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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55400021 No.55400021 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to go into CS or IT because it's infested with Pajeets.

>> No.55400051

Fast food worker

>> No.55400056

enjoy being poor

>> No.55400070

Anything related to economics and finances, though jews and asians rule this sector. There's also law and medicine, they're really obssessed with IT despite being bad at it.

>> No.55400075

Deoderant salesman

>> No.55400078


>> No.55400087

biotech it was awesome working for pharma. no women. no indians. no chinese.

>> No.55400089

plumbing, water treatment, charmin marketing, etc

>> No.55400090

The trades.

Where do you live that this is true?


>> No.55400129

Most careers are pajeet free OP

>> No.55400196

i guarantee that jeet fucks that white womans tight little pussy and that the picture is just a joke

>> No.55400253

USA companies are tired of over paying for low tier work and they're cleaning house. Only a few actually good jeets will remain. You're safe to come now.

>> No.55400258

Well yeah she's like 60 so who cares

>> No.55400271

have fun dealing with pajeet managers.

>> No.55400274

Medicine in Canada is pretty POO'd. When you realize jeets have an average 77 IQ, the future of healthcare is ominous as fuck. Literally anyone else other than Africans would be better future doctors than jeets. No wonder they're trying to MAID everone

>> No.55400319

There's no escaping jeets anywhere you go now. Even Arab shit holes like Egypt and Jordan are getting inundated with refujeets looking for easy visas and work sponsorships to eventually get to North America or the UK. They out breed everything around them and will soon be infesting China once their population starts declining in a few decades. They're basically competing against Africans for control of the planet now.

>> No.55400674

Finance is so jewish but it's the kinda jews you can joke around with and say mazletov when someone drops a glass item in the break room

>> No.55400769

I'm honestly a bit worried for jeets when shit hits the fan. Jeet exhaustion is getting really high virtually everywhere, like you said, even in MENA countries where they're flooding in to saturate the labour supply

RIP to the ones in the middle east when WW3 happens and the Arabs start singing nasheeds.

>> No.55400773

Lmao swarming low skilled jobs it's the first thing pajeets do while studying

>> No.55400792

They will literally collapse, if you have never been racist to a jeet irl they usually begin a nigger chimpout

>> No.55400803

anything that requires a security clearance

>> No.55400804

Are you nuts? I'm a chemE I make pharma and it's crawling with them.

>> No.55400890


She's not a looker herself... she looks kinda like him actually.