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55415860 No.55415860 [Reply] [Original]

I hope to see you all in the office tomorrow for the team ! I will bring some cookies in the breakroom for breakfast.

>> No.55415881

>So what did you do last weekend?

>> No.55415884
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I don't know what you are talking about

>> No.55415899

Nice weather today ? did you see the submarine story ? crazy story....
let s have lunch together and grab a 20$ pizza in a local downtown place....

>> No.55416045
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don t forget to book a desk for tomorrow guys. and make sure to badge

>> No.55416215

Folks, I know I am seeing a lot of back-and-forth on this topic, but I really need to push back and raise some red flags here. Having an on-site office presence is foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It is in our DNA. Sure, there is no 'one size fits all' or silver bullet and some are just boilerplate solutions, leveraged to the hilt and really only keeping us at a 30,000-foot-view of things. Being on-site, however, really allow us to get better granularity, find better directional-indicators, or loop back and dive deep into some critical issues on a go-forward basis.

I think if you all start spending more time in the office gain, you'll find yourself trending toward the positive, but you'll have to keep an eye on the puck. Gut through it, reduce thrash, and let's stay in lock-step on this. Yes, we will synergize!

What's the root cause of the hatred of Corporate office spaces? I'll put my layman's hat on and guess that it comes from movies such as Office Space and Dilbert cartoons. But we all know that these are fictional spaces, and real office spaces allow us to touch base in a much more efficient manner.

I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call. So, just one more point that I want to cover-off on: let's socialize the idea of having more office presence and loop back to see whether we're being more impactful. From a management standpoint, I think that we can get the traction to do it.

So, net/net, ignore the naysayers, sidebar the folks that are stuck in the weeds, and don't waste cycles or bandwidth on folks that don't align strongly with this mission. Try it out, and we'll have another touch point in a little while to see if we've moved the needle. Remember, our north star hasn't changed. We're still championing our core values remotely and we will only do it better in person.

If you need me, I will be online again in a bit.

>> No.55416227

That’s rare. Thanks

>> No.55416345

My team of 7 people live in 7 different cities in 5 different states. RTO would just be the exact same "team culture" of sitting on Zoom calls all day, just with an hour-long commute and having to put on pants.

>> No.55416391

My boss keeps dropping hints about going into the office and every time I'm like "I don't see how that fits into my productivity." I don't work directly with my boss really (we're consultants, so we work with different clients typically), we consult internationally (so clients or offices we work with are scattered around the globe), and the internal initiatives we work on together I don't really feel would benefit from in-person time (and frankly we don't even have protected time to work on them). He's been bringing it up for like 6 months and I keep just pushing back respectfully and he forgets again. I guess I'll just keep doing it until it stops working

>> No.55416395

Remote work has far too much inertia to not hang around for a while. Now a days everyone got a job with a TC of an average STARTING minium of about 240k. That goes up to 350k to 400k within a short matter of time. This is after they went to get their four year CS degree, EVERYONE studied that after 1990, CS basically was the only degree people studied and they got the 240k TC or will be getting it shortly. Some even hit around 600k I think, which is more than enough to purchase a home (averageing around 400k) at a 7-8% interest rate.

>> No.55416936

Remote work is cheaper and thus inevitable.

>> No.55416995
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These stories are retarded and pointless. Companies could solve it by going on a hiring spree of in-person workers, but they choose not to. They clearly have no leverage over the remote workers either.

>> No.55417006

I'm in Australia and The language is identical. I'm on 4 months parental leave. They were looking to scrap WFH down to max 2 days at home when I left. Hopefully they get fucking nowhere on that.

>> No.55417022

A straight shooter with middle management written all over him

>> No.55417035

I've found the best way is to just avoid discussing it, and do what suits you.
If brought up in a way you can't avoid, respond in a positive sounding yet non committal way. Eg "yeah, I can see how that seems positive" or something else like that.

If forced, agree verbally but not in writing, then don't do it.

If forced in writing, respond in a way that intentionally misunderstands what's being asked, and agree to "make efforts" to, rather than do it. Then don't.
If forced with threats, respond that you feel a bit victimized and stressed, and are considering taking the matter to HR.

Then if all where fails, you get covid, or long covid, or recovering from covid or long covid, or you're living with someone who has it or is recovering from it, or you socialized with someone who has it and you're not sure if you have it now and don't want to risk making everyone else unsafe, etc.

Stretch this out for years or until they get bored of asking.

>> No.55417086

Legend. Yeah I was on month 6 of being asked to return. I haven't had to play games and have outright said I'm currently too busy to work from office. No one actually wants it, but we hold a lot of interest in corporate real estate, so I assume the CEO wants to lead by example.
I just went head on when it came to vax mandates and told them to inform me when I'm being let go. My position is in demand enough it wouldn't stress me. I like the benefits here, but if forced out I'm guaranteed more money.

>> No.55417672
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we did a good job yesterday team! i hope we can continue like this all week, today i think i won't do much in my break, maybe just watch the OBAYC chart while i talk to my mom, i hope you don't mind!

>> No.55417687
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not even launched yet

>> No.55418548

I'm never returning to the office.
I don't care how many jewish articles like these I see. Downtowns, office space and other jewish office businesses can die.

>> No.55418551

>t go. My position is in demand enough it wouldn't stress me. I like the benefits here, but if forced out I'm guaranteed more money.
what do you do?

>> No.55418558

people who FUD remote work need to be terrorized with physical violence. i'm not even kidding.

>> No.55418576

for instance, this "entrepreneur" in the headline? someone could, purely within the confines of a minecraft server, open a TOR connection and send him a minecraft message with pictures of his kids at their minecraft school.

>> No.55418586

I can't stop wanking while working from home more like wank from home

>> No.55418597


Based. Sometimes I'll have the camera off during meetings and edge myself for when the meeting is over

>> No.55418619

Fuck is wrong wichall?

>> No.55418703

God I miss those days. Sitting back in a beanbag chair, drinking the free craft beer, watching the asians do the work I'll take credit for later, while making >$30k a month. WTF sucks ass. Literally just video gaming all day its ok but there is no power trip.

>> No.55418774
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very nice token ser

>> No.55418831

>Companies could solve it by going on a hiring spree of in-person workers,
I wonder why they haven’t. Is it perhaps because there aren’t enough workers willing to do in person?

>> No.55419192

Dealing with a similar situation here. At my current job, my team is a bunch of people split up between NYC, Dallas, and Atlanta. So when upper management wants everyone to RTO, it's still 4-6 hours of Zoom meetings but now we have to drive to the office to do them.

>> No.55419211

Autism harms teams too but that didn't stop them from chopping my foreskin off.

>> No.55419356

Entrepreneur these nuts

>> No.55419375

>when upper management wants everyone to RTO, it's still 4-6 hours of Zoom meetings but now we have to drive to the office to do them.
They don't give a shit about making you come back to the office, why do you think they'd give a shit about making people relocate for the next step? You know they pay joyless hateful people to plan this shit out don't you?

>> No.55419402

>it's still 4-6 hours of Zoom meetings
>forcing everyone to RTO gives them some obvious way to boost stock prices by pretending they're making their employees more efficient

>> No.55419576

>My boss keeps dropping hints about going into the office and every time I'm like "I don't see how that fits into my productivity." I don't work directly with my boss really (we're consultants, so we work with different clients typically), we consult internationally (so clients or offices we work with are scattered around the globe), and the internal initiatives we work on together I don't really feel would benefit from in-person time (and frankly we don't even have protected time to work on them). He's been bringing it up for like 6 months and I keep just pushing back respectfully and he forgets again. I guess I'll just keep doing it until it stops working
he's probably looking for your replacement. make sure that when he does find it, dont be caught with your pants down.

>> No.55419747

Lmao “teamwork” at my job is just me doing my normal job except people keep talking to me about nonsense

>> No.55419801

Only middle management and HR are pushing for it
Upper management and workers themselves don’t care or don’t want to pay the price of in person work.

Think about all the savings when you no longer need to rent huge downtown office spaces or provide tons of amenities, that alone is a huge benefit.