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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55429766 No.55429766 [Reply] [Original]

doomers say economy was going to crash, but it seems to have recovered in a classic dead cat bounce kind of way
please write a short reply as to why this is a dead cat bounce and everythings going to fail in 14 days
do you believe government numbers and believe everything's going to melt up? why - outside of the idea that "nothing ever happens"

>> No.55429815

forecasting recessions is a grift

>> No.55429850
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I am optimistic for crypto, but pessemistic for the macro enviro in the USA.
The corporate real estate market will kick off the problem, which will cascade with the airbnb collapse forcing home sales, which will lead into this fall with students unable to pay their denbts.
The USA is sliding down a hill at the moment.
Couple that with the inability to raise rates, and the sudden need to bail out institutional investors in real estate, you’re going to see the money printer go brrr like april 2020.
Inflation is bad now, but will continue to get even worse.
The landing will be anything but soft, and if you arent completely all in bitcoin, you’re a fucking idiot.

>> No.55429871
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Didn't account for the fact 240k TC (roughly 20k/month TC) is so readily available to everyone since so many people have CS degrees. Things are affordable right now

>> No.55429895

>all in bitcoin
>calling anyone an idiot
Bitcoin is the meme that got out of control.

>> No.55429912

there's no big crash there's a slow strangulation of middle class, common people towards poverty through inflation. this is the method to settle the debt of government. compare the wages and prices of houses a few years ago, it's only getting started. there won't be a big explosion in the market where the destabilization takes us back to stone age and the civil war is out on the streets, instead it's the your finances falling from a skyscraper flat on its face on concrete in slow motion. when it's done you will be poorer than you've ever been and buying a car will be a dream, but the economy never crashed did it so I guess all the fearmongers were wrong like they always are.

>> No.55429965

The wait times on gold exceed 36 months, unless you’re willing to pay 25% over spot on the rape market.
There will be an inflection point where people realize the numbers on their banking app have almost no fucking value.
Venezuela, lebanon, turkey, etc. all experienced this.

>> No.55430037

Would they not take btc out at that point. I think people underestimate the power of the state to control shit

>> No.55430145

Business-minded people generally don't have a grasp of elite theory and believe markets are genuine and organic rather than utterly controlled. They take solace in minor wins while elites only continue transferring wealth and power to themselves. They are a bit like MIGAtards in that sense, GME is somewhat similar to all the cucks getting giddy because some beer company suffered a minor financial blip. It never occurs to either group that the entire ediface of the financial system needs purging and elites need circulating the way it did to people 100 years ago.

>> No.55430854
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Us /GME/ schizos are fully aware of that fact and that markets are fraudulent, We're waiting on the downfall of Market makers who make it happen but have made a fatal error, and the greater ramifications of that. The odds might be against us, but I believe we can win

>> No.55430893

Based youtube, doomer, educated, shit posters.

>> No.55432582


>> No.55432616

The $300 a week covid bonus money eventually runs out.

>> No.55433412
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How is consumer credit card debt ytd? Savings? Is pce foreshadowing a cpi rebound? Why did the labor market not take any damage from rate hikes, outside big tech/fin padding q1 earnings by normalizing headcount? CMBS still floating? Is the market pricing in two rate hikes and then a pivot, or has the 10y gone up with the 2y?

Don't know about 14 days, probably a slight correction from jpow rate hike with hawkish talk.

Remember remember shtf in Octember.

>> No.55433426

this i graduated with my bachelors in cs in 2023 with 2.4 gpa and got entry level job at amazon for 210k/yr hopefully after a year or two i can catch back up