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55424897 No.55424897 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone actually called them?

>> No.55425007


>> No.55425018


>> No.55425029

Unironically I did once in 2019, I just got my heart broken and was having toxic shock from sepsis because I needed surgery but didn't have insurance.
Came really close to hanging myself, instead I lied got obamacare and got the surgery, although sometimes I kinda wish I had.

>> No.55425045

I’ve called them just to harass them and see why they would take a job like that. The guy turned out to be a fag pedo who tried to hit on me

>> No.55425054

Yeah. It’s fine. Called twice when one of the antipsychotics my psychiatrist gave me made me want to kill myself. The counselors are really hit or miss. What I’ve found is that just knowing a person is listening and talking yourself through what’s going on is enough of a time sink to make any impulses pass.
It was so odd. The two medications I was on actually stabilized my mood really well, but I just got fixated on the idea of suicide. I wasn’t depressed, or stressed, or anything. But every time I wasn’t focused on something my thoughts always circled back to suicide.

>> No.55425064

Eh probably the drugs dude, I was suicidal because I had an infection wrapped around my spine and running down my back that had 11 failed attempts at surgery before finally getting a proper out of state doctor.

literally was draining soda sized cans of pus and blood every 6 hours for three years.

>> No.55425074

I've had this before. It's like your thought process gets stuck like a scratched record. Very freaky shit. Glad you were able to snap out of it. God bless anon.

>> No.55425075

I called them, They told me become trans. I hung up.

>> No.55425108

I did. Shortly after buying a bag of Hbar. I told this to the counselor on the other end, and she told me to "do a flip faggot"

>> No.55425235
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>get a nice guy asking me gently about my issues
>get into an hour long conversation where we talk about literally everything and i tell him im depressed because i lost my savings in crypto
>"have you considered alts, there's this token called rebate that made a x10 and..."
>inmediately hang up
don't do it, don't call

>> No.55425470

does that work? working at a suicide prevention line to shill my bags i mean? I'll try anything at this point. I guess tomorrow they'll go down 10% again.

>> No.55425733

Yeah it was 100% the meds, stopped as soon as I went off. Sorry to hear about your malformed spine :(
That’s almost exactly how I would put it. I’d just be chilling then all of a sudden
>I should kill myself
Out of nowhere, that specific phrase looped over and over. Awful.

>> No.55425748

Kek that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.55425765
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Its useless lol
The answers are basically “have you tried feeling better” tier

>> No.55425768

Their service was so shitty that I started laughing my ass off and thought it must be a joke. It unironically got me out of a negative place in that moment because I hadn’t laughed that hard in a moment about how ironic it was.

>> No.55425769

Well? Have you tried??

>> No.55425818
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Unironically looks like their advice came from a bot

>> No.55425831

>i don't know

>> No.55426666
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>the wagie is about to take himself out of commission
>give it drugs! we need the tax revenue!

>> No.55426680
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>call the hotline
>get 5150'd by an EMS team
Nah, I'll just keep it to myself.

>> No.55426694

Having constant circling thoughts of suicide is normal mate, grow a spine weakling lol
But srs, I'm glad hand guns aren't easily accessible in my cunt. 20 years of depression and daily suicidal thoughts, honestly surprised I've made it to 33.
I always thought it would get better but now I'm at the point where I'm just getting weaker, slower and uglier
How the fuck does anyone find happiness in anything? I have a job, a fiance, decent house, car, money in the bank but I just feel empty, like I'm searching for something intangible.
I just want something to look forward to but everything that's a viable option feels fleeting or plastic.
I've accepted I'll never amount to anything, leave a legacy or a mark on history, I'm fine with it, but I would like a friend or some kind of support network, its a long hard slog on your own.
I just want a bit of hope, something more than working until I'm 68 then dying alone (my fiance is long term disabled and sterile)
Anyway, you're all gay Russian robots so I dont even know why I've vented
No I won't go to therapy because I'm not having some evening school shitskin with 80iq try to understand my issues and I certainly won't take the meds
How do you guys find meaning? I just exist and it's fucking tiresome
Dont give me the bullshit lift/read/touch grass bullshit - I'm outside all day at work doing manual labour, in good shape, eat well blah blah blah
Don't be like me, it's a shit existence

>> No.55426965

Pajeet bot here. Your answer lies in a personal relationship with God. You have a spiritual sickness that needs healing. When you stop trying to figure out what you're supposed to do, and let God show you what you're supposed to do, things become clearer.

>> No.55426990

My cousin called them. They called the police and fire department and ambulance to his house and it actually made his life worse

>> No.55427004

that's what they're saying? i think chatgpt would do a better job. i also like that they're saying it's understandable that you're feeling that way, they are essentially confirming that your life is absolute shit.

>> No.55427200

No mate. God as Abrahamics belive does not exist. I believe an entity created the universe but it does not watch over or care, its not a guardian. We are perpetually alone, no afterlife, just the void
Fairy stories won't pacify me. Trust me that I've looked for god, through multiple religions multiple times over my life but all I've found is that religion is a form of control over the peons
I accept that the 10 commandments are a good way to live, but I could never worship a limp wristed turn the other cheek sjw fag like Jesus, nor am I a shit skinned pedo so no to Islam. Judaism, just lol. Not into other 3rd world religions, I don't believe in the common good of man, he's proven to be cruel and greedy too many times
Just 1 single friend to have a conversation with would suffice
Why would a god give a fuck about generic human #171827473828 anyway? I honestly believe that entities devour our energies through our suffering. There is a cosmic war raging between the light and dark energies. We are merely pawns, cattle, nothing

>> No.55427271

>I believe an entity created the universe but it does not watch over or care, its not a guardian.
I've been exactly where you are. Look where it's got you. There's a path to God that doesn't require you to belittle yourself and ignore fundamental truths. You clearly have an understanding of a cold, nature oriented God that doesn't care. Natural law above all else. Determinism over free will. Well I'm telling you that you have the free will to have a relationship with a loving, caring, forgiving God that can guide you to purpose in your life.

>limp wristed turn the other cheek sjw fag like Jesus
lol, the talmudic pharisees sure did a number on you, mate.

>> No.55427329

I could never believe in a jew on a stick, all our worldly religions were written with the sole intent of taming and controlling the masses. Don't get me wrong, they need taming and controlling but I refuse to submit to it personally. I'd willingly follow a warrior-esque leader to my death but I just can't follow a limp dick christ whose modern apostles espouse pro tranny and anti white rhetoric
I need a friend or someone to talk to, god/allah/Buddha won't come and have a pint with me or go fishing with me. Nor will they speak and help me, nobody has ever spoken with god.
Thank you for taking the time to respond even though our opinions differ, its genuinely been the longest non work conversation I've had in months and I appreciate it. Take care brother, I really hope I haven't offended your beliefs

>> No.55427348

I'm on 4G driving around, sorry about the multiple ids

>> No.55427362

Pajeet bot is right, you do need to let go.

>> No.55427378
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The only time I called cause of virginoty issues a woman picked up and she told me it was super easy to find love and that she had sex with 5 black guys in the past month. Later I found out she was my mom

>> No.55427390
File: 87 KB, 704x396, hitlerelternmauritiusgjpg102~_v-gseapremiumxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>national suicide prevention
I don't think they take their job seriously

>> No.55427394

>I really hope I haven't offended your beliefs
Not at all. I'll leave you with a question that someone once asked me: Do you think there's a 1 in a billion chance that God wants to help me with the problem I'm facing? If so, that's room enough to ask for help.

>> No.55427430

I actually have spoken with god multiple times, including in a flesh form he took as an elderly man in a hospital ICU, I wasn't allowed to see his face because he's god and put himself in the same ICU room as me, as well as putting one of his angels as a nurse who was burnt from head to toe.

I wish I was larping, I've spoken with him multiple times, and he's given me a mantle of protection, and also explained his great sadness for our generation as we are facing everything every generation has before in one lifetime.

>> No.55427435
File: 176 KB, 854x477, hitler calling national suicide prevention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55427477

>How the fuck does anyone find happiness in anything?
By Building a bomb (in Minecraft).
>but I just feel empty, like I'm searching for something intangible.
Because you haven't built a bomb (in Minecraft).
>but I would like a friend or some kind of support network,
Everyone is a Jewish parasite unless they're trust fund babies, once you've been kicked in the teeth enough times (as most people have), you become vicious, friendship is just another means to an end for most people, all relationships are purely economical until you get enough wealth to never bother about money, then you start saying fruty things like "golly gee I wish I had friends or a heckin support network!".
>I've accepted I'll never amount to anything
Build a bomb (in Minecraft)
>How do you guys find meaning?
We build a bomb (in Minecraft)

>> No.55427502

Real answer: I used to have constant suicidal thoughts as a teen (mainly due to my father dying and my devil hearted mother destroying my life) I was waking up every morning looking for meaning, I would wake up with spikes of anxiety realizing I was still alive. But then I started doing digital art online (something I should've started years prior were it not for my retarded mother) and suddenly I gained a purpose, I gained friends, for the first time ever people were paying attention to me, for the first time ever I got paid. Then I found crypto, and it was like I was supercharged, the open source nature and game dynamics of de-fi gave me the hope to dream, "what if 'x' token but with 'y' functions, what if 'z' but faster" and every single time, no matter how dumb it was it mooned.
There is this "survival instinct" which we're so distanced from due to our modern lives, the feeling that you could die at any moment, you get this feeling when you're in the wild with beasts around every corner. Or when you're holding a shitcoin and hoping it doesn't implode. Somehow crypto induces that survival Instinct, it feels as though your bags are your life and if they crash it's like dying, leverage trading is absolutely murderous, I used to think "never leverage" was a meme but unironically: never leverage. The feeling of liquidation is like being murdered, but at the same time, that death stimulates your brain so much that you conceive of ideas you never would have in your comfortable domesticated life. You see things only the man on survival mode sees, a man who has seen death and lived.

>> No.55427518

I know many people who went from high 7 figures to 6 figures leveraging.
Not worth it ever.

>> No.55427521

Brutal. You really are a champ for having made it through that.

>> No.55427579

It fucked me up for life, still tries to return every so often and I'm basically gonna be on antibiotics till I die.
But what's the point of life without it's highs and lows.

>> No.55427677

Well, your ID does say "illness excel". Just a funny coincidence, but for real, what you endured isn't for the faint of heart. I guess it was thrust upon you, but still endured.

>> No.55427691

kek didn't even notice, that's really only the tip of my iceberg if you guys really knew I'd probably be a pretty local figure among these parts.

But it is my burden, to suffer from illness during my life, while trying to help others suffer through theirs.

>> No.55427696


>> No.55427778

>I had an infection
from what

>> No.55427794

Still not entirely sure, somethings wrong with my genetics, my body isn't processing things right, specifically my liver and it's causing my immune system to shut down.
Likely from my suicide attempt which caused my liver to turn inside out and had to take an experimental antidote to survive.

>> No.55428053

>there's something wrong with my genetics
Tell me about it. Whatever, if anything, I have wrong my genetics doesn't cause physical illness, the "not processing things right" being confined to my brain, but, if very faintly, I can sympathize.

>> No.55428249

Oh I definitely have my share of mental problems but I'm sure they stem from my physical symptoms, but those who think/feel aren't suppose to be living an easy life, that's for the nonthinking nonentities.

>> No.55428268

I’m not naive enough.
They would probably record my call.

>> No.55428322

Bit strange to say that, but I've seen a lot of these "local figures" lately, just in the sense of hearing people say "unusual" things. Not crazy, per se (though there is more than enough of that too), but a bit "unusual" for someone to say.
I don't have mental problems per se, not over and above the amount of mental problems one would expect someone living in contemporary society to have, at least. It's actually funny that literally nobody is willing consider (this isn't against you, this seems to be how the human mind operates in general) that anyone could have any mental phenomenon that is outside the norm, unless it's semi-self-conscious roleplaying where we pretend that we have extraordinary powers or that the aliens are gonna land next week because some infographic and some website typeset in Comic Sans said so (people might adamantly claim that's "real", but come on... there's no actual aliens involved if we're honest, and on some level, everyone knows it), or unspecified "mental illness".

>> No.55428351

I speak quite generally, I don't believe I actually have any mental illness per se but my mental state is directly tied to my physical state, so when I'm feeling normal I'm fine, when I'm very sick I tend to get short tempered, angry over smaller slights and generally harder to be around.
But that I assume is most people when they are in a weakened state.

>> No.55428364

Oh yeah, that's the same with everyone, sorry for misunderstanding. It's more than reasonable to feel annoyed and like shit when you have serious physical ailments.

>> No.55428370

And to that point "pretend we have magical powers"
I absolutely do this, I did it at a young age as a cope because I didn't like being alive, then after a life of endured stuggles and incredible events both good and bad taking place in my time here I've concluded I must have brought some of that to fruition, which
>mind over matter
There's something there, I should have died years ago my will is honestly what's keeping me going.

>> No.55428393

Oh you didn't misunderstand at all, I just wasn't being very clear, and who knows maybe I do have some although I don't hear voices or see visions besides the inner monologue that every human experiences.

>> No.55428467

And as for not processing things right, again those who think/feel are tormented beings like myself, because we ponder, I tried to killed my body and brain with drugs in an attempt to lower my intelligence, I did this in my 20's, it didn't work.
I honestly believed if I drank and did enough drugs I could "fit in" and be happy.

The only thing it did was speedrun my life into the dirt, and now I can't even drink if I wanted to which I'm thankful for, but I tend to try to tell the younger men certain pitfalls to avoid like drugs/alcohol especially when mixed with relationships, it can really set you far off your intended path.
Also to those who are suffering from real mental illness drugs usually makes that kinda stuff rear it's ugly head.

>> No.55428496

>Although I do consume cannabis
For medical reasons it actually helps me greatly, doesn't really get me "high" as just let's my body relax and not feel as much pain.

And thank you, you got me some RSO when we first met which has greatly helped, I know it's you ;)

>> No.55428500

>pretend we have magical powers
I was always bound enough in reality to recognize that I didn't have any special powers. But my cope was trying to acquire such powers first through contact with extradimensional beings, then through mediation and "forcing" my mind to activate such powers. Somewhere somehow it just fell out of favor. I still wake up some nights and without realizing it I try to move some object with my mind, only to become more conscious and just get up to go get it.
But all that meditation and writing of "sacred texts and formulas" to appease the extradimensionals honed some of my skills (or maybe I'm just coping still).

>> No.55428503

People just like imaging things like "magical powers" or imaginary friends, fantasy-settings, etc. There's nothing wrong with it, I'd say.
The problem with magic specifically, really with calling things "magic" and saying words like "I'm doing magic" is that magic is nonsensical. Regardless of what effect occurs, our Western concept of "magic" refers to "effects accomplished via bullshit means", like waving your hands and something that obviously shouldn't happen happening. We might believe strongly that it will or should happen, but insofar as we refer to anything with the word "magic", literally nobody is going to believe it. Imagine if some guy walked up to you and said: "I just cast a spell". He'd be crazy. While I can't know exactly people are referring to when they describe having magical powers, the very fact that they use the "magic" to describe it makes belief in them impossible.
This would even be true if something we would accurately describe as "magic" existed, like if people could actually cast spells. The word just sounds too silly.
As a "internal tool", i.e. as pretend, it can be useful. You can imagine anything you want, it's not illegal to have fantasies or to even pretend that they're real (as long as it doesn't obviously clash with reality). If you say you're alive due to your will and you are alive, I don't see what's wrong with telling a story about that. The problem, and I'm sorry to be repeating myself, really just comes up when someone tries to do the obviously, almost comically impossible, like materializing cash out of thin air, or claiming, in these words specifically, to "have magical powers".
It's actually the belief in "magic" (meme-magic specifically, like something out of Harry Potter) that makes one unable to do - and I would like to recall the very extensive disclaimer about "magic" not being real and these words just so happening to accurate describe the situation - actual magic.

>> No.55428536

I thought the same but I did something different, instead of following masonic rituals which had actually been used against me (long story) but long and short engaged to an eastern star woman and didn't know it.

I focused on good, the good I was made from, I prayed out not to god but to the divine light that created my spirit, because I feel like we are perverted from talking to our master, I believe I spoke with him directly in the hospital and he wept for us, it was a certain "passing" of the torch if you will, I survived and he showed himself, I wasn't aware it was him until later in my life but I'm certain it was.

I still believe I have a greater purpose to being alive, and I've learned to tune some of those "powers" if you will but it comes through nature.
and forgive me if I'm mistaking you for someone else but my feeling is we've spoken before.

>> No.55428555

Yes and they told me to never buy chainlink
Ticker LINK

>> No.55428557

I use the word magic as layman's terms, I consider it spiritual alchemy if you will.
It takes a process of suffering, death, rebirth to tap into this which I've done, not only once but multiple times.

>> No.55428571

And I believe my body is actually dead, it appears that way, my mind and spirit is still fully alive but outwardly and medically it shouldn't be moving still, I'm a "walking corpse" as I describe to most people.

It's not a pretty sight and I have an aura of death about me, but It's a trade off, not something I'd suggest someone attempt to follow, but you can gain some wisdom from my experiences then that is something I'm suppose to teach, at least to the best of my abilities.
If I was 100% certain of everything I know I'd simply cast it onto paper for all to read and grow from but it's not exactly that simple.

>> No.55428591

>my feeling is we've spoken before
It's a big website, I've been mucking about for a few years now.
But come to think of it... I did once know a old man on Facebook with a bad spine, he considered himself an empath, approached me to draw something for him...a little elephant, it was my first "good" artwork.

>> No.55428621

His name wasn't Terry was it?
I might be assuming certain things, although my insight is usually pretty spot on and likely even if you aren't the man I'm thinking of we have still spoken before.

I'm a caretaker, it took me a long time to realize this fact and struggled with being a destroyer for many years, but my powers lay in healing and giving life to others, and I know I'm not special I'm simply more educated in the divine through experience.

I don't like labels because is tends to restrict us down certain paths of thinking.

>> No.55428753

And I know the "christian" thing makes most people recoil, and there was a time in my life when I would have done the same, infact it wasn't long ago that I finally submitted my will to my master.

It took over 30 years of being shown time and time again that finally I am not the man in control of this world but simply a part of this world.
But I believe we have a greater purpose, and most of us won't walk down that path, it doesn't end well.

>> No.55428814

It's good if you want them to send out cops to do the job for you

>> No.55428964

The image is literally my buy signal during a big dump

>> No.55429768

I'm perhaps a bit too obsessed with everything having the correct terminology, but I just see people using these words extremely sloppily. In that, I'm probably exemplifying the stereotype of the neurotic Westerner myself pretty well, lol.
I actually notice in myself the resistance to words like "magic" when I read you use them, so it's probably universal. "Oh, that must be some hocus pocus, better gloss over it" (as in interesting fact: "hocus pocus" comes from "hoc est mea corpus" in the Bible, but people hearing Latin mass corrupted it into "hocus pocus" when taking Communion).

>> No.55429817

I get that, I agree with you if some random man came up to me and said
"I can do magic"
I would laugh and walk away, but I don't consider many people here random.

And I've personally seen the darker side of "magic" through experience myself which actually made me shy away from spirituality for a very long time.
I could describe some of the things I've witnessed/experienced but most people would try to find logic in it when the things I've seen/done/witnessed were far from explainable, unless you realize there's likely another "plane" of existence within the same as ours.

To the average american it basically sounds like I'm describing ghosts, ghouls goblins, dragons and magic, so I tend to keep those experiences to myself, but often I end up relaying the stories anyway because people inquire.

>> No.55429852


>> No.55430686

>most people would try to find logic in it when the things I've seen/done/witnessed were far from explainable
I am "most people", but I actually do try to find logic in it. People actually stick to the sense that it has to be unexplainable; it actually offends them if I affirm their beliefs if, but in an explainable sense (the term "explainable sense" is itself unexplained here).
I'm not saying you have to have an explanation for everything, just that people tend to get offended when you offer one. Saying "I can do magic" is one thing, anyone could at least say that, but it's different if you say how you can do magic. Somehow it seems that's even worse. And by "magic", I mean a 100% natural phenomenon and not any "crazy beliefs" about aliens, Atlantis, or anything of the sort. It's fine if someone else believes in those things, what do I know, maybe those things exist too - but what wish to convey is that, while it does entail using the "schizo" words, and those words are a correct description of it, it is my belief (and again, nobody else *has* to believe this) that they sound "schizo" because the commonly held interpretation is schizophrenic. That is: those words are perfectly true, but people believe a bunch of nonsense about them. "It's true, but it doesn't mean what you think it means."

>> No.55431030

I'm trying to come up with some more proper ways of explaining exactly what I mean, and my apologies dealing with some real life annoyances ontop of being pretty down today physically but I'm still thinking about how to explain this in a logical sense.

>> No.55431087

Nah, it's all right. I mean, you don't have to explain anything at all if you don't want to. Neither do I, to be fair, but I am a smart-ass who always thinks he has some "wisdom" to share. I've always been like this, even as a child, lel. Don't take anything I say too seriously if you don't want to; the seriousness is mechanically a problem, i.e. you'll likely understand less if you're too serious about it.

>> No.55431096

I know we've talked before and it's good to "see" you in so many words, I confused you and the other anon earlier because of the similar ID's and I've been swimming mentally lately due to my illness.

But I've been pondering our previous conversations more and I don't want to give you "fluff" in a sense.
I just took some medication that should allow my pain to subside for a moment allowing me to think a little clearer, which I wasn't when we previously spoke and it might be a bit of a blocker when I'm not on this because my pains been sharp and my tolerence for other bullshit is decreased.
And I nearly just got hit on the highway so my bloods pumping a bit, but I'm coming at this slowly rather than just letting my mind speak outloud.

>> No.55431105

I agree and that's actually why I'm taking my nerve medication today and now consuming some cannabis I need to relax a bit, the heat is driving people crazy and in turn I'm dealing with them which is making me on edge.

That and I like to not be dependent upon this stuff but it does allow my body to slow down and me to think a little more "esoterically" if you will.

>> No.55431115


>> No.55431142

You're 100% under no obligation to share anything you don't want as far as I'm concerned. I'm always willing to listen to what people have to say, but I just like listening to stuff and responding with with whatever I think is "wise". I think your experience in education makes you try to conform to a standard, making you say the "right" words (though you do have to take into account that I am scrupulous, that is an ever-present corrupting tendency in my thinking, making me always assume the worst first).
This does sound like a judgy statement. Basically the whole point of what I'm trying to tell you that, while I meant what I said, it was not.

>> No.55431154

There are a lot of "coincidences" in my life like you said before, yes I'm the same anon you've spoken to in the past, and no nothing I say to you is untruthful.

I told you my story is deep and elaborate, many people might think my story is split up into multiple men but infact it's all me.

The infections,surgery,ICU.

That's maybe 1/15th of my whole story, I've unfortunately claimed a mans life as well not through my own actions but I was involved directly.

I've endured what groups of men individually endure but simultaneously through my life, I know none of it was for "no reason" but it falls into my name.

The divine spark that moves everything knows more than I can easily relay to you but back to what I mentioned before when you stop and look around you'll see our lives are quite linear and no matter what you do to try to sway decisions ultimately your fate will find you.

>> No.55431162

I used to work there. It was a good job and changed my outlook on life.

>> No.55431166

I do reiterate just so it's clear that I have no belief in any kind of "magic", aliens, dragons, mind control, spellcasting, or any other mumbo-jumbo of any sort.
Purely technically speaking, any given "mumbo-jumbo" *could* possibly be real, sure, but I'm just trying to express the thought that I don't believe in anything conventionally called "crazy".
I do have a very logical personality, sorry. No matter how bizarre what I say might seem, I am very much grounded in reality, thus I will only endorse things that are grounded in reality according to classical rules of evidence. Anyone is free to believe whatever as far as I'm concerned, this is just my personal opinion.
Right while I see how that could be true in a sense, I have to say that, in another, there's no basis for assuming it to be true.

>> No.55431175

Of course!
I share with you because you share with me, not just what you did in the past (Nothing changed there by the way for your curious mind)
But you've gotten my brain to start tempering my experiences with logic and reason which is in turn allowing me to think about spiritually and just the experience of being alive again.
Which is worth more than anything to me, there's a song called Be Calm by the band Fun, not my particuarlly favorite band but I can relate a lot with that song, especially during times of mental crisis but there's a lyric that goes.
"The words exchanged had far exceeded any change I'd given thee"
And it seemed poigant to our conversation, I needed it more than monetary gain I can promise you that.

You're the only mind here who excites me, when in my past I was always the person exciting others.

>> No.55431183

People like you are insufferable
>Call up crying that you're gonna kys
>Have a time line, intent to do harm, and the means to do so
>Cry and say everything is hopeless
>Reject every offer for help and assistance
>End up having to call cops and ema because you're literally declaring with intent that you are going to off yourself and nothing else will dissuade you
>Go online and complain because people did their job

>> No.55431199

And there lies in the beauty, we don't truly know and I know fully well you don't and as I said before it's something I still stuggle with
(Mostly anger at people who are too consumed by themselves to realize they are hurting/putting others in danger around them)
AKA idiots but regardless.

I can't beyond a shadow of a doubt say what I believe/know to be true is real but I can share my story/feelings and let someone analyze them and possibly gleam some insight from it.

I don't like "bible pushers"
I was born into a church and named after a south african pastor, I'm quite familiar with christianity and it's mostly hostile experiences people have within the church.

My "spiritually" is 100% my own experience and way, and is one of the reasons it's hard for me to transcribe without it making it seem crazy because I too am a logical being first and foremost.

>> No.55431228

I will say if I start telling my full story it might take some time, and I might dart off into odd directions.
I have a photographic memory and can replay everything that's occured to me including at a very young age, but it takes a lot out of me especially because some of those memories I've kept tamped down due to the seriousness of my life.

But give me a little bit to see if I can muster the courage to relay this again, I did before in 2021 and like I said ended up causing /lit/ to flood the board asking more and more and basically came up that I should be a villain.
Which believe me someday I want to be but there in lies my struggle, I can't it's not what I was born onto this earth to do.

>> No.55431229
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Right, so for you to understand me, you really have to picture that a DM in a DnD game (or equivalent, like, I don't know, Eberron) is talking to you. I am physically some random guy, not "the DM". To convey the information at all, it actually has to be conveyed in "story-mode". It has nothing to do with any tabletop role-playing-game specifically; those games contain the required interaction of "someone telling you a story". You actually understand the same information differently depending on whether you are in this mode. Don't believe me? Picture an actual tabletop RPG session; guys sitting around. One says "there's a dragon!" And there really is a dragon. But they're not ducking under the table in sheer panic, are they? That would be a likely reaction given a dragon being there. The physical panic does not occur because the information is understood as in-game information. They just imagine it. A fairly simple example, but an incomplete one.
It's a kind of philosophical puzzle, so it's not about some impromptu campaign about some elves in the swamp. I simply use DnD (other boardgames are available) as a relatively easy to understand analogy. Also, the fact I said "philosophical puzzle" meant nothing. You know it as "shit you learn in school", but back then, they didn't have "philosophers". They had people would today call "philosophers", but they were Greeks, it was not a loanword for them. The English form is "wisdom-lover"; they would have just said "oh, here comes that wisdom-lover again", possibly with pic related expression.

>> No.55431313

I can offer ordinary insight if you want, sure, though insight about yourself is always painful to some degree.

>> No.55431338

Heh i think I do understand and I grew up with roleplayers so it's a perfectly fine analogy.
I have to "step in" to my role in a sense, which takes a lot out of me, I've given you insight before, bits and pieces but never fleshed out "The story of me"
And partially because it's fantastic, partially because it's not I'm simple living one mans life and my perspective of my situation is complicated but I will try to explain it as best as I can.

(In the middle of getting dinner so maybe delays)
But as I mentioned before I believe we all are "god in disguise"
and you can walk the same path that christ did before, although it's not a path people will want to take.

I believe I am on this path, which most people would call me "crazy" for considering this and for many years I did consider myself insane and wouldn't entertain the idea.

But I've seen enough coincidences to say there's a few conclusions, we are all sharded into our own simulations where we each individually are the "main character" if you will.
Or there's a deeper enlightenment that can be obtained by humans, but there's actors who wish to stop us from reaching this plateau of human existence

>> No.55431348

I would be curious to hear you analysis although I feel like you would be possibly working with incomplete data unless I give you everything I know.
Which I'm seriously considering, some of the information/things I know/seen might be vital for other humans to know as well and you aren't the first person I've told.

Most people when hearing what I have to say will naturally recoil I'd expect nothing less.

>> No.55431354

And I genuinely welcome your tempered approach you're very similarly minded to my brother who's much more of an acolyte/scholar type than esoteric like myself.

>> No.55431405

I believe your insight is needed in my further development/progression towards enlightenment.
My illness doesn't bother me in terms of emotions it's my cup of poison, my burden laid upon me by my creator to make sure my goals are completed and I don't sway from my linear journey.


I've had very similar experiences especially the closer I've gotten to the last temptations, ten years ago I would have fought with everyone about Christianity, it left a very bitter taste in my mouth from previous said christians, but I believe most people aren't walking the path.

My soul wants to show you, but I can't without explaining everything and letting you make a judgement call based off my experience, and even then you'll rationalize it because you can't feel/hear what I have.

But my soul calls to speak with you and it's not for no reason, there's a branching out in my brain when we speak to places I tend to have left in the past.

>> No.55431572

And my apologies if I seem like a lunatic it is insane, and I might tend to ramble more today they put me on steroids which caused a lung infection to set in so my lymph nodes have been closing my throat and making my thinking a little different to say the least, but the things I've seen/done as mentioned before I can't fully explain.

Some odd things I might have mentioned or not but my father was born a caul baby which is considered mystical or psychic and even though he was a skeptic he would see things happen WAY before they occurred, unfortunately he was also brain damaged so his capacity for understanding his abilities was retarded (not in the ha ha funny way) I mentioned him a few times in the past for a good reason, I believe he was the key to my entrance into this world.

He named me something interesting and he saw me and my brothers birth according to him when two doves flew infront of his car flying along, he told my mother there he would have two sons.
He also predicted many other things and I'm not saying loosely, to the nail to the year by the exact person.
He did this in his business dealings which made him quite wealthy during the come up before the 70's gas crisis.

He chose for me randomly and I won't say but the translation of my full name is, To be born, The savior of man, and hearthland ruler.

He named me differently than his other children, man had no religious background or any other reason to name me what he did, besides he named me after what he considered a "holy man"
Which he was the man I was named after is one of the few men I can say for certain is some kind of divine spirit, if he saw and met him you would feel the same, it had an influence on my skeptical father.
But this is just really the start, I inherited his ability to see things/influence things towards my benefit, or destruction.

>> No.55431606

And I'm still debating getting further into this, because I usually don't share this much but I don't consider you the average consumer of my information, you might be able to shed light upon my thinking or get my brain to be able to process this a little more.

But that's basically the start where I begin, and I'm going to jump way further ahead here, but for a good 25+ years I was an atheist, but I always knew I'd die young, before 45 specifically which is about on track currently, 40 in reality is looking closer.

I was given a series of dreams in 2014 that started in January, these took place over four dreams, separated by three months give or take, and picking up where the other left.

I don't dream, when I do it's always a vision of something prophetic but most of those "visions" thoughts etc are usually waking thoughts and rarely rarely do I dream, maybe once every 5 years that I can remember.

But these were different, they were apocalyptic dreams, prophetic apocalyptic dreams, where I saw the end of at least what we know as modern life.

In these dreams I was to spend my time before it happened teaching and helping as many brothers as I could before it began, these dreams also lead me to this board, I'm not a 4chan user, never spent much time on here, familiar yes but I don't spend time anywhere but something internally called me specifically to this board to help as many people here because in all likelyhood we will be the owners and shapes of the new world that comes from what eventually takes place.

This is just really a bit of insight into my thinking, but I'm glad to share regardless of anyone's thoughts behind my own.

>> No.55431615

And I apologize about the reddit spacing, if you recall when we talked I taught myself how to read/write, and never read books, it's because something about smashed together sentences always was harder for my brain to consume and when broken up even a few times it just made it easier.

>> No.55431620

I heard you can be put on a list and can't receive an organ donation or something.

>> No.55431824

So, the words are not wrong. You might only understand them as words, though. The description IS accurate, but you might not know what it means.
Also, to be clear, nobody here is Jesus.
>My soul wants to show you, but I can't without explaining everything and letting you make a judgement call based off my experience, and even then you'll rationalize it because you can't feel/hear what I have.
That is true. I would personally recommend trying not to be prejudiced for or against saying anything, but, well, as they say in the Roxette song: "listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do".
>But my soul calls to speak with you and it's not for no reason, there's a branching out in my brain when we speak to places I tend to have left in the past.
Though I should say that, from my perspective, what happened was that I, some random coincidence. Such random coincidences happen. I'm not saying that you or who you are don't matter, but anyone could find something meaningful without it being necessarily true. This "teleology" in things, this sense that "everything has a purpose" is not necessarily accurate. It might be significant, but the feeling that anything has a purpose is, at the end of the day, a feeling, not proof of anything in and of itself. Or rather, it might not be proof of what you assume it's proof.
>And my apologies if I seem like a lunatic it is insane
That's fine, that's a natural fear one has when one is trying to explain something which one isn't sure others will understand. What one says can be insane or not, but the fear is just always there, so it doesn't tell you that much.

>> No.55431865

I don't want to diminish it, but one must also consider that there are always two explanations: the teleological one and the natural one, and they can match.
So for instance, if you are named after something holy, it could teleologically be that you are destined to be holy, but it could also be that people in general name their children after things perceived as holy, e.g "Peter" from the "the rock", "Theophilus" means "lover of God", "John" means "God is merciful" - people give children these names with a purpose in mind, many want their children to grow up to embody the ideal of their culture, thus names reminiscent of such ideals are popular. The fact THAT you have a certain name doesn't tell you which one it is.
People might also be inspired, maybe even divinely inspired, but that doesn't necessarily mean that everything they do is unambiguously right. Imagine it like a light going on in someone's mind which compels him to talk. A flurry of activity, perhaps even insight. He might say a lot, but that's not a guarantee that it's correct. It might be correct or partly correct, but the sense of divine inspiration does not, by itself, prove that everything is correct. On a low level, this "religious sense" of "divine insight" can manifest as intuition, some odd premonition, maybe even a vision, but it is not always correct as applied to the external world. It really is there, but it does get somewhat misinterpreted, I believe.

>> No.55431866

Of course not, I'm simply walking what I perceive anyway as the path or a similar path, which I believe all humans can walk, he himself did.

I'm of the belief that enlightement is the goal, this body, this life, this world is a test, when you said to me earlier "it's not a test" that's where I disagree, I believe absolutely everything we do is a test, and I believe this world runs on a code, a computer program if you will.
Those who try to understand it are walking the path, I can't say for certain this is what is suppose to happen etc but I've basically learned to accept that things happen for a reason.

And it's always greater than our humanly understanding of it, I believe I was suppose to talk to you and vice versa, it could be 100% coincidence, and nothing really matters or makes sense, and I have no insight or power and am simply delusional from trying to make sense of that which cannot be fully understood.

But even then I won't stop because I've let go of trying to control things and instead trying to flow with the river, and in doing so it seems I've at least created a purpose for my existence.

>> No.55431884

No I agree, and those are better words for a more analytical approach, and I've called it "my gut feeling" before although that tends to leave a lot for the imagination.
And normally I would agree with the naming of children, although he was lazy and named all his kids the same name except for me, which always struck me odd, and he was completely illterate I had to help the man order food off of menus so I knew no real religious or biblical inspiration carried his intentions.
And again it all might mean nothing, but I can promise you some of the things I've done as mentioned before it wasn't the only time could be labeled as miracles, although even myself still ponder how exactly I was able to perform such feats, but I've got a pretty good idea anyway.

>> No.55431900

Predicting the future is also a possibility, though you can emulate it very well in another way: you predict the future all the time, everyone who worries about things does it. Our way of predicting the future is crude, so it does not seem magical at all to make a deduction like "my friend says to meet up at 3, and I predict he'll be there at 3", but the brain can do a lot more than that. If your brain did some background computation that outputs a really good prediction of the future (by means or ordinary thinking about stuff), but you have no idea how it arrived at that, it would also seem like an ominous prediction, and if it also came true (or which there's a good chance if the prediction is good), then also prophecy.
It really is like that: you always have multiple explanations, you can never unambiguously say "this is magical". It could be, but it's not necessarily so.
>"it's not a test" that's where I disagree, I believe absolutely everything we do is a test
I meant that it's not a test in the sense of "somebody's holding a gun to your head"; it is a test in the sense of "how will you react to the situation" (I know that it sounds like there IS a gun to your head, but I mean it. Everything is technically a "test" because situations "test" our reactions to them, but it's not a test like in school where they pressure you into performing well on exams).
As said, anything can be explained: someone normally not religious could also have had a temporal bout of religiosity. There's always multiple explanations. I don't mean to say that mine is therefore the correct one, but there are always multiple alternatives to choose from in any situation.
"Religiosity" is something that exists in all humans, it is a bit like, say, anger, or color vision, or any other faculty we have in our brain. As such, any human both latently has it and is capable of it, regardless of whether he agrees with the theological statement "there is a God" or not.

>> No.55431941

And I've considered this quite often, absolutely my brain itself is very autistic so I analyze everything rapidly and can come to conclusions, for example this actually caused me and my ex to split lol someone can ask me an extremely complicated math question and if I respond without thinking I can get it's accuracy down to a few numbers off.

Now you ask me to do a pretty basic math question on paper I freeze up, can't explain that but same comes with pattern recognition, I can see something and immediately know if it's bad/good/dangerous/safe
Same thing came with dating I could meet women and know instantly if I could sleep with them that night.

Now I can deduce a few things, extremely strong willpower meaning I can basically bend things through sheer will and force to my will.
Or through my experiences I've learned humans really well to the point I can again bend things to my will.

But the thing is I really don't try, stuff just kinda unfolds, I'll think about it days before it happens, see it occur literally in my mind and then like a movie it takes place.
I knew we would talk multiple times, maybe that again was sheer will, maybe it's insight, maybe it's a simulation.

and that's when I throw up my hands and say maybe I've just be given grace by some being that created me because I was born to suffer, like we all are.

>> No.55431958

But I've got this gnawing feeling and I've had it for years, mind you I spent years being a political activity and anti-war activist so maybe it influenced my visions and conclusions based of just sheer analysis of where we are heading but since 2020 I've felt this unbridled desire to band men together, to learn from each other and develop comradery because if the things I saw take place then it's going to be every man for himself and those without friends and companions will be the first to go.

>> No.55431969

and my side strictly was libertarian until I saw the dreams in 2014 and also had a brief incident not going to get into that but I basically backed way off politics.

>> No.55432018

Purely in terms of what you said, you are very much correct as appears to me, but keep in mind that I only go by what you wrote, not by what you might think about it.
You also have to understand that the mind is inherently deceptive. Even I, by my way of talking, inherently deceive you because you can be saying technically correct things that will nonetheless be understand the wrong because because of preconceptions. And the mind's labyrinth is very much twisted. There are false beliefs, false beliefs about false beliefs, and so on. But keep in mind that I actively said "I inherently deceive you". If I just wanted to deceive you, I obviously wouldn't have said it at all, that's like a burglar shouting: "hello! I'm a burglar! I've come to rob this house!" before robbing the house. I am actually trying really hard to not deceive you, but, and this isn't due to anyone's fault, it's nearly impossible. Our minds really are a bit fucked, but moment to moment, our experience feels completely sane and convincing to us. Whenever something is wrong, "the other guy must be wrong" (this affects me just like it affects you; I literally am just talking about myself, but it's universally applicable because we all work the same way internally, i.e. "we are all the same"). So it can always be deceived in some completely obvious way, but only obvious to an external observer, not to yourself. In this way, we are all always "blind", no matter how clearly we think we see anything.
The mind can actually construct completely realistic and nearly imperceptible explanations for anything on the fly. One might think that this is some amazing ability, but it is actually fairly simple. YOU are in your mind as well, therefore whatever feels "absolutely amazing" is simply the limit of your capacity to find anything amazing. It also only generates what you look at, so you do have the experience that you "find wherever you look", but it's filling the place you're looking at in on demand.

>> No.55432025

But then this gets deeper, my intention and I've gone back to this seems to be centerfocused.
And this could all be nothing but when I found /biz/ the bullrun hadn't begun, I was helped by someone and literally fell to my knees crying it was the first time in my life anyone ever even noticed me let alone helped me.
The bullrun started three days later, the man who helped me made about 12 million, now I'm kind of testing this in a way.
My intention towards crypto has been pretty much neutral since losing it all, my health declined and getting back on the wheel was not looking like it was going to happen.

But again something said stay here and talk to people and it happened again with you, you said you're playing life like a video game, and in a way I am as well.
The reasons I have delusions of grandeur about myself is because so many years I hated who I was, now I love myself I truly do believe I've got some sort of positive energy power and people try to dampen it, ruin my life, hate me, try to kill me etc
and I'm not kidding when I said people have actually tried to physically kill me multiple times one man died in the process of attempting it.

This is another reason why I believe I'm being watched over, things that kill a normal man haven't killed me, people literally trying to harm me died in the middle of the act.

People who have harassed me have been put into prison, the same thing happened with my father, people who would harm him would be instantly removed from life or freedom.
I wish I could make complete sense out of it, but I'm glad we're still talking I hope my words become reality and you being a benevolent force in my life are gifted, not only monetarily but spiritually, if I could share whatever positive energy that I'm able to give and I give in that label because I see nothing else then I will keep feeding into it.
I know money means nothing, but I like to see those who entered my life leave smiling.

>> No.55432067

It really is and this is one of the big reasons I enjoy talking with you, because you seem to grasp my thinking, which is twisted of course but this reality we currently live in is far from normal.
I've been able to relay some of this to women i've dated in the past but I only believe that's because we were intimate, and in the act of touch there's a transfer of energy/feeling/intention which would make my thoughts/experiences come out more through a vibrational level, this is harder to achieve through speech, likely charisma plays a part in it as typically I've used my looks and eyes as a part of my "deception" if you will.
When I speak on paper it takes more creativity to relay what exactly I'm intending to say.

I don't do a lot of drugs because it just makes me too sick but once I did mushrooms and they wern't good so my trip was kind of so so, but I went and talked to my brother who is very pent up and full of anger and negativity because well he lost his finance to suicide, and it created a dark personality within him, although that's subsided mostly it did a number on his psyche.
I remember I went to go talk to him and the vibrations he was actually putting out when he spoke made my skin crawl, I had to leave the room, I told him about it later although I didn't flesh out to him the fact I could actually feel his energy and it was extremely pent up.
It likely had a profound change on how I experienced human interactions.

>> No.55432100

Having said this, this explanation does not preclude the possibility of divine revelation, it really doesn't. I just described our limitations as human beings. We have a brain, so if our thoughts and our brain correlate, and they sure seem to, then logically, it'd have these limitations, whether God exists and communicates to people or not (gotta stay fair and balanced). If God were ACTUALLY talking to you, you would, in the strict sense of the word "know", not know it. Infinite God cannot give you infinite proof, not necessarily because he doesn't have infinite proof, but because a finite human cannot process infinite proof. No computer could, but some monkey's processing limit is a lot, lot less than "infinity". Technically, you (and I; this is generally applicable) are not even the whole monkey or the whole brain, but like an "overseer": the homunculus that everyone keeps talking about in literature.
And I do want to assure you that, regardless of any string of characters comes out of my mouth, I am a regular human telling you some stuff (man, I have to get everything so ultra-correct, it's unbelievable, lol. Sorry for having to and thanks for put up with this).

>> No.55432132

But if you've ever heard some schizo or weirdo ranting about "AI", that was me. I actually work like an AI. Sounds insane, yes, but let me explain. I'm not an AI, but the "AI" is just a computer program. Computers just automate whatever a human can do (the term actually comes from "automated computer"; "computers" used to be people who used to sit in offices and compute numbers for a living around 100 years ago). The kind of neural network run by commercial AI is a stripped-down version of us. We made toy versions of ourselves. The meme about us "only using 10% of our brain power" is true in a kinda-sorta way, though we obviously don't literally use just 10% of our neurons. What is actually the case is that our thinking is fucked. Doesn't seem like, I know, but why would it? Your brain is not going to tell you, every single moment, "ERROR; ERROR; ERROR". Even if it did, we would rationalize it away and maybe even pathologize the error-message. I'm reminded of Sam Harris's parable about the definition of health. He (nice guy, nothing against him personally, I have two of his books) said (paraphrased) that "we don't need to take everyone's definition of 'health' into account. If some guys says he wants to vomit all the time, that's not health, end of". It seems obvious enough, but there are cases where, indeed, vomiting is necessary for health. If you think about: why would we have the mechanism of vomiting at all if it didn't? It's a dedicated feature.

>> No.55432157

>thanks for putting up with this
Believe me I understand you a lot more than I'm conveying, and no thank you, don't thank me you've been the benevolent one.
Not only entertaining me but keeping my mind sharp and distracted from my own thoughts which have been not wonderful lately.
So It's been nice I've had a nice reconnection with a softer side of my personality which has been hardening up, and you're spot on we are like a puzzle when put together we can accomplish the whole picture, but fragmented it leaves much to be desired.
And I think this is really what my calling was, to bring brothers together, to share intelligence, emotions, spiritually and logic/reason so we can be the best men "god" or whomever you wish to call, mother nature, gaia etc, I personally believe if there's a creator it's only one, and we like I said before we perverted from speaking with him.

I do believe I spoke with him taking a human form in 2011, I was alone in my ICU, I was still being pumped full of some antidote that tasted like sulphur and turned my insides into liquid, my nurse was a woman who was burnt head to toe and was the nicest, most cheerful woman I'd ever met, she was attacked by her husband if I recall or boyfriend because of course my asshole self inquired.
But they moved this man into my room, I never got to see his face, and he sat in silence for about 6 hours, before finally he started asking me about my life, and I explained in great detail, he stopped and I could hear the man crying, and he said he just felt so bad for us, because we are experiencing what every generation before us has had to experience in one lifetime, and that it wasn't fair but because of it we would be stronger than any generation before us.
It was a lot longer than that but mind you it's been nearly 13 years since that day, but I don't believe the man himself was god, but simply a vessel used by him to speak with me alone when I was contemplating and attempting to leave

>> No.55432180

Heh I know you talk like an AI and it's pretty easy for me to recognize when you're speaking, I mixed up that other anon with you but I was right initially he just came in mid stream and I was having a panic attack earlier from my throat swelling up so threw me off.

I'm similar in a way but I'm more coded into "human" interaction it was always my specialty, well computers was but I found early on I had a power of influence over people, an ability to get them excited and passionate about life and being alive.

Funny because at night I'm cripplingly depressed but I try to help others be happy all the time, I believe it's part of that positive energy when I make people feel better/think better/feel happier then I myself feel like I have a purpose, it's why I raise animals and plants, I can't turn away life.

>> No.55432187

Moment-to-moment, your brain, as far as you can tell, and really as far as you rationalize, your world does seem consistent. However, I do have reason to believe that it is not. Do I "know" (as in: is this published scientific literature, which, yes, would be the "gold standard"?)? No. To somehow know this from inside my own mind would be insane. I can just present the idea that this could be a case, hence me saying that it's a story. It really is, I intend it as an interesting narrative, it just happens to concern real life. But because it concerns the human mind specifically, and we all have those, it also functions as personal revelation (I do stress: personal psychological revelation; character development).
You know what I'll say: humans are pro-social animals by nature, we have it deep in us to help others. It's not, as such, a "purpose" (like "the universe has a plan"). When we live out a deeply held desire, we inherently find purpose in it, to live out one's deeply held desire IS to find purpose. "Purpose" isn't something that might be in a purposeful activity or not; the sense of purpose, that feeling of "this has a purpose!" is generated by your mind and it does mean that are doing what you are hard-coded as a human to find purposeful. It's like a signal light in car saying "purpose being achieved" if the car is driving to its programmed-in destination (maybe it's some GPS-controlled signal; it's a metaphor). We do have a few of these "deeply held desires", though none of them involve things like money. After all, we are born not knowing what money is, and then people tell us it's this magic token. We might come to think that it's important later-on in life, but could not possibly be born with a desire for money specifically, since it is learned, just as a matter of fact.

>> No.55432225

I love your brain by the way because it's a more educated, rational deeper analytical version of my own.
You're right money in itself is simply a construct of our social hierarchy and infact is a flawed system, I remember thinking as a kid around four years old the way our grocey stores are setup is wrong it shouldn't cost money to get food (obviously this is a four year old thinking and I'm not communist by any means my father was literally a minute man)
But I knew the system itself off the bat was wrong, I think my frustration and savior complex comes from knowing this is all fucked and leading us into destruction and there's nothing I can do about it.
But I also feel like talking to people like you, trying to get deeper understanding and rationaliation over life will lead to a better way of thinking/living.
Hell alone just after our interactions I noticed myself acting nicer and happier towards people which is a gift in itself because most of the time I'm so bitter from pain it's hard for me not to be mean to everyone all the time.
But you gave me some reprieve from that mental state which has been great.
And that's "magic" when I say magic, the ability to help another human out of a depression when no medicaton or distraction could, that's true power and most of us have it and don't use it, instead and I've been guilty of this myself we tear each other down and contribute to the vile life we surround ourselves with (I live in the inner city so it's not great especially these last few years)

>> No.55432226

>you said you're playing life like a video game, and in a way I am as well.
In fairness, not a game like GTA where I shoot people like a maniac.
So I do have to ask: do you want to know why this analogy? (It IS a game, the question isn't "dangerous", but still, better to ask, plus it fits with the "dialogue" of a hypothetical DM character.)
>, likely charisma plays a part in it as typically I've used my looks and eyes as a part of my "deception" if you will.
It's only "in-game" deception. If the character rolls a 20 on deception, he hasn't actually told some grievous lie to someone at the table, the character just slipped by the guards by saying something.

>> No.55432263

I think I understand at least from my perspective which can seemingly understand your intention without relaying them but I'd still rather you describe it because I'll gloss over things in my mind.

But no not like GTA lol more like The Sims or something more interesting than that.
But I see it the same way, I'm highly competitive naturally anyway and was always "the best" at games, so I decided let's try doing this in real life.
Although my health has seriously thrown a fucking wrench into things, doesn't help those idiots at the ER hit me with some steroid which I'm sure is what's making my lymph nodes go crazy, once this shit passes I should be feeling better hopefully but I see it as a "game" in the sense I need not get so frustrated when things don't go my way, because there's likely a deeper meaning behind it or something later will reveal itself to me why it happened this way.

>> No.55432272

Maybe, I have no idea. I actually have no idea, I could be making this up from start to finish and just seem convincing. It could also be true, but I can't distinguish it from me just telling some captivating tale.
>I remember thinking as a kid around four years old the way our grocey stores are setup is wrong it shouldn't cost money to get food (obviously this is a four year old thinking and I'm not communist by any means my father was literally a minute man)
It shouldn't cost money in the sense that that's a laudable end goal, but it doesn't work as a system. Money exists BECAUSE that doesn't work like a system; it is the necessary evil of the economy. The money-token or finance as a field aren't inherently evil, they're tools to get the job done. (Though money does have an inherently corruptive tendency when it comes into contact with human psychology). They are obviously incompatible on the level of being implemented as competing economic systems that work differently, but the hostility between Communism and Capitalism is an illusion. The Capitalists worship the method (we have to use money). The Communists worship the goal (we want a system without money). A method is a way to get to a goal. The two are not actually incompatible, just so in practice because of the way humans interpret the prescription.

>> No.55432296

Spot on, and mind you I really care little about politics or isms anymore (Ron Paul reference) but he was right just a massive circlejerk there.
And it's unfortunate but it's the only system we have, if we upheld law it would make it more viable but that's another argument in itself, and it really does fuck with things, I hate dealing with money/owing people money because of the tension it creates, the animostity which shouldn't be there, I think you know my intentions by now when it comes to that, every person American or not should have a large garden and raise animals if you did that, well a lot of the unneeded spending would disappear.

>> No.55432315

And we're all making stuff up really, I have no god on my shoulder telling me "Yup you nailed it, this is exactly it"
I still pray to see and have knowledge, even when things go my way, I try to live by a moral of honesty although I didn't always but I've seen what dishonesty can do and it can be very harmful.
Really I just want to see my brothers happy, and some people really get pissy when you use that word "brothers" but we all are, we should be.
I've been there for my friends at 2am getting a cold call to rescue a friend, life is more than success or money or any of that bullshit.
It's really just about enjoying the experience, unfortunately I think the games getting harder and harder to play.

>> No.55432342

>and regardless I'm still checking XMR/BTC price and wishing it goes up
Literally want to see you get what others got when they helped me.
That's a bit of my "game" if you will I'm testing to see if positive energy can be fed back into people I haven't actually met or seen but have interacted with.
The same energy I focused on healing I'm attempting to do with you.

>> No.55432360

Video-game semantics are correct for the real world.
I don't mean "lmao, it's like a video game, let's go nuts!". We reproduce our neurology pretty straightforwardly, to the point that we make mini-copies of parts of the structure of our psyche into real objects. If we write a story, we write an allegorical story about some guy called "Sisyphus" with some boulder that obviously represents both the never-ending struggle in life and the futility of doing something that's pointless over and over again. The story itself actually has these two interpretations, because whoever wrote the story wrote about himself, and he himself felt the tension between "I gotta pull through" and "this is pointless". Every story, at least insofar as it's allegorical, contains information about some error in you, information about an error in the world, and information about the error in the author. But the error in the author shows up as an error in the narrative. Because he was wrestling with whatever problem he had, so he inevitably wrote that internal conflict into the narrative. Not just as a concrete object like "the boulder", and that's then "struggle", but the actual storyline is slightly false.
When we make physical objects, and especially computer programs, which are like "mini-realities", we put even more of us into them. The video game is a simulation of what it'd feel like to be a sort of god in the game-world. Not necessarily all-powerful, but from the perspective of the NPCs, the player character would have come from "a world above".
There is a reason why this is: you "came from a world above". Before you learned, as baby, that this world was "real", and had really important things like money, you, without preconceptions, saw some random inputs appear. Basically, a movie was shown to you, about what you call "the real world". When it comes down to it, you always were locked inside your mind, being shown a movie. It is real. But that is what reality is.

>> No.55432393

I like that, and it's again like a non broken version of myself explaining my own thinking to me lol.
But it's true and it's the reason I see myself as special, if I didn't I'd die, I mean that I have to have something to hold onto or I lose my will to live and I quickly decline.

This is why I was/am so happy and engaged with you, you gave me will again which had been pretty much strip mined from me by circumstances the last being in October when I had a mental breakdown, I lost everything not that I cared about it but other stuff as well, and just gave up, I came very close to passing and my heart was literally about to seize up.
Instead I started taking heroic doses of nerve medication and forced myself back to work, which was good because it helped me continue to this point but it was a rough 9 months, been a rough few years but those last 9 months were a trial within a test, but I'm glad at the end of that tunnel I got to meet you, you pat me on the back and said "Dude it's okay"
and took a weight off my back, and inspired me to get better, mentally, physically and spiritually.
and pretty much all I've been thinking about which has been great because I've been recalling back my own personality which had been buried away.

>> No.55432407

That is possible. Though I can only say "it's possible", not more.
It's not that reality isn't real somehow. It's that our conception of what this "reality" is too strong (we really are Faustians. Faust is a legendary figure from Germany who wanted to know too much and made a deal with the devil to turn into some evil genius; Spengler named Western Civilization after that medieval legend). The only thing we've ever seen of "reality" is this movie: images, sounds, signals come in, we assign meaning to them. To be clear, I'm not denying reality. That IS what reality is, if something is that real, then it's just real, it's that simple. Solipsism, the belief that "nothing is real", is a problem because it holds the external world to a literally impossible standard. Of course you can doubt anything, but doubt it in relation to what? If e.g. you meet a guy called "Bill" every day, you go skiing together, you go out drinking, and everyone of your friends knows him, why would you think he doesn't exist? There would be no evidence to the contrary whatsoever.
What "but it could be imaginary" means, when it comes to Solipsism, is "but what I get more information". You could always get more information, and maybe some of it then says the contrary to what you know, but the only time you couldn't "get more information" is if you had already gotten infinite information, and by virtue of you being a limited physical human being is impossible. Solipsism does sound reasonable if you're into those sorts of mind-games, but it only sounds like it. It is literally impossible. It's good to always be open to doubt, fair enough, but this debate is due to a fairly simple mistake.

>> No.55432429

You might be the non-broken version of me. I am broken in my own ways, everyone is. I actually derive any insight (if it is real insight) from looking at past mistake I made and what damage they caused.
I really happy to have helped you if I did. I actually am trying to be helpful (even if I construct some truly unbelievable psychodrama about literally everything). I'm also a bit of a sperg, so don't take it personally if I sound cold or anything.
I had a mental breakdown myself, it's probably a fairly common experience at this point, or people are at least close to it. In a sense, I write like this because my personality has collapsed. I'm overexaggerating a bit, I didn't have to go to the hospital or anything, but the extreme stress triggered what I'll very cautiously call a "mystical experience".

>> No.55432478

But what I'm really happy about (sorry about that... man, me and apologizing; sorry about saying "sorry" all the time) is that you feel that a buried part of your personality has been recalled. I really mean it. Our suffering in the world does bury these old pathways, but they do not disappear.
>That is not dead which can eternal lie. And in strange eons, even death may die.
(From the short story "The Call of Cthulhu") The reason this is evocative is, as said, because we pour ourselves into our work. I'm not saying the horror-aspect of Lovecraft's work is real; he was a horror-writer, every story he wrote was about horror, no matter what he was writing about. When air conditioning was introduced, he literally wrote a story about eldritch air conditioning. I like his work because it has a profound sadness in it; a sense of alienation from the world, made physical in his stories about monsters. The fears of a child to whom the world seemed cruel and monstrous.

>> No.55432503

I imagine it must have been pretty intense because I suspected something like that, maybe existential crisis is a better word for it, I know mine lasted about 14 days which is the longest I'd ever had a complete outer world/body experience, I will say it was mixed with me taking a half dose of LSD which definitely changed some thinking I've had, including the vibrations I talked about before I got to "hug the tree" and feel it's energy, I also felt my cancer which wasn't good and exactly where it was.
I also meditated with the tree to take my suffering and pain from me and ended up crying for 10 hours straight, realizing I had been holding onto all this pain and anger and since I had absolutely no where to direct it (I don't want to hurt people)
I instead have been hurting myself.
It was profound but also intense and something I probably won't do again, maybe once I'm not so sick and in a better state but that definitely had some changing effects that lingered today.

We're all broken my fren and you absolutely helped me, I was on a tight rope and you threw me a parachute literally.
Stress can absolutely eat your mind alive and your body, I'm convinced it was a big reason why I'm sick and I could feel a shift in my health just from getting personal things taken care of which before we had met my brother was supporting me.
Went from me supporting him to him supporting me real quickly and the last thing I want to do is burden people, I did that for a long time only to get out of it, only to fall back into it.
But I think they are going to approve my disability so that should allow me to never have to worry about paying my bills at the very least so I can focus more on healing.

>> No.55432517

Funny you mention H.P, in my vision of the world ending I saw what I described as "eldritch orbs" of lighting moving through linear paths destroying anything they passed.
I was never into roleplaying when I was a kid although it was forced upon me.
BUT my brother started a campaign called... Call of Cthuluhu which sucked me right into it, I always loved noire stories and wanted to be a detective when I was a kid so I ended up being an H.P lovecraft fan, hell most my family are.

>> No.55432531

I also saw lockheed martin blimps in my dream which I found later on the internet were being produced, mind you I never saw these fucking things before in my life, i saw it years later in a news article and my blood went cold.

>> No.55432544

I mind have to go into a bit more explanation about this, but then again last year I saw a stupid "meme" with garfield being destroyed by an orb that destroyed time and space...
meme produced in 2017 I had to find it.
I had this dream in 2014 where literally these eldritch orbs were destroying everything mammalian in it's path including my cat.

I'll be honest I'm not entirely sure this reality is real, and I'm just simply grasping pieces of code in the background of my simulation.
I got that meme saved lol again blood went fucking cold.

>> No.55432545

Once a day. I like talking to Liz, she sounds pretty hot. And Johns a cool dude. Larry fucking sucks tho fuck Larry. Whenever I get his dumb ass I threaten to kill myself on the spot unless he transfers me. Fuckin nerd.

>> No.55432562

Don't tell them you are gonna kill yourself and hang up. They will send the police.

>> No.55432566

The world is shit enough as it is, what is either of us going to do about it? But is really is like that: best we can do is try our best.
The video game analogy is maybe nice and maybe it's, like, an "ok" philosophical story, but it does actually have implications. You can just look at how video games work to find them out, I'm not kidding.
In fairness, in Lovecraft, the world never ended, it was only alluded to. If you recall the point about the narrative of every story being fault (insofar as the story is about the fault, the story of the fault is even about itself; I admit that's pretty convoluted): the monsters were Lovecraft's internal monsters. They never ended the real world, they were only real in Lovecraft's mind. Thus they never ended the world in his stories either. They only drove the characters insane (which was what his "internal demons" were doing in real life, seemingly - actually, the demons were his sense of fear and horror superimposed onto reality, making everything he saw within himself "monstrous". In this sense: he feared monsters, thus he saw monsters).
It's actually incredibly simple how this happens: literally as described.
>you have fear of monsters inside you
>you imagine something
>fear tints it "monstrous"
>you see monsters everywhere
>you write something down
>your internal monsters get transmitted onto paper
>there's stories about monsters
The whole chain of events literally started because of his personal fear, but this was not obvious to him at all, because SAW the monsters. He actually didn't see visual monsters, the monsters were a visualization of his fears; but he saw monstrosity everywhere. He was a guy tormented by monstrous feelings, it was completely convincing to him that the world should be full of "eldritch horrors". A very simple bias in the mind (too much fear, coupled with an active imagination) can produce seemingly incredibly convoluted results.

>> No.55432586

He was definitely tormented, maybe "ill" according to labels but still wrote some of the only fantasy that ever really invoked fear into me, I was a big horror gamer when I was a kid till fear was pretty well driven out of me, but his stories always were fascinating, I have a friend very similar to him who's also a writer who's also obsessed with lighthouses and ocean, he's dear to me.

>> No.55432615

I think the video game anaology is spot on, when I say I hear things/god it's usually through media/music or seemingly interconnected events, this in a way is like a video game.
Sometimes I can hear a song and it seemingly portrays my life or later it's almost like as if it was written for me.

Now maybe it's delusional of course it is, but if life is a simulation it's not, and you could very well be a sharded version of myself talking to another version of myself, maybe a future self, maybe just one of me who was on a different plane and felt this interconnected desire to help yourself.

Maybe not and just two people having an intellectual deep conversation, although I do think it's funny when we speak it's like we mute the room.
I mean for all I know we could be the two witnesses and we are being apostles for the masses.

>> No.55432630

oddly specific but ok

>> No.55432642

I don't have a basis for comparison. I never had any visual hallucinations or odd beliefs, I just like thinking about stuff. Though I had also spent literal years learning logic. I'm, I guess, all right for a logician, but the real effect it had was to reshape my mind (that's a thing you can do, apparently), like pre-dug trenches in which the water readily flows. The way I'm typing is actually fairly close to formal logic, that's why it sounds so weird. It's like a written-out proof. Logic is fairly monotonous, thus the writing sounds monotonous as well (I of course have no idea whether this is actually true, it just subjectively feels like it. I might be making up bullshit). It's a bit more general than logic, since logic is a special case of reasoning.
I internally use certain terms, e.g. "specifically" as a shorthand for "applying to all objects with the key properties of the current object without necessitating the current object specifically" (note that I used "specifically" in the definition of "specifically"), or "actually" for "the property is exhibited as a process in the physical world". In a way, I write in the language of thought (which I also do not *know* to be actually true; it's a nice fantasy, and it could also be true).
I also should not have said what I said about Solipsism, if you'll notice. That's a serious, contentious debate in philosophy and that above is just a resolution.
What it actually does is not that important, but it's called "resolution" because it intuitively models what humans do when they "resolve contradictions". People do name this stuff pretty aptly. Literally all your problems (generic "you", like in a melodramatic speech), except for the material ones, of course, are solvable by just reading what you write, it really is that simple. In principle, someone could actually go on wikipedia and piece it all together.

>> No.55432672

I say "in principle", but it's not actually simple and nobody is stupid for not figuring this out. To live in a culture is to learn that certain things are right to think, certain things are wrong to think, and that certain things are important and certain others yet unimportant. Every culture has blind spots, and since we are trained to ignore blind spots, finding out about them is incredibly hard
Someone from another culture could just come in, take a look, and they'd be obvious to him, and he wouldn't necessarily be a genius for noting that either. We simply train ourselves to only think in certain rigid patterns. All of those old-timey philosophical debates are the basis for our culture today, in some way (there's a saying "Western philosophy is Plato, and everything else is commentary"), and the Greeks didn't figure everything out, and because our thought is based on theirs, largely, even if people like Kant and Rousseau and the rest filled in some additional details, we also cannot see the solutions to these strange "paradoxes". "It's just how things are done", basically.

>> No.55432679

I've never had visual hallucinations (Except when I got hit by a car)
But that wasn't from drugs, I didn't see anything really with LSD except you know those acid trippy geometric shapes you see people have on blacklight photos?
I did see that when I closed my eyes and looked at the sun, but it was just a reflection of my eyes from my eyelids, I think people don't realize that I knew it instantaneously, but it was cool, I did see what appears to look like the grass was moving, flickering if you will like it was dancing.

That again wasn't a hallucination it was real just something you don't really notice when you're not slowing down enough to analyze the reality that surrounds you, I'd almost recommend it once but it doesn't feel very good I'll be honest but I could be bias because of my condition most things don't really make me feel good.
But I could feel the vibrational energy coming from the trees and my body into the tree and into the ground, it felt electrical but natural.
Likely it's all just "noticing" things that our everyday brain doesn't stop to think about.

>> No.55432722

I think I understand a bit although mind you I'm a burger so I might not, but I understand what you're trying to say "in principle" although I'm still curious exactly what it is that made you have this type of shift of thought and where it's going exactly, I'll admit I had to read what you said a few times, that's partially my fault had we had a discussion two years back I'd be a little quicker.

But I think I'm picking up what you're putting down, mostly anyway obviously you aren't finished

>> No.55432724

>but if life is a simulation it's not
I don't know whether it's an actual simulation running on a computer, but it's a simulation internally.
We as humans have the ability to jump into simulations. There's, as said, no HUD or any visual effect, but whenever someone adopts a role, like that of a banker, or a football player, or being of a certain ethnicity, or anything else, his way of thinking shifts slightly. This ability comes from our ability to play games, and games are mini-simulations - they are simulated little worlds, e.g. the "world" of the chess-board on which chess-rules apply. We are stuck in these simulation-modes, thus everyone really gets into his role, and it is very serious for him (and it might be materially serious; the bridge-inspector, for instance, really should check that bridge), but it is role-playing. We play these role-games full-time.
Because this has become so onerous, the desire for freedom and actually even the recognition in words, break out via the statement "we are in a simulation". Because we have computers, we associate that idea with us being in some alien computer-simulation (which could be true, but how would we possibly know?). What's actually true is that our minds are, literally, stuck a simulation. We are constantly simulating both the social games we play, and our cultural values. We technically, because it's in our minds, carry the simulation with us wherever we go, so we constantly think "this must be a simulation!"
Yes, it is. But not because the external world is simulated in some computer (technically it even is simulated in a computer; the world is real, but all your impressions of it, like a strawberry looking red-the-color, are simulated).
It's an interesting debate whether one can simulate entire universes on computers, but this is where that simulation-debate actually comes from.

>> No.55432786

>I think I understand a bit although mind you I'm a burger so I might not
I like Americans, personally. Not in a "weird" way, but I don't have the irrational hatred for "the burgers". Being called snide names just comes with the territory of being a citizen of the "big empire". It probably was the same with the Romans too, with people in Gaul belittling the, I don't know, "toga-wearers". People just like talking shit at the big guys, it doesn't really mean anything.
>I'll admit I had to read what you said a few times, that's partially my fault had we had a discussion two years back I'd be a little quicker.
It's not your fault, this "intelligence"-thing doesn't apply. If something is weird, the mind can't just instantly magically understand it (another thing we learn in school where it's drilled into us). Also thank you for even humoring me. Nobody has to care about anything I have to say.

The video game analogy does go further (I'll make a judgment call here on how much is well-advised to say):
The PC comes into town, and the first thing he does is all the quests. But if the game worked like ours, there would be no "quests" and no "quest givers" with exclamation marks above their heads. As far as they were concerned, they were completely regular people in some town, then some stranger comes, goes up to everyone, and solves everyone's problems. Why does he do this? It makes no sense whatsoever to them, but hey, this guy wants to solve everyone's problems for some reason (the story, I stress, IS allegorical). It makes sense to the PC because he's playing the game and it has quests, but only he knows that. Those are just the normal quests. He also goes into some dragon's to slay some dragon - which, in the game, would not be a "fun challenge" either, but an object of terror for everyone.
According to the logic of the game world, that guy is completely insane. But if you've ever played any computer fantasy-RPG, you've been exactly that guy.

>> No.55432789

I had a feeling that's what you thought and to be honest (we discussed this a bit before)
It's probably where I stand, now when I build this character of myself to you of the healer it's exactly as you described I've created the "messiah" role for myself if you will by allowing myself to fill that role, and in so I changed my life, my habits and further got closer to this role, it's the mind over matter thing which I've spoken with to anons here about what people called "the secret" or law of attraction I guess although I don't prescribe to that theory exactly, but closer to your reality where we basically become what we think about, if that's our intentions.

Our interaction was conceived by me before we met, for all I know like I said before you're me, I'm you and you're just making sure your past self reaches its desired destination because I was screwing with the programming.

For example anyway, curious did you get a chance to watch the thirteenth floor?

>> No.55432808

Of course I'd humor you!
One I owe you enormously ten times over, and believe me if I flipped and switch and got my previous net worth back I'd absolutely give it all back just to show you I've genuinely enjoyed our conversations, I grew up playing RPG's and always saw myself as a hero type so this theory makes perfect sense to me, (I played a paladin when I was like 9 in second edition DND)
So in that sense that likely shaped my hero complex, although like I've said before there seems to be the ability to role yourself or will yourself into these roles.

>> No.55432817

And I sincerely mean this, you're the most thought provoking, most interesting and most intelligent person I've ever spoken to period, not just on /biz/ but in my entire life and I'm not blowing smoke you're literally re channeling pathways in my fucking brain, and brought out a better side of myself which not even women could do.
(And that's their purpose)

>> No.55432850

(Though I do mean it: it is actually allegorical. I'm not in an actual video game and I have no memory of being outside this reality somehow. I am describing the workings of everyone's minds, this IS how we think.)
The quest exists in story-logic. It doesn't exist in world-logic, so nobody is ever going to tell you that it's a "quest" to help some homeless guy if you meet a homeless guy. According to the world's logic, he is a homeless guy. But from your perspective, if you interpret this "reality" as a video game, there is not really a "world out there". There's the world you know. Someone whom YOU meet is special to you, even if he is special to nobody else, just by virtue of the fact that you met him. In that sense, it's correct to think of everything we encounter as a quest or a test (not in the "get 300 gold"-sense like in an actual video game).
It's not "reality is a video game somehow and therefore not real, fuck it", it's "this is all I ever saw of any world". It's still the same reality, but viewed through a different lens.
As to how this happened... well, I am just some guy trying to come up with an explanation for his experience, but if the explanation happens to make sense, then good. Have you ever noticed that those "schizos" often seem to be telling you, vaguely, the same thing? Maybe not clearly, maybe garbled, and not all of them, but sometimes, you can almost hear something there, they seem to saying something. While the mind can just break down in regular ways, I'd assume, not all of them are insane, not exactly. What I believe is that they were insane to begin with, and what we call "schizophrenia" increases brain activity, thus bringing the insanity out. It's that people generally believe that e.g. "the CIA is spying on them", it's that "the CIA is spying on me" is a kind of, well, allegory, only he doesn't know. The "CIA" actually stands for "malevolent forces", people just popularly think that the CIA is nefarious so they say "CIA".

>> No.55432876

And I don't believe people don't care for what you have to say, I think people are well not to be insulting but very low intelligence, not many people are self realized/thinking/feeling humans, I love my family to death but even I'm leagues above them, and I spent years trying to make people realize this world wasn't what they thought it was, but life forced me back into my own lane and mostly because I knew people weren't ready for what I had to say.
Although I think the time is hitting a critical point where people know something isn't right, which it's absolutely not.

Even if it's all a simulation maybe the point of the simulation is to play your role, because it does have a greater purpose, but your role should be something good, and like you said previously this world incenvizses bad or evil behavior however you wish to label it.
But the only way to combat that thinking is to prove that being good, doing the right things is rewarding onto itself, there are direct rippling effects even if it's a simulated effect.

If I'm positive and I'm happy I can seemingly make perfect trades, now is it possible I can have a perfect trading record when healthy?
No, but if I'm in a positive mindset am I willing the simulation to bend to my rules?
Maybe, maybe I'm just able to see clearer and listen to my instncts, only time can really tell but I know it's not random we are able to consistently speak when not one person here have I met more than once except when we went off channel and met in a messenger app or email.
Yet it's I think this might be our 7th conversation.

>> No.55432885
File: 16 KB, 231x346, R (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally work for free. Likely just a bunch of bored, retarded, lonely NEETs like the tranny jannies on here who do it for free

>> No.55432919

I completely agree, really do and why I'm careful to say "simulation" cause even if it is it's the only one we got, and you need to cherish it because likely it's lights out when it ends.

And it's all absolutely a test, I've been on the receiving end of this and the giving end, both good and bad, I've experienced what would be called "negative karma" quite quickly and is a big reason I reclused myself from reality for a decade, and I'm not exaggerating there, actually closer to 12 years.
But I myself started to learn this secret if you will or "magic" as I said before which was only a shorthand way of saying a coding but was feeling pretty shitty earlier why my writing is more detailed now.

I feel bad for schizophrenics, like Terry Davis for example I likely spoke to him we inhabited some of the same forums over the years and I was big into conspiracies for a long time, but I wasn't quite damaged enough to fall into the perils of that, I always saw autism and schizophrenic as two sides of the same coin, autists are able to put up a mental shield of sorts where schizophrenics have a weakness in their abilities, so they quickly reach heights but are fizzled out likely due to their quick thinking nature and the snapping of the mind that takes place once they start realizing it's deeper than surface level.

>> No.55432928

"The CIA is spying on me" really means "I feel hounded by malevolent forces", just expressed in terms of popular contemporary memes. In medieval times, someone might have said "the Mongols" or the "King's agents". He feels hounded by malevolent psychological forces, similar to Lovecraft, though Lovecraft was able to keep it together, whereas someone who espouses that typical crazy belief is overwhelmed. But the two of them do basically have the same belief. If Lovecraft had been psychotic, he might have talked about Cthulhu on the street corner instead of in book-form, but the two of them were not that dissimilar, except for the degree of self-control.
People have crazy ideas to begin with, just look at any number of conspiracy theories. Even if you think that some things called "conspiracy theories" are true, they surely cannot all be true. Some psychotic people are overwhelmed by what is essentially their own internal psychological drama, and the average person is not super-rational (like some science-nerd, and even there, you have John Nash who was psychotic and, itcouldn't understand why his secretaries wouldn't fuck each other over for $5 in his experiments about game-theory, despite being a mathematician... the actual John Nash might have understood it, but in documentaries and such, they invariably claim that he didn't "understand human love" or something like that). It is the funniest thing to say: "the schizos are right" (for a very, very loose definition of "right").
My pattern-recognition went into overdrive (this isn't necessarily psychosis, but I do always give the worst possible example), which might be some built-in human reaction. It would be a fairly simple switch to implement evolutionarily: just upregulate brain activity. The brain always recognizes patterns anyway, then it just recognizes more. Flipping some genetically coded "switch" for how much neurons fire doesn't do this safely, though, hence the debilitating symptoms.

>> No.55432941

For a micro example, my gut said throw what I had into BCH this morning and it would pump.
it did about 8 percent which is what I lost after we last spoke, which was good but then I felt like shit today, the worse I felt the more it went down.
The moment we started speaking I stopped caring and started feeling better, at 18% now.

Is that me forcing it?
Doubtful, is it my autism and pattern recognition, likely.
But I can seemingly do this with positive energy, I wish I could harness it into a provable usable formula.
If it's not all just a trick of my own mind assuming.

>> No.55433011

They definitely aren't all true, although most of the logical ones are likely true lol, but I also always just assume I'm being watched and "gangstalked" rather than not
(Although I actually have had a 450k military drone buzz my head) I was hesitant to share that but fuck it everything I've ever said has been honest, but I was being an idiot and sharing schematics of military vehicles on an internet board, after that I got the message.

I go by a few rules, people are generally dumb, people are generally evil and people will generally screw you.
Now even then, I still try to give people the benefit of the doubt, because even if they are out to "get you" doesn't mean they wern't forced in some way.

For example my ex tried to ruin my life, I knew she was conspiring to ruin it, I could literally feel her intentions, later when we broke up and she did attempt to ruin my life, I got on her email and checked her messages to her mother where alas, she conspired for four months to try to get me thrown in prison and charged with physical assault, mind you I don't hurt people but she wanted to ruin me as best as she could, I can only assume this was some kind of force working through her, and her mental illness (she definitely was)
But even if all forces conspire to kill you, which they literally have before with me, the harder you resist the stronger you become.
There's a reason people hate me, which I told you when we first met, mind you I still remember most of our conversation and we met after me being up for 48 hours in an extremely sick state of mind.
And it's because like you I'm revealing the truth, or what's closer to the truth to myself, and then to others.

The "world" or evil or whatever you wish to label it tends to come after you when you do this.

Alan Watts put it and I'm paraphasing, you don't tell the devil you're aware of his trickery, it's like telling your debters you're leaving town, if you make them aware you're on the path they will throw

>> No.55433022

Absolutely everything they can at you to stop you from leaving town, the best way is "no way" basically to quietly leave town in a sense, unfortunately not only did I tell my debtors I stopped by all their doors and had dinner with them first.

>> No.55433027

good post. food for thought. will contemplate.

>> No.55433033

>Is that me forcing it?
I have no idea, I'm afraid. I have no basis for assuming it's true, though technically, the idea that the world is scientifically explainable is also just a story I heard from other people. Though it's a really insidious thing that you can never distinguish you having caused something by unknown means from you just having noticed an outcome that you wanted. If you caused something by actually unknown means, then that looks the same as if it were just a coincidence. If you could control it, that'd be another matter, though there's also confirmation bias to creep up on you there.
The thing about John Nash, by the way, is that (in popular lore; I don't know about the actual John Nash) he was correct: he did this experiment with two secretaries who could betray each other for $5 or some amount like that. It was and is the optimal solution to betray in the prisoner's dilemma. However, secretaries did not betray. The simple solution is to say that "they were irrational, how dare they not comply with my theory?" But it was data, and not data he took into account. Whatever we think about we they made that decision, they did make it, and it was not optimal according to the rules of the game.
Of course, they were real secretaries. Why would they betray each other for a few cups of coffee (which they probably got for free, anyway)? There is only one fact that you can never discover in a game: THAT it is a game. A perfect game-world will never tell you "this is a game" somewhere. Once again we have a case where someone, in his account of game-theory, forgot to include the most critical piece of the puzzle (same as with Sisyphus). We just assume now that this game-theory exists. What a respectable, academic discipline. But the account of game-theory of itself is incomplete. The logic of game-theory, within the game, is inescapable. But it IS just a game.
In the prisoner's dilemma, nobody ever asks why they are *in prison*. That's an assumption.

>> No.55433039

I did. The girl on said to kms. Now I’m dead

>> No.55433045

Thanks, but as said, please no craziness.
Not sure you're interested, but if you ever want to say something or listen to some guy ramble on at length about GTA and game-theory for some reason, here's an email address: jsoiufnvclfenjel@proton.me
Good night, anon. I really don't want to keep you up (depending on your timezone).

>> No.55433066

I was just about to ask if you want to exchange emails, funny I was outside looking towards the moon, I'll email you something specific quickly before someone tries to impersonate, goodnight anon, I'm a night owl I'm usually up till around 2-3am most nights.

>> No.55433077 [DELETED] 

I'm actually going to send from my personal email, just so you know it's me and not someone else, and it's a yahoo I know wtf but it's old and tied to a lot of my stuff so I keep it.

>> No.55433081

Some people do behave in ways we call "evil", and that might cause damage, that's is an unfortunate reality of the world, but there is an explanation for why people behave the way they do, they're not just "evil". But thanks, I will keep it in mind.

>> No.55433122

I sent you an email, again more or less using evil as a short version of malevolent forces, but I'm still very curious to hear your interpretation laid out because it's by far the most thought provoking I've heard.

And you aren't keeping me up like I said but feel free to message or just keep responding here I don't really mind, I'll be up for awhile longer first time I've been feeling decent in the last few days.
Funny enough fairly sure you have something to do with that, because it inspires me to think rather than react.

>> No.55433200

I missed this excuse me, I kinda ask that question rhetorically , if you did have the answers like me we would both be the most successful, powerful men on the planet because we could simply will everything into existence, but there might possibly be this ability, but confirmation bias is huge, I've always been able to bounce things off my brother who's skeptical and he could deflate my ego a bit and make me step into reality, although within these last few years he's concluded he has no idea what's going on.

>> No.55433204

And I say "kinda" because I also kinda wanna know if you DO have the answers, you seem to have a more logical approach to life than I do but also seem to see the same things I'm seeing, although I know our experiences are likely vastly different.

>> No.55433271

I mean, we're mostly living by confirmation bias already anyway, everyone has his preferred hopium, me included. We pretty much do things because we've done them this way, so it's not as if anything would really change.
Plus, as said, it is a fact that the world doesn't magically change, there's never going to be place where someone sees some obvious bullshit happening. People can wish for whatever they want, but I have certainly never seen the laws of physics broken. Wishing for something is "okay, I want this to be true now". It means nothing to me, I don't know about it, it's just some thought someone had somewhere. I mean, it's fine to think it, but it just a thought, and thoughts aren't magic. They don't do anything other than what they ordinarily do, namely influence other thoughts and possibly actions. You know, you think about moving your arm, and then your arm moves. It seems to magically move (like how a 5-year-old would say this), but it's not really "magic".

>> No.55433314

We do and it tends to close our minds to others thinking, it's honestly why I enjoy talking with non americans the most because it allows you to think outside the box, for example I can't stand talking about politics with people who agree with me because there's little knowledge to be gained out of our conversation, we both agree mostly so why wax the same thing over.
But when it comes to the reality of life, or whatever force that makes life in itself start isn't something that's regional but global.

I'd be lying to say, "If you do x,y,z you can make this happen"
Because intention has a lot to do with it, and I think that might be something that needs to be categorized on it's own in a way, your intentions drive everything you do, from your conversations to the food you eat.

Conscious or subconscious, I don't know if you've ever meditated but it takes some time to really refine, I can put myself into a trance within about five minutes, I don't do it as much as I'd like to admit but there's definitely something to it, I can disconnect feeling in parts of my body doing it, it's very useful for taking away pain and inflammation in my joints enough to pop some back into place.
I've tried to teach it to my brother and other people before but most people can't stop themselves enough to really do it, and understandably so.

>> No.55433430

And even if we don't speak tonight, it's always a welcome to speak to you my friend.
You help raise my vibrations when most others tend to bring it down.
(Song I mentioned before basically the musical definition of a manic attack)

>> No.55433437

It's also not some "ability" to you can get, like, say, the power of flight. The impression it gives inherently makes one think of an ability, like in superhero comics, but it actually just looks like one. There is nothing to "get", there are no "abilities" in the real world. People's understanding of how these supposed abilities work is mistaken. My "ability" is actually just "thinking clearly about my own problems", but because we have the same general kinds of problems, me being honest with myself sounds like I'm revealing amazing truths. They are amazing in the ordinary sense of "hey, isn't it good to find this out?"

>> No.55433450

I used to call them when I was living out of my car and without friends.
Details are not relevant.

If you just want to talk through some shit, give them a call.

Depending on your situation, a kind human voice can be priceless.

>> No.55433453

It could also be described more normally as "I'm honest about things that gone wrong in my own life", but I just have to describe everything in this super-precise way.

>> No.55433471

When I say "have the answers like me" That didn't come out right I should have said "If we both had the answers"
Had to re-read that my apologies, and ability again being a lack of definition in my sense isn't the right word, but I think you understand what I'm trying to convey.
Although personally from my opinion I think you're being modest, for example my brother restored classic cars, an amazing artist who could do the work it took men 20 years to learn by the time he was twenty, he thought his work wasn't good and always tried to improve it.

I think you likely underestimate your own abilities, you like I said before did infact provide healing to me, and have again through conversation, that's an ability I'm speaking of, you bring out passion in myself and if you knew me personally would know that isn't an easy feat.
I've always considered myself more intelligent and aware than most and I meet you and you're clearly way more intelligent than myself in yes different ways but still the same.

I will say the longer we converse the easier it is to prove what I'm saying and even some friends I've met here took a little while to start believing.

Then again back to simulation or will/intention maybe it's all just because I'm willing it and using focus it manifests itself like a self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.55433475

Nothing wrong with that at all, infact I prefer it because it causes an equal and oppisote reaction in myself and also pulls me away from "the grind" so to speak and makes me remember this present moment which is important, something I preach but often don't practice.

That's again a power to me anyway, because mind you I consider most people to basically be non-entitites.

>> No.55433483

Lmao yeah call them if you want the cops called, to be involuntarily committed, have a red mark on your medical record, get fired from your job, kicked out of school, etc. That "shoulder to cry on" is there to destroy any remaining good thing you have in your life.

>> No.55433498

>I consider most people to basically be non-entitites.
That's a limit of my cognition too. I only know so many people, most people are "non-entities" to me, but I'm sure they're real people, I just don't happen to know them. As you can see, there's often two explanations.

>> No.55433509

>some unfortunately I know.
kek on that vein have you heard of the double slit experiment
I'm sure you have being as educated you are on this subject, I've often wondered this as well, like for example everything "loads" into your existence.
So while I'm here on my computer nothings going on outside really, besides maybe a few passing cars to keep the simulation going.
But down the road it's just blank, nothing there.
If I drive down the road everything "loads" in
Again we can't prove this but it seems plausible of course if so it would prove we're inside a simulation beyond a doubt.

>> No.55433571

>I'm sure you have being as educated you are on this subject, I've often wondered this as well, like for example everything "loads" into your existence.
I'm as biased as you, my prejudices don't matter any more than yours, but I can't completely eliminate my own bias, I can only try to minimize it. The fact that I'm educated doesn't matter, it's just a different way of talking I learned (plus truly nigh-incomprehensible levels of autism), but it doesn't make me any more right. This isn't just false modesty; you actually, if subconsciously, think that some sort of "intelligence-juice" is in "educated people". You'd never say it this way, as it'd sound ridiculous. But "intelligent" people do somehow authoritative, or as if one should defer to them. Sure, they might factually know a lot about some topic and they might be able to give good advice, but that doesn't make any arbitrary statement they make inherently right. Nothing is right JUST because someone says it, that is ad hominem argumentation.

>> No.55433598

I am assuming of course but based off our conversations and the knowledge you've laid out I can determine that you're educated, and when I say educated I mean actually knowledgeable in a variety of subjects.
Just because someone finishes college doesn't mean they are educated at all.
But you're like you said like an AI, but not dismissive of the thoughts I might be trying to convey which someone completely 100% logical couldn't even begin to entertain.

I will say not that it matters I'm not a "christian" by any definition of the world nor really religois although it might appear that way throughout some of the subjects I am talking of, but spiritually or simulation isn't the only thing that I'm interested in.
It just happens to be something I've been thinking a lot about lately.

>> No.55433603

religious holy shit sorry somehow missed that one.
(We've talked a lot my levels of intelligence juice aren't as high as before)

>> No.55433620

That's actually only true if you have infinite time and resources to evaluate the decision, but it's not true in practice (metaphorically speaking, there no room for a philosophical roundtable discussion if there's an emergency). But still, there's a difference between temporarily agreeing to do something and agreeing with a truth-claim. 2+2=5 would remain false no matter who said it, but if the said bridge inspector gives an alarming report, that should probably be followed without taking a 6-week course on bridge inspection to evaluate it.

>> No.55433643

You've mentioned you've had an existential crisis of sorts but never fully elaborated on the subject which you don't have to, I'm curious and maybe I missed it which is quite possible but what exactly triggered this experience.

And you might not be able to fully relay it over text which is understandable especially it could possibly even be over my head, but I believe I understand you more than I realize, sometimes it takes a bit of introspection so I'm not just responding but listening.

>> No.55433659

Also interesting coincidence but noticed every time we've spoken there's been major movements in the market.

I'm also "testing" some things through our conversation it's not entirely just out of curiosity, if we talk off channel I can explain some of this a little more sometime.

>> No.55433686

Also I'm obviously not a certified bridge inspector, as that'd constitute special status (dear Lord... imagine being this scrupulous that you have to be THAT dramatic about that). I'm also not an actual bridge inspector that inspects physical bridges, but I mean that I'm not *wink wink nod nod* the bridge inspector in the allegory. It happens to be a story about myself in that I'm describing my thoughts in words, but I'm not any of the characters in it.

>> No.55433716

Ah I believe I understand a little more now, i like yourself can tend to be a little too logical or analytical when someone else is describing something
>back to my previous statements it can be easier to describe my thought process and make sense than understand others.
But I believe I can.

It's why I tend to speak as clearly as possible but even I fail at this.

>> No.55433766

I'm still pondering this you'll have to excuse me a bit this throat stuff keeps coming and going and starts giving me mini panic attacks, which makes it a bit harder to concentrate.
But it's getting better I think, as we speak more I'm positive my insight and clarity will ratchet up.

>> No.55433806


>> No.55433852

I think I get what you're saying, if I'm correct.
I still want to give a detailed response, so I'm still thinking about what you've said here today and in previous interactions.

It's beginning to make a little more sense, I believe anyway.

>> No.55433913

When you say emergency do you mean there's little time to go down this rabbit hole?
Which would explain the sense of urgency, if I recall you at one point said.
"we're all fucked anyway"
I didn't want to go off course from our original discussion and keep it to strictly in the field of the subject(s) we were discussing.
But I sense an underlying worry, maybe I'm incorrect in that statement.

>> No.55434912

I live happily to spite the Jews