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File: 15 KB, 450x340, internet-destroying-economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5541497 No.5541497 [Reply] [Original]

The following things will happen after the great Joobilation:

>all of crypto will be banned from use
>basement dwellers will be absolutely pissed
>they will form up and conspire to destroy the internet
>everything will be ddos'ed in a fit of rage when they realize that they can't run the new world economy via buttcoin or other useless coins backed by nothing but supreme faggotry
>the military and the failed anarchist blockchain babies will fight until the internet as we know it goes up in smoke
>government controlled www2 will arise from the ashes

Hope you picked the right path out of this cesspool....

>> No.5541590

What’s a Joobinlation?

>> No.5541655

Please do it.

>> No.5542110

It's "Joobilation" anon. Misrepresenting this term will upset them.

Joobilation is the date in which all slaves get captured in one of the biggest bag holding scams of all.

20/Apr/2018 is the date in which all crypto goes up in smoke and .gov coin rises from the ashes of this incestuous cryptographic mess.

It will not be what you think as far as price crushing sadness. It will be much deeper as it seems the endless bid rigging is the only trick left in the crypto anarchists bag.

In the name of the space profits it will be the capturing of the most rotten human scum on the earth and tossing them into a black hole.

>> No.5542432
File: 140 KB, 1920x1080, fagcannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"DDOS'd", This isn't 2006 my friend

>> No.5542681

You are right it is 2017:


Do you even read anon or are you too busy setting up bots to trade funny money?

>> No.5542749

stop trying to invent shit it's sad

>> No.5542806

kys lamer

>> No.5543011

Continue ...

>> No.5543255
File: 75 KB, 960x720, Open-Source-Everything-3rd-Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many things. The citizens of this country have been stripped from...

We are not allowed to own anything if you think about it. Its all restricting human work potential and efficiency. Its time for Open Source Everything Engineering. Its time for true cost economics and no unnecissary loans with interest.

Stop being angry and get motivated. Because anger is a measure of mind control when injustice goes ignored...

Cardano and many other blockchains can all be solutions.

How about
1 everyone alive is issued x-amount of coins.
2 everyone who is born gets x-amount of coins
3 the coins are not redeemable as legal tender until a date where say everyone who was alive while the coins were initially issued have deceased.
4-The day the coins are reddemable for all debts public and private is the day when we destroy paper money(its stupid to waste metal on coinage but maybe metal coins can have a place in crypto world)
5- Consensus and faithful implementation of it are the responsibility of the people because of the open source/open ledger/public treasury functionality.
6-Borrowing from the blockchain must have real world collateral
7-No leverage for enourmous loans that are intended to be "cash settled" like stocks and comm futures
Please add. RobertDavidSteele.com

this guys gnarly and was ahead of the entire planet coming out of the CIA

>> No.5543326

Fresh OC by the way. Idea is 30 minutes old of "handouts with time based delays"

The people who cant use the crypto money that was given to them can either let their children inherit or trade it for rich people who are begging to spend their money on it for their kids.

Also would make items and tech durable and efficient by REAL demand for quality.

>> No.5543331

I don't get it.

>> No.5543360

>>55 432 55

come on number fags get in here!

>> No.5543380

You failed to trick wall st into going blockchain. Just give up. Source code was leaked and Joobilation is coming whether you like it or not.


Click the link. Tell your friends. Be a hero for saving their lives. Don't be a cucked out crypto dictator by shilling your failed dreams 24/7.

>> No.5543443

neat, much more salient than the schizophrenic numerology/symbology shit OP wants to stir up

>> No.5543451

Transition out of central banking and into true cost economics.

We lend everyone money at birth and their funds will be spent at their discretion. The people existing already get issued the money too because they are the ones who are building it. Because its not something that a few people should burden.

>> No.5543490

That's because all false blockchainers have nothing but bid rigging and repackaging ledgers into different containers. You aren't supposed to get it. Like all 1300+ cryptos they are just scams put out a certain way to get you to bow down to it's superior wording. Unfortunately that is all it is. Just words and nothing else.

>> No.5543524

WTF is wrong with you? If the people dont take it seriously and sell their crypto for cheap then they will suffer and DIE. Im not trying to trick anyone. WHAT THE FUCK DOES OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING ENGINEERING SOUND LIKE??????????

>> No.5543546

its just a /pol/ larp

my special little boy likes to play pretend

>> No.5543552
File: 269 KB, 960x1000, T2FalseWitnesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study source code
>go into the only decentralized asset on planet Earth
>dump meme dreams and spit on the self appointed crypto dictator

>> No.5543593

I ain't clicking that shit.

>> No.5543627

Thats why I came in with the real shit. Using the public ledger for citizens to keep track of their tax revenue is especially powerful when consensus can LITERALLY DEFUND WARS IF WE KNEW THE JEWS WERE PLANTING DICTATORS IN LIBYA

>> No.5543662

I'm $orry you can't comprehend the oldest $ymbol out there today.

You should be banned from /biz/ for being the most ignorant anon ever known.

>> No.5543735
File: 48 KB, 600x601, bluepills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to. Just look above your emotionally driven post and soak in source code. Study it and learn how to get your financial affairs in order before your mind completely rots out from taking too much crypto meth.

>> No.5543796

>still didn't figure out income tax legality

Can you you even hear yourself thinking with all this ledger drivel?

>> No.5543805

I see it now anon. As above so below.

The facts are however that silver and gold are less valuable than copper if you think about it functionally. Dont believe in the memes about elite conduction. Copper is way more important.

So are you saying that Bitcoin specifically was designed and initiated by the central bankers? I think which ever blockchain we choose to participate in wins. We have so much power with the internet its amazing. Thats why i stress we pick carefully

>> No.5543849
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>> No.5543876

I don't get it.

>> No.5543916

Blockchain has a built in transaction tax. Avoid the ones that dont have a transaction tax because they have a bullshit inflation mechanism built in. The inflation occured when certain groups/people were given first dibs

>> No.5543942

>We have so much power with the internet its amazing. Thats why i stress we pick carefully

You have no power anon. You have granted all of it to machines. Your mind is so far removed from where power even comes from it is disgusting. Why do you think the internet was constructed anon?

>> No.5543978
File: 125 KB, 1920x1080, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your parents give you an overdose of vaccines as a kid

>> No.5544003


Pump and dump teamwork group, 25k members already, next pump in few hours, get the fuck in here son: discord.gg/XMmR8z9

>> No.5544036

No one wants any of these false blockchain memes. They only want profits and speculation. Joobilation is coming for all of crypto no matter how hard you shill your ledgers.

>> No.5544106

Oh look we have a cuck here ladies and gents!


>> No.5544110
File: 84 KB, 400x348, cybaby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of crypto after the Joobilation

>> No.5544155

how retarded are you? do you even know how a single blockchain works?

Im talking about the ones who are designing treasuries already and we use that idea to liberate our money from extreme usury

>> No.5544171

nice just Joobilated 100k

>> No.5544218


Your Hypocrisy is deafening.

Blockchain source code is OPEN SOURCED for all to use without the centralized authority of Bitcoin and its 1300+ minions.

If you want to choose crypto slavery over financial freedom then be my guest. Keep programming those hft bots to bid rig your wizard of oz fun house.

>> No.5544342

MONEY IS DEBT RETARD. Financial freedom comes at the expense of anothers financial slavery. The FED designed it to devalue other nations resources you fucking jerkoff.

>> No.5544352

>how retarded are you? do you even know how a single blockchain works?

Can you even comprehend true blockchain source code or are you too obsessed with bid rigging and slave capturing bag holders? Your ledgers and dreams are distorting your reality beyond your investors bias.

>Im talking about the ones who are designing treasuries already and we use that idea to liberate our money from extreme usury

usury = transaction fees = leverage

Screen cap the pre joobilation anger.

>> No.5544410


>> No.5544444

>Financial freedom comes at the expense of anothers financial slavery

Then stop shilling other forms of currency. No one wants universal basic income.

>> No.5544507

Fiat is debt anon. The other stuff comes from supernova. Given to us for free.