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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5541669 No.5541669 [Reply] [Original]

>Ark mobile wallets drop
>huge disappointment as they're still "in development" and aren't even on iOS yet
>app itself is pretty shitty
>literally nothing else to look forward to soon
>everyone realizing that even if they achieve their goals on the roadmap, the token itself is worthless and pointless

Fuck this piece of shit coin. The price is just going to continue to tank.

>> No.5541696
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it's over isn't it

>> No.5541710
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They aren't called deluded arkies for no reason.

>> No.5541722
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>he downloaded the wrong wallet
U r dum

>> No.5541757

Yes. Even the Ark team has no idea what the point of Ark is, even when everyone keeps asking for clarification.

>> No.5541782

I asked on the slack and people just lashed out as if I was fudding the coin

>> No.5541843
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>ARK VM is the only remotely useful feature
>not a single word about it in their whitepaper
>not a single line of code for it on their github
>not a single shred of evidence it exists
>they claim its 55% done and use it in their marketing copy

>not a scam

>> No.5541874

Exactly, it has a very cult-like vibe, when no one is capable of explaining what the fuck the point of Ark tokens actually is. This includes the dev team.

A project with $250+ million dollars in funding should be able to properly explain what the EXACT intended use is for Ark.

>> No.5541963

>>not a single word about it in their whitepaper
they only decided to do smart contracts in like august, they're remaking the whitepaper and taking a long ass time to do it
honestly I feel like I'm fucking stuck in this coin, I don't even know what to put the money into if I sold. I just want them to answer what they want the token to actually do and to hire a REAL PR team

>> No.5542031

im att a profit with it. should i just jump ship?

>> No.5542098

I don't even know, I'm at a huge profit and bought in the spring but I don't even know what I should do with the coin

>> No.5542123

I think ICX is going to be huge next month so I am debating to put all my ark into that.

>> No.5542145

Give them to me.

>> No.5542156


Similar boat, ark has made me very friendly to proof of stake, currently thinking of moving to pivx for staking and dragonchain for the enterprise blockchain stuff. Maybe that is what ark needs, just make it a privacy coin.

>> No.5542183

Ark doubled in the last 2-3 weeks. What are you all smoking?

>> No.5542215

>reading comprehension
"I'm at a huge profit"

>> No.5542235

>what is this pump before the dump

>> No.5542286

What causes a post to be archived that is like 30 minutes or so old?

>> No.5542370

>Fudding a token that is making solid gains lately.

>Thinking this is what a pnd looks like.

>> No.5542399

Bought Ark at 9k says thanks to biz. But my hands are getting weak now. There’s so much about the current situation that frustrates the fuck out of me.

>> No.5542420

It's crashing right now.

Probably because nobody knows what the hell it actually does or is supposed to do

>> No.5542453

bought 100 ark at $2.20/share. sold it an hour ago at $7.50 and dumped it into bounty0x

fuck ark. there's coins mooning out there. not tryin to hover 10 feet above ground

>> No.5542467

As a t. deluded arkie, even I admit the "release" of the mobile wallet is a huge disappoint and the slack dev chat isn't inspiring a lot of confidence in Q1 & 2 2018 performance. I do like the overall goals for this coin, the infrastructure it's trying to lay, the gains I've made over the past year, and I actually enjoy our delegates/sense of /biz/ presence in a coin.

That being said, I don't know that I won't trade it out for something else unless they have plans to release any sign of real application soon.

>> No.5542471
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Only about as hard as everything else. Nothing to see here

>> No.5542498

What did you all expect? That the price will 3x the day the wallets come out?

>> No.5542507

nice diversifcation. nigga get on delta

>> No.5542636

You still haven't learned to look at the BTC chart whenever your alts start crashing?

>> No.5542775



>> No.5542811

>100 ark
wow listen to this guy he's a high roller

>> No.5542833

his money is just as valid as yours faggot

>> No.5542917

did I hit a nerve

>> No.5543094

It's going down because the whole market is crashing dumbass. ARK $10 EOY.

>> No.5543135 [DELETED] 

https://discord.gg/vNGsENy come discuss, pumps about to happen for easy profits

>> No.5543139
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>tfw can't even x2 money with Ark
>tfw I could have invested in ripple and quintupled my money

>> No.5543193

the only thing that made ARK interesting isn't finished. they have a spent a fuckton of time on a fucking wallet. nobody cares anymore.
>they have blockchain listeners
wooptie doo

>> No.5543263

It will be big 2018, doesn’t look like q1 or 2 though, very disappointing. I bought in about $3 and an staking. I’m just going to hold and let the stack slowly build. I’d say ark is currently not a buy, nor is it a sell. Hold if you have enough to stake. Otherwise hop into icx while it’s cheap.

>> No.5544608

Smartbridge blockchains > Use ARK tokens to effect connected blockchains. ie: Use Ark to create a Smart Contract on ETH.

Ark will be $1000/Ark easily. cap this

>> No.5544787
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Just be glad you're able to dump your ark.
I was doing some arbing between binance and bittrex and got 5k ark stuck in a bittrex transaction and the txID they gave me doesn't exist.. have been waiting 10 days for an answer to my ticket and seems like the same happened to lots of other people too.

By time i get to dump it'll be back in at the 20ks.

>> No.5544903


>> No.5544913


>> No.5544930


>> No.5544984

I just used the wallet and was so amazed with how quick the transaction was. What if I went all in at 45k?

>> No.5545274
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Time to buy $Link?

>> No.5545317

Just did a transaction from Bittrex to Binance, literally took maybe 2mins with 51 confirmations..

>> No.5545666

I thought Ark was truly going to be the one....getting very nervous about its future right about now

>> No.5545995
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>> No.5546029



>> No.5546074

>What if I went all in at 45k?
Bold, but you'll probably be fine.

>> No.5546135

Why so confident on ICX?

>> No.5546169


Not going to lie, kind of awesome.

>> No.5546203

I have to believe in the Ark.

>> No.5546342

Smart bridge doesnt work. Its just a text field.

>> No.5546456

It's crashing because of BTC, dumb faggot normie scum.

>> No.5546814

Android wallet is slick af and took less than 1 minute to download and build a profile. iOS wallet is likely exactly the same and would be just as easy to download, but apple is full of fudds so approval is delayed. Not much the devs can do about overly cautious bureaucracy machines that won't approve app submissions. Good thing I'm not a loser and got a phone that doesn't nanny me.

>> No.5546903

biz private whale here. I'm always FUDing ARK ironically, but I am legit scared after today. Probably gong to consider reinvesting 3/4 of it into something else. gg guys

>> No.5546962

I've been holding since going all in at 110k sats and I finally dumped.

After the slack log from the devs posted about Ark VM I was already thinking about biking and this mobile wallet was the last straw. It feels good to be free!

>> No.5546992

Same (not whale status though). Been in Ark since early this year and for the first time I've been genuinely concerned about the future of this project

>> No.5547510
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>their social media manager doesn't want to communicate with the community on reddit then disappears when people say he should be more active in doing his job

>> No.5547543
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>> No.5547582
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He stopped responding and disappeared once people got on his case.

>> No.5547714

The dev team doesn't even know what they're doing.

You expect the social media manager to know?

>> No.5547734

djselery is such a fucking faggot, I don't understand why he still has a job. He doesn't know how to handle anything and should have been replaced months ago

>> No.5547769
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Just downloaded it. It's pretty comfy. People are getting so antsy about their crypto thou, just chill and let it do it's thing.

>> No.5547790

Damn, I feel like dumping my bags now. This djselery guy and the other dude aren't a good look for ARK.

>> No.5547839

what other dude?

>> No.5548014

The fucking asian stoner, cannabanana or whatever is the worst. He adds nothing of value to the project and his sole purpose is to ridicule people. He's a cancer to Ark that should be extricated immediately. Find his facebook profile and you tell me if that's a guy who should be in charge of community relations for a project worth a quarter of a billion dollars

>> No.5548081

I really wish Uncle Chang & Moon Man (biz delegate) would fork off Ark and start their own project.

goldenpepe in the slack is one of them (idk which) - he's a G who looks out for us /biz arkies

>> No.5548111

oh canna, I thought they kicked him out but apparently he's still in
I'm so fucking close to dumping but like I said earlier I feel trapped in this coin
at least if they ran the project we'd actually know what's going on

>> No.5548184

I don't want to sound like a shill but I never cared about the mobile wallet desu. It's useless without the project being completed anyway.

>> No.5548203

I'm a long time holder too. 1200, not a big fish... I'm looking to reinvest too, but I would actually kill myself if it mooned due to some surprise announcement. I feel like I'm stuck in a bad relationship.

>> No.5548262

I'd go with Chang and Moon in a heartbeat, solid guys

>> No.5548272


Same. I’ve held for so long I might kms if I sold and it took off

>> No.5548340

Their marketing and pr is really bad. And now the lack of communication might be hurting the project. Problem is the dev team and roadmap is so good that I want to stay because I know they will deliver in the end. But in the meantime it’s hard to see it stagnate.

>> No.5548658

The mobile wallet has been overhyped within the ark community. As good as it is, it's not a game changer. The only major benefit is that a mobile wallet is supposedly required for being listed on large exchanges. Anyone who is disappointed with the lack of a pump after the wallet release is unironically deluded since it has been priced in for a while.

I can understand the nervousness about the marketing and PR though. On the bright side these problems are much more easily solved than technical ones, which is where the devs seem particularly strong.

>> No.5548749

IDK if they are more easily solved considered this teams seems to be stubborn af (refusing to market, hype, set deadlines, interact with the community. They should've shitcanned djselery and canna months ago but have yet to do so

>> No.5548826

I dumped my bags, sorry ark bros. Getting a IOC vibe from this. Dions Bros were cultish so are Arkies. I truly wish you all the best of luck, and to make good decisions.

>> No.5548830

>The only major benefit is that a mobile wallet is supposedly required for being listed on large exchanges
What? Plenty of coins on large exchanges (assuming you mean poloniex or something) don't have mobile wallets. It's on bit and bin, what else matters as far as exchanges (aside from normiebase)?

>> No.5548831
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i did that (over 1k ark) and it was 100% worth it as i trippled my money at peak and doubled it at current price. ICX is like ark and cvc except its practical, backed by companies universities and government. ark is a befuddled mess. i will admit i used to be a huge arkie but i just dont believe in it any more, its going nowhere fast

>> No.5548998
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>> No.5549038
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>> No.5549081
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>> No.5549088

>these chat logs

>> No.5549220

bithumb, coinone, bitfinex, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.5549283

So what do we need to get this djselery guy fired?

He seems like an actual child. Can we get the biz_classic guys into that position instead?

>> No.5549343

Honestly, we're trying to spread the good word despite the team's mishaps, especially when people like djselery pull this shit. We know the devs, the devs are great. The marketing is terrible.

The fact that the community rallies around delegates now is a good thing. We have more say in what happens, and we arguably have more control over ARK development as a whole when people like him fail at their job. They're already listening to us and taking us seriously. It's a start.

We're not PR/marketing guys, we're just some devs too that like ARK and wanna build cool things. We just happen to be good at internet.

>> No.5549390
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Not to sound like a shill or anything, but they have been delivering on certain things. We've been getting on more exchanges, we have the devs do go out to events, maybe not often but they do when they can. Sure, maybe they don't "hype up" their coin like Justin Sun and others do, but they do deliver on the work. People are just stressed out because they are seeing red in their portfolios that are mostly consisted of ARK. All the other coins are dropping in price too. Sure it's upsetting a little to see Lisk higher than ARK because ARK has better tech/team delivering on goals while Lisk's "updates" are nothing to write home about and all they do is "hype" up their coin and go green. But people have to realize Lisk has been around longer than ARK and is on many more exchanges including poloniex. But believe you me, its just the stress of the Red getting to you. You just have to hold, don't fall down. Pic related is how most people are feeling. It's all psychological fear.

>> No.5549420

Delivery means nothing if nobody hears about it. Unironically /biz/ has been one of ARK's saving graces.

>> No.5549492

Fair enough.

This is roughly how I imagined the delegates working in the future anyway - we vote for them not just based on payout schemes, but also on their opinions on direction/governance.

>> No.5549512

You and Chang are great, you two and the biz_classic community are the only reason I'm staying onboard. Thank you.

>> No.5549553

The problem with "just doing the work" is that the space is moving so quickly, that if you can't solidify your position in the brains of the masses, you risk being overtaken by worse projects with better marketing - and staying there long term.

Pretty much every project in crypto requires mass adoption for the project to be functional - what use is a bitcoin if no one will accept it as payment?

>> No.5549692

How about I give an example then even though I don't like the company, but one that came after and beat the 1st person to market. Facebook took out Myspace and it had comes years after Myspace. The 1st movers aren't always the ones that end up dominating in the end. Let me give one more example. Remember AOL? The 1st mover in ISPs. Now dominated by companies like Time Warner and Comcast etc etc.

Maybe you could say Facebook and other ISPs had better marketing but in my time AOL and Myspace had tons of marketing. I understand your worry but you have to relax.

>> No.5549796
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I kinda like that their marketing could be improved, it leads me to believe they aren't overvalued like other companies and could be undervalued.

>> No.5549876

They already have a fully functional DPOS, which gives the user around 10% return per year. Those are insane numbers in comparison with what normie establishments are offering.
That alone should be enough to push this coin to the masses, I'm 100% sure it already would be worth more than Lisk if they actually advertised it properly.
My guess was that it's either the devs don't want this coin to go viral until they release some more key features, or the guys behind PR aren't doing their job properly. These logs makes me swing towards the latter.
In that case, they need listen to the community and start redoing their whole marketing strategy, or fire some people responsible for marketing.
People are not stupid, once word gets around that the team is basically saying fuck off to the community, money will go flow out of Ark.

>> No.5549965


>That alone should be enough to push this coin to the masses, I'm 100% sure it already would be worth more than Lisk if they actually advertised it properly.
>My guess was that it's either the devs don't want this coin to go viral until they release some more key features

I’ve been thinking this recently.

Is Ark capable of handling a massive influx of new users without core2?

>> No.5550098
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To be fair the real wallet is a bit shit, it's not user friendly and I had a hard time finding how to send from it. It also doesn't update your balance until you goto the second screen.

>> No.5550114

Mobile wallet wont let me vote for a delegate desu
It says transaction failed
Am I retarded

>> No.5550131

Redirecting question to moonman and chang, want to know that too

>> No.5550171


you have to be sarcastic, retarded, or never used another crypto wallet in your life

>> No.5550222
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there's a particular coin that does everything ark does, but better, has like 20x-50x smaller market cap, more active developers, and an active community, and has an android wallet coming very soon. Arkies....

>> No.5550331

Having to hit a button just to bring up send/receive is fucking retarded, but overall the wallet is smooth as butter.

>> No.5550674

Have you actually sent any ARK to your address or just played with an empty wallet and decided it was fine?

Maybe it's just me but I find the UI clunky, I have used better Doge wallets.

>> No.5550838

>israeli flag

>> No.5550915

This ended on an extremely depressing note.

I don't want to leave :(

>> No.5551025

I don't give a fuck about it dropping. I'm not in this for short term gains so a little red doesn't bother me. In fact, I'd like it to drop by half so I can pick up more for cheap again.

My concern is, since I'm holding long term, the direction and goals of the project. The last week or two of confusion have been more blackpilling than red charts could ever be.

>> No.5551643

Which one?

>> No.5551717
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If Ark ever gets anywhere, it's because of the added efforts of moon and chang, thats for sure

They are honestly the only reason I still believe Ark will be a top market coin

>> No.5551829
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>> No.5552358

The main problem with ARK is the hangers on like DJSELERY and CANNABANA

You can't complain to them cos even if they listen they will take it the wrong way. They don't understand that all that is needed is someone to casually post on reddit every week or one of the main devs to do an interview every month.
They will take the complaints and hire some scam marketing firm which is exactly what they did

>> No.5552424

>0.02 Ark has been deposited into your account. Thank you for Correcting the RecARK™

>> No.5552444

Hopefully djselery drops dead soon desu.

>> No.5552635

I'm not a faggot gen Z who hangs out on discord so perhaps that's the disconnect, but from the caps this djselery guy (apart from the retarded name) seemed completely level-headed with the literal children he's handling.

>> No.5552972

not telling till it 100x

>> No.5553660

Just sold. Feels bad and I believe it will now moon since anything I touch turns to shit and God hates me. You're welcome for my sacrifice and I hope this coin delivers comfy gains for you now that I am out. I am also getting out of all crypto forever so the market should rally now.

>> No.5554377

Wow so you bought at 45k sats and sold at 45k sats?

>> No.5554456


t. Arkie waking up from his delusion

There is no point in Ark. Devs arent going to deliver. Its one of houndreds of overshilled shitcoins out there.

>> No.5554729
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It gives me confidence that these conversations are happening, fully transparent too.

>> No.5555397

t. djselery

>> No.5555994

ark is already miles better than most shitcoins: fast transactions, easy staking through dpos, active community discussions, some big targets for 2018. All these guys complaining about lack of marketing just want to have some control over their investments, but all they can do is understand shillposts.

>> No.5556103

Tbh once core 2 comes out, even with nothing else it completely destroys btc/ltc and such.

>> No.5556215

Its fallen out of the top 40 and underperforms most of the top 50. If you think there's no problems you're utterly deluded. Since I agree that the technicals are pretty good its clear that there's an issue with marketing.

Like that djselery guy, its his whole job to do marketing and PR yet I guarantee that most people outside of slack haven't even seen him post anywhere.

>> No.5556288

if ark is overshilled wtf is link

>> No.5556305

I didn't say there were no problems, literally all I said was after the core rewrite comes out it will be a better coin than bitcoin and litecoin on that alone. As in, there's no reason to use either of those over it. That's ignoring the goodies that will follow.

And yes, it has a lot of ongoing issues, though most are not technical.

>> No.5556367 [DELETED] 

Already we have about 30k people.


>> No.5556473

Pajeets are getting even dumber. Why would someone want to be part of a LARGE pump and dump group? Especially with 30,000 people. You would want as few people as possible in on the scam.