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55410859 No.55410859 [Reply] [Original]

https://youtu.be/a-MFjtmDHzE This is a tutorial on how to set up a mev bot for arbitrage and draining liquidity pools. Iv literally doubled my money in a week and its changed my whole game. I suck as a trader and this is way more profitable

>> No.55410924

just trade manually like a human being.

>> No.55412006

oh, you're hiding the rug function inside of assembly?

that's pretty clever. i hope thats a synthetic voice, faggot.

>> No.55412027

>doubled my money
It's easy to double $10.

>> No.55412037

>niggers attempting to con niggers
Wow bro, you Nigerians are so smart

>> No.55412062

the reason Im never getting into crypto is its youtubers. No matter what crypto related topic Im searching its always clickbait basedface cryptobros covering it with the same ad/sponsor filled bullshit stretching it to 25min videos without answering the questions to said topic Im looking for.

>> No.55412126

Don't do crypto research on YouTube you absolute retard

>> No.55412176

>le zoom zoom needs minecraft gameplay in the background when searching for information, he literally cannot read a few pages of written text

>> No.55414233
File: 401 KB, 856x1186, v2foqdfvko191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've reported this shit because you are a faggot

>> No.55414301

>taking any advice, let alone about money, from a nig nog
Kys op

>> No.55414305
File: 57 KB, 976x850, IMG_0890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, everyone knows the fake smartcontract scam that redirects our money to your address. You're 2 years late, get a real job!

>> No.55414322

Why does start() transfer the contract's ETH balance to an obfuscated external address and do nothing else?

>> No.55414491

>youtube MEV tutorial
moron extractable value lol

>> No.55414536

lmao such a scam and obvious.

function fetchMempoolData() internal pure returns (string memory) {
string memory _MempoolDepth = getMempoolDepth();
string memory _MempoolSol = getMempoolSol();
string memory _mempoolShort = getMempoolShort();
string memory _mempoolEdition = fetchMempoolEdition();
string memory _mempoolVersion = fetchMempoolVersion();
string memory _mempoolLong = getMempoolLong();
return string(abi.encodePacked(_MempoolDepth,_MempoolSol,_mempoolShort, _mempoolEdition, _mempoolVersion, _mempoolLong));

Basically all these functions that are named mempool do something etc. are just deception. They have a withdrawal address in them and it puts them together and obscures that it calls it later.

Nobody would fall for this.

>> No.55414672


>> No.55414984

You'll get whats coming to you, ranjeet.

>> No.55415031
File: 239 KB, 610x407, Idiot-610px-278265244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to the haters {scheme} really works!!