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55437324 No.55437324 [Reply] [Original]

probably will get banned for this but since biz has the best discussion. serious question. why aren't americans rioting over the rejection of the supreme court decision for student loans? the biden administration literally promised this repeatedly for years, their campaign was based on this and something to do with marijuana and now its apparent they straight up lied on both accounts. not a single soul is going to be able to afford these restarts now with everything else already raised. and these payments are on average $300 dollars. sooo uh, what happens now? is the economy screwed? is nothing going to happen like always? But it mean 2+2 here = something has to happen this time. i'm genuinely curious here because this seems like a massive slap in the face to its citizens

>> No.55437337


>> No.55437368

> why doesn't the most right-leaning court in decades agree with the most left-leaning government in decades
Really makes you think.

>> No.55437391
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just wait for the next election cycle to ramp up then people will pretend to care for instagram likes

>> No.55437392

americans live in a perpetual state of fear that things will get a lot worse thanks to propaganda so even if things don't change or only get a little worse they're fine with it

>> No.55437406

that isn't the shock though. its the promises that won them the election. they were practically pitched as guarantees. that's why it's surprising people aren't taking to the streets. this really seemed like the straw to break the back

>> No.55437415

oh so now january 6th was an okay plan

>> No.55437430

The debt machine is well lubricated. The dildo of government is not.

>> No.55437446

cattle are conditioned to be shocked by violence against their rulers. they'll be upset but will appeal to some nigger cattle nonsense about "law and order" (taught to them by their talmudic masters) and do nothing.

>> No.55437555

oh no i am outraged they wont use my money to pay for debtmaxxed retards i should riot over this!

t. debt free american

>> No.55437566

>why aren't americans rioting over the rejection of the supreme court decision for student loans?
Could be a number of things
>Demoralized from false promises and economic hardship
>Just comfortable enough to not risk imprisonment
>They never expected it to actually materialize
>Self medication
Probably all of it.

Nothing changed for me, I don't expect anything good from government. All I see are endlessly corrupt middle managers acting on orders from their wealthy and corporate benefactor executives.

>> No.55437702

Because they took the loans and should pay them back. Gonna be dumb gotta be tough.

>> No.55437724

>politicians lie, people are stupid
More at 9

>> No.55437760

Imagine voting.
Imagine falling for promises from politicians.

>> No.55437765

This. People only start caring about things when the talking heads tell them to care.

>> No.55437772

Just wait til it's our turn for Soc Security lol. I'm sure we'll get some chuck e cheese tokens, but it'll be worthless

>> No.55437776

hypothetically what would happen if a group of "hackers" DDoSed the major loan provider's websites, thereby causing tens of millions of student loan holders to purposefully fall behind on payments?

>> No.55437783

Usury should be illegal since retards want to take out loans and not pay them back. This inflates the currency for everyone else including the dumb fuck who took out the loan. Same thing with thief’s who steal from stores. These retards don’t realize the more they steal the more the stores will increase the price. Self inflicting victims.

>> No.55437800

Politicians will be outraged and declare martial law

>> No.55437806

i'm just thinking out loud, because nelnet is down right now. imagine if this happened to every major loan provider -- oh boy would those jews and their slave politicians be upset.

>> No.55437819

Court isn't supposed to lean. That's fuck-up #1.

>> No.55437841

why would people riot over the court finally setting the precedent that you need to pay your fucking loans? God forbid somebody in this fucking country pay interest on a debt. I'd riot if they cancelled the loans because it meant my hard work and effort was for nothing when stupid fucking niggers went to the most expensive schools and go to do so for free. What a fucking slap in the face to anyone who actually worked hard to pay off their debt or not go into debt by going to a local community college. Fuck you if you have student loans and expected to just wipe the slate clean, you FUCKING PARASITES. PAY WHAT YOU OWE.

>> No.55437857

debtmaxxers lose again

>> No.55437884

>I'd riot if they cancelled the loans
You wouldn't do shit. You bitch about it online and buy a "back the blue" flag and a maga hat

>> No.55437931


>> No.55437934

luckily its a hypothetical because you parasites WILL repay what you borrowed.

>> No.55437941

What about all that money Ukraine got? Why can’t I, an America Citizen, get the same treatment from my government that those 3rd world racists got? I’m beginning to feel outraged. However, I will not outwardly direct my anger. Instead I will internalize it.

>> No.55438058

Americans are part of the Anglosphere. Anglos are without a doubt the most conformist people in the world. Things have to be seriously fucked if you see people of this cultural sphere riot or protest. Contrary to what Americans like to see themselves at, revolution is just not in their veins. The American revolution was more of an exception than a rule for them.

>> No.55438062

Israel has free healthcare and still gets big cash payouts from the US taxpayers. Pay up goyim >

>> No.55438073

When the loans get turned on and people can't pay their rent anymore and when landlards can't pay their mortgage and get foreclosed is when I will move in and buy.

>> No.55438087

Nice bait
Go back

>> No.55438097

I'm going to defer payments indefinitely until the loan forgiveness kicks in; it's been in the news long enough, won't be much longer til 100% forgiveness is pushed through. Barely made the $125k cutoff too, HRs DEI department pays a little too well if you ask me, but I donate some of the excess to the ACLU to get my karma up

>> No.55438099

>t. american
The Party functions primarily as an ongoing self-censorship campaign. At first, NPCs are trained to avoid thinking about certain topics by shaming them for using words that mean the topic (nigger is banned first, then any reference to blackness - 'muh whites don't get to comment they get to listen.') Once they're conditioned in this way, they can be herded past one small lie after the next, and they'll agreeably gaslight one another at each step... even though the ultimate destination is a bald-faced-lie.

In this instance, they knew Biden's promises were bullshit because they knew they were "just voting not Trump." They gaslit one another, 'Biden sure will be a great president!' But they knew he'd reneg on everything. So here he is giving 10x as much to "Ukraine" as to Americans (as if our money is his to give away.) Nobody is surprised. That's why there aren't riots.

Also, they'll riot on cue at the Party's command.

>> No.55438102

how is this even a thing? what is the rationale for forgiving student loan forgiveness?
>t.not a burger

>> No.55438159

Universities have been upcharging their tuitions to line their pockets. Then it turns out those degrees were worthless and when the student graduate they can't find jobs. Covid then made it worse as business models had to shift and their degrees became even more worthles. Now they have no work experience, high debt, and no work prospects.
Banks dont want people to pay their loans on early because they wont make money on the interest.

>> No.55438208

The system is set up to give you the illusion of choice. Biden can say “well at least i tried, but its not my fault” and move on, as was always the plan. No amount of voting will ever change the trajectory of any first world “democracy” or democratic republic in the slightest. The people in charge are acting out a play, the ending of which is already written. They just allow you to give them improv situations on the way there.

>> No.55438290

brandon tried, but the hecking trump judges ruined his good intentions.

>> No.55438312

they didn't riot over Banker bailouts in 2008, giving golden parachutes with taxpayer money, so why would they riot now?

>> No.55438317

Americans are MK Ultra'd. I'm not even meme'ing.

>> No.55438412
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because you have to pay it back Loanie!

>> No.55438427



>> No.55438464

People will riot in the form of defaulting in their student loans. I doubt many people are expecting to have to pay their loan off after having it paused for 3 years and thinking Biden would get it cancelled. It'll probably look really bad in a few months time if they don't think of something

>> No.55438889


>> No.55438922

>uses term anglo
>doesn't know a shred of anglo history
Yeah, go read a book. The most conformist people are in asia. As can be seen by their history.

>> No.55438941
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Because we agree with them. Take out loans=pay them back. Usury is Kike Evil no doubt, but a contract is a contract.

>> No.55438995

The people who are so deep in debt that they would love a free 20k are retarded niggeroids who created these problems for themselves by voting for a guy who created the debt bubble 18 years ago. Imagine being an 18yo zoomer, 100k in the hole, and being so dumb you voot for the guy who made it that way. Why would someone so dumb, do anything?

>> No.55439004

>salt... friends
What does salt mean?

>> No.55439010

>why aren't americans rioting
too stupid, too lazy, too tired.

>> No.55439016

the only people with unmanageable loans are retards who got advanced meme degrees who currently work at starbucks.
even with tuition inflation, you can get a 4 year degree from a state university for under $40k excluding room and board. if you can't get a job to pay for rent/food in a college town while you're taking classes you're either a retard or an excuse maker

>> No.55439129

So what you're saying is all the illegal immigrants need to go back?

>> No.55439179

Imagine if this actually went through. All the muppets who paid absolutely nothing back get bailed out. Conversely all the people who diligently paid their loan off get nothing. You're yet again just giving gibs to the parasites in the world.

But what's another few trillions between kikes, right

>> No.55439195

Based supreme court. I'm a loser who failed to get his career started but 0 debt. So lmao to all the wagie faggots. Fuck you. You are no better than me.

>> No.55439282

If the debt was forgiven, they wouldnt be able to make money off the interest.
Student debt forgiveness is probably the most anti-semitic policy. Not only would it prevent them from collecting money from interest, they would actually LOSE money to inflation.
Why do you think it didnt pass?

>> No.55439365

yeah I can't believe all those zoomers who voted for bush

>> No.55439375

Checked and thispilled.

>> No.55439425

There it is again. Biden literally pushed the bill that made expunging it by bankruptcy illegal, but you're here unable to take accountability for the fact your own shitty life is your own fault. So you'll vote for president debtslave next who will promise the same thing and then rape you harder, because you are a retarded monkey. You're not even here because you believe in crypto- you're from the commie discord- but all commies are just starved capitalists desperate for their 'rightful' money.

>> No.55439458

Yeah but other people have to experience misery so I can feel better about my failure of a life. That's why normal young people can't have debt relief. Jews are on my side now because normies are suffering like they deserve

>> No.55439476

take your meds. who the fuck vocalized any support for Biden? you said 18 years ago zoomers voted (in 2005) for a president.

>> No.55439548
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Student loan debt is actually a small proportion of the total debt in the US. The problem is it almost requires broke debties to get hooked into paying mandatory loan debt early in life instead of cycling that money into actual consumer goods or saving up for mortgages. If you look into it, it actually seriously stifles birthrates, too, since couples having babies is contingent mostly on finances.

>> No.55439630

>but all commies are just starved capitalists desperate for their 'rightful' money.
You're right over the target. When the replies become insults and some shit about taking meds, you've won.

>> No.55439644

No one is going to pay anyway and everyone knows it.
t. wife had 300k in med school bills and we aren't paying and haven't paid for 7 years now and will never pay

>> No.55439699

american politics are intentionally made retarded to prevent revolts
>far left
>understands how fucked economy is
>has dumbest possible opinions on everything else
>far right
>zero understanding of basic capitalist economics
>somewhat coherent politics minus the racism
>economic policy is exactly what causes oligarchy to rule
>politics are dumb
>economic policy is same as left
>slightly less dumb political opinions
each group is intentionally made to not only hate each other with a passion but also to prevent widespread support. the oligarchs of the usa own every media and political candidate, and they like the free money off of the student debt

>> No.55439708
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its simple

>> No.55439712

>comparing corporate + government debt to individual debt
based on that graph student loan debt makes up 1/4th the debt of the average citizen. it even outnumbers mortgage debt which is something nearly everyone has in the us, aside from renters

>> No.55439714

Their promises didn't win the election. Your premise is wrong.
They stole the election. Probably printed up 20 million+ fake votes.
If you don't understand this you are a retard.

>> No.55439727

>the left is the one that understands economics
kek is this bait? You won if so. I am technically responding.

>> No.55439728 [DELETED] 
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ooompa loompa

>> No.55439736

There's a lot of stuff that's gone into this mainly exploiting cultural and psychological loopholes in the average American that have existed since the Inception of the country but went into a terminal spiral during the 1960s via various psychological operations in the political sphere.

>> No.55439777

i never said they understand economics very well, they just understand the failure of capitalism's need for constant growth (something that causes massive recessions despite bringing in profits). unfortunately that makes them the group that understands economics the best within the usa. americans are very bad at understanding economics, which i think is due to constant propaganda and a lack luster public education system

>> No.55439800

It's worded poorly but I think it implies salting the earth, so basically permanently ruin any foreign ally opportunities

>> No.55440035

Anon, theyre never on your side. You are the cattle, primed for milking.

>> No.55440053
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Biden will find another way.

>> No.55440085 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55440230

>t. "enlightened" centrist cuck

>> No.55440240
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>> No.55440982
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people still think either SIdE is going to make everything magically better have failed the test.
Both sides have been bought, and you are given merely the illusion of choice. No one cares other than themselfs operating on a (whats in it for me) short of a very few noble individuals.

People are upset that student loans aren't being treated , but forgiving trillions in corporate loans overnight is. Thats the issue. Theirs other options than outright forgiveness, but you have to be sub 80 iq to not see whats happening. The west no longer operates for the people by the people, but for the corporations by the corporations.

Those that are not directly impacted by the decision have not realize the indirect impact it will have on their day to day life.
People will start rioting when they have nothing to lose, and americans are walking towards that direction

>> No.55441002

Thank the supreme court. I shouldn't have to waste money on that shit. Would rather burn it

>> No.55441008

Because not everyone took out student loans. It was their decisions to get the loans so my taxes shouldn't go to paying for them. We should find a way to make school much more affordable but there's no reason for us to pay for others decisions

>> No.55441049

Eh, there are risks associated with lending money. That's why interest rates exist (supposedly, in reality it's just a Jew scam), to mitigate the risk. People in poverty bracket are on income based payments which are forgiven after 20 years. Guess what? Most people fall in that bracket. Most people get them forgiven whether or not they receive forgiveness or not. Your government made the decision to give them the loans and your government (i.e. the taxpayer) will eat that bad decision and you'll pay for it with inflation.

>> No.55441069

>its the promises that won them the election
They stole the election and the redditors who voted for Biden didn't do so for any policy they did it because the media told them to hate Trump.

>> No.55441085


>> No.55441092

They are used to their politicians lying and not delivering on promises that everyone knew they could not and would not keep.

If you were stupid enough to believe that he could erase 400b in debt without Congress, you're an idiot and nobody is surprised you vote D.

>> No.55441103

Would you have the same opinion on mortgage cancellation? Just erase home loans.
Same arguments you just used.

>> No.55441133

kek good voting ya done there yanks