nearly two hours today, failing to write an email because my brain was all over the place. I swear ADD has been getting worse. I managed to be getting through a masters degree + full time work, but its summer time now and I can't even type out 500 words in a reasonable amount of time. My brain feels fried and I feel really overwhelmed.

I've thought about the whole lowering inflammation before, maybe now's the time I actually commit to a diet like that.

>> No.55440192

>I'm wondering if you could get on a keto diet. It would regulate your hormones as well as possibly help with the imflamation.
Short answer, yes.
I have compressed spinal disk that activated fibromyalgia after a few years of constant low grade inflammation and mild to not so mild pain depending on weather. Getting rid of carbs has been major help but isnt a cure all.
Took a short vacation to a place that was 5-600 ft above sea level and felt nothing, no pain even with heavy thunderstorm (something that would have otherwise left me bed-ridden)
Elevation is what does it if you have similar problem.
And if you eat goyslop, eventually you will

>> No.55440651

Where do you live where everything is $2500 a month? I live 30min out from DC in NoVa (expensive area) and you can find decent 1Br condos for $1600-1700. Sure if you try to find the hippest neighborhoods everything is 2500-3k. I bet you can find something cheaper if you cared enough

>> No.55440658

damn do you hate your parents that much? I have literally never felt like this. Move out for what? Unless you're married it's a waste of money paying rent to some fucker.

>> No.55440669

buy a new chair retard.

>> No.55440692

It doesn’t always make sense to live at home, sometimes your parents are living 300 miles away from the nearest job center, other times they have some kind of mental illness like hoarding that makes it impossible to live with them. I have a hoarder parent (one of them) while my other parent lives in a tiny ass condo. They’re divorced

>> No.55440694

bro if it's just a muscle issue and not slipped discs or bullshit just start off easy and deadlift, it's fixing my 20+ yr back issue, no longer have pain while walking. Good luck man

>> No.55440762

yeah, a situation like that is understandable but OP doesn't seem to be in that kinda situation

>> No.55440859

Didn't know that about elevation. You should move someplace in that zone. Even if its a horrific paycut.

Transcendental Meditation is free and has been medically observed. This is the best run down without all the bullshit I've seen.


>> No.55440873

Jews want goy to struggle

>> No.55440885
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>my dementia neighbor loudly earrapes me with his fucking stupid lawn mower EVERY DAY.
Just buy Litecoin lmao

>> No.55440930

You’re risk adverse to a fault and co-dependent on your parents and use them as an excuse to not make a move. That’s not necessarily your fault, your parents may have conditioned you into cuckery, but until you can break that chain, you’ll feel frustrated forever.

>> No.55441229
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I feel guilty, or at least, they make me feel guilty when I go off on my own. I've been a lot better trying to add risk into my own life (got a gf off of that) and have really tried to think about how risk averse I've been in my life. The problem is the house is such a big cost and genuinely EVERY option feels like a scam. I genuinely don't know what to do and I honestly don't even know how I feel except that I am constantly dealing with at least a low level of stress. I feel like an asshole spending a lot of my early 20s playing it safe and saving money only to have it amount to nothing and being back in my childhood bedroom.

>> No.55441362

When I need some privacy I just go camp someplace in my car. Something like a Prius is really good for this because you have room to lay down and sleep plus the air conditioner is all electric. That makes it really cheap to keep the car cool even in the hot sun.

>> No.55441385

Hey bro why not just buy a condo and escape there when you want, and then visit parents frequently? Do you have enough for that? You can sell it and upgrade if you switch jobs and get a higher salary, or get married to a working woman, how about that?

>> No.55441399
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I feel the same way op. I make 80k/yr
Except I am 28 turn 29 in a few months
Living with mom and step dad(her husband)

They've been wanting to divorce for a while but haven't because they are broke. I pay my fair share around the house maybe more but I think it's cheaper than living alone. Dying to move out but I want to see if I can hold out until the bull Market

>> No.55441417

Getting out of your kidnappers' and rapists' dungeon is usually called moving out.

>> No.55441541

move out dude, it's so much better. i can stand living with people.

>> No.55441994

Nigger your old as shit and you never bought BTC and your on biz in financial end times I'm a fucking zoomie dude

>> No.55442010
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message for OP: can i save this pepe ? you re an artist