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File: 481 KB, 791x536, boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55404553 No.55404553 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people even go to restaurants anymore? Got to commute there, wait a long ass time to get the food once you order it, possibly wait even to get seated, then it's a bunch of junk ingredients even at the high end spots. Good chance the customer service sucks and you're expected to leave a tip too

>> No.55404563

People used to go for the experience and to be waited on. Now it's a passive aggressive shitfest full of Sysco/US Foods goyslop and you're expected to tip 30%.

>> No.55404583

>you mean....the 8 billion people in the world don't all like or dislike the same thing as me? But I did eat breakfast this morning?

>> No.55404623

No idea. Prices are laughable lately too. Things like $17 sandwiches or $24 pasta dishes (lol) with no drink or extras is the norm now. Restaurant mass extinction is just getting started.

>> No.55404671

this is a very antisemitic picture anon

>> No.55404680


you're supposed to go with friends, Anon

I go because the bartender is angelically beautiful

>> No.55404681

Because normies are retards that can't cook and need restaurant goyslop to feel any dopamine. Buying delivery with minority spit on it is also very common among normies.

Rich people don't even go to restaurants outside of business lunches, they all have private chefs so they can control every ingredient.

>> No.55404764

Because the truth is most people are creatures of habit, the NPC meme really isn't a meme
It doesn't matter that the food is twice the price for lower quality and the waitstaff is full of vibrant diversity that hates them and spits in their food, your checked-out bud light boomer is still going to Oliver Garden for his unlimited breadsticks and Taste of Italy plate (that doesn't have any actually Italian dishes) because that's what he's always done

>> No.55404976

At what level rich do people get private chefs?

Recently hired one person as my meal prep person that comes in twice a week to prepare the next 3-4 days of food. Huge quality of life boost. If I want something new I'll just learn to cook it on my own with my gf or share the recipe with my meal prep person and try it out. Refuse to go anywhere cant control the ingredients. Even traveling I'll just pack the food with ice packs and we'll have more time doing the things we want
yeah it's pretty sad. Similar phenomenon with clubs/night life. Everything is wildly expensive and it's full of trashy people looking for dopamine rushes. No idea how normies think it's fun sitting at a table for the 1000th time drinking, eating cake, easy to achieve thing. Then they end up with no money, no health, no energy to live life

>> No.55405059

tell my girlfriend that

>> No.55405061

You can get an appliance to cook almost anything you can think of. I have a quesadilla maker and load mine with beans, cheese, and tomato/pepper mix. Spend pennies on what would be a $7-$8 appetizer at a restraint, but without the fecal matter. How many normal fags have told you a story about a place they've ate out at and gotten food poisoning or some other illness?

>> No.55405651
File: 110 KB, 682x1024, self employed tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagie detected

>> No.55405880

Portland restaurants are S-tier, sorry your city/town sucks balls.

>> No.55406902

How much does the chef charge for that?

>> No.55407086

Tipping has gotten out of control. If I don't tip the food turns out awful. I hate getting takeout now because of this dumb expectation.

>> No.55407099

Its fun and im not poor

>> No.55407788

I only go on special occasions now. Last time I went to Wendy's the faggots double charged me. Fuck them.

>> No.55408067

>quesadilla maker
You mean a frying pan?

>> No.55408142

I noticed the high end restaurants are going downhill in quality now, that I don't get

>> No.55408206

these poor faggots talking about wendies and ordering thru door dash

this is adult time

you will tip and be happy for the opportunity

>> No.55408225

Men mainly go because their girl can’t sit still and has to do something exciting today!1!1!

>> No.55408276
File: 215 KB, 1300x956, old-town-square-poznan-poland-europe-2E0CH4G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got to commute there, wait a long ass time to get the food once you order it

Because I don't live in some North American shithole with car-dependant soulless drive-thru cities.

>> No.55408617
File: 103 KB, 396x385, 1687691224842378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do autistic people like OP even function properly in today's world?

>> No.55408623

once in a while when im really lazy i go to in n out or like the Cali Fish Grill but in general u can cook pretty much anything. unless you're eating some 5 star shit u can't make at home its rly not worth paying 35$ for a meal of goyslop

>> No.55408635

They don’t which is why they are on this website forever.

>> No.55410590

to flex on poverty neets like you

to encourage gf/wife to give ultra good head in her best outfit afterwards (yes, yes i know)

>> No.55410612
File: 61 KB, 630x504, 1685105080051882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak npc behavior. you probably overlook spics and niggers spreading their germs all over your bar food. you even questioned the ingredients of your food more times than you care to admit, but since youre shitfaced drunk you forget it soon after the thought occurs. you are a joke to me. you eat human shit.

>> No.55410613

Drinks are $3-4 now too.

>> No.55410627

t. poorfag incel wasting hours cutting onions in his kitchen

>> No.55410652

very few people know how to cook

>> No.55410667

>he doesn't know how to cook

>> No.55410696

everything really does suck now. every restaurant i used to love is now dirtier and the food is like more modest.

going to restaurants used to be one of my favorite things and now it feels like the industry weaned me off of it. i'm sure it's good somewhere in the world, but not the US. maybe again at some point but now right now.

>> No.55410733

Not to mention the possibility that a cook is a nigger who is spitting in your food to "get back at whitey"

>> No.55410746


>> No.55410760
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, gent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got to commute there, wait a long ass time to get the food once you order it, possibly wait even to get seated, then it's a bunch of junk ingredients even at the high end spots
imagine being american and having not a single bistro in your neighborhood, only McDonalds and whatnot

>> No.55410766

fun things are fun

>> No.55410774

Need somewhere to wine and dine my Tinder dates before I take them home and bang them.

>> No.55410789

>get an appliance
In America we call them mexicans stupid bong

>> No.55411643

I don't like to cook

>> No.55412067

I haven't had fast food or been to a restaurant this year. I intend to keep it going indefinitely with maybe anniversaries as an exception, but only for a high quality, high priced restaurant. Helps if you enjoy cooking and can buy high quality food.

>> No.55412577


>> No.55412729

It's a social place you incel shut in retard. You are supposed to go there with friends or a gf once in a while. I'm saying this as an incel shut in retard. Also the food won't be good if your broke ass is not willing to pay extra for it

>> No.55412743

I have never seen a fit neet

>> No.55412770

Restaurant food is no different to mcdonald's at this point. If I can't be bothered to cook I go to mcdonald's or order a pizza.

Total Restaurant Death.