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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55419572 No.55419572 [Reply] [Original]

I have a two hour long interview with a national CPA firm for a tax/audit position that I secured by a little bit of lying. I have a 3.5 GPA but I know I'm underprepared. Because of the length of time I'm assuming there's a competency component.

I've never had an interview this serious, and the pay is $63k so I have a lot on the line (poorfag). Have any of you had similar interviews this long and any tips of what they ask or look for? Its over Zoom which is even fucking worse

>> No.55419804

You'll be fine. CPAs are complete retards without exception. I'm pretty sure my old cpa was just a salesperson and a team of nogs in a foreign country prepared my taxes. She could have at least resold jackson hewitt services but she was greedy af. Assuming she made 90% commission on the service.

>> No.55419914
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I cheated constantly in tax and audit because I was working full-time and really did not give a fuck, plus it all felt simple. Now I kind of regret it. The boomers I speak to keep telling me its going to be an intensive skills interview, then I read shit about how they ask you behavioral questions for 2 hours.

I called the recruiter this morning because they still hadn't gotten back to me with whether the interview is today or Friday, and she literally sounded like she just woke up. Slurring and shit. They still haven't confirmed if I'm interviewing in a few hours or not, so maybe the retard thing is true.

>> No.55419947

What the hell kind of place do you work?? Why are they putting you through this hellish two hour interview?

Not even big 4 do this and instead they give you like 5 years to finish your cpa because they know undergrad is boring

>> No.55419996

Its a firm called Novogradac, phone interview was like 30 minutes and basic shit (what made you apply, why do you think you'll do well, etc). Now they want me to do a 2 hr interview with the team and partner(s) in my city, via Zoom even though I live 15 minutes away and its an office position. She said something about meeting with everyone individually

>> No.55420001

in all likelihood they won't ask any technical questions. i interviewed at EY, PwC, and a few small shitty local firms. none of them asked technical questions. what you should expect is behavioral questions. have a bunch of answers prepared for things like
>give me an example of a time you dealt with a difficult customer at work
>how do you handle competing deadlines
>how do you stay organized
>what's your greatest weakness

>> No.55420019

also i could be wrong so DYOR. glassdoor sometimes has interview questions. if it's a national firm, make an account on /r/accounting and ask for tips.

>> No.55420034

I'm currently going through a 2 step interview process. First one was on teams and second one is in person.
You should do find as long as you're charismatic and competent. Most competent people can do any modern day office job.
Make sure you dress nice and make sure you feel good about the way you look.

>> No.55420035

you'll probably be passed around and have half hour of behavioral questions with each important person. Shouldn't be too technical good luck

>> No.55420054

When did this board become an accounting board, I keep seeing people trying to get a CPA when accounting is literally boring as fuck. You could be trading swaps and pricing complex assets but instead you want to nickel and dime 3 figure line items on a statement? Fucking please

>> No.55420074

accounting is based. Go gamble shitcoins or get replaced by ChatGPT as a computer scientist. The government enforces job security for accountants, there is always the IRS too

>> No.55420092

>that mulattoe zoomer who thinks he's going to make money trading options on a phone app
fr fr no cap

>> No.55420112

I have chad-lite looks and understand body language which I believe is how I usually ace interviews, but this is on Zoom so I feel extremely disadvantaged.

Thanks, I was focusing on reviewing everything I chose not to learn the past couple years but this is probably more accurate

Finance is literally fake and gay and predetermined by jewish handlers. I can also just trade swaps in my free time without having to share any value with the company.
>3 figure line items
This is for a firm, not a small business bookkeeper position. But if they paid me the same I'd happily do that too.

>> No.55420147
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Pic related is literally you when begging me to explain my chad trades should be booked

You cannot possibly trade swaps in your free time as you need an ISDA

>> No.55420199

I literally don't care, I'm asking about business interviewing. If I wanted to LARP as a trader I'd just do it in one of the 20 other threads up on that right now.