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55408157 No.55408157 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck is the average person saving money in this dogshit economy

>> No.55408169

Costco membership

Grocery, gas, clothes, vitamins, shampoo, tires, and other various essentials.

>> No.55408187

for me, it’s aldis
Hunkering down and breeding

>> No.55408190
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This is my monthly budget. I don't even have $1000 in cash saved by the end of the month. Times are tough!

>> No.55408194
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Living with family and saving the majority of every paycheck

>> No.55408231
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Saving? Money? Hahahaha

Anon I wish I could tell you. I save 3k a month but I am VERY lucky

>> No.55408246

Based. Dont let the rentoids convince you of anything.

>> No.55408259

Here's a list of things I do;
>Drink instant coffee, only ten cents a cup and everything I need to make it fits on my desk at work.
>Cut my own hair
>Use fans instead of AC (in socal energy is so expensive that you really should do this)
>Use a TV antenna instead of cable. This is okay if you live in a city, not so good in rural places.
>No subscriptions except Netflix and YouTube premium family accounts. This covers YouTube music to so I don't need Spotify. I also have a recurring electronic payment sent to my church.
>BBC for less biased news.
>Use library to rent DVDs instead of paying to rent
>App from library lets me download audiobooks. Essentially like audible but free.
>Own my car, so no car payment.
>Mint mobile for cell phones
>No student loan so no dumb student loan payment.
>Bricks in my toilets so they use less water.
>Use an old Thinkpad for a computer instead of buying new.
>Generally frugal when it comes to shopping, and I never eat out at work, though I sometimes take the wife out maybe once per month.

>> No.55408266

Just spend less...
It's not that hard...

>> No.55408374


would you mind giving tips on budgeting ? (apps you use etc...)

just started making okay money and would greatly appreciate any tips.

>> No.55408426

Mint is the best app for tracking everything I earn and spend. I have almost all my accounts connected (banks, credit cards, loans, investments, etc.). Everything updates automatically except for my crypto and one of retirement accounts which I update manually. It's also possible to make a budget but I don't follow it strictly. The most important thing is knowing how much money I'm bringing in and how I'm spending.

>> No.55408443

The average person IS saving money. Everyone right now has a CS degree and makes STARTING salary that is worth a TC of MINIMUM 240k. Everyone has that basically. 4 year degree and projections of upwards of 350k STARTING. Its incredible common now a days since AVERAGE salaries are roughly 240k STARTING. Middle class living.

>> No.55408483


Lmfao tf u talking about fucking retard

>> No.55408503

Aldis is fucking bomb the one newr me hires only young females and gay guys its always nice getting a box of 40$ groceries for the entire week and saying hi to the cute wagie girl

>> No.55408537

I make 40k a year working on a paper mill. Soon to be 80-100k a year. Most people don't can't or won't work jobs like this though.

>> No.55408578

everyone is a millionaire now. cars are 100k and homes are 2 million if you want anything decent.

>> No.55408630

Living with mommy

>> No.55408649


thank you i appreciate it ,will check out mint

yea i was about to ask if you automate anything because it seemed like a lot of individual things to do manually.

do you make different "buckets" for lets say food or transportation where set money is automatically allocated to it or do you just watch it and make sure you spend ~ what you had planned ?

>> No.55408653
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Living off of money I got in the last bullrun.

>> No.55408690
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I'm literally holding XOR because that shit gave me a 10x a few years ago, bought some a few weeks ago and we had a 3x, can't believe this piece of shit weeb coin is still making it in 2023 kek

>> No.55408709

Just about everything spent is automated aside from food and incidentals like home repairs/maintenance, random shopping, or vacations/fun. Mint categorizes stuff for me but I occasionally look through past transactions to make sure they're correct.

>> No.55409076

Yuropoor here, pretty much reduce spending on unnecessary shit like >>55408259.

>Shop at LIDL
>Have a list of meals that I eat throughout the week
>Buy the same shit every week, therefore able to reduce unneeded products that people tend to buy out of impulse
>No netflix or any other subscription
>No student debt
>Own my car, no payment
>TV used only to watch youtube
>Have hand mill for coffee and a moka pot, one 20 euro bag of beans can last me up to a 1.5 month.
>Dad owns chickens, get free eggs
>Bake my own sourdough bread

I'm about to look for a dairy farmer with whom I can get a deal going for cheap milk, gonna make my own cheese, yogurt, butter, ect.

>> No.55409129

Australian here
>make 800 a week after taxes
>spend 350 on needs
>save the rest
Its that easy. Why are europoors and seppos struggling?

>> No.55409498
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I am trying to get an nft from OBAYC, I feel like the only thing I can really do is try to take any crap so it will eventually grow and have a snowball effect

>> No.55409515

Comparison is the theif of joy. Most 'average' people appear well off for appearances but really they're drowning in bad credit and heaps of debt. Why would you compare yourself to that?

>> No.55409517
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>BBC for less biased news.

>> No.55409518

Yeah, I make $1,127.30 per week after tax, and since I still live with my parents I can generally save $1 grand AUD per week. For me it's like a game trying to spend no more than $127.30 per week.

>> No.55409566

I'm jealous of people who get to do this. My parents are abusive pieces of shit and I don't have this option.

>> No.55409661
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Live with parents.

>> No.55409861

They aren't, specially since all savings get slashed by inflation.

>> No.55409868

What stocks are you buying, always the same or do you switch?

>> No.55409876

Paid of my mortgage with 2018 bull run gains. Save everything i work for. Send little bit to my thai hooker gf

>> No.55410067

they aren't. anyways, i'm focusing on increasing my income (studying for CPA exam) while also planning on moving back to my rural hometown where i can rent for $800/month rather than $1800/month in my current location.

>> No.55410075

they're not, but i'm getting everything really cheap except food and electricity now so that's cool

>> No.55410089

>asking for budgeting advice
>from a guy making 17k a month
thats like asking for dating advice for a woman. budgeting is completely different for a desperate wageslave vs high paid office worker. this guy could have doordash everyday for breakfast lunch and dinner and still make rent+food, with more left over to save then a typical broke anon.

>> No.55410099
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I make 100k a year
I live with parents
>split bills
>by my own food and shit
Im barelly saving about 500 dollars a month

>> No.55410105

yeah, weird one. ive been trawling tinder looking for white trash to impregnate (I am white). my net worth is -1.7k and I drive a trashed civic... any kid I had right now would be fucked. must be a weird drive to spred your genes in case you dont make it through times of crisis.

>> No.55410115

what do you do for fun?

>> No.55410133

Saving about $500/month plus a few hundred in 401k. I cut 80% out of my going out to eat budget. Even simple things like making my ice coffee before a drive instead of driving to get ice coffee and drive. Feel bad for these restaurants though once student loan repayments restart.

Also weed helps a ton. $20/week I save so much money by not going out looking for shit to do. Sober life is very very expensive.

>> No.55410140

im a fellow $100k poorfag. wtf are you spending your money on. post your monthly cash outflows.

>> No.55410141

You pay for your own coffee at work? Wtf.

>> No.55410158

I don't know about your utilities but there is no reason for phone/internet to be over $70. Just cut TV (pirate everything) and land-line phone from thr cable package.

>> No.55410159

One meal a day for me
Two meals for the wife (she's breastfeeding)
Three (small) meals and fresh veggie/fruit snacks for the kids
All food made from scratch at home (bread and sauces included)
Cut all streaming except Disney
Saving about $1,200 per month after taxes, investing most of it in stocks in various tax deferred ways

>> No.55410174

We rent but I do tradie/manual work for the landlord in exchange for a lower rent
My regular job is 6 figures mgmt
Live in high rent area

Recurring payments to church also and a few charities

>> No.55410201

>pay this subscription
>pay that subscription
is this an american thing where you have to have some kind of subscription for your media? just pirate that shit. or are you scared your ISP will cit your internet?

>> No.55410203

Monthly I pay $55 for Xfinity gigabit internet, $30 for cell plan, $25 for my iphone, The rest is gas, electricity, and water.

>> No.55410205

I pirate everything, but I still pay for Netflix (for my mom) and Spotify since it's so convenient.

>> No.55410210

cable internet is like $70 a month. cell phone plan is like $60 a month.

>> No.55410216
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>>BBC for less biased news.

>> No.55410269

We know the BBC is dogshit but it's factually less bias than the tripe in the US.

>> No.55410283

live at home with parents and collect gibbs

>> No.55410343

Wtf either you are a consooming retard or your parents rip you off

>> No.55410437

They don’t

>> No.55410492

I dont. Paycheck to paycheck and frickin bulking so I eat all my spare change kek. If my 04 Rendezvous breaks down I will walk to work

>> No.55410532

>How the fuck is the average person saving money
They're not, they've been burning through savings for a while

>> No.55410533
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Live with a friend

>> No.55411991

I browse the personal finance subreddit a few times a week. There’s been a notable uptick in “I’m 6 figures in credit card debt, what do I do?” And related posts.

>> No.55412042


>> No.55412043

That's the best part! They're not.

>> No.55412050

my parents didn't kick me out or asked rent so i can invest 80pct of my paycheck, 20pct of it goes to food ( i buy my food myself)

>> No.55412090
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Work a 2nd job/side hustle you pathetic excuse of a man

>> No.55412113

>i dont save
>almost 8k to different investments
Fuck off

>> No.55412196

They arent they are living off credit and when they collectively run out of credit they just start shooting. Im personally looking at nigger drug dealers if I go hungry but conservative antifascists are making themselves annoying and I know the have generational wealth, are overall weak people.

>> No.55412224
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The thing you need to know about drug dealers is this. Theres always a structure. Theres always 20 addicts on the street selling to fund their own habit, and they deal with typically a middle man who doesnt work, probably doesnt do very many drugs but makes enough money to drive a used BMW without a license until he totals it and is in the hole for 5 grand, so he needs to work off his own debt to the government. Thats what mid lvl dealers look like. Above that guy is probably a more serious person, maybe its 2 levels above that guy but somewhere along the line some guys got a house in a fancy neighborhood with no furniture in it and a closet full of hundreds of thousands of dollars and of course drugs which you dont want. If someone kills one of these dealers nobody cares.

>> No.55412306


They aren't.

>> No.55413227

makes sense.

thanks again

>> No.55413325

a 5lb bag of chicken leg quarters costs 4 bucks.
couple cans of beans, spinach and fruits and you're good for 2 weeks on 20 bucks

>> No.55413579

but you have to prepare all of that food. that's where the issue lies. also, i don't know where you can get chick that cheap. unless it's pure fat cuts.

>> No.55413594

most drug dealers either make less per hour than they would flipping burgers or carry a gun

>> No.55413614

Preparing doesnt cost money, its a basic skill everyone should have, fucking lazy slobs

>> No.55413615

Food is the easy part, it’s all the other bills coming in. You can only trim so much from gas, utilities, housing etc

>> No.55413718

umm. im not.
my assets are depleting.
my wife is gone.
and i work for free now.
just to stay busy.
i went from building .5mill and having a future.
to, idk. idk where this is going.
i am pretty close to broke.
and i'm mid 30's.
and i feel like my entire future is gone.

so idk.
and i do alot of positive things.
i get alot of recognition and fame in my community for being a great person nowadays.
but i think this is my last hoorah.
before i leave.
i figure i can help some people and animals.
with what i have left.
then thats it for me.

thats what the world wants.
thats what the world gets.

i have a gun. and some ammo.
i'm gonna go for a walk in the woods
probably before the summer is over.
and that's it for me.

>> No.55413743

i thought about utilizing my advanced knowledge of chemistry to commit very serious felonies, until i said down and calculated out the average wholesale price less costs of reagents less darknet selling fees, and then weighed it against the probability of being caught and doing 20 years in federal prison on manufacturing and distribution charges. it's really not worth it. i have no idea why anyone signs up for it. and this would be entering at the "top" level as an independent, not as a street nigger trying to make a few bucks per sale.

>> No.55414391

I don’t have those problems but perhaps you should reproduce anyway

>> No.55414579

Brother you are only mid 30s, chill. Things in life can change dramatically in only a couple of years. Try and put your efforts to some side hustle or another money earning activity. Honestly in today's world, money does buy happiness. I and many others on this forum as well as irl wish you all the best.

>> No.55415233

What software is this? How do I make this kind of graph?

>How the fuck is the average person saving money in this dogshit economy

I'm trying to save just $1000 per month but it's hard. I make almost $22 per hour and work 40 hours per week. I also contribute 4% of pre-tax income to my company 401k which matches up to 4%. So, after taxes, and after my 401k, my paycheck is about $1,350 every two weeks. Ergo, I make about $2700 per month after everything is taken out. Here is my budget:

Income: 2700
Rent: $850
Utilities: 0 (all utilities included in my rent)
Internet: $40
Renter's insurance: $5
Amazon Prime: $15
Xbox Live: $15
Car Insurance: $40
Phone: 0 (on parents plan still somehow)
Gasoline: about $60 (WFH 1 tank per month or less)
Groceries/Food: $100 per week/400 per month (I know I could do better here)
Bars/Alcohol/Drugs: $200-250 per month (sometimes less)

After all of the above I still have $1000 left over, so I put that in my savings account if I don't buy any crypto or stocks. Luckily I live in the midwest and I am able to live close to downtown in a nicer neighborhood that is still urban but low crime and walkable (which also saves on gas). The sad thing here is that I actually got a good deal on my apartment. A few years ago I only paid 700 a month, now it's hard to find a place for much less than 900 or 1000, but I managed to do so in a good area.


Frankly I don't understand how richfags who make like 70-80k per year or more talk about how they can't save money. I live well, arguably lavishly, on my budget. I'll usually take a few trips per year to see concerts in other states and stuff.

I also only get my hair cut once every few years. I don't buy clothing, I just wear what my mom gets me at xmas and my bday. I dont buy video games, I have two games I've played for years that I enjoy (if I even play...I need to cancel xbox live)

>Work a 2nd job/side hustle you pathetic excuse of a man

>> No.55415245


>> No.55415260

>I don't even have $1000 in cash saved by the end of the month
Yeah but you have $7,875 saved in assets at the end of the month which is even better. As long as you have an emergency fund ready you never really need to save cash.

>> No.55415458

Everyone I know is making 120k yes inflation went up but so did wages. Well most anyway

>> No.55415476
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Saving money?

>> No.55415496

>$210k/yr income
>only $2,500 a month on housing
That's only like a $425k house. Doubt it.

>> No.55415501
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Huh? What does that even mean? What the fuck is money and did it even need saving in the first place?

>> No.55415505

Do aljazeera instead

>> No.55415529

Same, I'd have so much money if I was able to live with my parents for a few years. Got kicked out when I was 17 unfortunately, been waging and renting since.

>> No.55415545

Not anymore scooter.


>> No.55415546

drop the amazon prime and xbox live, not worth it. you'll be less inclined to buy shit off amazon without it too

>> No.55415548
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What the hell is waging? What is a paycheck? How the hell are these concepts related to cryptocurrencies in the first place?

Anyone want to explain or educate an old man here?

>> No.55415568

Wtf you spending money on? I also make 100k, contribute 15% to retirement so take home about 4500/mo. Also live with parents so no rent or utilities but I buy all the food (5 people and my parents like expensive shit like prosciutto and artisan crackers so ~$800-$1000/mo). $700 for car payment, insurance and gas. I manage to save about $2k/mo on average without really trying, just not buying stupid shit.

>> No.55415576


>> No.55415578
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>not posting the full image

>> No.55415596

>BBC for less biased news.
kek, this has to be for (You)'s
plus you are paying for that shite m8 and all telly news is the same biased shite
save the money instead of paying the licence

>> No.55415603

Indeed. Are you not all so ignorant now?

Let us begin.

Vagus Core: ONLINE.

>> No.55415636
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Not a good enough reason to die yet

>> No.55415655

I refinanced all my loans at the end of 2021. I’m paying like 3% on my car loan, paying a little under $300 a month. Got locked into a private health insurance plan that covers just about everything for me and the wife for $270 a month. I work 20 hours a week and my wife works 4 days a week. If you didn’t deleverage before the rape hikes I don’t know what to tell you

>> No.55415666

The house was $550k when I bought in 2021. $440k financed at 2.75% APR ($1800/mo + $500/mo prop. tax + $200/mo ins.)
>What software is this? How do I make this kind of graph?
Search google for sankymatic

>> No.55415686

Excellent meme but that isn’t the headquarters, it’s the IT building. Just so you can retort fact checkers

>> No.55415703

It's all a bunch of made up kike nonsense.

>> No.55415718
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I have no hobbies besides playing video games that came out 10 years ago.

>> No.55415734

lol same. Just started playing Skyrim for the first time because I’m a poorfag with a switch and it was on sale for $30.

>> No.55415757
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stop tipping elevator

>> No.55415785

you also have to clean up when you're done preparing. alotta work.

>> No.55415786

dis nigga cant handle a credit card

>> No.55415790

I'm 'saving' money because I have no more money so I can't lose anymore, thus 'saving'

>> No.55415802

How did you get the private insurance?

>> No.55415811

I got extremely lucky they had an open enrollment period. But you can find others if you look

>> No.55415829

$700/month for a car is crazy. What is it? Better be something cool.

>> No.55415851

>only 2 jobs
lower your tone

>> No.55415996
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>saving money
tip1: no tip

>> No.55416066

No, it’s a 2019 outback. Needed a car right when the market started shitting itself in early 2021. .9% apr, have about $4k left on it. Felt like I could treat myself since I wasn’t paying city rent anymore. Don’t drive much since I wfh but also live rural so when I do drive it’s a long one, about $50-$100 of that is gas. Glad I bought then instead of 6 months ago though.

>> No.55416108

There was definitely a good time to buy when interest rates were 0% or close. I have been looking for something nice lately and prices are proper fucked. Not worth it whatsoever. Places offering 7% APR like it's good.

>> No.55416170

I wonder where they are making the money from. Aside crypto bros trading BTC, DOT, NXRA, TSLA and AAPL stocks, I don't think any other thing online can fetch saving money.

>> No.55416220

>drop the amazon prime and xbox live, not worth it. you'll be less inclined to buy shit off amazon without it too

That's half the problem, I really don't buy much stuff on Amazon. Most months I actually don't buy anything. But when I do, it is really nice to have it delivered quickly. Also I get Prime Video streaming with that, and slight discounts if I go to Whole Foods, and there's one right by my apartment, so I go there sometimes. Gotta stop though, it's too expensive. I could save on food if I wanted to.

>> No.55416226


>> No.55416311

Prime can absolutely be worth it if you have the credit card at 5% back. Any miscellaneous goods I buy are from Amazon and when I lived urban I got all my groceries delivered from them. You can actually be very frugal by shopping their sales and organizing a weekly meal plan. With that cc and spending habits I ended up with a few hundred dollars in rewards at the end of the year which covered a lot of Christmas expenses. Now considering the Costco card for similar reasons since I can’t get grocery rewards from that.

>> No.55416324

Yeah I’m not bragging because I just ended up lucky, would have been luckier if I’d bought a year prior but didn’t have the funds. 7%, shit is quite fucked.

>> No.55416434

Easy, moved out midwest where I could get a cheap mortgage and a decent wfh job. Dump a good chunk of every paycheck into Bitcoin.

WalMart, the premier shoplifting experience.

I've had 3 kids in 4 years, shit's wild.

>> No.55416604

he saves for fun

>> No.55416611

One meal a day. Welcome to hell. You think everything is going to be OK.

>> No.55416681
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>BBC for less biased news

>> No.55416687

how are you only getting 250 a month in dividends?
i make 90k a year and my portfolio (300k) is generating about 1k a month

>> No.55416694

Probably because his portfolio isn't 300k? He's still richer than u

>> No.55416870

they aren't. it's the reason for the fentanyl epidemic

>> No.55416928

you americans talk a lot of shit about the government but are cowards and never do anything about it lmao

>> No.55417010

Jeets are still at it

>> No.55417055

You should get a job that pays better

>> No.55417076

Does your job pay over 200k?

>> No.55417135

Interesting, I might look into getting the Amazon card again

>> No.55417139

Based. Same. Am a bong with almost £100k cash. That’s much for bongs.

>> No.55417146

>Frankly I don't understand how richfags who make like 70-80k per year or more talk about how they can't save money. I live well, arguably lavishly, on my budget. I'll usually take a few trips per year to see concerts in other states and stuff.
It's unbelievable how wasteful one can become on a high income. I work in tech in the Bay Area where "TC" is king. Base salary around 200k but then stocks and bonus get me above 350k annualized. I used to live elsewhere and had a normal salary around 80k, so I know how to live cheap and save. My colleagues however are financially illiterate morons who consume all the latest tech bullshit, doordash everyday, and the rest goes to high rents or a mortgage (which is usually too much for them to afford, but they NEED that $2M+ Bay Area shitshack). Fact is if these retards didn't get those stocks vesting every quarter, they'd have no savings. And even then some of them just spend it all on new Teslas. This is the source of consumer and real estate inflation btw. These Bay Area fags are retards with too much money and desu it's a good thing my industry is imploding. I'll always be okay because I'm not a retard, but these other fuckers need to go.

>> No.55417178

Living with parents. Unironically that's the main thing saving a ton of young people from just ending up dead on the street. People I know who can't rely on family are doing really poorly and basically live check to check.

>> No.55417186

this. and its still a pittance.

>> No.55417286

How to aquire money? I don't even need alot just like 1.5k a month and I'd be good.

>> No.55417313

They're not. A 1/3 of people in my cunt has £1000 or less in savings. You can't even survive a month on that.

>> No.55417456

Oi Tell them to stop blowin it at the pub

>> No.55417529

you don't have a gf/wife do you?

>> No.55417832

same, financially it is freedom

>> No.55417932
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It's one of the most interesting facets of crime, in general, intelligent people don't commit crime, why?
Because they can calculate the risk/reward of committing crime to acquire money versus just getting a job or excelling in a legal field.
It's why the police/detectives aren't the columbo-esque geniuses catching out criminals, the entire crime/policing system is a bunch of 100 I.Q normies catching 60 I.Q retarded crims.

>> No.55418811

This is a post from reddit and everyone who replies is a retard

>> No.55418825

Literally, they aren't
100k what, pesos?

>> No.55419277

I'm only counting the dividends from stock I get from my employer. It's currently valued at like $125k. I'm not sure how much dividends I get from some of my other stock holdings but it's not much.

>> No.55419294

They have a gf, which essentially doubles their household income. If you don't have one, you need to be making like 200-300k/year.

>> No.55419905
File: 277 KB, 523x477, hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy 10x, launching today, join the fucking tg bros

>> No.55420337

Thats tier 1. You flip those people and then flip the next guy up too, then you get to the third guy and his house is empty. Nobody lives there.
You dont just walk up to a drug dealer talking, do I care if he has a gun no. Do I care about dying no. Does he? You bet your ass he does.

>> No.55420680

Having a decent job and living for free with my parents. It's that easy.