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File: 19 KB, 500x390, korean GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5543553 No.5543553 [Reply] [Original]

So it's not just FUD. My GF is Korean as fuck, like she mixes L's and R's kind of Korean. She's been telling me the last few weeks how the media in Korea has been on a fucking rampage against crypto and I have to keep unbrainwashing her on the subject because apparently the propaganda is effective. I don't know what the end game will be, but the Korean government is 1000000% going to regulate shit.

>> No.5543614

you mean stop the laundering and have proper verification? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WE R DOOMED, nice FUD btw.

>> No.5543620

>more regulations
yawn. wake me up when bitcoin has taken over USD for the world's reserve currency already. im so sick of this timeline

>> No.5543621
File: 47 KB, 632x852, D0D4FAFB-EF5D-4AA7-AE0D-5462617FA739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can white women compete?

>> No.5543636

it's also prob govt fud--im korean and the south korean news channels are uber propped

the production of their cbs, cnns, fox's, etc--the music and the graphics are redic (in terms of trying to evoke reaction/emotion)

do we really think the south korean crpyto volume is coming from the people or the govt?

>> No.5543654

>current year
>believing the media can stop the memetrain

blockchain, crypte, all that jazz...it's here to stay faggot so buckle up and buy the dip because by the time we're done lambo's will be the cars 16 year olds use to learn how to drive.

>> No.5543657

95% of Koreans/Japanese don't actually look that hot

>> No.5543679

my gf is korean too. plus shes hotter than yours. and she went all in on icx and said fuck the government

>> No.5543692
File: 441 KB, 884x720, 1513847038388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest Koreans got all of their looks from plastic surgery
They literally arr rook same if you compared all their faces after surgery
Gooks are masters of deception, don't believe their lies

>> No.5543713 [DELETED] 


Pump and dump group, 25k members already, next pump in few hours, get the fuck in here son: discord.gg/XMmR8z9

>> No.5543734

japs are never hot, cute at best, and korean girls that are hot are likely due to large amounts of plastic surgery

>> No.5543736
File: 195 KB, 798x770, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have great looks, but somehow their children end up ugly as fuck, I WONDER WHY.

>> No.5543756


koreans look like fat japanese with downs

>> No.5543861

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.5543931

Who the fuck cares what worst Korea does?

>> No.5544086
File: 114 KB, 1082x921, File Dec 27, 8 54 35 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

text from her

>> No.5544128

>inb4 fake!
it looks fake as fuck but she texts me like a robot sometimes. If you date a high IQ AZN you know the drill

>> No.5544177

If neither of you have DYOR then neither of you are high IQ

>> No.5544249

>korea regulates crypto market
>starts by banning all pajeetcoins and shady exchanges
>citizens can only invest in coins approved by korean government
>icx goes 100x in one day

>> No.5544254

having an actual Korean watching Korean media for me and translating it for me is about DYOR as you can get brainlet.

>> No.5544309

Text her saying the boys want some proof.

>> No.5544554

proof she's korean? Just check korean news, it's filtering out to the english news now

>> No.5544558

The regulation is already in effect, for example bithumb does not allow trading for minors (under 19yr).
The gov will also ensure protection for traders against exchanges which means theres less to worry about exit scams.
In korea, regulation is a good thing. Its actually meant to help protect traders and keep normies out. Taxation is my biggest fear but theres no word of it yet and it won't be like the burgers where the gov/irs is actually out to steal profit.

>> No.5544597

Could you thank your Korean gf? Just sold $100k

>> No.5544621

regulation is never a good thing, why to azs always have so much trust in the state? fucking makes me crazy

>> No.5544647

OP is not FUD'ing... I just spoke with my uncle who has been living in Korea the past 20+ yrs.

He's telling me there are literally millions of peoples addicted to cryto --- so much that they are skipping work and school altogether. The government won't allow this and I fear Korea might ban cryto all together.

Anyone with connections to Korea hear anything similar from friends or relatives?

Do you guys think we need Korea in the long run?

>> No.5544678

Wrong but ok

>> No.5544698

want to be part of the next crypto pump come join https://discord.gg/vNGsENy easy 40-60% profits 25k + members !!! get in now!!!

>> No.5544749

yeah, that's what she keeps saying. Says it's a big gambling addiction thing and has been on my ass about it because the media keeps doing all these stories about how koreans just gamble all their money away and ignore the rest of life - the government will step in, im just not sure to what extent

>> No.5544758

Post gf for proof

>> No.5544789

I've been thinking recently about how day trading crypto is basically gambling. It is immediate and 24x7 on demand. It IS very addictive

>> No.5544829

Why do fucking Koreans get fatally addicted to anything if it's on a computer

>> No.5544865

two reasons, one is because you can never leave things to the mass of gooks alone. you always need some form of regulation or anything good will eventually turn to shit with gooks. its not a coincidence that a dictator was the one who flipped the country from being shitter than NK to where it is now. samsung, hyundai, LG etc are good examples too, without absolute leadership, everything goes to shit. there is no middle ground.
two, because gooks run the state. we disposed a shitty president already. if things get bad, we'll flip it again. power is in the mass but this can also be a bad thing due to reason one above.

>> No.5544870

how the fuck can they possibly enforce said regulations?

>> No.5544951

>In korea, regulation is a good thing. Its actually meant to help protect traders and keep normies out.
You mean keep anyone except rich "accredited investors" out. Can't allow social mobility to happen can we.

>> No.5544956

When the exchanges are located physically in your country it's really easy.

>> No.5544974

It's not so much being addicted to something on computer... it's a nation that grew up poor, so anything that involves money, they - as in the nation - will go all-in to get rich

To them, nothing is more important than wealth

>> No.5544990


Pump and dump teamwork group, 25k members already, next pump in few hours, get the fuck in here son: discord.gg/XMmR8z9

>> No.5545062

>anyone except rich "accredited investors" out
this ain't burger land, this won't happen.

>> No.5545136

euros have even harder trust in the state

>> No.5545212


Pump and dump teamwork group, 25k members already, next pump in few hours, get the fuck in here son: discord.gg/XMmR8z9

>> No.5545214

If China can't stop it then fucking Korea means nothing. Japan and Switzerland are 100% behind crypto, nothing can stop it now

>> No.5546059

I think it’s more likely coming from north of the DMZ and being filtered through SK.

>> No.5546250

Fuck no. Only the communists and they are all retarded students. At least in bongland the real people don’t even want welfare. I’m one if the few who doesn’t want to NHS to be fair but most ppl want the government to stay out if everything. Only the thickos and brainwashed students want more nanny state from comrade corbyn.
We don’t do religion either. We think most people in the world are crazy.

>> No.5546366

>most people
lol no. euros and brits (and aussies) love nanny state.

>> No.5546467

Well obs it would have been a good idea to sell Christmas night and buy back on this dip. I bought all my stack >3k sats so, this is just consolidation afaict

>> No.5546661
File: 109 KB, 1200x725, dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this is a dip anymore

>> No.5546784

gambling seems to be a thing in all asian cultures. the Chinks always seem to get addicted to gambling too

>> No.5546852

fuck off tether faq

>> No.5547333

No, only the middle class. Plus the immigrants. Upper and lower class people actually think you should work for what you get in life and handouts are a sign of weakness. It’s the lower middle class single moms and Champaign socialist virtue signallers that love it. The exception being healthcare and I am pretty alone on that. I think A&E should be tax payer funded but that it. Only because it is an emergency service and they should be funded along with the military. The government should not be collecting tax for anything else. Roads should be maintained by car sellers etc and medical, pensions etc should be privately run. Welfare should be 109% funded by local community charities. So the duckers know the people giving them handouts and are more likely to feel bad and put the effort in to change. Possibly exceptions being genuinely disabled but even then it should be charity really. There would be more than enough to help them even if you use lotto charity funds. The single moms and ppl who make bad life choices must rely on their neighbour. See how quickly they will change or be shunned by the community. Socialisim doesn’t work and the system will collapse soon or taxes will increase exponentially. It kills people with kindness. I can’t wait for it to come crashing down and a more sensible system replace it. Hopefully involving decentralised blockchain tech and less government!