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55400660 No.55400660 [Reply] [Original]

Why so?

>> No.55400670

good those niggers are becoming the chase of crypto - hope they can't function in a lot of countries
long live peer 2 peer

>> No.55401036

should've followed the rules faggot, but instead you tried to be sneaky and it costed you in the end LMAO

>> No.55401300

what rules? i didn't do shit but transfer from exchanges?

>> No.55401315
File: 51 KB, 274x256, Lagarde's_Bussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MiCA MiCA MiCAchu!!!

>> No.55401371

CB has a self custody wallet?

>> No.55401629
File: 73 KB, 630x472, 690174F3EDA94358B66F1FEDDB7C7F96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are closing accounts of non Americans. Get fucked shitskins. Maybe you could use your own exchange. Oh wait, your country is full of so many retards that no one is capable of developing an exchange. And even if they were, they would be brought down by corruption. Such is the fate of the non whites.

>> No.55401670

the kikes wanted more biometric data. if you didnt provide them with more personal data they said they would close your account. it has to do with the rules the democrat kikes passed after they destroyed the silicon valley bank as part of their plan to kikerize the banking system into 1 giant kike bank for the world

>> No.55401679

btw you can still keep your account you just have to attend penis inspection day and give the kikes what they want. i think they needed your face picture, confirmation of address and some other bullshit i dont remember since i did it a few weeks ago when i got the email notification

>> No.55402547

Fuck Coinbase, hate those faggots, they've sucked the government's balls for years in hopes that they would be "chosen" yet keep getting rejected to be a part of the club. Fuck them.

>> No.55402552

that's against the rules, you can only deposit, no withdrawals for you goyim

>> No.55402561
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Based mutt brother, wgmi.

>> No.55402978

could also be that op transferred in blacklisted corns of some kind
they are also pretty anal about those and dont tell you why as not to tip people of to their detection algos

>> No.55403055

More coinbase fud just in time

>> No.55403115

It's much more than that. These kikes have been hassling me for months now to give them proof of funds. I told them it was from the sell of a house and from transfers from other exchanges and they just keep asking for more shit. They want paystubs. Documents from the sell of the house. Tax forms showing crypto transfers. I've got half a million sitting in their kike exchange and I'm about to fucking dip and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.55403456

I think they were closing accounts of Daily Stormer donors a few years ago as well. That's when Anglin switched to the real peer to peer fungible digital cash.

>> No.55403489

They closed my account a few months ago said I broke some fucking rule who knows had the account since 2016. Fuck coinbase they are literally the feds.

>> No.55403640

OP used railgun
many such cases

>> No.55403684

Blackrock is the new Coinbase. Normies will buy the spot ETF rather than fuck around with crypto wallets.

>> No.55403699

This give me confidence that they will survive the regulatory purge. Buying more shares.

>> No.55403769

>Such is the fate of the non whites.
plenty of european exchanges
our countries are a whole lot whiter than yours, too

>> No.55403855


>> No.55403889

>scare tactics
That said, hold any coin you intend to keep long-term off of exchanges. You can always just use whatever is around when you decide to cash out.
>but I can't hit the peaks
you aren't cryptoing properly, shitcoiner.

>> No.55404146

ive moved coins around my exchange accounts plenty and never saw anything like this, did you try to buy BTC using XMR off a DEX or something like that and move it into your CB account?

>> No.55404657
File: 297 KB, 765x433, Twitter Blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is any crypto news from Coinbase or any legitimate news then Blackswan will capitalize on it.

>> No.55404831
File: 111 KB, 1061x691, coinbase jewbase literally never.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55404843

>did you try to buy BTC using XMR off a DEX or something like that and move it into your CB account
What's wrong with that?

>> No.55404883
File: 12 KB, 277x182, immigration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creating one point of failure
>on purpose

>> No.55404917

>Why so?
Without knowing what was redacted we cant help you. What's blacked out?

>> No.55405019

Based and AI pilled

>> No.55405042
File: 22 KB, 494x512, 1619851534660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently they're switching all of their accounts into coinbase wallet instead of the normal app. I started investing into RBE a couple of months ago and almost had a stroke when reading this but just switch the funds into Wallet, that will solve it

>> No.55405060

more like CONbase amirite??