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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55424081 No.55424081 [Reply] [Original]

CRONOS will be $100 a coin why do they waste so much time trying to fud the inevitable?

>> No.55424201

You mean Monaco... I mean Crypto.com.... I mean Cronos.

Jesus are you guys seriously retarded?. It's so obvious this coin is garbage. Renamed, re branded yet still never mooned. Not even during the Crypto arena acquisition and that was during the btc 60k moon. This board seriously makes me lose hope. Ib guess I'm fucking stupid for even postingbhere.

>> No.55424571

>$100 a coin
At least say $10 or something so more people might be dumb enough to believe it. I own some CRO but it'll be lucky to make it to $1 even during a bull market unless something massive happens.

I don't even hate the exchange or anything but the token doesn't have the utility of something like BNB, WOO, BGB, etc.

>> No.55425873
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because if you're not a whale, there's no incentive for owning any. their low-mid-tier credit card offers are shit plus whales already have all the incentives plus more that CRO cards have to offer. whales literally scoff at the mere mention of it. i actually get more benefits and coupons than a whale CRO card just for having a t-mobile account lol

>> No.55427581

What are you talking about? It was almost a dollar. It started well below 0.04$. Are you that mathematically retarded?

>> No.55429356

why you people still shitcoin in 2023? didn't you had enough crushed reams and rugpulls? doesn't the fact that a new shitcoin is made each hour wake you up to the fact that none of this shit is actually scarce? just buy bitcoin! nobody can make more bitcoin than preordained!

>> No.55429391

It‘s a top 50 top exchange token dummy. If crypto.com survives the bear it‘s a sure moon and we are already past the worst cex fud imaginable. If you don‘t buy rn you hate money. Simple as

>> No.55429466

all shitcoin scammers had such stories and 99.995% of the times people got rekt.