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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5542993 No.5542993 [Reply] [Original]

Everything I read is lies. I feel like its the lies we all tell each other and know what the truth is but sometimes its like taking crazy pills. The only thing you can't say is the truth.


Bitcoin is tech that should have died a long time ago. Its only not dying because of brand association and the greater fear that bringing down the name bitcoin will suck money out of DLT which is the true technological revolution of this decade. So even though everyone knows it, nobody can say it because it hurts literally everyone's interest at this moment.

Politics (US):
We know at a fundamental level that we deserve better leaders than this. Past presidents led charges in battle and kept giving speeches even after they'd been shot. Nobody since maybe Reagan is cut from that cloth. The American people looked at the next round of garbage and took a huge gamble on a narcissist entertainer and guess what? Its working out. That's why America wins rest of the world- because we have the magic sauce of smart hard working people who aren't afraid to put their balls on the line when the time is right.


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>> No.5543071
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>women: next post

i am monitoring this thread.

>> No.5543137

>Deserve better leaders
If you want political leaders you deserve to get fucked lol

>> No.5543175
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>blockchain source code


>> No.5543187

>Reagan cut from the same cloth as men who led charges in battle
Top fucking kek. I was listening until then.

>> No.5543254

Women are doing exactly what every other human being would do in their place. Women are much more pack-oriented (how often have you bought clothes because a friend recommended them?) and rightly so, because they aren't the physically stronger, ballsier sex. Being a rebel means you're fucked as a woman. So what do they do?

They repeat everything fed to them by media, which dictates a large portion of our culture. So they go bang a few guys and learn that yeah, men are probably very similar and then they get cold and jaded. Any guy would get the same way.

So you want to get women here's how?

If she's a virgin, do exactly what all the bullshit recommends. Those women don't see kindness as an ulterior action. Just understand that virgins in todays sexual market place are super high value and you'll be competing hard. If you have the stones do it.

If not, you're 90% of guys. You're normal, there's nothing wrong with that. But you are going to have to forge something long term with a woman without an automatic bonding switch. So learn some fucking game, don't pay attention to her shit and maintain your frame. And stand up straight and make eye contact. Done. Plus she'll be willing to do basically anything in bed because she doesn't have the innocence bargaining chip.

Central Banks

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>> No.5543280
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We live in the era of post-truth, anon. This is thanks to our overwhelming abundance. Enjoy it while it lasts, because eventually that stash will start running low.

>> No.5543461

Central Banks (Political arc?):

Human beings are imperfect. Literally everyone on the left right etc. believes that. The inevitable death of all nations comes from the fact that people in power are good at using power to get more power. It is an ultimately unstoppable cycle, but the only one that has come somewhat close to slowing it is representative democracy. And now we're in the learning process of how to improve that.

If power corrupts everyone (massive amounts of power would be damn hard to stay totally egalitarian while holding) then how about someone runs on one issue: term limits in congress. Every old legislator is more comfy with a lobbyist than a regular person, and dammit Jimmy, that shouldn't be. It would be an impossible position to oppose and would guarantee that person election. Maybe its because we're all cowards now.


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>> No.5543486

Is this your first fucking week on 4chan you retarded newfag fuck?

>> No.5543532

These are all thoughts we all had while shitting when we were like 15. You're far more retarded than you think.

>> No.5543572

4chan is 18+

>> No.5543596

You look at what Trump went up against.
The Bush Empire
The Clinton Empire
The Obama Networks
The Press
The weaponized Obama FBI
Trump's own personal flaws...

And you seriously think we aren't watching something special here? A 70 year old man that outworked everyone that has ever ran for president... nobody gave more speeches, had more rallies, stayed in constant constact with voters.

Hated by his own party establishment, hated by the Press, hated by the other party...
Teddy Roosevelt reincarnated.

>> No.5543605 [DELETED] 


Pump and dump group, 25k members already, next pump in few hours, get the fuck in here son: discord.gg/XMmR8z9

>> No.5543660

mods please ban this low-quality schizoid already, I can only hit the report button so much.

>> No.5543747

these fucking pajeet bots

>> No.5543799


Drugs are all things that aren't calories. Yes caffeine is, no a McDonalds burger isnt.

The question with drugs is always discussed with respect to whether they are a net positive or a net negative. But every recreational drug is a net negative. We should all be super nuclear perfect people with nary a bad thought.

But we're not. So the question should be is the negative effect of outlawing a drug less than the negative effect of that drug on society.

Actually talking about this like adults means that you can have a reasonable drug policy that, you know, might make society better.

Alcohol: Nobody under 26 can buy it, anyone can drink it anywhere. That way nobody gets their life ruined by being a college dipshit with a fake ID but all the true morons will hopefully get cut off by someone with a little maturity.

Weed: Legal at 18 and tax the shit out of it. The risk of weed isn't beating someone up or raping someone, its becoming a useless piece of shit and doing nothing. So if its expensive as hell but really good and available, it's hedged.

MDMA: Illegal until age 35 or until you have kids. Govt sells the drug and will only give you one dose a quarter.

Every fucking married couple that is making it with kids deserves to do MDMA once a quarter together. Once every 3 months has all the benefits and none of the risks.

You get three goes, for free, and that's it forever. A doc has to say you're of right mind and have a good set/setting. Everything else same harsh penalties as now.

Criminal System:

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>> No.5544008

Criminal System:

What would you do if you had an 85 IQ and were in the modern world. Hur Dur 4chan, but I'm successful as hell and have basically anything anyone could want, and some parts of modern society can be confusing.

As shit gets better the complexity of life gets higher and people at the very bottom of intelligence get squeezed. A dumb person will go to voilence because they're out of other options. This encases a lot of our population today and is only going to get worse.

So what do we do? Haven't figured this one out, but true genocide is out of bounds on ethical grounds and going along as-is is unsustainable.

Tell me how to fix it. Maybe some soft, voluntary containment for people who are dumb and terrified at everything that happens to them every day?

>> No.5544050

youre a fucking moron

18 for everything.

you can bring a life into this world before 18 and have the fate of another human being in your hand, but you arent responsible enough to have a drink?

you can server in the military before 18, handle weapons and explosives, and kill people in war, but arent responsible or mature enough to have a drink?

you can drive a car before 18, trusted with a huge responsiblity considering you can kill someone easily with a vehicle. But not responsible enough to have a drink?

you fucking bible belt idiot, i hope your father beats you tonight.

>> No.5544143


>> No.5544156


Whatever can't take a joke will. The right now tolerates NEA piss Christ and liberal comedians are jacking off in front of women. Not actually getting into their pants, but jacking off in front of them. How fucking pathetic is that. You're worth millions but you're such a deeply flawed coward that you can't even do the full crime, knowing you're going to do the full time. The same thing that drove those fat ugly people to work their asses off to build entertainment empires was what outed them as the same pathetic limp dicked losers they always were.


Last post

>> No.5544188

Agree with all your statements OP good job dont listen to these pajeet permavirgins

>> No.5544302

you are a retard buddy and this shit is not really /biz/ related at all.

>> No.5544348

This is the most brain dead rubbish I have ever read.

>> No.5544351

lmao you're an idiot

>> No.5544360


No pumps don't worry. Just a little advice that will sound like your dad if your dad was a high functioning all around great human being. Which I know wasn't the case, no offense.

You're in a bull market. Swing trading and meme lines are for when you're trying to make money in a flat market; why do you think the recipe for all the most successful investors is find value and buy in early?

No, your crypto gainz won't buy any worthwhile women. Good posture, good eye contact and being the only guy with the sack to talk to her will get the 10/10.

Your crypto gains won't buy you approval either. Know what everyone thinks of the guy in a Lambo? They think "what's wrong with him that he needs a lambo?." Value commercialism is the basis of all successful societies. High-end commercialism is just how pathetic rich get fleeced.

Here's what it will buy: time. If you waste time now, you'll waste it more when you have money and you'll suck more. If you're wagecucking and just want to spend more time with your kids, work your ass off after hours and get into solid tech cryptos now and DCA for the next two years because the money will do you more good than anyone else.

Fuck you all, you are my brothers.

>> No.5544518

> They think "what's wrong with him that he needs a lambo?.

Lol no, they think "thats a real nice car, I wish i could have one"

>> No.5544639
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>> No.5544674

Eh, im with OP. Whenever i see someome spend more than 120k on a car/truck/boat, I assume they are compensating

>> No.5544683

Get this stupid shit off /biz/
This isn't a newfag dumping ground.

>> No.5544694

Look fiat is shit so is bitcoin. But you cannot be retarded enough to say the bitcoin is worse than fiat.

>> No.5544812

Gas yourself shill.

>> No.5545587

Not everyone is a miser bro, some people want to enjoy what they earn.

>> No.5545702

i agree with OP, its all about time.

I just want more time. Rich people can have time if they choose and can overcome the addiction of working to make more money/be more powerful