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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 606 KB, 1092x1456, Fsn0f2pWIAAQUCZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55418236 No.55418236 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread died without a single bump edition, it's over

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous: >>55416486

>> No.55418245

First for thread full of retards.

>> No.55418266

A wise man once said, that a thread full of retards is better than a thread full of noone.

>> No.55418282

I guess if you lack real social connections in your life, you can play pretend that misfits on the internet are your friends.

>> No.55418328

goldcels finna rope

>> No.55418330

Sure buddy

>> No.55418437

The size of your micro Jr miners portfolio is like your dick size. You don't go around talking about it, but it feels good knowing it's large.

>> No.55418459
File: 98 KB, 1779x783, atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salt bros can now signup for "SALTY Summer" media updates


>> No.55418656 [DELETED] 

What do you mean by this? Is uranium about to do a lil som'? I was under the impression it would chop sideways about another year and was going to sell it all and go into gold soon.

>> No.55418666 [DELETED] 

>What do you mean by this? Is uranium about to do a lil som'? I was under the impression it would chop sideways about another year and was going to sell it all and go into gold soon.

>> No.55418720

What do you mean by this? Is uranium about to do a lil som'? I was under the impression it would chop sideways about another year and was going to sell it all and go into gold soon.

>> No.55418787


It could turn out to be an incredible summer, especially if everything else in the commodity sector keeps on either going down or sideways.
I really hope they don't bungle this up, because they have a very nice set of upgrades coming, FS,CEO,TPR, all of these should make it jump considerably.
Nice sign is that if some meme company like Vortex can ride to Salt's market cap quickly on just two lesser salt domes and hype, it's a great sign for TPR upcoming performance.
Just 4 bil valuation for TPR would mean 10x for salt from here and then you slap on the actual salt deposit and it's a pretty bright future.
It would be amazing if triple point got bought out by some energy company or got them as a large share holder. Combine the two into a green energy giant that sucks the government tit for every drop of tax payer money.


Don't be so quick to jump on the uranium train because youtube talking heads who bought in 2019 lows still hype it up on a daily basis. They've been saying that any day now uranium companies will run for a myriad of reasons and it just doesn't materialize, because in reality this sector isn't in a hurry.
I called the breakout a potential fakeout and I still think it may very well be, because these companies have been hammering the massive resistance with weaker and weaker runs to the upside.
Only company that's not been in the shitter is Cameco.
In my opinion everything else is still too hot after that 2020 run and can fall 30-50% from here easily.

Also my opinion of gold has been on a trip to the 1600-1800 range, because it failed to sustain +2k and the worries about banking sector failing any day now are getting forgotten.
Retail is going to flow out of the PMs at an increasing rate, especially with the dollar going up.
Hell the entire commodity sector aside from few things may eat shit for the next year or two.

>> No.55419074
File: 175 KB, 469x469, 1646431815312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw vortex is now within 5 mil of SALT's market cap and soon flying past it at this rate.

Well would you look at that.
If a meme company with potentially unusable domes is able to fly like this in a matter of months, it's a pretty good sign of what ride TPR is going to be.

>> No.55419114
File: 146 KB, 430x557, 1675350212366302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in hell didn't I sell? Useless piece of crap. Well, got only myself to blame. "Strong economy" this and that... and back to 2.6$ we go

>> No.55419134
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I like the way you think Salt bro

>> No.55419259
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Looks like SHLE might be filling that gap after all. Currently crawling pattern along the 100dma.
First instinct is usually the right one

>> No.55419554
File: 228 KB, 1199x1458, GPT EBONICS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool it with the hopium, I'm running out of Narcan

>> No.55419648
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>> No.55419690

Completely agree. It is subpar at best. It's still the best commodity to hold but compared to other stuff... that is why it shouldn't be more than 5-10% of your portfolio after all.

>> No.55420216
File: 39 KB, 594x550, vrtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucking way, I haven't looked at this copycat for around a month and it's done a 4x, somebody kill me. Might be getting close to time to short the fuck out of them

>> No.55420252

they're afraid

>> No.55420370

if these unproven Vortex faggots start releasing average results we should see Atlas fly to a new ATH

>> No.55420503
File: 192 KB, 715x734, IMG_1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really trust this slovenly boomer who writes op-eds for Bloomberg? He’s writing about AI and chat GPT regularly. So, not only is he a boomer, but he’s a faddish boomer. One more tired, pseud mouthpiece for other tired boomers to get talking points from in an attempt to remain relevant.

>> No.55421672 [DELETED] 

>Tyler (((Cowen)))
they are up to no good again

>> No.55421903
File: 19 KB, 1039x110, Udklip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you bought for $30 baru gold

>> No.55421910 [DELETED] 

(((your))) tribe

>> No.55421952
File: 38 KB, 594x542, SALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day for Atlas bros, but man I want TPR sold or listed soon.

>> No.55421966
File: 253 KB, 400x400, pMoZNkTr_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my great grandfather who was possibly married to a jew. You know you're mirin these aristocratic genes.

>> No.55422063

make it stack for bayhorse is how many shares?
10k right?

>> No.55422138

how many shares are outstanding? I suppose if you sold the ore sorter you could get a nice amount.

>> No.55422187

cool, I'm of Danish bloodline too and was just squeezing as much info out of my grandmother as I could. It's great you've got a picture of your ancestor.

>> No.55422194

Imagine your great grandfather witnessing what became of his lineage. His great grandson sits on a mongolian underwater basket weaving forum trying to convince everyone else how smart and aristocratic he is.

>> No.55422217

It's a painting that hangs at my parents house.
better than whatever you're doing

>> No.55422229
File: 157 KB, 541x506, 1687568902649134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah thank fuck it's finally starting to break out of the slump, that correction was painfully slow. Won't be long at all until it's +$2 again.
I too want TPR to trade as soon as possible, because I bet it's going to be even bigger than Salt's salt property just with their 27.5% share ownership. I'll definitely buy some of it when it comes out.
With VRTX I have a feeling that when profits are taken, they're going to be rotated into salt or TPR because of the better property. Still impressive how it's just sticking up there after such insane climbs.
There's only one worry I have with this and it's the mindshare part. If VRTX just aggressively pushes onwards with marketing, it's entirely possible that it's going to capture all of the attention as the original no.1 Canadian hydrogen storage play and that would be bullshit.
They need to just roll out TPR and get it trading, screw the slow people who didn't buy it behind the scenes. Let them pay a huge premium on the markets if they want to acquire it.

My target for salt is $15-25, because how piss easy it is for TPR to throw an extra 10x multiplier in there by giving salt an extra billion valuation.
If their property gets valued at 5 million tons production in the FS as it should, hell it should be higher really, but that's another 1.5 bil valuation there.
Even if you use 50% after tax price for sale, that's still 750 mil MC at bare minimum from the salt property alone.
I don't really see a way this doesn't do at least 15x from here, only question is when.
Will this take 5 years or 2? My money is on the shorter time frame considering the speed hydrogen is being rolled out.

>> No.55422331

>better than whatever you're doing

This is a literal cope response.

>> No.55422375

get lost, negro, you're stinking up the general.

>> No.55423306

Hit a little too close to home? You're doing what you should do. Respecting and valuing your ancestors. It's a shame they wouldn't be able to reciprocate.

Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night, your ancestors are rolling in their graves at the asinine shit you do in this thread.

>> No.55423400

It's a self-fulfilling prophet.

Gold sitting on big support. I suspect Q3 to be a lot like Q1... bank failures and great uncertainty. Good for gold price, bad for life in general.

>> No.55423903

Exactly anon, TPR will rip when listed and so will Salt. Also, it seems likely that Vortex will eventually see the same fuckery we did with shorts and algos smashing it down.

>> No.55424877


Major news from Newcrest, their looking at a serious upgrade to the Red Chris gold mine in northern BC.

>> No.55425222

How many more weeks???

>> No.55425623
File: 79 KB, 717x424, scameduri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scameduri bros raise red flags wherever they go.

>> No.55425866

>Oy vey Goyim! Mr. Schekelstein hedge fund is short and losing, you must comment. Never mind about Vortex going up 36% Wednesday, nothing to see there!

>> No.55426799

Today and tomorrow pce, late July with a bunch of hot inflation data coming out before FOMC, so about 3. Lucky if it doesn't happen before earnings season

Also who the fuck dumped agri like a nigger, luky my sl was tight

>> No.55427034

Heh, good one. This faggot tries to belittle people whom he perceives as less intelligent as himself. What's wrong with belittling him for behaving like a literal faggot?

Stay mad.

>> No.55427383
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Dane's condescension is reactionary and has clear humour in it. Yours just reeks of impotence, desperation for interaction, and being generally buttmad

>> No.55427663

Yes, I'm aware you all sit in this thread pretending to be friends and generally jerking each other off. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.55427715
File: 1.57 MB, 352x640, 1677539770622985.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he won't jerk off a buddy in need
pretty gay bro

>> No.55427851

My buddies aren't anonymous nobodies on a Ugandan mud hut builders' association forum.

>> No.55427896
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I honestly don't care

>> No.55427971
File: 1.25 MB, 480x480, frens.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. please stop fighting
2. stop buying Scottie so I can get some

>> No.55428091

>doesn't care (allegedly)
>keeps replying

>> No.55428138
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somebody going into a freefall just got halted

>> No.55428169
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>having gentlemanly discussion about jerking off one's buddies
>starts needlessly elaborating on the nature of his buddies
Keep that shit to yourself nigga. The more you know about them the gayer it gets. Shut up and open wide

>> No.55428174

What the fuck are you talking about? Nice mental gymnastics you fucking loser kek

>> No.55428220
File: 32 KB, 639x522, 1479875338926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, keep it all business and drink it down.
It's a hot summer's day and you're a thirsty boy

>> No.55428244

>this unhinged faggot keeps posting his zoophile collection while pretending that this is normal and not fucking weird

If this thread weren't full of dysfunctional loser faggots, literally everyone would be making fun of you people.

>> No.55428312
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>If this
>would that
If "if"s and "would"s were services and goods we'd all be paying a lot more taxes

>> No.55428333

>more incomprehensible word salad

The mental illness is real.

>> No.55428362
File: 34 KB, 453x720, 1673742124102277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incapable of appreciating poetry
NPC or third worlder confirmed

Is the toilet witch spooking the villagers again so you have to drop your spicy shits here instead?

>> No.55428380
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meant 4 u

>> No.55428420

More mental gymnastics. Please keep the mentally unhinged posts coming. Stopped dumping your animal porn? Didn't realize it outed you as an animal fucking weirdo, eh?

Too used to the coddling you get by the fellow losers in this thread.

>> No.55428442 [DELETED] 
File: 1.79 MB, 720x404, literally me.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants more animal porn
ok ya fucking weirdo you dont have to be coy about it

>> No.55428723


A great shot of a new deep sea excavator operating at 1070 meters. The tech behind deep sea mining is getting better and better but I still dont know if it will ever be really profitable.

>> No.55428864

Yeah this market is garbage for corn. Reports of spotty showers doesn't seem to be enough to drive prices.

Palladium... yeah its dead. Going to cut my losses. Probably makes sense to make a punt on mining companies whilst they're cheap but I'd rather reduce risk.

>> No.55429166

Whatever you say you fucking freak.

>> No.55429478
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Don't leave without kissing me goodbye faggot

>> No.55430002
File: 90 KB, 846x506, lollmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb troll shits up the thread hurling abuse, off topic, trolling outside of /b/, extremely low quality posts, all bannable offences
>make joke about animal porn, post funny animal webm that contains no pornographic content
>get banned
What the actual fuck, mods? Did you even look at the webm? It was a fucking sleeping weasel and you could see his winkie, that's literally it.

I don't know if you know this, but animals are usually naked. In fact, human beings are the only animals that wear clothes. That doesn't make animal photos pornographic.
Are you going to start banning cat reaction images because they aren't covering up their starfish? I know Micky Mouse wears pants, but he's just a cartoon. Not real. A drawing.

Anyway, don't fret it jannie I've appealed the ban myself and sorted things out so we'll call it even. Next time though don't take jokes at face value and maybe ban the trolls instead

>> No.55430010
File: 2.87 MB, 406x720, CLEANITUPJANNIE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got so mad he ran to the j*nnie to save him
lmao, even

>> No.55430043
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, 1687778275747277.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to get back to business here

>> No.55430120

I also just got a 3 day ban for "racism". Jannies are out of control on biz, literally redit. And lol at that butthurt guy reporting our comments.

>> No.55430144
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>single-stock circuit breaker

>> No.55430171
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Based on-topic poster.

kek. Given that it takes multiple reports to actually summon a j*nnie he's either sockpuppeting or actually knows/is one himself which is even funnier

>> No.55430945

>but it feels good knowing it's large
Quite the opposite as they're deep red

>> No.55431084
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So small might as well not be in it

>> No.55431147

im working on a project where i might need 1 tonne of coal. how do i actually go about buying that much? i want it to be fresh from a mine

>> No.55431193


what is there to even mine on the seabed floor? i imagine it would be a hundred feet of muck and hundreds more of waterlogged, moist, silt

>> No.55431449

What kind of coal do you need? Anthracite? Bituminous? Subbituminous? Lignite?

>> No.55431478

Anthracite burns the cleanest and has the highest heat content.

>> No.55431514

From the website:
>Most dealers sell Blaschak anthracite both by the bulk ton or in clean convenient 40 pound bags. Many dealers deliver door-to-door, making anthracite even more convenient to use.

Anthracite is best for domestic uses because it burns so clean.

>> No.55431655

Would the anons who shilled bayhorse silver please step forward. I have a present for you.

>> No.55431695

*raises paw*

>> No.55431712

*raises hoof*

>> No.55431844

loads of metals and precious gemstones show up on the sea floor. Deep sea nodules containing cobalt appear across the pacific and gold / diamonds appear in placer deposits close to shore in some regions. Much of the worlds supply of tin comes from off shore dredging for example.

>> No.55431921
File: 245 KB, 1835x867, 379664F9-4688-41CE-BE93-0738A335CC95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know but I have 25K shares and I’m wayy underwater. It’s ok though.

Btw this is the first time I’ve been on CMMG in a long while. Was here from the beginning and didn’t miss a thread for maybe 1 1/2 years but I just fell out of interest. I still listen to all the usual podcasts and looking at Fintwit but otherwise can’t be arsed into this stuff much more due to life changes. Haven’t watched Andy for a long time either, I wonder what him and the Australian chink are up to nowadays.

>> No.55431997


Why would Chinese and Russians (with a vast intelligence network and non-globalhomo economists) keep buying gold?

>> No.55432092

i need to experiment with anthracite and lignite, so it will be one of those. im in the midwest of the US near the Appalachians so im wondering if i could just pull up to a mine with a flatbed and do some kind of a deal. ideally the coal will have a good amount of a pyrite still left in it fresh from the pit

ill check that site out, thanks anon

>> No.55432401


Andy videos are quickly becoming a stream of daily cope about everything looking really good, resting on support and just ready to go up even if the price is in a clear downtrend and losing momentum.
He says the commodity cycle is a long game, but at the same time is absolutely hell bent on everything going up in the short term.
While I believe in a lot of his fundamental concepts, I'm starting to think he mostly lucked out on timing the bottom because corona caused such a huge drop in oil prices and it led him to buying all kinds of commodities.
The chink disappeared a good while ago as glowing rocks didn't go up. I'm sure he'll show up when Uranium juniors start moving.

>> No.55432403

depending on your region you might be able to buy spillage material if your really friendly.

>> No.55432818

>/biz/ making threads about U
Is this bullish or bearish

>> No.55433030

how would i go about asking for this?

>> No.55433169

call up a local coal mines office and ask for site manager or surface ops boss, then plead your case. They may direct you to other admins. They may tell you to F off, but if its a big enough amount of material your asking for (or willing to buy) they may be interested.

>> No.55433629

Doesn't matter, time to fud the thread

>> No.55433655

Anthracite is only mined in Pennsylvania, so if you want freshly mined anthracite with all the fixins' still in it, you'd have to go there.

>> No.55435132


>> No.55435292

>China Steelmakers Issue Stark Warning About Second-Half Outlook

pig iron bros...

>> No.55435974
File: 958 KB, 2691x2851, IMG_20230630_143129~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lithium bros ...

>> No.55436283

Bitcoin finna gettin' fucked.

>> No.55436341

2 hours until agri data. It's going to show if the correction was just a correction or if it's going to be a crash. Rain continues in the mid west and Lavrov has again warned about the end of the black sea deal while stressing that Russia is going to continue it's exports to poor countries. Just wondering how they are going to do the latter; through Antarctica?

>> No.55437516

well, agri makes no sense anymore.
Time to withdraw ALL capital and let the gamblers and scammers play in a dry sandbox

>> No.55437654
File: 38 KB, 539x500, aucu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflection Resources looking good

>> No.55437903

>pump and dump shell companies
boring, even more boring then the obvious clown show

>> No.55437916
File: 78 KB, 724x606, Screenshot 2023-06-30 181734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah... holy shit

>> No.55437964

This place always showing me all these youtubers I never heard of.

>> No.55437986

and you should completely ignore them. Only data counts, and youtubers are a dime a dozen, e-beggars

>> No.55438143
File: 527 KB, 3327x1069, SilverRetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how is the Bayhorse plan coming along?

>> No.55438172

$19 silver and I am buying more GDX & SIL. Otherwise sitting on my hands. Such a 'meh' market environment, no super bargains and the megacap indexes are about 10% off ATHs (at least nominally). It feels a bit like late 2019.

If the US dollar would shit the bed we could at least have a bull run in commodities and ex-US assets but it's all very dull.

>> No.55438350
File: 138 KB, 735x745, aucu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, AngloGold Ashanti invests in pump & dumps. read a few news releases and try not to be a retard anon, you might make some money

>> No.55439343

LLCs and its public traded equivalents are all pump and dumps, the values hardly represent the demand for control over the companies but are mostly paper trading driven by gamblers that are responsible for a culture of pump and dump that was grown since the 1980s

>> No.55439409

Impressive room.

>> No.55439453
File: 289 KB, 570x465, Mfw I have no face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salt promises we'll get the FS by the end of Q2
>Starts marketing campaign and talks about a threshold event coming up
>No FS at hand.

Considering their track record with sticking to the timelines, they didn't really disappoint.
I'll wait for that FS and new CEO to arrive in the Fall at earliest.

>> No.55439567
File: 85 KB, 720x477, ameduri pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scameduri pump fading already.
Wasted money.

>> No.55439645

The thing I'm kind of pissed about with Salt is they were on a good 3 day run when some POS initiated that they "comment" on advertising creating the implication they were putting out false news, when they weren't. It accomplished what the riggers wanted, putting the brakes on momentum. I don't know if I've ever seen so much nonsense to keep a stock down.

>> No.55439750

SALT shouldn't have hired the scummiest, sleaziest promoters in the Scameduri bros if it wanted to avoid the ire of the regulators. SALT's management is to blame for hiring those shameless pumpers, not the regulators.

>> No.55439821

My $600 investment three years ago is now worth $50.

>> No.55440089

Starting a FS and then pivoting to a PEA was always a red flag. Who knows if they ever put out that FS, seems like they encountered some problems which made them pivot.

>> No.55440662

Big day in Burkina today, Endeavour sold their two non-core mines to a private African group, and West African Resources announced a US$265M debt financing package for their new Burkina build, with sprott participation and pretty good terms.
Anyone else bought into Sarama? Pea soon.

>> No.55441001
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Companies Allan Barry Laboucan promotes should be avoided.

>> No.55441200

The more I look through /biz/ and economic news the more I feel the need to go all-in on VIX and just wait for the inevitable to happen

>> No.55441451

I think PAN MAN likes Goliath, and I like Sokoman. The others on that list I wouldn't consider.

>> No.55441641

I do like Goliath (for their Gold Digger property) but QH has been over hyping the place I think. Gold Digger and its Surebet Zone are fantastic, but its on top of a mountain, in the middle of utter nowhere with no real easy access to infrastructure. The closest roads are at Alice Arm, and maybe Kitsault could be used as a staging ground but at the moment its a fantastic property with no way to access it other than air or boat. Take that into consideration when looking at Goliath.

>> No.55442552

Next week I start construction on my property. I'm cashing out about half of my gold to pay for it. I'm tired of waiting on these fuck ass markets so.im keeping the stocks but I'm using the gold to get me out of this nigger infested city and move out to the country. I'm going to continue going to school and working kn my finance degree and in the meantime I am going to use the funds to start a mushroom farm, bee keeping operation, goats and chickens. I'll be fucking busy but with all the projects combined I should be able to earn about $3000 a month and I'll save that money by turning it into gold and silver.

I know that if I wait six months gold could be $3000 but I'm tired of waiting and I wouldn't put it past this fuck ass government to continue rigging and manipulating the price. I'd rather get out on my property now and at least have the ability to work and start a business than wait for six months and have it all go to shit and have to wait even longer for it to start.

>> No.55442563

And it sucks to have to sell assets period but the gold hasn't lost any value and if I sold the mining stocks now I'd be taking a 35% loss when these fuckers are worth five times what they're trading for now.

These markets are just too stupid and fuck ass government is just too evil.

>> No.55442566

So I'll sell the gold now and get my ass out on the property and at least have peace of mind and ability to start a business and hold the mining stocks and sell them later when they've gone up.

>> No.55442571


> its on top of a mountain, in the middle of utter nowhere with no real easy access to infrastructure

Didn't stop shitline gold one bit.

>> No.55442709
File: 40 KB, 1442x236, shitline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't stop shitline gold one bit.
kek, the beauty with shitline is it's a minimum 3x from here and possibly 10x+

>> No.55442778

that honestly bugs me, that the market doesnt care its in the middle of nowhere. Typical...

>> No.55442930
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>selling physical right as the ICL is forming
shiggy diggy my niggy

>> No.55443305

Yeah, I definitely also think we're in for some stormy weather very soon. Just watched an episode of "we live in a fantasy world now... reality has been destroyed!" with Simon Hunt yesterday. He thinks the recession/depression will start in Q3. Which will cause another liquidity flood, which will then create an even worse second wave of inflation, like in the 80s, which will destroy the economy. He then thinks we will enter a period of peace and prosperity after all this in the mid to late 20s, I don't agree with that but the rest sounds reasonable.

>> No.55443313

Sounds like an adventure. Which state are you in red?

>> No.55443815

Stupid, I suppose youtuber. The central bankers know very well that the social and civilizatory costs of inflation let alone hyperinflation are not worth it, to make some gamblers number go up. It's better to have a phase of clean up through continues reduction of monetary supply and economic hardship, especially in the wake of demographic decline than to destroy the basic trust in the currency and society. It's going to be a catharsis destroying all the sins of the past, bankrupting the dirt the Obamas of the world created

>> No.55444472

He didn't forecast hyperinflation, but a second larger inflation wave like we had two back in the middle 70s and then early 80s.

>> No.55445441

Is the orezone anon still here? I feel like west african resources is the better play between the two, I like their resources better. But sadly it only trades in marmite land, wouldn't mind slurping some dips.

>> No.55445575
File: 354 KB, 1920x1280, GRAPHS_ALL_-en_-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is already hyperinflation, and another inflationary push, is going to break the west

>> No.55446761

If you're right you just disproved the entire commodities investment thesis.

>> No.55447685


>> No.55447810

I know I'm right, the data is clear. The question is, are they going to try the insane road and just keep kicking the can and western society over the cliff of hyperinflation to please the insane neo marxists they funded now for 40 years, or is sanity going to prevail and what we see by the Fed and ecb is false signalling regarding final rates to crab their way out of the mess without creating too much of a panic.

>> No.55448471

I know. Nor the optimal choice but the time value. I'm converting physical into land and income. Not really a loss at the end of the day, just not my preferred choice. I'll still have 40 oz au.

>> No.55448478

That was a great interview. >>55443313

>> No.55449179

What did you mean by

>> No.55450154
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I invested 1500 when it was being shilled heavily here. Currently at 300$.

>> No.55450306

The uranium market is basically dry and long term contracts are starting. Uranium has been silently creeping up in price and nobody is noticing. It's around $56 now and going higher. Uranium is at the highs of September two years ago and yet the stocks are 30% lower.

The market is fragile and all its going to take is one little catalyst that makes it blow up. There's been an entirely new financial player on the market similar to Sprott and they aren't disclosing any of their purchases but they are purchasing a significant amount. The long term contracting cycle is beginning and you are seeing contracts being made. Justin is basically saying we bottomed two months ago and we are in the beginning of a bull market. All its going to take is one little catalyst for it all to explode. I think by September we will have seen big moves in the uranium sector.

>> No.55450315

I wouldn't sell gold or uranium at this point.

>> No.55450626

I would, hedge spots with a short

>> No.55451811

Which are good, which are turds? Looking to buy about a dozen, filtering out companies which are diluting shareholders or spinning their wheels on projects going nowhere.


Adriatic Metals (silver & zinc deposits in the Balkans)

African Pioneer (exploration)

Amaroq Minerals (Greenland gold)

Anglo Asian Mining (Azerbaijan copper & gold)

Asiamet Resources (Indonesia copper & gold)

Bluejay Mining (Greenland & Finland)

Caledonia Mining (Zimbabwe gold producer)

Centamin (Egypt gold producer)

Chaarat Gold Holdings

Cobra Resources (Australia gold projects)

Cora Gold (West African gold projects)

ECR Minerals (Australia gold projects)

Fulcrum Metals - (Canadian gold & uranium explorer)

Golden Metal Resources (various Nevada projects)

GoldStone Resources (Ghana explorer w/ low cash burn)

Great Western Mining (Nevada explorer)

Greatland Gold (joint venture with Rio Tinto)

Hochschild Mining

Hummingbird Resources (West African gold producer)

Lexington Gold (exploration in the Carolinas)

Oriole Resources (West African explorer)

Orosur Mining (South American explorer)

Pan African Resources

Panther Metals (Canadian & Australia explorer)

Panthera Resources (India & West Africa explorer)

Shanta Gold


Thor Explorations (Nigeria producer)

Wishbone Gold (Australia explorer)

Yellow Cake (uranium play)

>> No.55451886

Britfag? I dont really look into those as I dont have access. Do you not have Canadian or aussie exchanges?

>> No.55451902

>Britfag? I dont really look into those as I dont have access. Do you not have Canadian or aussie exchanges?

Yes, UK-listed shares don't incur currency fees on the entry & exit

>> No.55451920

So you do have access to other exchanges, you just don't want to pay the quarter point exchange fee?

>> No.55451941

>So you do have access to other exchanges, you just don't want to pay the quarter point exchange fee?

When buying a Canadian or Australian share I'd have to pay 0.5% foreign exchange fee. The capital gain & dividend would still be tax-free though.

>> No.55451973

Half a point per currency exchange? That's pretty steep, I only pay 0.15% and can have money in different currencies. But it still wouldn't deter me from looking at other exchanges. Theres a lot more to choose from in CA and AUS.

>> No.55452106

Gary better be informed. I assumed his months to years estimate chopping couldn't be wrong.
btw did you give up the list and discord idea?

>> No.55453242

Does anyone know how to get into coal mining in China? I have some experience in coal mining but will get a few more years under my belt and then I want to go to China.
I've heard that Chinese coal companies hire Americans with experience as advisors.

>> No.55453660

>I want to work in china
Just kill yourself it is easier. Do you have a dead wish? Nobody in his right mind wants to work with communists

>> No.55453742

Just buy Snowline, the buyout will probably happen in 2 years and will be yuge, possibly exceeding Great Bear.

>> No.55453918

I'm serious. China is the coal mining king of the world. I want to see what it's like to be a coal miner there.

>> No.55454135

It's suicide and the only reason china has been a "coal miner" (((king))) was because their was demand from the west to use the third world shithole as a sweatshop. That demand is kaput, and china has no internal market. Outside of a handful of selected districts in coastal cities, china has never evolved past the bronze age

>> No.55454149

>It's suicide and the only reason china has been a "coal miner" (((king))) was because their was demand from the west to use the third world shithole as a sweatshop. That demand is kaput, and china has no internal market. Outside of a handful of selected districts in coastal cities, china has never evolved past the bronze age
Whole post sounds like cope

>> No.55454249

Check the data, china is never going to recover from its own bio weapon attack on the world. Funny, china committed suicide and is currently trying to stimulus check itself out of the mess, which is going to fail

>> No.55454256

His chop was for energy (oil and gas) not necessarily uranium but he does give uranium every couple weeks. I take his thoughts into account but not as much as Justin. Justin I saying we are just waiting for the boom. I'd say September.

Gary says metals are the trend right now and we're pretty much just looking when to dip our toes in.

>> No.55454261

The bio attack was orchestrated between Jewish academics in Canada and the Chinese with the US probably funding it.

>> No.55454344

China conducted it, failed in its objectives and is now dead. It has only an export economy that is now crippled together with its declining population of which the majority still lives like in the bronze age. Good riddance communists, they fell victim to the same scam Japan fell for in the 80s

>> No.55454968

Well anyway, I'll repeat my question again.
Does anyone know how to get to work in coal mining in China? I've heard that Chinese coal companies will try to recruit experienced miners from abroad to act as consultants and improve their coal mining industry.

>> No.55455995

i am honestly not sure if you can just up and ask their state corporations for a job. China is odd that way, if they invite you to a job then its easy, trying to get a job any other way is likely very difficult.
In general its probably not the best idea to work for the chinese either way, they treat their employees as expendable.

>> No.55456157


>> No.55456357

Fertilizer bros ... It's over.

>> No.55456489

I'd like to trade commodities through DeFi.

>> No.55456960

Hey bot. Defi is a scam and the tech bruhs that grift from it should go fuck themselves

>> No.55458126


>> No.55458339
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>> No.55458349

>tfw when citizen of a BRICS country
what does this imply for me dear sers?

>> No.55458350

I don’t trust Russians or Kenyans, im going to have to hear it from Brazil or South Africa before I believe it

>> No.55458360

Heard Mexico and Saudi Arabia were supposedly open to the idea of joining BRICS too

>> No.55458369

Would be interesting to hear it from Brazil, seems like the current president of the BRICS bank is a former chancellor of Brazil or something like that.
Interesting times ahead

>> No.55458380

But even if it’s true will it even matter, would it dethrone the dollar or would everyone just carry on as normal

>> No.55458404

I'm still accumulating.

>> No.55458406

Sound economic science states that good currency tends to wipe out bad currency in the long run. As long as they don't nudge away from a solid gold backing and return to the fiat ponzi scheme, it may very well knock out the USD. Not today, not next month, but maybe in 10-20 years.

>> No.55458550
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Fuck JPMORGAN and the corrupt LBMA and COMEX, it's getting close to WAGMI time.

>> No.55458684

>gary says to put a stop loss just in case
>people sell out instead
>they are now angry with Gary as the market goes up

>> No.55458755

>they are now angry with Gary
Literally who? I don't see a single person "angry with Gary" in his last post.

>> No.55459387


But part of this also is that Russia knows Gold is popular on the US dissident right. There is substance to this but it's also a messaging strategy.

>> No.55459391

>Sound economic science states that good currency tends to wipe out bad currency in the long run.

A developed nation currency which only loses 2% annually to inflation is not *that* bad.

>> No.55459632

But here's the thing: metals prices are manipulated and suppressed. Central banks have been accumulating gold for the last while. Maybe it will take off, maybe it won't. What worries me is that paper/electronic/digital PMs will be manipulated even more, and physical will be debased. Look at all the shit that happened with was it the COMEX or LME? Nickel and shit.
Even if it seems like a sure thing, make sure you manage your exposure and risk accordingly, diversify etc

>> No.55460090
File: 52 KB, 862x360, Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 18.50.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< is this really true? Using bls.gov inflation calculator.

Gold 2011 high would be about $2,577 in today's dollars. Without getting all tinfoil hat, I feel that $1,920 in summer 2011 would buy $3k of goods today. But what do you think?

>> No.55460103


>> No.55460137


Not even close.
Look at housing and food prices and tell me that inflation is even remotely close to to what they report there.
Or hell look at the money supply.
The official data is such bullshit it's not even funny.
Shadowstats calculator puts that number at $5,571 which is far closer to reality and even that may be a lowball estimate.

>> No.55460179


I dunno about the Shadowstats number but I'm trying to get a sense of where gold could get to. $2.5k wouldn't be a speculative top like $1,900 in 2011. I think purchasing power reality + mass human psychology would take gold at least to $3,000, as it's a big round number/target.

>> No.55460304


>> No.55460327

People tend to forget this when they talk about how much miners have underperformed gold price, you have to adjust for inflation. Gold price is pretty good right now, but even though we are near ATH in nominal terms, we are still far from it in real dollars. Still lots of miners making little to no money here.

>> No.55460690
File: 224 KB, 640x640, gains-necessary-to-recover-from-losses-v0-x9rapwc2977b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my plan was to turn $6000 into $6 so I'm very near the finish line, wish me luck bros.

>> No.55461207
File: 133 KB, 1300x934, 349534853845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What X do I need to recover from -100% ($20k)?

>> No.55461473

PAN MAN. An anon mentioned Nevada Copper a couple threads ago. I noticed it's a penny stock that rose almost 6% today and you said they have a lot of infrastructure in place to get mining soon.
Is this a company to keep an eye on and maybe invest in while they're cheap?

>> No.55461662
File: 157 KB, 2364x1052, Screenshot 2023-07-03 224023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People tend to forget this when they talk about how much miners have underperformed gold price, you have to adjust for inflation. Gold price is pretty good right now, but even though we are near ATH in nominal terms, we are still far from it in real dollars. Still lots of miners making little to no money here.

Yeh, GDX was $34 at Christmas 2008. When the global financial system was melting down. That would be $49.52 today, using the government numbers.

So in reality, gold miners are down at least 50% in real terms, versus the depths of the second worst crisis since the Great Depression. I'm not aware of a worst performing sector.

>> No.55461836

It's no mystery really. The gold price was horrible for many years after the 2011 bubble and the miners went in to that levered up on debt.

>> No.55462546
File: 275 KB, 1196x1607, 2023-07-01_09-30-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold may move past iron ore in the recession

>> No.55462575

yea Nevada copper has a load of ready to operate and operating infrastructure, their actively mining or at least processing material right now.
I honestly dont know enough about them, but they seemed to have a load of options open to them for either underground or near surface open pit development. Watch out for the price of copper crashing though with how china's industrial markets are at the moment, if copper crashes than Nevada Copper will probably have issues.

>> No.55463278

Good info. Thank you

>> No.55464252


Lots of similar articles lately on china's poor heavy industrial outlook.

>> No.55464998
File: 177 KB, 1054x526, 3315fbb0f0b29926a33ff09e42e4ef1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BRICS announced Gold backed trading currency

>> No.55465005
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>> No.55465066

Wasnt it just the some guy from the Russian embassy in kenya that said something? The idea of making a new gold backed currency to trade with seems a bit redundant to me. Why not just use gold then? It all happens digitally anyway.

>> No.55465129

That's correct
I expect nothing of it just like when Basel III was supposed to take effect

>> No.55465416
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things could start moving quickly around here

>> No.55466859

in a hurry to get out the door and get some Au, but has anyone else seen an up tick in articles about silver and tech?

>> No.55467562

Told you they would sell Wahgnion and Boungou. That's the way they roll. You did not believe me, Dane.

>> No.55467683

Yeah well they gave it away and their stock has underperformed since so they prob shouldn't have. I feel like they have halved their production from selling off different "non-core" mines

>> No.55467699

It's not about how much they produce. It's about how profitable they are on a company-wide basis. Above $1500 AISC and no mine life? Outta here. Below $1000 AISC and over ten years of mine life? Now that's a mine! These depleted mines would soon have turned into money sinks, better sell them off while they're ahead and forge on with one of their many development projects.

>> No.55467712

Depends on your expectation for gold price. Much of the payments were deferred as well so if the mines turn into money sinks sooner rather than later they won't get paid anyway.

>> No.55467740

They'll get the money, at least in part. If they don't get the full payment, no biggie, they'll still be better off than if they continued operating these. And seriously now, a company like Endeavour doesn't run their company on hopes of commodity prices. They have clearly laid out standards which they deliver upon. That's why I like the company so much.

>> No.55467950

They sold was it like 250-300koz for $300M? it's like two years of cash flow. I'm sure at $2000+ gold these mines could run many years profitably.

>> No.55467980

Then it's a win for everybody. EDV gets their money, and the buyer gets to run two depleting mines to the ground and squeeze out some cheeky profits maybe. And with that $300 million, EDV can open a new mine, one that will pay out many times over as they've done many times before.

Suppose gold doesn't do that well though, it would be awful to hold assets like that.

>> No.55468097

When are my oil and gas stocks going to moon

>> No.55468119

Slight loss for EDV as they could have squeezed out those cheeky profits. Most of the senior miners love to sell off small mines, I hate it. I don't think the execs in these companies have the right mind set. They're not min maxxing.

>> No.55468131

We're heading into the great depression 2.0, aint noone gonna have money for oil and gas.

>> No.55468362
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>> No.55468786

Lot of people have money for oil and gas, but why invest in business that are going to buy oil and gas if they don't have the workforce to produce and demand is heading to the shitter because of elevated inflation and demographic decline. Guess Marxism doesn't work. Funny, OPEC+ is going to have a seminar tomorrow in the Hofburg in Vienna discussing reduced demand and reduction of production again, in hope they can keep the price around 70 - my target 25 a barrel

>> No.55468873

Yeah economic outlook is downright awful, global growth is going to grind to a halt.

>> No.55468906

It already is going backward. China doesn't stop pumping stimulus into a dad economy trying to counter act by forcing the few buyers to use their shitcoin to increase demand for yuan, Europe is in downright recession, and North America still hopes to attract European high qualified workers working for dimes and their industries; and they wont come. At least goods and services are going to be cheap as fuck, lookin forward to the housing market to crash to '92 levels when Greenspan really started to fuck up

>> No.55469758
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Bayhorse bros! Fudders BTFO

>> No.55470786

Neat shot from Cornish Metals in the UK.

>> No.55470879
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I shorted OIL here and am going to bed. Will I wake up in red?

>> No.55471807


I wouldn't buy any miner seeking to operate in Britain or Ireland, way too much political risk

>> No.55472778
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Snowline's 1st hole this season a monster starting at surface


>> No.55472787


Is Victoria Gold finally getting their act together? they are still running significantly higher ore grades than LOM and at a very low strip so they really should have been making a lot more money than they are.

>> No.55472817


>> No.55472967 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 884x1045, nfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFG keeps hitting the bonanza. CEO Collin Kettell in the recent Jay Taylor interview said if someone was to offer them 7 times current value they would sell. Otherwise they will keep drilling.



>> No.55473006
File: 401 KB, 884x1045, nfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFG keeps hitting the bonanza. CEO Collin Kettell in the recent Jay Taylor interview said if someone was to offer them 7 times current value they would sell. Otherwise they will keep drilling.


>> No.55473030
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Goliath with a teaser


>> No.55473105
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>> No.55473228


>> No.55473462
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Sprott might want to update their target price in the 14 page report they put out in April:


>> No.55474550

Is there really a need to "min maxx" when you can choose to operate simple, predictable and high quality assets? You need to weigh what you only see as a slight loss with the potential for losses. The ore is running out in these mines and the best ore has long been extracted. At this point in the mine life these assets are just unpredictable and of low quality. The AISC tends to skyrocket and swing lots at this stage. There really is no need to expose the company to such risks when they've got greener pastures elsewhere. Boungou and Wahgnion also didn't have very exciting exploration prospects either, so why should they have bothered with these assets? I bought this company's shares with the expectation and hope that they would get rid of these two mines and I'm overjoyed they did. The company is just better off without them in the longer term, and they can direct their attention elsewhere while continuing to pay dividends and buying back shares.

>> No.55474664

The risk is accounted for in my expected value calculation, and it's not that big really, you can always just shut the mines down. There is also upside potential of finding new deposits for sure.
They just gave the assets away for such a low cash flow multiple. It's like picking up pennies in front of the jackpot train rewarding you $1B+ as gold stays moderately strong and the mines are cash flowing for many years.

>> No.55474766
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11 bagger, and at least a double from here if false-flag pedo Joe doesn't start WW3

>> No.55474803

Yeah I don't agree. If the mines ended up being unprofitable a year from now and they had to close them, I would consider that risk realized. That's why I wanted them to sell them, and that's probably why they sold them too. By selling them they're locking in profits. You can't count on prior cash flows to materialize from such depleted assets. Maybe you don't see what I see but I believe they really do have lots of better projects to focus on that will reward shareholders much better and more reliably.

>> No.55474847

Didn't they have at least 5 year mine lives? with a lot of extra M+I resource potential. Reserves are calculated at a much lower gold price. Chance of these mines turning significantly negative cash flow during reserve life isn't high.
Reliability isn't that important, this is a small bet, variance is managable. Take the +ev.

>> No.55474888

lol no, they both had about a year of ore in reserves left each and exploration prospects were relatively uninspiring. They both had like 1Moz of inferred resources IIRC but that's about it. AISC had also been blowing up in both mines. I don't think they're irredeemable assets but I wouldn't want to own either if I ran a company.

>> No.55474953



They had 5+ years of reserves. Average AISC below $1200 nearly 300koz production for 2023.
Buyers only put down $130M. $80M in deferred payments and $90M in expected income from a royalty they took out. Imagine buying these mines for $130M, it may only be one year of cash flow.

>> No.55475016
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>US court orders $146m penalty over 500,000 missing silver coins
>The regulator said that over 500,000 silver coins and more than 9,000 gold coins were missing from customers' accounts. ... Investigators said that they found IOU slips in empty boxes

>> No.55475035

well fuck me for talking out of my ass. I guess I just remembered the 1Moz number. Wahgnion AISC did exceed $1500/oz last year though, that I remember distinctly. Still I think the company is better off without these mines. I didn't like these assets from the beginning and the company can now focus on better projects.

>> No.55475118
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>Wahgnion AISC did exceed $1500/oz last year though
Probably just a low grade year as expected in the mine plan. Remaining reserve grade is 1.59 g/t, they ran 1.45 g/t in 2021 with $1000 AISC. This is a certified cash cow.

>> No.55475163
File: 81 KB, 1337x721, Udklip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at Bongou. Wtf they smoking over at EDV, these mines are juicy. Reserve grade 2.91 g/t.

>> No.55475294

Maybe they are selling to a wagner controlled company and the low price is a payment for protection for their remaining mines.

>> No.55475626

1.9gpt is not a monster.

>> No.55475759

Total cost per tonne processed is <1 g/t, it's a juice bomb.

>> No.55476370

any gallium stocks to get now that china is locking it down?

>> No.55476435

For open pit operations that's bonanza grade, it prints money because cost to process is so low, you scoop it up in a bucket and drop it into the mill. Theres barely any barren ground above so strip ratio is extremely low.

>> No.55477501

these guys really did hit the motherlode, utterly stellar intercepts!
I saw Goliath had some seriously huge hits too recently.

>> No.55477509

Goliath's got something huge at Surebet zone, that ridge line has loads to offer.

>> No.55477517

this, their material is starting from or near surface, thats fantastic for an open pit project. Usually you have at least a few meters of material to remove, with what snowline has they might have very little to pull off the top.

>> No.55478287

>there are still metal heads

>> No.55478999
File: 129 KB, 900x900, 1688600373300289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a commodity etf I can buy that:
1. Invested to the hilt in fucking t bills
2. Isn't going to generate some weird tax form

>> No.55479108

Hey pan man, Colorado anon here, what's new man?
Two questions was panning and hit a bunch of garnites you know anyway to separate them?

2. I see you mention Goliath. I have a bunch of small miners that I'm down big in from years ago like Goliath, sable, Blue lagoon etc. Any miners youd rec? I see people talking snow line.

>> No.55479136

garnets are a massive headache, you basically have to just keep slow back panning until you pick out the remaining ones.
As for recommending anything at the moment, no not really right now, so many juniors are down in the toilet lately. Goliath though did get a pretty good result so they will probably be spiking up a few times at points this summer. Blue Lagoon seems to be just hibernating waiting for a better market and for a few other permits, they arent very active right now. Snowline's spiking due to some absolutely huge intercepts with drilling as well.

>> No.55479286

>microscopic flecks of gold, and only over tiny intervals
I don't think I've ever seen end well. SP was down today so I guess I'm not the only one unimpressed.

>> No.55479402

We will have to wait and see, they still have a lot of drilling planned for the summer up there. I still dont see that spot becoming a mine any time soon, but it has some great potential.

>> No.55479424
File: 1.38 MB, 1085x873, goliath2 VG 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually looking back at the link, they did hit actual visible gold, which is great. Its mixed in with galena and pyrrotite but still visible gold.
Its still not visible gold like what Newfound Gold keeps hitting but its still great news for them. The only issue i can see with that intercept is how close to surface it is, it was only 1.9m down hole, so it could simply be more recent enrichment by being close to atmosphere.

>> No.55479558

Why is Goliath down so much today if this news is good?

>> No.55479668

the news is "good", they found more stuff to investigate and are now waiting for assay. You can see their share price spiked the day the news came out now people have taken their quick gain out.

>> No.55479839

Look at gunr.

>> No.55481100
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page 9??

>> No.55481111
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Everyone is capitulating and/or kysing themselves

>> No.55481124
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so it seems, so it seems...

>> No.55481141
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Their loss lol I'm about to go all in with the rest of my cash this week. ATH soontm

SHLE also continues to btfo my lines but in a good way so not a bad day

>> No.55481159
File: 3.74 MB, 400x710, 1678993521471725.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm pretty much all in as well, two more quarters and we will be ballin

>> No.55481224
File: 2.13 MB, 720x1280, 1681217616564302.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still stacking cans of gold? It's been holding up really well compared to everything else and consolidating nicely. I'm tempted to get a little more but I might just throw everything left into a 3xSilver ETF to be "safe"

>> No.55481238

I still have a position, but I sold a bit as it was quite large after doubling down during the 17.5c raise, made a decent profit on those shares. Right now my fav play is probably sarama resources, I feel like the upcoming PEA is going to be a juicer.

>> No.55481271
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I'll take a look, cheers

>> No.55481301
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i watched all the way to the end and had a hearty kek, well done pajeet

>> No.55481594
File: 132 KB, 1404x816, Au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((COMEX))) says good morning

>> No.55481608

Kek I've got 500k and still accumulating

>> No.55481722
File: 60 KB, 924x451, the_820_smash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can't keep getting away with it

>> No.55481742

2Y just made new highs. Something is going to blow up.

>> No.55481914

>no current, no visual predators
what happend?

>> No.55482214
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Fellow 11 bagger Chad here, well done sir, my cost basis is virtually the same as your too. I'm hoping for a spinout/buyout this year or at least a 2-3x. If that happens I might actually make it in the next bull run.

>> No.55482680
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At least none of us are in helium, right?

>> No.55482877

They can and they will

>> No.55483171
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the cocksuckers even did it on July 4

>> No.55483471
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Niggers can't swim

>> No.55483637

I give up
I am just going to keep my money in the bank

>> No.55484080
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how much longer until we get Japanese trad qt?

>> No.55484125
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There aren't many pretty japanese girls. The few ones that exist get quickly picked up and put into the entertainment industry where they are untouchable for the average person let alone a gaijin

>> No.55484722
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Man I expected metal sentiment to plummet but I never thought I'd see capitulation of the weeaboo dream too. This may really be the bottom

>> No.55484917

why are cattle so expensive?

I am seeing a cattle crash soon.
same for orange juice, its been a disastrous harvest but it looks priced in honestly.

>> No.55485042

Cattle shows true inflation

>> No.55485665

explain more

>> No.55486234
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I still believe

>> No.55487030

Two major companies facing strikes or work stoppages right now.



>> No.55487918

another interesting article, columbia needs to work on protecting its mine operators it seems.

>> No.55488269

Pan Man you have been here a long time and have a great depth of knowledge on the mining sector. Is it Rei or Asuka?

>> No.55488475

Cattle production is something that has stayed relatively constant over long periods of time, it requires the same amount of labour and resource input to produce cattle where as other products and commodities have technological advances that allow us to extract them more efficiently. If you look at cattle prices over long periods of time you can see the inflation in the system better than most other charts

>> No.55490088 [DELETED] 

Natural gas has been closely mirroring the weather. Last week we were seeing temperatures up to 123 degrees in the southwest, but this has cooled down to around 100 degrees. In the midwest there is a cool front, in the east persistent rainstorms. Looking at natural gas charts a dump appears inevitable in the short term of the next few weeks. However temperatures are projected to increase going into august- august and september are projected to be warmer than average. We will likely see a run in natural gas for cooling purposes around the end of summer. Short term down, mid term up.

>> No.55490096

It's always real fat dudes that are into degenerate shit, is it because they think if a woman is easy they won't have to try?

>> No.55490115

I think it's more that the fatties have no relief outside of porn, which by it's nature causes one to descend further and further into degeneracy.

>> No.55490240
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>> No.55491358
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this weeks top Au intercepts

>> No.55491448
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I'm trying to average down on my Poo Lagoon bags, am I completely retarded? QH still thinks they are the real deal.

>> No.55491468
File: 413 KB, 1638x2048, 1688656613268764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am I completely retarded?
I made a small 2,000 share buy last week and was wondering the exact same thing, wish I knew fren

>> No.55491526
File: 446 KB, 885x1014, BRICS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call this "official," but...
>gold hopium

>> No.55491938

I am planning to do the same thing but they already make up 20% of my portfolio.......

>> No.55492035
File: 103 KB, 887x806, BLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a corrupt fucking clownshow the BLS is

>> No.55492650
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Lagoon can make it, just think, we could be holding Novo or Emerita

>> No.55492677

These people need to watch The Rundown

>> No.55492903

Noped out of onions last week, wasn't doing anything. Rollin didn't provide fortune, should of listened but got a slither of prof, chucked into in MP and in the last couple of days it shone like a torch. God bless ya MP, we shall meet again

>> No.55493074
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>> No.55494264
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DXY hammered today, gold should have been up a lot more than +$14.

>> No.55494266
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>> No.55494471

dollar milkshake bros...?

>> No.55495303
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bump for the inevitable BHS green giga candle

>> No.55496217

Infinite %

>> No.55496495
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Some Irving activity


>> No.55497595
File: 76 KB, 1377x411, 1680462099043445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have my BHSIF hell most of my shares were bought when it was KXPLF.

Long horsie bros

>> No.55498197
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Thread is now 10 days old, that's crazy. The Japanese dream arc is now unlocked.

>> No.55498421
File: 1.45 MB, 720x908, 1671154485982223.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another weekend with no drug fueled midnight deathmatch between Bob and Lassen. Times really are changing.

Either one finally killed the other and then bled out or they put aside their differences and skipped off into the sunset.

>> No.55498437

I'm guessing lassen finally injected one too many marihuanas and dieded.

>> No.55498511
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If he's dead I'd say it's more likely involving trying to stop that human trafficking shit he said he found before going dark, or just schizoing out and unloading into a girl scout selling cookies he mistook for an assassin.
I checked Lassen County news for reports of a shootout but all I found was two brothers with the surname "Keck" arrested after a highspeed car chase.

The Kecks were literally had.

>> No.55498741

>but all I found was two brothers with the surname "Keck" arrested after a highspeed car chase.
what did the simulation mean by this?
but yeah it did sound like he had some crazy things going on. Maybe the glowies did him dirty like our man terry (rip in peace).

>> No.55499178

Bob got permanently rangebanned from /biz/ for being mean to the poor innocent janny who was just doing their job and certainly not doing anything worthy of the horrible abuse they recieved.

>> No.55499201

That's wild. I don't know if this is animal cruelty because he clearly volunteerily took that dab.

>> No.55499248

fresh >>55499247

>> No.55499277
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Time will tell I guess but yeah simulation confirmed, not that there was any doubt at this point

>> No.55499291
File: 763 KB, 480x360, 1591638299674.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek glad to see it's clearly working as intended then. Take that, Bob!

The monke knows what he's doing

>> No.55499314

Yeah, Bob and Lassen both got banned hundreds of times over a period of a few weeks over in /pmg/

eventually the mods gave up on trying to IP or device ban those evading bastards, and just started banning them whenever they recognized their posts. Good riddance I say. Cleaning our board up.

>> No.55499445
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It's the only way they'll learn.

We want productive posts only

>> No.55499468

oldfags should know their place.
It's certainly not here criticizing the new woke format. If the powers that be wish to turn 4chan into a bad copy of reddit so they can make a couple bucks, that is exactly what should happen.

>> No.55499637
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Hear hear