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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55434136 No.55434136 [Reply] [Original]

is there a way we can all team up and get rich together somehow? why does /biz/ never work together? reddit did it for GME and made millions, why cant we figure out how to work together and team up to accomplish something?

>> No.55434142


>> No.55434148

Zero sum game

>> No.55434154
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/biz/ did it with SHIB, we could do it again with TOAD but everyone wants to be fags.

>> No.55434183


ok how do we do this again

>> No.55434187

yeah if we compete with each other but im suggesting we team up and work together against the masses of NPCs out there

>> No.55434210

Hoichi if you look into it is definitely founded by Ryoshi.

>> No.55434222

Also Ryoshi started this long before this post. That post was just part of the shilling.

>> No.55434231

Everyone here will jump over their dead grandmother to steal money from you. It would never work.

>> No.55434244
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>Buy yourself a bag of TOAD
>Shill how TOAD is cooler then PEPE and we're going to kill/flip PEPE
>make memes and keep shilling until lambo's
It's that easy if we can get enough people to commit in the beginning, eventually it'll take off.

>> No.55434272
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We can start fomo'ing into Sora again just like we did in 2021
We exploited them, and now they're pumping again, this is our opportunity to repeat that easy 10x

>> No.55435017

stupid shitty knock off retarded meme. come up with something better

>> No.55435143
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the only time when the biztards touched grass and became real human beings, although I still understand, everyone would like to be rich without depending on anyone, I mean, that's what I want to do with my OBAYC nfts after all

>> No.55435170

how about 0xGamble (1uck) then?
>fair launched on biz by anon dev
>gifted to biz anons for them to use as they see fit
>unique tokenomics with burn on every tx
>inbuilt gambling mechanics on every tx
>has great story, meme numbers, mystery and verifiable odds
>shot up from $365 to $350k+ without dev shilling, marketing or anythin else, just by existing
>insane fud, scam clones, attacks and jeet manipulation
>still holding strong despite all the concentrated fud
>biz anon community working and growing
>cmc and cg listings incoming
>sub 100k atow
this is "our coin" anon, check it out for yourself

>> No.55435195

>hey anonymous stranger
>Why won't you make me rich
>Why won't you just follow
New fag frogs. Leave

>> No.55435288

That’s the real answer here
>Reddit did it with GME
Kek. Some redditors went along for the ride to take heat off those making real money off the squeeze. /GME/ was fund v fund like any other short squeeze, Reddit just held the bags

>> No.55435309

This op >>55434142 , if the fudders put all their energy into positive posts and EVERYONE was truly in it together, the energy and sentiment of a handful of autistic anons could propel link to the stratosphere and we'd all make it together

>> No.55435495

Because most projects are ran by pajeet ruggers.

Link is truly /biz/‘es only true chance now, its the biggest meme coin here

>> No.55435524

we actually are making a token
search vrumies on telegram, there literally is almost no liquidity yet

>> No.55435790
File: 222 KB, 750x1131, C46B8984-F2C9-4B34-9517-ADC351ECB7A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kill yourself

>> No.55435882

>so poorly coded that the dev is hiding
>uses 0x in the name, doesn't use 0x protocol or api
>casino hype long gone
>nothing but fake volume on 1suck
I'm just not buying your dead bags.