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File: 46 KB, 560x560, IMG-20230629-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55425864 No.55425864 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ folks, have you heard about the latest buzz in the world of cryptocurrency? It's time to take a gamble on three new coins that are set to revolutionize the way we approach online gambling: 1uck, Clown, and Monte!

1uck (1UCK) - We ALL win
The OG of gambling coins

Clown (CLOWN) - Adding a Dash of Fun to Gambling!

Monte (MONTE) -

So, /biz/, what are your thoughts on these gambling-focused cryptocurrencies? Are they the next big thing or just another speculative trend? Share your insights, concerns, and predictions about 1uck, Clown, and Monte. Let the discussion begin!

>> No.55425877

Hey anon have you heard of the latest shitcoin craze? Ticker is KYS

>> No.55425878

They're all made by the same scamming faggot (You), and they're all over already. Already pumped already dumped.

>> No.55425890

I sadly can't code, otherwise I would have sure started my own coin.

Just wanted to peek biz mind want to throw a few bucks on each of them.

>> No.55425918

I like all of them.
Monte has an active dev and is working hard on bringing in the games, although their V1 rugged
Clowns have some real good memes going for them
1uck started it all and its community efforts Start do show. They’re growing, helping each other out, and working on a lot of things

>> No.55426000

1suck is a dead scam

>> No.55426019

This, the only buys are baggies and the dev's side wallets so he can dump on buyers. It's over.

>> No.55426046

Made nice profits nuking the clown chart yesterday. Thanks for playing kek.

This is the baggies last attempt to find some buying power. But nobody will buy this scam. Everybody sold and moved on. Only baggies are left.

>> No.55426057
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>> No.55426109

I guess the charts aren't pretty, and there's definitely some funding going on between the coins.

Do you think these gambling coins will take off and have a 100M market cap?

I'd be willing to throw a 100 on each and try my Luck.

What do you think biz? Tired of seeing those fuckin chain link shills

>> No.55426115 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 640x640, photo_2023-06-29_06-13-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PEPE 4.0 Just launched at BSC

Easy x1000 from here

TG : @pepefourbsc


>> No.55426124

Get off this thread you fuckin Pepe cock sucker. I really wish you choke on it retard

>> No.55426148

the hype is gone, novelty wore off, they're dead.

>> No.55426382

there's a green dildo on the 1uck chart
did someone really buy $1k worth after all the dumping, fud and skizo shitshow?
wtf is going on with this thing?

>> No.55426463
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kek baggies

>> No.55426548

Yep strangest token on biz right now

>> No.55426582

and wtf happened to the clowns?
didn't they have working stuff already? why the dump?

>> No.55426748
File: 9 KB, 225x225, IMG-20230629-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the good ol' days when Ethereum was worth peanuts and The DAO got hacked, leading to the birth of ETH's fork and other obscure gems like Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC)? Those were the whispers that set the stage for what's to come. It was all posted here on biz.

Now, let's shift gears and focus on the present. Amongst all these confusing projects like GRT, APT, and NEAR, we can't even fuckin explain what the final goal of it.

gambling coins stand out like a beacon of simplicity and excitement. Here's the deal: You buy these coins, and bam! You hold a ticket to a thrilling lottery. It's a game of chance, baby! Every transaction you make with these coins is like buying another ticket, potentially leading you to the big win.

Sure, it's early days, and we can't predict which of the three contenders will come out on top. But mark my words, more variations will pop up, just like that revered 1UCK. These gambling coins are a breath of fresh air, an opportunity waiting to be seized.

Don't dismiss them as mere frivolity, my fellow anons. Dig deeper, do your research, and uncover the untapped potential that lies beneath the surface. We're in uncharted territory, and it's up to us to navigate through this wild landscape. Let's discuss, share our insights, and challenge the status quo. Together, we can unveil the transformative power of these gambling coins.

Remember : Fortune favors the bold, and it's time we embrace this thrilling journey into the unknown and try our Luck, because anyways that's all we are doing here.

>> No.55426836

you write like a plebbitor
but you're not wrong

>> No.55427106


Ser, you missed something.

Monte - the king of the gambling coins!

>> No.55427185
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kek fuddies

>> No.55427207

XMR came before ETH you shithead. You mental retard.

>> No.55427552

It doesn't even use the 0x protocol or the 0x api, which is a permanent indicator of how retarded the dev is and how delusional the baggies are by shilling it. kek, not buying your bags, baggie

>> No.55427567

>its just like eth!
screencapped this copium
you faggots have never seen all the gambling tokens at coinmarketcap /view/gambling

>> No.55427603

Agree. We're early on the gambling tokens and because 1uck was the first mover I have my biggest bag in it. Also hold a small bag of the other two just in case.

biz was the birthplace of many good coins, true. unfortunately lately we see biz overtaken by jeets trying their best to pose as seasoned bizbros. All they're doing is the devil's work and low quality fudding everything that's not in their bag.

>> No.55427670
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Take note of this shill's writing style, and how he replied to himself with another id. He's very obvious and spams this type of cringe constantly. He believes if he just writes a paragraph of bullshit you'll buy his dead bags.

>> No.55428283

>Left to right
Yes, that is the correct order

>> No.55429116

Another day alive, another fudder saying it's dead kek

>> No.55429140

I'm more of a kill,fuck,kill,fuck,kill,fuck
kinda guy.

>> No.55429414
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1uck is worth a dollar EOY. Anything lower is fud. Still holding a million tokens and already took out like 5x what I started with, so it's only profits from here.

>> No.55430210
File: 102 KB, 1280x728, photo_2023-06-29 12.05.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clowns is the closest to actually having anything that works

they have a beta live now too

>> No.55430325
File: 3.27 MB, 498x373, game-over-1suck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1uck is worth a dollar EOY. Anything lower is fud. Still holding a million tokens and already took out like 5x what I started with, so it's only profits from here.
only deluded baggies and dev side wallets buying, not buying your bags shill

>> No.55430342


>> No.55430545

clowns has a beta, monte has a preview, 1uck anons also have a preview of a new website and supposedly working on more than one game
it's a race, but the race is for short term advantage and bragging right
in the end there might be more than one winner
I'm holding bags of all of them

>> No.55430694

v1 didnt rug, it was a copy of 1uck, so they made v2 in order to fix the issues of 1uck’s contract. afaik they plan to use v1 in future games

>> No.55431321
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Man that circus website is so aweful, God damnit the designer should get some basic UX classes.

Still got a bag of all three definitely don't want to miss that gambling rocket.

>> No.55431355
File: 65 KB, 500x533, 1688075149736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks gambling tokens from biz will "rocket"

>> No.55431678

Eh I dunno, clown town, monte etc. they just all just suck sweaty scrote sack compared to 1uck so I don't want to buy them. I'd also hate to help the monte dev make money because he's an insufferable kike janny. That's just my 2 cents though

>> No.55431714

monte doesn't even appear to be an erc20?

>> No.55432135

I would rather have my money go to the likes of RIO, GLMR, NXRA and others with working products

>> No.55432373

I've been seeing the last token in some chains top gainers for some weeks now, I think I'll pay more attention to it

>> No.55432703

Normies ain't sleeping on QVM anymore, earning devs royalty fees and having access to Python and JavaScript is the next sweetest thing after pizza.

>> No.55432755

1suck is the worst of them all, shill. not buying your bags. not with vrf, not with a new site.